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NitaAnn Aug 2013
I will heal...
I will hold my head high.
I will walk with confidence and grace
And spread my love and joy to all people, each person that I come in contact with.

I will heal…
I will give my opinion to others because my opinion is worthy of being given.

I will heal...
I will continue my journey because I can
And because I want too, not because anyone else wants it for me.
But because I am intelligent and wise and I am strong…
And I want to heal and feel whole.

I will heal…
I want to share my experiences and what I have learned with others,
Hoping it will give them a sense of hope.
I will heal…
I will walk this walk with confidence and grace and leave behind the shame and hate.
I will heal…
I will be beautiful on the outside and the inside.
I will let the beauty within me radiate around me and I will embrace that beauty.

I will heal…
I will accept my past, and all that has happened to me
And I will not be ashamed but instead realize that it has made me into the woman I am today.

I will heal…
I will take the circumstances that I have faced
And acknowledge them and learn from them,
But I will not let them control every decision I make
And limit what I do because they are just circumstances and not life deciding factors.

I will heal…
I will look into the mirror I will smile at who I am and who I've become.

I will heal…
I will run and play and I will become a positive role model for my children and others.

I will heal…
I will acknowledge the pain I feel inside,
And learn to cope without causing physical pain to myself.

I will heal…
I will accept that this is my life
And it's the only life I have so I will live it to the fullest and no one will stop me.

I will heal…
I will give to others all that I have to give
And I will smile as I do so because that is how I was created.

I will heal…
I will stand up for what I believe in
And fight for the beliefs I have.
I will not let someone else sway me from those beliefs.
And when need be, I will be firm, but loving,
And I will not back down from what I know is true.

I will heal…
I will share my story with others as I can
Because it is my strength and stronghold and the reason I am alive.

I will heal…
I will feel without judgment.
I will smile and I will laugh out loud and talk with excitement.
And I will cry and scream.
I will wrap myself tightly in my blue blanket and allow my tears to fall freely.

I will heal…
I will feel the embrace of those I love
and I will embrace others who need my love.

I will heal…
I will love me for who I am
I will embrace that which is me
And I will love life and seek to live it to the fullest.

I will heal…
I will make mistakes
And when I fall I will find a way back to my hands.

I will heal…
I will grieve my losses
And recognize that I was not ‘bad’
Because my father was not able to love me the way a child should be loved.

I will heal…
I will love with all I have in me.

I will heal...
I will give and give until I am tired and empty
Then I will be given too and refueled and I will go out and give again.

I will heal…
I will drive down the road with the windows down,
My hair blowing in the wind, singing “I WILL SURVIVE” at the top of my lungs.

I will heal…
I will live my life with purpose
And accept the life I have been given.

Someday, I will heal…
xyloolyx Sep 2014
high finance and terror
you had half a job
the commissioner made a huge mistake
where words just disappear
oh do help the rich and well-connected
they need you
careful that your boss does not see you
favoriting my tweets
unstar! unstar! panic! panic!

social media illiteracy
bio: follow or *******
**** the king of hearts
quadruple cheeseburger
acidic fruits
keep chugging
harm on y

a night of debauchery in the works
our minds refueled with petroleum
entropy hour with free *******
where truth gnaws at your legs
but you continue walking

human irrationality
gets beaten to a pulp
by bot rationality
how bland and discordant
getting them drawn and quartered
humanity can do without us

that **** poet saw the egg hatch into regrets
**** the only one who cares
manufacturing awkward silences
and making a killing
what the hell is anergy

miss world virginity 2012
what have we done
ghost eating humans or some **** like that
someone already thought of that
funny thing you wanted to say

your timeline can beat my timeline
mute only the users who make too much sense
the epitome of trying too hard
and then coronal mass ejection
all the over the place
you know this goes nowhere so you want out

no more outreach from this point on
shredded the flow chart
too much in the projects
exit stage down
not your mother's love poem
Angel'Lea May 2019
Right off the top
Here are my thoughts
They are as fresh to me
As they are to you

