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Mateuš Conrad Aug 2018
.                                oh, have you heard of that
the times headline?
        visas for men who force
teenagers into marriage
some Bangladeshi beauty,
aged 15...
had to marry a 30 year old...
god... i'm loving this
"enforced" celibacy...
      i get to see as many buckling
horses, broken jockey necks
and broken horse legs as
i might, and do, digest...
   but my ethnicity is":
   guess a ******* **** wrote
that piece... then
his compatriot ***** 10 english
damsels... my bad...
i'm in the wrong...
now you've tangled yourself
with a quasi Mongol,
                      a wels catfish...

i hate, hate, the english bourgeoise...
   because they "think" all slavic
migrants are builders!
the english bourgeoise... what's that
no.. stripping of the skin, exposing
the muscles... with sushi precision
of remaining intent...
     the home office turned a blind eye...
oh... are there any adherents
to the Bangladeshi culture
working in your "MI5" environment?
sure as **** there are example...

now bow over the erected excess of
a ledge, drop your undergarments -
and let's... penetrate...
    why expect ***** from the English,
given their current success
of defending homosexuality?
    see how many existential inclusiveness
you have with that,
with homosexuality as the norm...
               so why were the asylums
   the humanity revision tactic...

    over in england...
someone who's bilingual is, somehow,
magically, a: "problem" -
somehow bilingualism is a problem
(unless you have a foreign accent) -
bilingualism is, "apparently",

well.... d'uh! it's poetics,
   i am closely associated to the metaphor,
but it is only a metaphor...
beyond that?
                 let's see...
  how you'll play along to the future...
           YE, ******'... *****!
oh wait... i'm not the former
British Raj...
                        seems the second world
war didn't start, when the british
decided to side with the Poles...
    and my fetish for using the german
    ****... the jews received their
back-logged payments...
the Poles didn't even receive a Marshall Plan...

look... communism worked...
   for one generation...
and communism will always work,
for one generation...
  and there is a place for socialism...
it involves a one generational lifespan...
post-war dynamics...
  and that's it!
               you need socialism
in the most extreme scenarios -
notably - post civil war...
                 notably Syria...
one generation's worth of socialism,
and then people can revert back
to capitalism,
   but socialism... is a safety economic
mechanism in the most extreme
cases of it, requiring implementation...

it's effective, in a constrained time-frame,
it's actually necessary -
given the civil war...
how is a Syrian butcher, supposed
to trust a Syrian cobbler -
when mediating trust,
   with foreign investment firms?
no... socialism is an expansive
format of mediating solipsism -
to reengage the collective -
in what becomes individualism -
from a solipsistic genesis...

   socialism can't be made critical
as a competitor system...
a fail-safe mechanism...
   in extreme scenarios -
post scriptum civil war,
  post scriptum a foreign invasion
   there is no place for capitalism
in such places...
   but it's only with worth of
exercise, within only one generation...

my grandfather is the perfect
   he and his school comrades,
cried, when Stalin died...
             it (socialism) has a place
in this world...
         in the most extreme scenario...
post scriptum an aftermath of war,
whether by foreign proxy
engagement, or by internal civil
       socialism needs to be allowed
the time frame of, only,
               but one generation...

and then capitalism can allow
            critique of marxism always
seemed to be an "antisemitic"
critique, misplaced, while also allowing
the posit of Engels -
one generation -
     and then people can ease in competition -
but there has to be a mediating
time-frame, in the most extreme case
scenarios -
   civil war, or foreign military investment
in a power-overthrow...

yet capitalism still has problems...
neutral problems to me minding them...
primarily the convenience /
inconvenience of
                      the surplus economy...    
capitalism is still learning
from the clown, as to how to juggle...

you seriously can't call one system
pristine, holy, while calling another -
which has lost the status of competitor:
unholy, heretical, lost...

   socialism has a use...
              capitalism via the Marshall
Plan hasn't exactly saved west western Europe...
the nations that inherited
the self-determination of the soviet
     and not U.S. money?
   hear of any terrorism within
               their tribal confines?

