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 Nov 2017 purple dog
Imran Islam
Today love falls with my tears
This heart is broken into pieces
You're rude and selfish, sighs...
Probably you have no feelings.

Don't you remember me anymore?
You are still smiling at my shore
I'll be sad, I never thought it before
Stay in my heart, stay evermore.

I will be waiting for your love
Like I had been falling in love
I am hurt, what do you have?
Sweetie, turn back to me, don't rove!
 Oct 2017 purple dog
i paint our pasts with the bedroom light turned off,
the flickering ghosts of street lights,
tiptoeing their frail arms into cracked windows,

but we were never built to last,
our ankles were never meant to support us.
only these hands, holding my body underwater,
could truly save the meaning of us.

and at noon, while the ground was still moist,
and the trees were still swaying, i bundled up feathers,
from dead ravens, from dead doves, and tied them to my hairs,
shut my eyes, and let my soul wander,

to where I was a bird, and you were a worm,
where the earth was void of sin,
and nothing else nurtured me more than you.

to the open sky and the now toss of trees,
to a dimple in earth, and my pebbled feet,
to you, drowning in a puddle of last night's storm.

my hair is falling out, and the birds are begging for their feathers back.

my window is latched shut,
the rain continues to drum against it,
you are almost painted, you are almost painted

but i am still a part of the storm, my body lives unfinished.
this word.
mutter it softly, as the fireplace moans.
bring your bones to the pyre,
bring your dragons,
bring your friends.
come to this pyre and we shall burn
the past into the present.

do you hear the thin noise of action?
the things that you will do,
the things that you have done,
all rushing into that heart of yours,
that heart of ours,
that fiercely fragile thing?
yes. you do.
and you shall break the mountains with every whisper.
let your words proliferate across this crumbling world (spinning itself to dust),
a legion of ants on this blue sphere.

do, and your flesh will unravel into dawn.
do, and the vices writhing in all our skulls will have no choice but to yield.
do, and we shall leave all these broken lamps behind,
let them drift away on this slate-blue sea,

and we shall burn the past
into the future.
inspired by this youtube video:
 Oct 2017 purple dog
Life tethers bodies
Mindfulness soars freely
Blissfully radiating loves light
 Oct 2017 purple dog
well, what do you think?
oh brother, if only you knew.
you'd tear them out, give them away.
cast aside, then cast away.
wouldn't come back til you'd learned to read the signs.
still killing yourself all the while.
Well you knocked on my door
knock, knock, knocked on my door
and when I opened the door,
you said you missed me.
Yes, you missed me.
Well you walked in my room,
you walk, walk, walked in my room,
and you kissed me.
Yes, you kissed me.
Ah, yes.
You kissed me.
Then I went to my car
and you followed me out,
I said it's time to go,
and you knew what I meant,
then I kissed you.
I kissed you.
Then I drove away,
'cause I'm leaving you now,
but I miss you.
Oh, I miss you.
Yes, I miss you.
I miss,
miss you.
With pen we show our hearts
True feelings to our cores
Through this very medium we share it across the shores
For me it was my once wife
That led me to this strife

In healing I put pen to paper
That'll  be the reason we write
For they wrote on our hearts
Be they not the poets?
The poets of our hearts!
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