They are revealing themselves to me
As I write them to you
So here it goes
The raw unspoken truth

I have fallen short in my days
Repeat offender, I have greatly sinned

I have suppressed my darkest secrets
Secrets that rot within

I have blamed others for my pain
Pain that I was owed by my friend Karma

Pain that I was built to endure
Pain that I wore like shiny, heavy armor

I fought and battled with depression
Depression that almost did me in

I fell out of love with myself
Fell into lust and sin

I gave my all to another being
Depleted and reduced myself to nothing

I gave myself to those undeserving
Confusing lusting with loving

I prided myself on my success
But never acknowledged my God given purpose

I refueled my emptiness with ***
You can touch me here, but my heart, can't touch this

But here I am at the cross roads
My soul torn between who I am
Who I want to be
And who I was meant to

Each path requires me to make decisions
Continue on towards destruction
Turn towards what I want and away from God's will
Or acknowledge my purpose and change my mental

I believe in this very moment I have decided
By acknowledging my faults
I am already working towards the better

For the world, I have published my truth
I am working towards redemption
Letter by letter

Now that we have arrived at my rebirth
Blessings upon me, God will bestow

For I have unblocked my energy and cleansed my soul
For through my poetic vessel, God's glory can now flow
Chelle Quezon Nov 2014
Just like any other story
We've started with oh so blurry
Strangers we were,
I think that's a cliche from somewhere.
At the beginning it was all a blank page
And I'm a bubble trapped in a cage
While you had this heart with broken line
From the girl once you've called mine.
Maybe that's where we gain connection,
The hurt inside which obviously need correction.
Second by second we became friends
I hope it will last right until the end.
The laughs at our little conversation
It is both our path of satisfaction
There are times I'm festering in frustation
Trying to pen my way out of procastination
When I'm all empty,
You're there and refueled my positivity,
Are you the master of laughter spells?
Cause you give me happiness can't even describe in hell.
If perfection is just a lie
Then why do people even try?
I guess it lives within, we cannot see
Just like any second you become crazy.
This man with big gentle heart
We become proportion when it comes to music art,
We both shared common interest
We talk and laugh and forget about the rest.
But his heart needs to heal
He needs to be true and be real.
So wish upon a shooting star
Believe and you will get quite far
A hope, a wish, a dream, a smile
Nothing selfish, nothing vile.
But wish may not come true
So better plan and not out of the blue.
If you ever crash remember I'm here
Reach my hand, I'm giving it to you near.
Thanks for the bow with perfect timing
Great play of arch, friendship we're gaining.
I'm so lucky for having you,
Just wanna say I'm here for anything you do.
Mike Essig Jul 2015
I didn't know him well.
I was only just twenty.
He was the first Indian
I had ever met though
he called himself a Skin.
Came from northern Nebraska.
He was tall, strong, quiet
and soft spoken
with a strange authority.
Somehow, he could sense fear.
At the end of the first day
over An Loc I was
well beyond fear, beyond
terrified, barely functional.
While we refueled
he came over and told me
not to worry. Every day,
he said, was a good day to die.
First time I ever heard
Crazy Horse's famous phrase.
In the morning, his waddling,
overloaded chopper took
a SAM missile up the ***
and totally disintegrated:
no wreckage, no bodies,
no anything left at all.
There's nothing
really left to say
except I hope that for him
it was a very good day.

Arabella Sep 2013
Just kids,
i'm missing the taste of blood
in my mouth.

Skinny arms
draped over my shoulders
followed by loneliness.

with an unrecognized face,
I walk these halls with regret.
that forgetting
is not an option.

It's a shame,
not realizing what we have
until it's gone.
dried up worms decorate the side walk,
leaving the dirt,
nearly abandoned.

