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Mateuš Conrad Mar 2016
imagine a conductor who
orchestrated with an orchestra
but instead of using his hands
to imitate rhythm... used his head...
and rhythm guitar could
be noted down in drumming rhythm,
still the conductor head-banging
rather than rhyming a# with c and d-dur
with his head rather than his hands:
air drumming and i hammered that
head into a shark head worth a 17th century
wig because i was too lazy to brush or cut
my hair; we were all grey and retired
in the former fashion trend as now-days
shrunk flesh for saving fashioning materials
into contorted squares of leopards in leotards.
Ghazal Feb 2014
Never will I be covered in tattoos

My legs and toes shall forever stay bruised.

I’ll never paint or carry a tune

Forever and ever, I’ll wear a tutu.

I won’t dye my hair pink or blue

My piercings will stay as the simple two

Nails cut short and hair in a bun

In ballet, this must be done.

Pink tights by the mound

Bobby pins all around

Leotards on the floor

Pointe shoes by the door.

Toes taped so tightly

Smiling big and brightly

Red lipstick adding to her beauty

The dancer moves so smoothly.

Turned out from my hips

No words coming from my lips

I dance sweetly to the sound

Ooh ballet, to you, I am bound.

Full of grace, never haste

Filling perfectly my costume of lace

Ever so sweet, my dancing feet

Step after step, I repeat and repeat.

Obtaining perfection is my key

It’s what I strive for, it’s all that defines me

Pushing harder and harder to reach my goal

It’s what I live for, ballet is my soul.

My toes may bleed

And my knees, grow weak

But I’ll never stop dancing…

Not until I reach my peak.

Pirouette, Pirouette

Dancer’s silhouette

Practicing at dusk

Dedication is a must.

Stretching my limbs

Choreographing on a whim

Alway aiming to be stronger

To hold my arabesque longer.

When I do finally reach that triple pirouette

and all is done and all is set

I put myself back into class

Aiming for a fourth, to be better than the last.

This is the life of a dancer en point

Risking the health of her feet, legs and joints

Just for that one perfect moment on stage

Where the ballerina stands tall and all are amazed.
please please write a comment
Irate Watcher Sep 2014
The badge of pride as a ******* in high school
was dunking your inflamed limbs
into an ice bucket for 20 minutes,
in Mr. Dewey’s office —
the school trainer AND
every girl's crush.

I always wanted  someone to pour
ice water over my sores,
and ****** always being healthy enough
as Jess told the teacher loudly enough
that she hurt her ankle at track AGAIN
needed to see Dewman.
Guess they were best friends now.

When I fractured my back, I didn’t even get a doctor's note.
Because I wasn’t on a school team.
I was a gymnast for an outside club, not high school varsity.
My high school had disbanded the gymnastics team in the 70’s.
Said it was too much of a liability.
The last team picture hung in the award cases on the first floor.
I wished I could be one among those vintage leotards,
framed in gold — the warriors of high school.
Most of my classmates didn’t know I even did a sport.
They just thought I was a bookworm who was flat-chested.
Only the girls poked my abs in the locker room,
asking how I got them.

So I iced my wounds at home.
I didn’t even know my back was broken
and for a month I drank ibuprofen.
Sharp pains biting more frequently,
I finally went to the doctor.
The nurse asked me if I wanted to look
while she injected me with an isotope that
poisoned my dreams of finishing the season.
Green neon lit my bones, shedding the diagnosis —
no gymnastics for six weeks.

At school, I dressed to fit my backbrace:
baggy t-shirts and sweatpants.
My straightener rusted.
Messy buns took precedence.
I tried to go to practice, but my coaches told me to leave.
But I had no where to be!
And I had no friends at school.
My only friends I watched get awards,
not registered, but wearing my warmups.
I swore how I could beat the competition from the stands.
Stupid back.
Stupid Christine.
Stupid me.
I should have never done that 1 1/2 twist front flip series.
Poor bones landing on hard carpet repeatedly,
I ignored the jolts as static electricity.

