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I wish this was over, I wish that this was a dream
But, reality is never as kind as it seems
Bringing someone into my life that can actually make me smile
Then taking him away after a little while.
An angel so perfect, who truly loved me.
Released me from his hands and set me free.
All because he had to leave, fly to another place.
I wish I had wings so it would be possible to chase
That dream I had waited for since I can remember
My hero whom I met in December.
But now I am saved, and on he must go, leaving my side with a tear in his eyes
I can't believe this crushing experience, unsure where my heart now lies.
Ripped from my chest, I would offer it to him, if it wasn't lost.
I'd attempt to get him back at whatever cost!
California is not the place for him to be,
Because even he said he belongs with me.
Dedicated to Kylar. I'm so sad that you will be moving. I truly did love you and wish you and I could have just stayed together. But long distance almost always fails...
The howl you hear, what do you sense?
A sound of sorrow, anger, arrogance?
Well, I howl to sing a song in which states how I feel in my heart.
Many humans confusing me as a beautiful monster from the start.
I am no simple creature of chaos, as many have depicted. I am a creature of grace and balance.
Some humans attempt to study my kind to learn our talents.
But none will ever quite get us right, for we have secrets of our own.
None would ever guess what type of things a wolf has been shown.
If it were not for our belief of blood, we would die one by one.
Because our pack is a family that cannot be undone.
A bond between us, igniting us in joyous song
As our paws leave marks upon the path in which we race along.
Leaving a mark in history it is us who befriended you.
So why is it that humans can choose to take our lives too?
I am a wolf who lives by a code.
I am a wolf of which legends are told.
Dearest friend,
Where have you gone?
What has happened to you? What has been done?
Once an elegant flower, you seem to be losing your petals.
And I will not rest until your troubles are settled.
Through the fire, you walked by my side.
Now it is my turn to save your hide.
Misery has taken you under its wing. But, I am taking you back.
For now misery shall have us both, for I cannot bear to see your life slack.
I love you as though you were my blood, and I mean that by heart.
And for you, I will fight until I am torn apart.
So please, dear friend, I beg you now, do not hide, inform me about your troubles.
For I will help you solve them, and if I can't, if it just hurts too bad.
Then by your side I will cry as we wait for time to pass.
TheEndOfForever you have always been there for me since I first met you. And there is no way I am going to let distance keep me from helping you through rough times.
Seething with rage, as it consumes my mind.
Choking my thoughts, my physical form left behind.
A knife in my heart, it's emotional wave staining my skin.
These feelings fight me till my thoughts, body and soul have grown dim.
There is no rest from the pain, the agony is too impatient to wait.
These feelings leaving me at the foot of hell's gate.
Yet my thoughts and interactions continue to keep me sane, at least for now.
But, what is this feeling, and why is it that I feels these emotions forcing me to bow.
To a power I cannot see, a god by the name of Misery.
These dreaded murderous feelings, all but a true mystery.
It's not a game of clue, no questions will be answered, no one is to blame.
But you will always fall victim to your own shame.
And the more I think, the more I feel.
The more it continues, the more I lose what is real.
Till these emotions drain my life, the source of who I am.
And these feelings strangle me till I become one of the ******.
Hi all! I wish to challenge all of you fine poets to create a poem that offers encouragement to all, because everyone needs to be lifted from below the clouds, so they may see the light that this world has to offer. SO how this challenge works is you must choose a topic around the lines of substance abuse, suicide, addictions, breakups, domestic violence and write a poem of how they need to know that their troubles will soon end and they will be at peace once they push past their problems. I too, will write my own. To show that you have participated, tag this poem with #BeTrueChallenge I hope to see participation! ^w^ Have a wonderful day all of you.
O, how I faint when I of you do write,
Knowing a better spirit doth use your name,
And in the praise thereof spends all his might
To make me tongue-tied speaking of your fame.
But since your worth, wide as the ocean is,
The humble as the proudest sail doth bear,
My saucy bark, inferior far to his,
On your broad main doth wilfully appear.
Your shallowest help will hold me up afloat,
Whilst he upon your soundless deep doth ride;
Or, being wrecked, I am a worthless boat,
He of tall building, and of goodly pride.
    Then if he thrive and I be cast away,
    The worst was this: my love was my decay.
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