As machine work does,
I'm refueled each morning
with three pills,
replacing emotion
with steal.

you'll grow back,
as everything does
in the spring.
as we remembered that we no longer knew
how to love each other.

a cycle,
of becoming strangers.
ohNoe May 2014
in the movement of a moment you met her,
  the mayhap of a magic that just might matter.
your pulse pounds in your pupils,
  pulls & pours perfect purple pearls
    of a never-known intricate history,
      an instant intimate mystery.

from the view point
         the true point
         the view to poignant
Cherry Apple Blossoms
  carry Ample Awesome.
silken sailors on a sultry wind
  blowing between their lotus friends,
wander within the waterfall
  & ride it upwards after all.

mere moments from making memories
  melding mighty might-be's,
your morbid mockingbird returns
  melting maybes into more burns.

the water appears pure
  & your scars need cure,
but it won't wash away the intense,
  can't convince me to release and rinse.
Blood bound to my soaked sleeve,
  saturated with the grieve
    of the heart worn stark there,
      the heart i can't spark or spare.
failing falling farther further
  faster into fractured forever.

from WOAH to WOE
  and WOW to OW,
one more maybe something
  dies another nothing

yeah, i know,
  you been all about NO,
    flushed in a negative flow

As Lucid As Hell

i keep seeing your fleeings
  from deep suffering feelings,
    crushed beyond breathing.

refueled and refeeled are the doubts,
  rabid to wreak the shrieks of their shouts.
happy only happening
  from external stimulation,
misery the missing of my own motivation.
even music is up down all-around,
  sometimes just sound.
how much more tired
  can you grow of uninspired?

But what the **** Dude?
  whence went your Attitude?
the epitome of optimal optimism
  within every wish or whim!
intense immense confidence,
  invincible invulnerable arrogance.
remember the relentless effortless course
  of your subconscious primal source?
the intimate emotional intelligence
  to whom all made sense.

Have you ever felt overflowing
                         been effervescent
                         knew you were undousable?

Are you aware of self-fulfilling prophecies
  that refueling never needs?

Perhaps possibly that personality is not deceased,
  and not even appreciably decreased.
If the power imbuing the flower
  simply slipped sleeping into hibernation,
then there just needs to be a shower
  to rinse in the reinCarnation.

is belief in being almost cute
  with soul-voice articulate.
a writer friends & family call poet
  who rides rhythm & rhyme
    along imagination's music,
      the inner bliss
        which inspires a kiss
witty charming stunned
  sweet smart overcum
suave swan not gone,
  just sleeping til the right dawn.

maybe it's back to the breeze,
  re-friending the days it brought teaching.
information gathered from seas & trees
  transferred to me from miles of reaching.

even then my arrogance knew reverence
  when we would watch the wind
    somehow know how much we did not know
      and wonder how different we'd be once we did...
hey, look...almost kinda positive :)
Syed Ashar Javed Jun 2016
I love you,
that should say enough but it does not,
for none will love you as I do,
from now till eternity,
for I was forever enslaved from first sight,
and shall be in the fiery depths of hell,
or the streams of heaven,
for you are to me to broken for anyone else to help,
for your tears cause me more pain than words can do justice,
for my love for you cannot be contained in all forms of expression,
from paint to prose,
music to movies,
none may stop this flood for it is beyond me,
it comes from the divine,
it just seems destiny,
for me to love you,
for a moment I see thou in tears,
it  makes me bleed,
your father is of no solace to you,
for he is to great a fool to see the gem he beholds,
but you love him,
so I shall shine a light onto you so he may see,
for my love for you is to truly one I would die for,
the window is but a few steps away,
and if mine death makes you smile so it shall be,
if compassion is what you seek it shall be,
your wish is my command,
you to me are to great to be with one as lowly as I,
you are beyond any I can ever behold,
for this love cannot be seen in any a word said or written,
it to me is the string that keeps me alive,
if you wish to put me on a leash so you may smile so it shall be,
for your smile is worth more than any sum, answer or desire;
it is the only thing I know to be worth the concept never ending,
these words are not mine but that of a man I do not know,
for I am still but a boy and you a woman of great prowess,
I am but stuck upon you,
your image is which that keeps breath in mine lungs,
to help you is to have solved all mine worries,
please be mine for but a day,
or if  that is to much give me one chance to prove my worth,
for my fear of not being with you is greater than that of all that man fears,
for a lion is what I shall wrestle,
or do any a thing to prove my love,
for you are marked by burning iron upon my heart,
you pervade my every thought
the reason I breathe,
for you are beyond any a woman I could ever know,
for even if god had not destined this I believe that mine love for you would still be the great flood from which Noah escaped,
my thoughts are clouded by nothing but you,
for even in prayer my thoughts turn to you,
from dawn till dusk when I do not consume a drop of sustenance,
the thought of you is what allows it to pass,
there are not enough words to describe how pulchritudinous thou is,
the words for beauty do not do you justice,
no word ever does. no word ever could,
I was a fool to think I should,
a fool to think I could,
the thought of you places a weight upon my chest,
are the owner of mine soul before god takes it away,
you to me are great,
the only great,
in any and every way,
I cannot contain myself from you so god must,
to contain this is but sickening now,
so I must solve such a thing ,
I must have your love as you must your fathers,
if not more,
I know I do not deserve,
I never could,
I wish you to be mine,
for my love shall endure,
and I may even endure your marriage but never having you is eternal torture,
for I do not wish to be chained forever,
but I fear I will be,
without love,
it is a sickness and I now know why,
they said you will know when you love,
I think I now know,
if this is not  what love is I fear I shall never know,
if I cannot have you there is no reason to live for not even heaven can be as great as the angel you are,
You deserve to be happy,
and I cannot but help you in that endeavor,
I cannot help but be sick with love for you;
I wish it would fade,
and I wonder. will it?