Now everyone was working on new skills
and I could barely do a cartwheel.
That summer we had lots of pool parties —
but I couldn’t dive in.
So I sat on the ledge,
feet dipped in, while everyone played chicken.

— — —

After six weeks of recovery,
I start jogging.
I did a roundalf,
then a backhandspring.
That night I was so sore —
my memory of skills strong, but
my muscle memory poor.
Each stride into a tumbling pass felt like running in a pool.
Some days I felt like sprinting down the tumble-track
Other days I wanted to bounce on my back,
stare at the ceiling, and feel each node of impact.

Recovery day was my coach laying down a mat.
Today was the day I’d repeat the skill that broke my back.
I took a deep breathe and three long steps
into the first part of the tumbling pass:
back layout one-and
a-half twist, front flip
stuck into a step.
My coaches cheered and
my friends clapped.

I was back.


I was back.
BR May 2018
Did you know that if you leave your car in your driveway,
With the keys in the ignition,
And someone sits down in the front seat like they own it, and drives away,
You are the one who is liable for theft?
They can drive that sucker to the coast.
They can burn the upholstery with their cigarettes. They can bring their friends into the back seat, and fill the compartments with their refuse, and ****, and they can leave it ruined in front of your house, or crushed into the median on the highway, or left in disconnected pieces under an overpass.
It will be called, “unauthorized use of a vehicle.”
It will be called a “misdemeanor.”
But you left the car running.
Weren't you kind of asking for it to happen?

They said,
(Gesturing to the skirt which fell to two inches
above my kneecap),
Is like that.

If I walk outside of my house in jeans and a t-shirt, or a long dress with thin straps,
Or with my chin tilted out,
Or with long eyelashes,
Or with full lips,
Or with my hips swaying when I walk,

It's like I left the car running.

It's like I invited them to force their bodies into the front seat.
In their minds, or with their hands, or with their lips to anyone who would listen to them.

Little girls in leotards become like unlocked car doors;
Where men can burn their cigarettes into their skin,
Or stick their fingers in
In plain view of their parents,
And told to let it happen,
It isn't theft,
It's “a medical examination.”

What did they expect?
It isn't a theft.
She was just as guilty of negligence.
It isn't really a felony.
It's not THAT BAD. (Stop being so dramatic.)
It's the unauthorized use of your body, for a time, or one night,
or every time you close your eyes for the rest of your life,


But you left the car running.
Maple Mathers Feb 2016
When I was six, my grandmother enrolled me in ballet class.

     This choice was the first of many attempts to negate my tomboyish nature. Perhaps, she’d hoped that instead of collecting insects and cutting apart Barbie dolls, the pirouettes and glitzy attire might spin me. I was spun, eventually, but that had nothing to do with dance.

     Blame it on my peers; blame it on the tutus. Truth be told, my time was generally spent out of sight; but I got my kicks sneaking a reptiles home, playing with dinosaurs - never dolls, or - of course - taming earwigs. Alone.

     I don’t remember the classes, or the other little girls. In fact, the sole (no pun intended) impression left behind by those dance classes was why they'd end.
It was to be my first recital. The whole class had been coaxed into flashy leotards and uncomfortable tights. We’d been instructed to skip in a single file line onto the stage, which catalyzed my predicament, as I hadn’t a clue about the routine.

     As the girl preceding me danced into view, I floundered in terror – my turn had arrived. I fumbled along in her wake, passing the curtain and reaching the stage.

     The stage!

     An arena of ruthless lights, unveiling my anonymity. I faltered in terror, registering the audience registering me. How vast the auditorium looked against my tiny body! Betrayed by those blinding stage lights, I cowered at the mercy of the whole world.

     The instructor, a faceless female, was showing whose boss as girls began skipping around me.

