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skylitup Jun 2012

Put down your wooden blocks, Miyagi -
Smashing stuff against your head and shredding the Yellow Pages
Is child's play to me
I can split atoms with my teeth!


Hey, long time no see, Miyagi
What's that you say?
You got caught in the fallout and now you're radioactive
Just like me?

That's great, buddy,
We'll call you the Blue Flash
And we can team up
Fight the darkness together

...You say you lost all your teeth, and your hair is next..?
Hey, Miyagi, that's not funny...
That kinda **** doesn't happen in comics

Where an accident in a science lab
or an experiment with nuclear energy
Lands you a seat in the superhero hall of fame
And then you adopt a suitably awesome superhero name

No, you have to be mistaken
Look at me - I didn't die from radiation
A steady dose has given me powers
Beyond my wildest dreams

But for you, it seems
more like a bad dream
Your white blood cell count drop, drop
Your body getting weaker
Instead of stronger
No, no, this can''t be happening
You say you can't go a day
Without the nausea and the vomiting
You pray for relief, for this
Journey into Misery to end

Here, Miyagi, my friend - take hold of my hand
And I will do my best to defend you
In your final stand
You and I, old bud,
Fighting the darkness together
this is a work in progress..
Aiden Williams Aug 2013

Deep inside the recesses of my mind,
My many thoughts lay dormant  --
Unwilling to be heard;
My precious thoughts, they're blurred.
Numb to reality,
Gums hit with a needle.
My feelings I cannot express,
My words they find no footing,
A limitless climb of rhythm and rhyme,
Where a handhold at one means to elevate my purpose,
And a handhold at two means to obscure my view,
Of not just the handholds, shrouded by fog
But of the view of the mountain, hidden by the gods.

Self protected thoughts within a shrine, within a castle, never to be revered, never to be revealed.
Callum Hutchings May 2015
To the man who made me who I am

Being with you was like learning without a textbook
I just watched and copied and made it my own
From gardening to maths
You made me my own genius

I didn't have to speak for you to know what was wrong
You didn't judge me for the silly things I said
Or how I never learnt at school
You taught me to teach my self

You were my Mr Miyagi
With less riddles more jokes
I learnt that laughter can flood rooms like tidal waves
And we were leaves to float in it

And now you're gone I wont mourn
You would tell me to stop crying and cut my hair
I will use laughter to put a smile on raggedy dolls
And the stories to keep the dark days down

Thank you for being the Godfather of giggles
Making Sunday dinners not the day to fear Mondays
Having gardening not be a chore but a way to think
Rest well Granddad.
Kate G Jan 2012
Dear Wednesday morning floor waxer,

We really need to stop meeting like this. Me, bursting out of my dorm room at 10:26 for my 10:30 class across campus. You, intently waxing the floor in front of the elevator. I always rush past you, spitting out a labored “Sorry, excuse me!” as I slam into the door to the stairs and hit the same place on my hip that’s been bruised since the beginning of the semester. I rush off to class and forget about you until I head back to my dorm at 11:20, where I see you waxing the exact same spot on the floor that I left you with. No longer in a rush, I have time to smile as I walk past and politely excuse myself. You never so much as speak a word, often not even raising your head to acknowledge my existence. I sheepishly return to my room, tail between my legs, to wonder for a few minutes about why you refuse to speak to me before signing on to Facebook and forgetting all about it until the following Wednesday. Why do you ignore me, Wednesday morning floor waxer? I am certain that we could be great friends if only you would give me a chance! I fear that I might frighten you, with my disarrayed appearance and chaotic demeanor as I run to class. I certainly don’t jibe with the relaxed, stress-free air you clearly strive to maintain. Your zen rivals that of Miyagi himself. I COULD BE YOUR DANIEL-SAN. TEACH ME YOUR WAYS.