Or shall it be that my curse shall stalk me from right to left,
east to west,
I will try my best;
to be free
I hope it is enough but it may not let me see,
for my love for you blinds me.
as much as it binds me,
it veils my soul,
making itself believe if it had paid the toll.

You may have been kinder if you were crueler,
but you were neither cruel or kind,
only, a; torturous girl
just like every other I have known,
for you do not yet see the truth,
even when it is so close you may feel its breath,
the truth but hurts,
as it  has but been slowly cooking me as if it were a fire.
It seems my destiny is to be burnt alive with the truth,
that will be mine end.

But I hope it is not,
for in this despairing time, there is only hope,
hope that these hard times will end,
for people care if only we look,
there are kind people on this pale blue dot as well as cruel,
it seems I may have finally found content after that last cruel twist of fate,
a twist for the better I hope,
but right I hope I am,
for whenever I hope, it seems to be wrong,
even still I hope,
but how hopeless is such,
hope that shall never refueled,
it is but the draught throat of a dying man.

It seems hope is but a small star in the blanket of the despairing sky,
and even then it may not shine,
dulled by the moon,
it is as hope is dulled by others joy,
so it wanders the night sky,
trying to find solitude so they may grow and become joy one day,
but to rare it is,
that such a thing may happen.

You had such a chance to do such a thing,
but alas I shall never reach the joy of the moon,
for you have but dimmed my star to but a dim gloomy dot,
that seems to be fading in and out of existence.
Star BG Sep 2017
Words rise spinning in
as if plane is Poets mind.
Each word a passenger.
Each phase a family traveling with destination of page tarmac.
Sometimes stanzes linger for tweaking
as if in holding pattern.
And when portal door opens
words scribe upon ground of page.
Glad to be grounded and done scribing home again.
Time where pen is refueled
for another flight of poem to begin.
someguy Oct 2019
You knock on the door, you cry and you fight,
You take a sip form a cup of somebody’s lies
You rage like a kid, you laugh and abuse,
Try to make all those fools see the stupidity of their own rules

Others don’t get, they don’t hear nor dream
To find deeper meaning in things that they see
To explore this life on their own cul (***)
Feel the pain, agony, thirst and again be refueled

With pleasure – drop of rain, winds’ kiss on your cheek,
Rivers’ flow, roses’ smell, suns’ bright shine on your skin

Describe the emotion, state of mind, things with words
No, old language won’t fit here… must invent new, my own
With more of a meaning, and passion in it
More precise, more refined, and no “censorshit”

God I shall doubt, folk I’ll despise,
Contemporaries shall call me “spoilt little child!”
I won’t pay attention to those hypocrites,
My work now is done, pay attention to the…

My gift to this greedy, rotten, sickening world,
It’s this book of poetry, which shall speak in my stead when I’m gone
For I talk through the ages, through decades of time,
Now genius I am, and this is a testament of mine
memory of Arthur Rimbaud
When we smile at each other every day.
I remember it happened in the month of may.
It all started with our loveable duende.
I can only imagine geting to know you today.
Love is near, but we know its far away.