    And yet, there I stood. Petrified that moving forward negated any hope of escape. My proximity to the curtain merited two options... the bright side of the curtains, which would soon claim everyone else in the vicinity, or the dark. I engaged in a mental game of Tug-a-war that lasted all of about half a second.

     The dark curtains won.

     So, dodging around the obnoxious ballerinas, I descended back into safety. It mattered not where I went, as long as I put distance between myself and the audience. Distance between myself, and detection.

     At some point, I discovered a backstage crevice, in which darkness sheathed me. For, even at five, I understood dark and safety to be synonyms.

     So, I crawled inside, and I hid.

     I don’t remember who went seeking. Nor, do I know who found me. Nobody is a possibility; it was an “Ollie, Ollie, Oxen Free” forfeit, perhaps. A rule that defeats the point of its own game. For at six, I was young enough to obey that “come out, come out, wherever you are” nonsense. But, such rules were dropkicked long ago.

     For, your existence – dear hide-and-seek – all but defines me. This game, that darkness, possesses my psyche.

     Some days, I ponder the uncertainty of memories. Vexed, for where memory dies, illusions are born. Illusions romanticizing reality – a reality in which I never came out, lost and unfound, a reality in which I’ll never come out, out, wherever I am. Hidden beneath the darkness.

     For, in truth, I have been hiding ever since.
(All poems original Copyright of Eva Denali Will © 2015, 2016)

Excerpt from my novel, Pretense.
Gabi Feb 2013
I jumped from couch to couch, avoiding the floor that was lava.
The balloon soared and floated in the air, and it could not touch the ground.
Circus animal cookies and chocolate milk were there everyday.
When I was small, the world was big and magical.

My role models were Barney and Babar, Kermit and Elmo.
I wore pink leotards and frilly tutus and stretchy slippers and shiny, black tap shoes.
I’d look up at the sky to see that fluffy white clouds were bunnies, hippos and butterflies.
When I was small, nothing was impossible.

Parks were kingdoms and the jungle-gym was the castle.
My glittery costume gown and my plastic tiara meant I was a real princess,
Peter Pan would come take me away, to live in Neverland.
When I was small, I was immortal.
Breeze-Mist Sep 2016
Always follow your dreams
Even if they involve
Flying through the air
Meeting an alternate version of yourself
Talking to invisible creatures
Throwing pie at people
Interpretive dance
Singing in nonexistent languages
Walking on the celing
Swallowing fire and blades
Or flashing lights

Because in the end
When other people see it
They'll either laugh with you
Or stare, breathless and in awe
Irate Watcher Nov 2017
The news said:
"It's entirely likely,
in fact, it's more likely,
that we are living in a simulation."

The circus and the chorus lines
are just for the architect's amusement.
When the leotards on the high wire
fall, he laughs the hardest.

Measuring the moon with his hands,
does anyone knows its' circumference?
"If someone can measure the moon,
we are better off."

Everyone forgets
the fallen artist,
and stares at the moon.
Some shout indiscriminately.

Three engineers
create a proof,
that creates an equation,
that is widely believed
for the next 100 years, before
proven later to be false.

The artist nurses his broken knee.
"Can't anyone see I'm suffering?"
Everyone stares at the moon.
On the 12th day of Christmas
My troubles gave to me........