That crazy girl in room 422.
Aaron LaLux Aug 2019
Tea With Yoda [50]

Having a Tea Ceremony,
with Yoda in a pagoda,
they say life’s a ladder,
He says it’s more like a totem,

trying to make ends meet for ends meat,
by exceeding expectations & meeting quotas,

trying to make my six senses see as clear as my mentor’s,
a Sensi with stressless sensibilities yet infinite responsibilities,
He’s a mature mixture of past scriptures & vast futures,
the perfect fusion to provide ideal solutions effectively,
to dispel all of the confusing illusions that currently occur,
so that my six senses can make sense of it & see clearly,  
& that’s exactly why I’m grateful He’s my mentor,
I clear my mind when I enter his temple & listen attentively,

He’s Mr. Miyagi,  Professor X, Stephen Miles, Morpheus,  
Gandalf, Splinter, & Obi Wan, all rolled into one,
His composition is awesome so when taking lessons,
I make sure to be free of all distractions going on,

attempting to not take meetings yet people keep calling,
but phone’s off so I don’t see nor take note of the notifications,
I just go off like a boat on the edge of Niagara with no motor,
got expense taste life’s great though no time to be wasting,

gotta find a way to keep speed without delay & without haste,
because patience is key but time won’t wait,

so I stay totally outta touch with the clubs & the whole scene,
so focused I don’t even notice those overblown cokeheads,
light so bright that I’m always getting it in even when I go out,
light always burns but never burns out even at it’s lowest,
heard them mention a question but didn’t return the gesture,
was unsure of their motives plus the question sounded loaded,
goin' all in outta control only thing I limit is my exposure,
on balance with my talents in a pair of New Balances,
meanwhile they’re still trying to gain their composure,
I swear to God I’m not a rock nor in a hard place,
but I do rock Ohms on mountain tops complete with boulders,
shout out to Colorado though I boast low key so no bravado,
soul sans ego, modest & honest like a Buffalo Soldier,
no need to buy game it’s already in the bag sewed close,
& I’m relaxed shoes off spine upright aligned in the Lotus,
having a Tea Ceremony, with Yoda in a pagoda,

having a Tea Ceremony, with Yoda in a pagoda,
they say life’s a ladder, He says it’s more like a totem,
trying to make ends meet for ends meat,
by exceeding expectations & meeting quotas…

∆ LaLux ∆
from THHT3: Dark Lights & Bright Shadows 9/9/19
Classy J Jan 2021
Misrelating Tale
Gotta prepare for war, like I’m Daniel-son.
Train every day with that wax-off, wax on.
Mister Miyagi flow, that hits like a Jeff Hardy Swanton Bomb.
What has the world become?
We unleashed the sword,
So, what was done can’t be undone.
But what if this narrative could be un -spun ?
Would we right wrongs?
If we rebuilt foundations,
Would our nation remain strong?
To return a triumphant king like Aragon,
Or be stabbed in the gut like qui-gon?
But as def squad says we’ll continue on till the break of dawn.
For this is the way of the mandolorian.
Some days one gotta switch sides,
From the autobots to deceptocons.
Fighting foodons, blasting brains like I’m jimmy neutron.
A Lightning nuisance, that’ll static shock the electrons.
That may interrupt ones...
Constant flow of info from dendrites to axons.
After the battle is won, grab some schezwan.
Project soul of foul human individual cretans.
Not everyone can be as polite, as the bear named Paddington.
Gotta call the ghostbusters to extract some Thetans.
Rest In Peace to Egon.
When **** hit the fan, gotta know how to swim in the deep end.
Treating each failure like it was a lesson.
Everyday I battle against anxiety and depression.
Let’s just say I know what’s it’s like to feel less than.
Got my heart crushed like some croutons.
And have had to attack on my inner Titans.
And just when you think I’m defeated,
I go super saiyan.
Schooling it like I’m Piccolo and it’s Gohan.
Let’s go son!
I Will never lose my head like a dullahan.
For I ain’t got not time for 99 problems.
Gotta open the third eye to see past illusions.
Got to change the qualities of the composition.
Keeping stressors relatively small no matter the opposition.
Gotta emphasize the light like you painting an impression.
On everything and everyone that may come along.
A perspective can turn curses to blessings.
Can take one’s trauma and use it as a weapon.
To change the cycle of ones disposition.
But that being said,
One can’t predict everything like the Simpsons.
For the world’s more controversial,
Than the ending of the Jefferson’s.
walk inside my mind to a journey deep inside
personifications of laughter filter through the caverns
alone I bask in the vast expanse between that of space and time
there is a river with lava beside its strange presence
dig much deeper then ever before lest I implore another opened door

