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Funny how
your cruel beauty
fills me with words
yet renders me speechless.
#love #inspiration
A silence with you
Is not
a silence

But a moment rich
with peace
I will never be enough of a man
To dowse my saffron robes
In cold gasoline and set it aflame
In buddhistic conviction--
My dreams would scamper
From my burning head to find another,
My flesh would crack and burn
Like old parchment
In rough palms.

I will never be enough of man
To eat buckshot out of
A hollow cold steely gun
My mouth wrapped around the
Reaffirming thickness--
My eyes would dart and then close
My ears would ring and then collapse
Like an old building
Consumed in flames.

I will never be enough of a man
To wrap a rope round my neck
And stare blankly ahead
To seize the day
From God's hands--
My face would bulge
My limbs would twitch
Like a dying rodent
In the throes of cancer.

I will always be enough of a man
To kiss your lips
With my own and feel
Your curves in my hands
And look at the sun--
My trembling hands falter
My eyes can't see to feel for you
Like a blind pianist
Playing the blues.
Throw caution to the wind
Come mess up my bed.
I think the sentiment is self explanatory
 May 2014 Marilou Pablo
You don't always have to be alone to be lonely.
Sometime you board the wrong train
And you reach a destination, not in the itinerary
Unfamiliar passenger, whom you thought you, knew
But slowly, as the journey begins, you get lost
In the language, you usually do not speak
Unable to decipher, the inner feelings, you feel alien
Sometimes the parallel tracks look familiar
Maybe, they will lead you to your preferred destination
You so wish for the parallel journey
Willing to board the train on that track
Wishing to talk to the driver, about your feelings
If he could just bring the train to a halt
The train coming to a jolting stop
You may have to get off midway and board another train
Your train of thoughts has led you to the train
This will take you to the destination you have dreamt
With the right passenger the journey will be a breeze*

© Amitav (Radiance)
Take my heart
It's yours to keep
Pull my chest apart
It's an infinite sleep

Take my smile
It's yours to carry
I never found it worthwhile
Tuck it away to bury

Take my collarbone
It's yours to hold
You've kissed it to stone
Or so I've been told

Take my rib
It's yours to own
Peel my protective bib
Break me so I can go home

Take my love
It's been yours for years
I would return yours
But you never gave me any
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