i wish the Syrians a generational
gap... of socialism...
afterwards? as much capitalism
as the Syrians can invoke...
   but not, not until
    there is a guiding socialist generational
gap, to get them,
back to the glory of the former
SassyJ Jul 2018
I though he carried the light
where words would illuminate
driving me to a euphoric ******
a man without a face or a trace
unhindered in a double live and lies
a bubble of psychotic psychic surety
his passion was an addiction
my reservations moved a notch
addicted to a body of ideology
the stances of philosophical terms
uncovering ancient possibilities
the unfelt mysteries of history
veiled in icicles of pretence and lies
as if a Marxist, a closet bourgeoise
The stoicism of present bargains
questioning Socrates and morality reasons
a fatal dose ,examining the unexamined
as colourful as his mind blew my inner glow
he was lost in sad and low dialogues
afraid to face the earthly shallow shadows
yet his spirits moved deep within mine
and it paralysed and fed on my energy
and his delusion became my seduction
but he woke my inner poetic tongue
letting it caress all his inner wounds
A shadow hiding behind Frankenstein’s
a sly monster who lied to my eyes
ghosting in with the a pen that weakens
romancing with letters of a fiery doom
a penpal whom I met within my lowest
but whose words lay in a deep unending quarry
his warmth I could never ever tell
his kiss only a draft on the dewy grass
tread Nov 2012
Somewhere along the line
it feels like I lost my poetry.

But I've always had a deep affinity of childhood curious-gaze with the light of a passing car slicing through a slumped drapery in the dead of a powerless October night
like a fumbling mouse with night-vision, glassy eyed, walk, walk, walk
run, run, run
scurry-rubber like an imperial humvee of red-carpet glamor.

Somewhere along the line
the freeze of a less-than-bourgeoise temperature never felt close to Antarctic
until the ring of a cell-phone became my national anthem
and the complacent all-eternity-and-everything-we-are-and-more reflective one-eye of a laptop became my national flag
I waived it with surrender calling to all nation states that 'I don't give a sweet ****,
entertain me.'

watching politics like sports and sports like politics I couldn't help but hear the old Native inside of me scream in suffocated final breaths so I turned up the volume to drown him out
and when I wished to return to his comforting embrace, I found he had drown to death
so all I could do was stand over his wading body in the river of my mind and lax my shoulders in defeat.

I rang the midnight church bell of 'send new message' to tell the world that didn't care
the shaman is dead.

all they said was
'finally, the shaman is dead.'
I nodded, laughed, locked the bathroom door
and cried until the river ran dry
the shamans body so far down creek I could pretend to forget he had ever existed

the ache inside became a masked anonymity with the glare of Dorian Gray
I shrugged and said, 'I could never make time anyways'
and fell right back into my sleepy routine with another cup of coffee.
written mid-October, 2012
Big Virge Nov 2014
As the BNP has seemingly, been swept aside
by the rise of the EDL & now UKIP, in England

This piece, that I wrote, some years ago,
still holds weight, as the immigrant debate
is now, still being used for political games ...

Same bullchit,
just some different names and faces
and .... NOT JUST IN ... The UK ... !!!

LISTEN ... LiISTEN ... !!!
" Middle Class " ... England ... !!!

Come On Now ... !!!

It's NOT ... immigrants ...
Bringing England ... down ... !!!

It's ...
Your Own ... Government ...
That's Causing ... FROWNS ... !!!

Charles Clarke's ... A Clown ... !!!

He's been ... found out ...

His Home Office Crew ...
Haven't Got ... " A Clue " ... ?!?
where ... Immigrants are ...
from ... " Foreign Grounds " ...
who now ... walk around ...
Right ... next to you ...

So ... Of Course ...
The ... " Working Class " ...
are in an ... " Angry Mood " ... !!!

and now ... are singing
the same ol' tune ...

"Get the immigrants out !
They're stealing our jobs !
and are nothing more,
than slobs who rob !"