solitude is among me now with the ever glow of an aura of twilight
giving cadence toward the premonition of branches proceeding outward
come with your hurt come with your need to such a place as these
lucid dreams falling apart at the seams getting down to the very means
The thought of Andy Griffith with Opie so very care free fishing down by the pond

each of us is responsible for our actions we can't blame anyone but ourselves
walk inside my mind once again to when i was ten sitting under the Elm tree gazing to the sky
crafted a fascination of soaring space ships from outer space would invade my place
in good taste I would create those moments of love from god up above

alone again then I stare at the wall but in the back of my mind I heard my conscience call
reach for oblivion if someone gives you the opportunity say yes then learn it later
life is a roller coaster with twists and turns one soul soars the other will burn
best to invest in charity getting knocked down to your knees

apathy comes in a variety inside of me to hide from thee
there is a hero in us all so stand up ten feet tall
choices with voices with moments of solitude
give thanks to the one who sets us all free cause most of life is but a mystery

for what are we willing to achieve mark the one willing to explore awe so much more
a challenge to be free is a question of time remember when you were broke down to your last thin dime...
in time we sall shine brighter then ever before lest of course I implore another door
wax on wax off Mr Miyagi said it best putting Daniel to the test I must confess:
"Better learn balance cause balance is the key" !

Wax on wax off always do your best cause most of life is but a test
yet off the cuff here I send out a cheer to all those who persevered
best to offer positive reinforcement then any negative thoughts
Wax on wax off in the midnight hour have to take a cold shower
Aa Harvey May 2018
The beginning of the end

This is the end of the beginning
And the beginning of the end...

I have no control over what comes out of my soul
And this poem was desperate to escape.
I try to keep my pain inside, but it hurts so I must let it go.
If only I could still feel something other than the pain;
Then maybe I could passionately write about hate…

I'm trying to build my own future, using my own hands;
But it isn't working without someone else,
To help me become all I can.
I need a divine muse and a Mr. Miyagi;
So this dream of fruition,
Can allow me to become all the things that I could be.

But this is the end of my hopes and dreams.
The dream is over; it has come to an end.
I try to break from the chains of a mind full of ghosts,
But they are real and not just make pretend.

I begin to tell you of my desire to be;
But eventually you will see, that all I can become, is the same old me.
Now is the time, the beginning of the end;
The end is just beginning and continuous…
And there is no release, from this descent.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Qualyxian Quest Aug 2020
Show me Wax on, Wax off.
Look in eye.
Come back tomorrow.
Qualyxian Quest May 2020
nearly 20 years of middle school teaching
reading, traveling, fighting, pleading
White Nights, not Romanovs

                        wax on, wax off
Qualyxian Quest Aug 2020
Words are lies
Goes the Japanese proverb

Silent meditation

I was there
For Rieko's wedding


Kamakura Buddha
In the open snow

Mr. Miyagi teaches
Daniel he does show

I miss you
Tonight Rieko

Qualyxian Quest Mar 2023
Under Abraham Lincoln
The Republican Party saved the United States
Under Donald Trump
It nearly destroyed it
Wax on, Wax off Mr. Miyagi
Daniel-san employed it

Our progress in degeneracy quite rapid
Rapid indeed, Mr. Joshua Speed
We could learn from Canada
A pal's last need a thing to heed
We could learn from Jesus Christ
Maybe plant some mustard seeds

I learned from yon Taiwan
Won ton soup, Lungshan Temple
The Buddha sits in silence
Smiles without a dimple
Lynyrd Skynyrd is right
Teach me how to be Simple

               Southern Rock!
Qualyxian Quest Jul 2020
Mr. Miyagi teaches Daniel-san
Paint the fence; Sand the floor

Buddhist monks learn
By carefully opening doors

I took the train to Kyoto
Zen temples galore

And remember the modern station
Rieko gave us more

Arigato, land of wonders,
Sophia on your shore

— The End —