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I wonder constantly as I sit alone
About the things inside me that have been shown
The foul feelings of compassion in which I wish to hide
The love may be gone but my lust has not died.
Lex now hates me, so do you.
No need to deny it, my family does too.
Everyone I know hides their disgust behind kind smiles.
For such disappointment follows me for miles.
Tear up this beating monstrosity locked within this withered bone cage.
Unlock the hinges upon my mind and allow the full force of my rage
Cut the strings in which control my life
Or I shall cut them with the blackened blade of death’s knife
  Jan 2015 AnActualToaster
What's up with all the depressing poems young people are writing on this site?

Go out, take a deep breath of the fresh mountain air or the salty sea breeze
Talk to people, have a laugh, look someone in the eyes
Read a book,
You're alive!
  Jan 2015 AnActualToaster
Joe Cole
We've had my challenges which went quite well
We've had The Who's Awesome series which opened
a lot of eyes. For the record everyone who posts here
good, bad, liked or disliked is awesome.

But this time something different, something that's
really going to put you on the spot should you choose
to participate.

Just write 8 or 10 lines about another writer, why and what
you like about them.

The catch..... If your a man your chosen person has to be
a member of the opposite *** and visa versa.

This could be challenging.
Let me drift away in the breeze
I've lost who I am inside.
Emotions emptying my conscious form
Leaving me nowhere to hide
The scent of him still lingers on my clothes
His words still fresh in my memory
As I stare at a blank face, full of no regard to something that once existed
A heart dropping feeling as I take my first hit
Too upset to stay sober,tired of his ****
So now I fall into my bad trip
Wishing to be free of his appearance's grip
Lost in the memories of what used to be
Lost in thought of how he was to me
Anger and rage as well as sorrow combined
Could never be the answer to moving forward but instead makes you look behind
Mistakes happen, they really do
If you were me you'd make mistakes too.
The environment around you so enticing.
The group of friends so inviting.
Just one hit, it'll do you good
Just relax, you're with us. Not in the hood.
Smoke some more to get real high.
Stop lagging around, join us on cloud 9
I'm sorry world, for temptation had won
And indeed my mistake was said and done
From the mix of drink and ****.
Into that darkness I shall proceed
Not by choice, but my own blindness
Not even to be pulled back by light's kindness
We're all just suicidal kids
Telling other suicidal kids
That suicide is not the answer
True you know
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