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 Feb 3 Austin B
When the blue silence presses,
and absence carves its hollow,
I search for a rare diamond,
a glint of you,
of us,
among the drifting days.

You, all edges and precision,
the logic mind.
I, the artist,
unruly and alive,
painting between your lines.
Together, we unmade the fractures
and called it a whole.

A dragonfly hovered—
fragile, fleeting—
a reminder of your soul
and the weight of what you left.
The brittle smile you wore,
I held it once,
felt the shatter in my hands.

Now, I sketch the absence,
and you map its edges.
Between us,
a quiet collaboration.
No need to name the loss,
no need to claim the light—
we move as one,
carving truth from shadow.
 Feb 3 Austin B
The orchid leans on the windowsill,
its bruised petals curling inward,
a lover retreating from touch.
I press my fingers to the ache behind my eyes,
tears hovering like syrup, slow and amber,
binding the moment to the marrow of memory.
Time drips thick,
a sweetness heavy with regret,
its weight both burden and balm.

You spoke love as if it were a fragile thing,
delicate as twilight slipping between hands.
Your voice held the softness of midwife palms,
unafraid to cradle what could not yet breathe.
I clung to those words,
their sweetness lingering like salt on my tongue,
until they dissolved into silence,
the aftertaste of everything unspoken.

The sea rises in my dreams,
its waves stinging, cleansing,
dragging away the grains of unsaid good-byes.
The horizon remains distant, unreachable,
but I think of syrup’s deliberate fall,
how even the slowest drop reaches its end.
I carry the ache of transformation,
a tender weight,
and let the salt beneath my skin
become the shape of healing.
Good week ahead everyone ❣️
i really wanted this to work.... and i know you did too. but the rain started, and the wind picked up and eventually it was tearing things apart. ripping out the roots of thousand year old tree's, washing away the beauty of us.
it rained, and rained and rained and i thought it would stop, i really did. i thought if i could just let the storm pass, let it dry up everything would go back to normal.
but.... it never did it was just getting stronger and stronger until everything was falling apart.
and now i know why storms are named after people.
you came and you destroyed....
i hate it.... i hate absolutely everything everything about this, all i see is the dark red glow of pain.
you not even looking back as you walked away,
the air being ****** out of me as i fall to the ground,
my knee's bleeding open as i landed on the cold pavement,
the flashbacks of us holding hands,
weren't we happy?
what did i do wrong?
why did you leave me?....
because know im here alone,
begging and begging and begging you to please come back....
begging the oxygen to return to my lungs.
begging for anything to feel something other than this.
-Faith Cubitt
you picked me up and put me back together just to shatter me all over again....
 Feb 3 Austin B
None of these were meant to be,
to give up the little respect for myself,
and yet to lose you completely,
along with my soul you took off with.

I would trade my life for another day,
but one with you and your smile,
I dream of it every day and night,
with a mind knowing the impossible.
I closed my eyes
to the coolness
of the room
Drifted off in thought
and was gone too soon .
 Feb 3 Austin B
i think i’m over it now.
not because i’ve stopped missing you,
but because i’ve learned how to carry it,
how to let the weight settle without sinking.

you are still there, in my dark, lonely moments,
in the way i am forever changed,
in the way i almost reach for my phone
before remembering there’s nothing left to say.

maybe i’ll always miss you,
but i think i can live with that.
 Feb 2 Austin B
call me when it's over,
i'd rather not watch it all from the start.
rewind to the credits,
make sure to read every single name out loud.

keep the tape rolling,
there might be a hidden message or two.
my mind is unstable,
but the state of it's got nothing to do with you.

so call me when it's over,
i've seen it a million times inside my head.
rewind to the credits,
read the names and remember that most of them are dead.
 Feb 2 Austin B
Charan P
Maybe I am like salt,
invisible, yet whole.
My presence not felt,
but my absence makes everything tasteless.
~just an idea 😅
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