12 unpaid bills
11 ringing cash tills
10 packets of batteries
09 invites to parties
08 year olds a screaming
07 unwanted toys redeeming
06 packets of dog biscuits
05 unwanted parking tickets
04 overdrawn credit cards
03 strange looking leotards
02 forgotten to buy turkeys
And a garage for those car keys
Special season wishes ; )
s Feb 2015
Pink ballet tights don't hide cuts.
Leotards black as smoke don't conceal all the regrets I have swallowed.
My perfect bunhead doesn't pull together all the loose ends of my mind.
I'm sorry mom that somewhere between your migraines and stress your daughter ran into the bathroom.
I'm sorry Dad that you try so hard and you always end up with ***** ups.
I was supposed to be the perfect one.
I have tried to be perfect for so long.
I gave up when I learned that society feeds us chocolate covered concrete.
I gave up when the sun went down and the moon never came up.
I gave up when the mirror started to grab my eyes and made me stare.
I gave up when I couldnt give up.
Now I'm just trying to appear perfect.
I'm faking everyone out
I'm so fun to talk to
I'm such a happy girl
Mom I will do ballet and help you clean
Daddy I will run so you can be proud
You deserve to be proud of something
I'm just sorry that it has to be fake.
I don't know how long this will go on
Just try to enjoy the show while it lasts.
martha Apr 2016
my shy, hesitant frame was first taken to obligatory ballet lessons when it was only 5 years old
the pale pink clinging leotards and scuffed leather slippers decorated with neat string bows would always outweigh the strain of my mothers scraping nails against my scalp in order to achieve the perfect ballerina bun seconds before each and every lesson in the vastly daunting and vacant room
where our innocent and wide-eyed little selves were our sole company in the face of the towering glass pane staring straight back at us
the sheen of the never-ending polished pole stretched right across the middle
and we strained to try and make ourselves grow taller than each other
to look like real dancers practising their pliés for hours upon hours
and I made my small body bear the unbearable
the strung out aching the myriad of assorted stretches lit in my weak limbs as I tried to train my fingers to kiss my tippy toes
like a desperate attempt at mimicking the distance between fingertips in The Creation of Adam
always almost within reach
but never meeting
soon enough the pink and the pretty and the pleasing image this form of dance appeared to me to be was no longer enough
and the sparkles and sequins and garish glitter costumes began to fade along with reflecting rainbow coloured stage lights and 4 years worth of overpriced Academy Lessons and Exams

I guess I gave up on touching my toes
may be adding more on to this at some point !
Elise Beaudoin Jun 2010
First, throw in heaps of leotards and tights,
Piles of pointe shoes and old band aids.
Follow that with boxes
and boxes full of shiny,
         rainbow colored dance costumes.
Then stacks of bills for the cortisone shots
that saved arthritic hips.

Boil away all traces of emotion,
     No one likes a soup salted with painful memories.

Add a pinch of the cash father sent every month
just to keep mother off his back.

Allow a glance at family pictures
where everyone is smiling before they get thrown into the ***,
Mixing with the remnants to create a strange soup.

A deck of cards next, I think, with some Kibi
     for a Middle Eastern flair.

Now turn down the heat so that lovely burning boil becomes just a simmer of anger and
Go find the crates of things better left unsaid.

Rummage through the
pull out the nightgowns Uncle loved too much
and throw those in as well,

                                                                       Just for fun.
Graff1980 Aug 2015
When I was younger
I wanted to be
An X-man
A man
Like Gandhi
Or MLK Junior
A writer
An artist
And through
All of this
A good man
So here I am
The poet activist
No leotards
I am not marching
Or flying
But I am trying
By writing
To make the world
A better place
Lizzie P Dec 2010
I twirl around,
arms and legs moving in sync.
Breathing deeply, I repeat the motion,
and when I mess up,
I laugh at myself.

My head whips around and my eyes search
for the spot of which I focus.
Once more I spin,
and finally,
I come to a stop.

Reality washes over me,
I'm not in a dance studio,
rather, I'm in my room.
"That was then," I mutter,
"this is now. No more."

But I still reminisce,
recall those happy memories.
I continue to forget the steps,
and how to do them.

When I'm alone,
and my mind wanders,
I sometimes think about those days.
From the sound of the music,
and my aching muscles,,
to the jokes or complaints,
and the instructions from the teacher.

And sometimes I search.
I look through my mind for all that I learned,
and I look through the house for them,
My leotards, tights, ballet shoes.