Our charms we're like a lukewarm alarm.
We we're both alert by the loud sound.
We knew by chatting that love will be found.
We we're both alert.
In the past we were both hurt.

The colour of red is not dead.
It gave us a chance to hear the extrinsic music.
Like a repeatable sound of hope and determination.
The creation is ingrained in our minds.

When we write and speak.
Our empty hearts we're refueled by a leak.
We we're stuck oil, but we toiled.
Our love is unbind from the trap.
Our love and future will intertwine one day.

We understand the repeatable beeping.
We want to bandage the bleeding.
We hold our hands to cover up the wounds.
We will recover, and we will see each other soon.

Our ears are listenting.
Our hearts are beating.
Our minds are thinking.
Our hands and our mouths are speaking.

Even if we're far.
Even if we're a mess.
Even if we're busy.
This is the true message the alarm conveys to you, and me.

The sound of the alarm can be good and wrong.
It's on everyday like our favourite song.
Like a beautiful siren singing to me.
The love we can feel it even overseas.
I want us to be together in the future, always and forever.
Enervated and energized after cold shower
the perfect tonic to gin body though o'clock
wee hours August thirty one two thousand
nineteen - natural buzz to stave off relished
sleep, thus refueled with zest able to chop
chop thru printed material (dictionary seat

of pants newpage turner with a-z characters)
and no crock, but refreshing douse of chill
kept mien ole body electric able to dial back
feeling akin to soap bar man tiredness life
came to buoy quite some hours with joy de
vivre vigor analogous to morning dove (or as

if submerged smooth as ivory into Irish Spring),
until... bubbliness peaked than plunged yours
truly into fast shuteye descent lulled into land
o' dreams courtesy double fan tussy "white
noise," until I awoke with a start, (albeit heavy
grogginess clinging fast - thick spidery whirled

wide cob webbed glommed threads) unable to
offset toe tilly stark realization bare little feet
(plaintively oinking higglety pigglety) felt like
ice cubes, whereby skimpy blanket inadequate
to allow, enable, and provide adequate quality
sleep, hence inspiration piqued to attempt cob

bullying poem gifted (thank you watermelon
pickle) despite raggedy state, not optimal state
string words together rendering sense and cents
ability birthing feeble attempt to sweat out small
medium thoughts lodged within fifty plus shades
gray atrophied matter - begetting literary stillborn

whereby intensive care unit medical team resorted
to heroic measures applying revolutionary punk
chew weighted equilibrium until state of the art
poetic license intervention wrought sudden jaw
dropping miracle – whipped courtesy last ditch
Shakespearean divine resuscitation, (plus all the

king's men and all the king's horses) rendered
dead as a doornail absolute zero metaphoric
lifeless limp bizkit verse, neither lickety split
rhyme nor reason could explain tectonic shift

witnessing pluperfect (donned with little non hex
pence booties) manifestation vital signs, but
metered metrical blue feet in toto - oz needed
close monitoring to ward off 10,000 maniacs.
Infamous one Nov 2018
Another problem
Someone is always mad
Bringing me down with them
Walking away from the drama
Some have way more than others
It's never enough for them
Blessed not one to complain
Grateful for what I have
Made the most of my situation
Build people up don't knock them
Making my voice be heard
In my mind tranforms into words
Deep in thought not afraid
We with faith gave it to God
Refueled by the word fully recharged
Did what I can, the Lord will provide the rest
Close my eyes and pray I make it
Makes it easier to get through the day
Been good not trying to suffer and pay

— The End —