I'm glad you're my friend
A shoulder to lean
A crutch to stand
A dwelling of respite
And the dawn's first break of light
I hope to give as much as I take
Laugh with you and cherish
To face what comes side by side
To be silent comfortably on those long car rides
I can never be angry at you
No matter my efforts
A smile from you is all it takes
A cure to my recurrent mental aches
In an unfulfilled life, your company is contentful
Like a poisonous nightshade blossoms
The fruit of friendship ferments
Forms into an intoxicating sweet wine
Drunk from it, my mind is realigned
I don't want to be friends with you
"Friend" is such an evil word
It brings so much yet restricts all I care for
A false comfort when one longs for more
So perhaps I must go
To some distant desolate escape
To myself, I must be true
I have to save myself from my love for you
I hate that you're my friend