When I can't find them,
it makes my heart ache.
I miss the days of dance,
Ballet, tap, and jazz classes.
I remember my friends,
those I haven't seen since.
I recall the rush of the stage,
and wondering if I'd change fast enough.

You know that saying?
The one about dancers?

Allow me to tell you,
its the truth.
Once a dancer,
ALWAYS a dancer...

At least until you forget...
Copyright 2010 - 2011 by Lizzie P.

Written 12/23/2010
Revised 1/22/2011
Salmabanu Hatim Nov 2019
I woke up early in the morning,
I bent,
I twisted,
I gyrated,
I jumped up and down,
After half an hour I was sweating,
At last I had my leotards on,
That was enough of aerobics for me.
RM Robiur Dec 2015
Love is seldom getting mad
Love is giving all you had
Love is taking moonlit walks
Love is sharing private thoughts

Love is sweet and innocent
Love is always Heaven sent
Love is smelling sweet perfume
Love is watching a cartoon

Love is acting like two kids
Love is shutting toilet lids
Love is turning off the light
Love is vowing not to fight

True love is never ending
Love is never condescending
Love is never talking down
True love makes the world go 'round

Love is dressing up real nice
Love is never thinking twice
Love does special things for you
Love is true and made for two

Love is frilly underwear
Love is fixing up your hair
Love is losing your appetite
Love is always looking great

True love lasts to Infinity
True love lasts for Eternity
True Love never goes away
I know love is here to stay

Love is fresh-picked wild flowers
Love is April and May showers
Love is funny greeting cards
Love is purple leotards

Love is a slow dance
Love is lots of 2nd chances
Love is calling when you're late
Love is flavored Coffee Mate

Love is roller-coaster rides
Love is giant water slides
Love is bicycles built for two
Love is me & love is you

Love is walking in the rain
Holding hands, singing a refrain
Love is romping on the beach
Love is never out of reach

Love is great joy
Love is "Oh boy! "
Love is a sly grin
Love ain't no sin

Love is a silly song
Nope—love is never wrong
Love is never long enough
Love is sharing your best stuff

Love is a great big surprise
Love is watching the sun rise
Love is wishing upon a star
Love is riding in the car

Love is playing tricks on you
Love is hoping you don't sue
Love is never growing old
Love is color; love is bold

Love is trying to please you
Love is strolling through the zoo
Love is never getting bored
Love is love down to the core

Love is the apple of my eye
Love is that gentle sigh
Love is letting you go first
Love is smiling through the worst

Love is writing love duets
Love is eating crepe Suzettes
Love is singing long love songs
True love is love that lasts as long.
by Susan Sparks
Sjr1000 Nov 2019
She passed out
between the Game Makers
The Rancheria's casino
I was playing Bonus Deuces Wild
She was playing a penny a line

Hitting five of a kind on the first play in the continuum
She acknowledged my luck
Then lay her head down between the machines
as if looking for something
She could not find

Time passed
Banging along
Credits up and credits down
I asked her if she needed help
She was comatose
Remembered it far later
Her bottom gum was pink,
Where her teeth
Should have been

We laid her down
I held her head
I forgot 17 years of CPR training
I remembered it later

Her breath would stop
Then sputter back to life
Life trying to find away

Help arrived after a while
Disorganized for a while
and ill prepared
for an establishment frequented with old people and another addict
worked hard at it
got the hang of it
brought her back to life several times

It didn't matter
Emily dressed in black leotards
Balancing a drink tray
told me about her a while later
She had been alone
an anyuerism
She died.

wouldn't have mattered

But before I left that afternoon
I told Security
I didn't mean to be crass or crude