Well ... for some ...
That's ... TRUE ... !!!

There is ... NO DOUBT ... !!!

but let's ... talk about ...
Those ... " Wearing Gowns " ...
and those who ... RUN ...
Your ... English Towns ...
whilst ... Robbing People ...
of their ... " Pounds " ... !!! ...

and  ... What about those ... ?
who ... Sit and Smile ...
whilst employing some to teach ...
who they knew were ...." Paedophiles " .... !!!!!

"But, its' the immigrants
who are ****** worthless !"

"Well, I suggest,
you watch ministers, more !
and immigrants less !
Unless of course, they're Americans
like Condoleeza and George !"

Then ....
Instead of fighting wars
on ... foreign shores ...

Helping George to ... " Hoard " ...
for his ... " Monetary Frauds " ...
So His Friends ... can hold ... MORE ... !!!

The Home Office could ... ENSURE ...
that immigrants who are ... KNOWN ...
to break ... SERIOUS LAWS ... !!! ...
are shown ... The Door ...
that's marked ... DEPORT ... !!!!!

The Labour Party ... CLEARLY ...
has got some ... flaws ... !!! ...
from ... Inept MP's ...
in the ... " Commons " ...
to the ..... " Lords " .....

SHOULDN'T BE ... ignored ... !!!!!

Like those who say ...

"Crime figures are down !"

with proof that's ... SHODDY ... !!!
and a body like ..... NODDY ...... !!!
and a pair of ... " BIG EARS " ... !!!

Yes i'm back to that ... " Clown " ... !!!
who in effect ... has said ...

He will ...

" Stop terrorism
on our hallowed ground !!! "

Please excuse ...
My ... " Skepticism " ... !!!

But ...
when letting immigrants ...
with ... " SERIOUS CONVICTIONS " ...
walk away from ... " Extradition " ...
and .... " Prison Supervision " .... ?!? ...

Mr. Clarke would seem to be ...
a man of ... CONTRADICTIONS ... !!!

So ...
........... LISTEN ...........

It's really ...
NOT ... My Mission ... !!!
to make you sign petitions ...

But ...
CERTAIN ... " Resignations " ...
would help the population ...
REJECT ... their thoughts of ... HATRED ... !!!!!

So ... " Come On Now !!! " ...
The Government is ... " FOUL " ... !!!!!
and should ... " Throw In " ...
The ... " Proverbial Towel " ... !!! ...

and take up ... New Positions ...
WELL AWAY ......... from public vision .... !!!!!!!!!

because ....
Their Brand of ... government ...
Feeds ... " New Age Separatism " ... !!!!!

which ... CLEARLY NOW ...
is causing rise to ...

... FUNDAMENTALISM ... !!!!!

from those who court ... " Religion " ...
to those who preach ... " Division " ...
and ... Teachings of ... RACISM ... !!!!!!!

From groups just like ...
The ... " BNP " ...

Nick Griffins' Plea ...
is ... VOTE FOR ME ... !!!

" I may just do !!!!!! "

Like those who choose
to ... Walk in Shoes ...

NEW and IMPROVED ... !!!

They now ... Don't Use ...

But still are ... CLEARLY ...
Quite ... " CONFUSED " ... ?!?!?

Until it come to ...
Using ... " TOOLS " ... !!!!!

"You know the drill boys !
We've got new toys,
the first **** in view
you know what to do !"

How many of them ?
Now join ... Police Crews ... !?!

to use ...
Their ... NEW SUIT ...

To ... Institute Abuse ... !?!
I guess you ... " Bourgeoise Crews " ...
are now thinking ... " Oooooohhh " ... !?!

Well ....
NOT ... as much ...
as those ... " Immigrant Youth " ...
who've seen policemen ... Act Uncouth ... !!!!!

Vote ... BNP ... !!!!! ...
If you really want to ...
for all the good ...
This will do you ... !!!

The Rich ... will still ...
"Look Down" ... on the poor ... !!!

from the ... " Top of the Hill " ...
whilst storing ... pounds ...
and ... " Dollar Bills " ..

You're ...
" Foolish If " ...
You think ... They Won't ... !!!

whether immigrants ... STAY ...
or ... immigrants .... GO .... !!!!!!!

IT'S NOT ... just blacks ...
who'll face ... Attacks ... !!!

They're ... " Pretty Radical " ...
and that's a .... FACT .... !!! .....

I wonder sometimes ... ??? ...
Are they ... " Government Backed " ... ?!?

because ... if they are ... ???
Will they ... KICK US OUT ... !?!
with a ... " Bag of Cash " ...

because ... Right Now ...
That wouldn't be ... so bad ... !!!

So vote ... BNP ... !!!
That's Now ... MY PLEA ... !!!!!!

They may ... FINALLY ...
Set Immigrants ... FREE ... !!!!!

FREE from ... LIES ...
in ... This Country ...
from those ... You ... VOTE FOR ...
YES .... " MP's " .... !!!!! ....

Men like ... " Clarke " ...
" Prescott " ... and ... " Kennedy " ...

How about those three ... !?!

and ... Confessed ... " Alchy " ... !!!!!

I'll let you ... " Decide " ...
who applies to ... each ...

I'll say it again ... !!!
In Fact ... I'll ... REPEAT ... !!!

My ... " New Found Line " ...
Just ... ONE MORE TIME ...

VOTE BNP ... !!!!!!

As I said ... before ...
I may now do ... !!!!!!!!!

and that's the ... TRUTH ... !!!
cos' i've ... Never liked red ...
and am Black ... NOT Blue ... !!!!!

But ...
What about you ... ?


It'll make things ... WORSE ... !!!!!

The only ones who'll ... WIN ...
will be those whose work ...
is ... " Driving A Hearse " ...

I suggest you ... Take That ... " IN " ...
and REMEMBER ... those words ... !!!!!!!!

If it comes to that ...
Whites ... " Joining Klans " ...
who make ... Racist Attacks ...
with tools like an ... AXE ... !!!!!

I suggest you think back ...
to ... " Notting Hill Frictions " ...
Toxteth ... and ... Brixton ...

Remember when the ... RIOTS ...
were the news on ... Television ...

It wasn't ... Much Fun ... !!!

Well ... Nowadays ...
Some ... " Carry Guns " ...

I'd prefer ... NOT TO SEE ...
Riot Violence ... on streets ...

Some of you ... SURELY ...
Agree ..... with me ..... !!!!!

I'd rather find ... SOLUTIONS ... !!!
That ... DECIMATE ... " iLLusiOns " ... !!!!!

because it .....
Wouldn't be ... " Wise " ...
to ... incREASE FIGHTS ... !!!
and face a ... REVOLUTION ... !!!!

We Need to build ...
" More Unions " ... !!!

That Help ...
" Depose " ... " Collusions " ... !!! ...
Employed to spread ... " Confusion " ... ?!?!?

This piece of prose ...
may make some ... FROWN ... !?!

But ...
NOT ... as much ...
As ... Government Clowns ... !!!

Who ... choose to leave ...
The Masses to ... THIEVES ... !!!
and .... POVERTY .... !!!

and a ... Health Service ...
Now on .... It's KNEES .... !!!

When you look around now
Don't you .... Agree .... ??? ...

If your answer is ... NO ... ?

You must ...
LIKE TO BE ... Clowned ... ?!?

which leaves me thinking ...

" COME ON NOW ... !!!!! "
As the BNP has seemingly, been swept aside
by the rise of the EDL & now UKIP, in England

This piece, that I wrote, some years ago,
still holds weight, as the immigrant debate
is now, still being used for political games ...

Same bullchit,
just some different names and faces
and .... NOT JUST IN ... The UK ... !!!
Jon Shierling Jul 2013
It caught me off guard, this sudden feeling of loss, this sense that something beautiful was gone forever. I didn't know what to do with it, this overwhelming idea that now, out of neglect or shame or starvation, a work of art had withered away into nothing.
I suppose that I'm beginning to understand that the world isn't a narrative, it's not a story by an author with a plot and a hero.
This is the essential fallacy taught to children with a streak of the hopeless romantic in them:
the desperate belief that somewhere out there is a place for people who live their lives waiting for King Arthur instead of Jesus.