But could he please push the button
To get my ticket
I had money in that machine

He said to me
I guess we're all lucky today

I know what he means
heading out the doors
To the sun and the winds.
Mateuš Conrad Oct 2017
keep poking that fun, until i ask you to come
back with me into the back-alley for a
punch & susie;
sorry your autobiography is about as
spectacular as a mc-donald happy meal,
but you don't have to give off a whiff of
"thinking" yours was better than mine,
              take your irish, n' *** 'm home
for the p'ooh poo'h tatties...
******* i.r.a. leprechauns...
          you want a silent messiah,
i'll give you 'un... one beside the bullet
right beside your brain...
       ******* belfast ******...
      even bagbie seemed shocked...
   hibernian my *** with that sort of
***-crack of hairy welcomes...
and plus the dropping watermelons
to kick off blitz 2.0....
        oliver twist my ****** on a
portrait... when homosexuality was illegal,
and there were martyrs, and there was art...
now? you gonna bake me a cookie or what?!
******* ponces tigras of would be libido
lost among pancreatic cancers of spotty leotards...
tarzan quiffs in *****: and so much less
in pow pow tic toc efforts:
    a bit like graffiti shooting flamingos:
sure: ******* in the waiting!
  ******* rich butcher ***** akin to
george michael's, or elton john
      donald trump & kim jong-uns -
it's called a ******* sandwich...
scrub via three...
                  schrubben via drei...
yep, and the spiders from mars really did
much a lot...
                 and i did much more,
i was waiting for either gimmick,
or an advert,
  and i really wanted to make that 'vert
of toothpaste, to abolish ivory poaching
concentrating on my own nibbles...
      i also missed the badger cull -
as i never missed the ever present
          rat turned into fox in the suburbs...
but it was fun and there was art,
when something about homosexuality
was illegal...
  now that everything is legal,
everything has become so bedroom boring,
what a loss of the obstructed sensual effort...
so few less older women to cheat on...
so less (googlewhack) fabreaichi
( -
so less few older women to fool, akin to
the grand liberace...
     thanks to making gay marriage official,
the long lost gay con artists double artist
of a gay will be long gone,
   and given the "wife types" of gay antics
worthy of pillow talk,
the old ladies will pack it up with the pope...
shame, really, art was once so grand when
there was something illegal...
        but even with the legality of drug,
as both with the orientational ****** promiscuity...
a tad bit yawn...
        it used to be so invigorating to have
an indian curry, to taste the **** spice...
but now? given it's so orientated in
jurisprudence? about as exciting as a pint
of beer...
                no matter as to why current art
in the **** quarter has been reduced to
refrigerator honeysuckle pictures done by
           and by now, you can be the true
****** friend: **** sam, your boy is
a talentless hetrosexual in the making!
   but i'm sure he'll make a great plumber!
bite's back, doesn't it, *****?!
OnwardFlame Sep 2018
I was wondering if you were aching for me too?

Our paths intertwine but separate
I reach and make an excuse
Only to duck out again.

Leotards and fairy wings
That's how you see me
I wish it was just me you could choose.

But a choir sings songs against you
And what you have to bring.

I can get along with you, easy.
I don't need you--but you added something to my life
I'm surrounded by prisms of deception
But the thing is honey,

I have the most powerful and enchanting prism

Of all.
Images of births, deaths and marriages where the price of a crisis is free and according to Facebook will always be,
but will we always be we?

condensed into communities for safety, they say,
to keep outside influences far away, they say,
one day they'll introduce a key to lock our minds
and will we still be we then?

but it's not all doom
there's room for fun
today I read that it was
international leotards day
and thought my ship had come in
then I put my glasses on
and read
it was international leopards day
and the tide went out

because Tuesday is a trick
to make you think the week
is going quick,
applaud the magician.

I'm going to see the mortician
oops, I mean the
optician and get these glasses fixed.
sandra wyllie Oct 2020
crystal shards
in ripped leotards
what is worst
than unquenchable thirst

She screams
perpendicular unicorns
with unventilated horns
is she heard?
not a word

She screams
wearing a smile
all the while
with her lips
stitched -
looking pretty
hiding the *****

She screams
inside her spaghetti
larger than a storming Yeti
what is colder
than dreams growing older?

— The End —