And even now, with every word comes the terrifying truth that my babbling is going to change absolutely nothing, not a single atom is going to **** an electron on the completion.
I won't feel better, the situation won't change, you the reader aren't going to say EUREKA!!!! at the end of it, so what's the point?

Expression, that is the point of it, and to be be completely blunt about it all, I hope some one I love and admire will read this and say the typical things that are said when people are honest on public forums. Do I have a point? No, not really.
So what do I do with this loss, this empty fireplace in my soul?

I drink and smoke and **** it away, stay so busy that I don't have time to consider it, this knowledge that the fire has gone out. How typical of me, how unoriginal and bourgeoise to write another ode to the trials of the individual.
Who am I to feel loss and pain when my stomach is full and my needs are met?
Aren't I another servant of economic output?
Should I not donate time and money to a cause more worthy of respect than a withering example of excessive individualism such as myself?

No, and what's more, ******* society, ******* for taking away the only haven I ever had: my head. ******* for marketing my imagination,
for inventing a bunch of ******* about responsibility for the greater good,
for poisoning the little freedom I do have with feelings of uselessness.

And most especially ******* for your greatest crime of all;
implanting this feeling of guilt whenever I do anything with my own well-being in mind.
You have created a system that perpetuates itself on shame and output,
you have killed the desire to create for it's own sake.

*******, and I'm going to unplug from you if it's the last ****** thing I ever do.
David Barr Dec 2013
Independence and autonomy are subjugated by the transnational bourgeoise; and a colorful Mediterranean cuisine is not dissimilar to the Machiavellian arrays of contemporary propaganda.
Therein lurks a traumatic bonding from the origins of Stockholm, which is characterised by a cryptogram of questionable empathy.
It truly is a lucrative business, oh hamster on the wheel of dissociative conformity. Have a consultation appointment with Salvatore Lucania of La Cosa Nostra.
We are boiling in a fascinating and central superintendence. Therefore, my weary and ego-dystonic figment of contemporary virtual relationship: Do not express allegiance to your captor.
Pearson Bolt Jan 2017
in school they told me to keep politics and cursing
out of my poetry. from elementary education
to post-graduate work at the university,
no one really cared to teach me how to write.
certainly not the pretentious prats
who'd somehow forgotten
our words are swords
in the flesh of the State.

they told us flowery metaphors
were welcome, but critiques of the systems
that would eradicate flowers from planet earth
were choked by the weeds
of existential philosophies,
too much
for the average reader
to comprehend.

i was taught to keep polysyllabic words like "neoliberalism,"
and "corporatocracy"
out of rhythmic verse
because the bourgeoise
want to read something ****.

witness the revolt of the proletariat.
i'm embracing a literacy
anointed in Angela y Davis's legacy,
"i am changing the things i cannot accept."
i'll fight like hell and bleed
the imagery from every stanza
if that's what it takes to show
that all art is always already resistance.

to be an anarchist
in the twenty-first century
is to refute practically every vestige
of contemporary society.
to embrace paradoxes and be skeptical,
practicing critique, an endeavor
Foucault termed "reflective indocility."
liberty and equity in equal measures,
an individual amidst a community.
hopeless, but still fighting.

the answer to the ills afflicting us
are available if we avail ourselves
immediately, parting ways
like divorcees,
finally severing all ties
with this American sham
of false democracy.

the answer is neither on the left
nor the right. we've peeked behind the scenes
and seen the corporate-state is held
on a short leash by the oligarchy,
bound and gagged, nothing but a plaything
satisfying the master-slave binary.

if we're to triumph over the bigotry
rising like seas bloodied by refugees
fleeing the endless wars the U.S. has instigated,
we'll have to get creative again.
dare to dream utopically, living
as if we're already free,
seeking liberty, equality, and solidarity.

so consider this a manifesto of sorts:
until i go to greet death as an old friend,
happily released from daily suffering,
i'll sit at my typewriter and bleed
for the least of these,
then climb to my feet and fight
to take back the ******* streets.
Grace Pickard Mar 2014
Tonight I have decided
That love should be indicted
Because I am not the final "Z"
But alas I am free.

Yesterday I said good bye
I'm deserving of a wise guy
Because I am not a bourgeoise
But alas I am free.

Tomorrow I may just weep
It's hard to feel incomplete
Yes, I don't flow like the ocean sea
But alas I am free

Currently I am exultant
For this is the resultant
I am a bel esprit
(But) Alas I am free
First  written kyrielle by me!
March 29, 2014
Printed in my poetry collection
Mateuš Conrad Nov 2015
that litre of whiskey last night, downed in one session
seriously did the trick.*

the unacknowledged legislators that we are,
sure enough, we are,
taking quills from angelic wings and hoping
for pigeon **** on us in trafalgar sq. reverse
logic of a black cat crossing the street and the no. 13.
our lineage dating back to the caucus is worried,
will we survive, earn the credential of middle-age
and middle-class?!
i don't know, art and work are akin,
although the former stressors are said as:
i'm working... i'm working! but i'm not getting paid!
in the latter scenario... well i think i'm working...
but i'm just looking busy... and i'm getting dough
for that... smiling a fanciful card trick of the
sociable with a stranger passing along the way
of my muffin / coffee stand, pop-up in a busy linchpin
of economy known as the shop gallery -
now imagine putting a pound coin in the shopping gallery
and a pound coin in an art gallery... obviously
there's a 99 pence store you could buy something
and get enough frank sinatra losing the change
outside... but in an art gallery? a pound coin on the mahogany?
you were asked to donate your own trusted allowance
at the door... donate the quid and admire the canvases,
don't be one of those 191% increase of theatre ticket sales lot
taking a questionnaire then booking tickets to
define old school bourgeoise as exclusively theatrical,
this is the west end - everyone's pompous...
or as aristotle said: tourism begins with awe...
all these tourists are perfect actors of philosopher...
mouths open walking with flashlight frenzies
they almost look like philosophers... awe-struck...
mouths open... a pigeon could just about do a blitz
drop into their mouths;
yet something worries me... for such a courteous
nation as the british claim to fame are...
why seriously throw all the cursors and vectors of curtsy
onto placards on the street for reminder... like this one t.f.l.
advert asking the english "gentleman"
to excuse his knackered limbs
of farting into an office seat for 8 hours for an old lady
on the tube? why... big brother said it had to be advertised,
this english curtsey of the gentlemen with
sexism clarified with tampons and public space urinals -
but as all white big bangs go... i guess it's an
evolutionary fear... we'll never beat the insects...
we can beat the dodos the lions the mammoths...
we can't beat the insects... we already know
there's a worm for every **** ******* eyesight scented
talking hole once we die and aren't cremated;
we're in the atomic playground, atomised i hardly
think is an adequate congestion of comparisons...
then if not atomic then humanoid,
or just black-void to stress known origins...
while mama caucus sells chickens...
originally there was only one bull solomon for the
perfect breed... reverse of man the cows said:
you send men to war like bulls to slaughter
keeping the king and the queen oriental to
poke and point at the next living man dead...
we're the lactose ganges, people dye burnt human
remains in the twirl and sidewinder of nature that
defines us... but let children chuckle and suckle at
our *******... but most of the beef you see sold
comes from those akin to bulls...
you keep one and adorn him with india's tear
that's sri lanka... and churn the rest to war...
while the she of each she that is left for milking,
is then discarded among the bull corpses.
Big Virge Jul 2015
Axe Murderers ... " GUILTY As Charged " ... !!!!!    
They'll Now Spend Time STUCK Behind Bars .... !!!!!  
But Let Me Pull Some ... OTHER Cards ...    
From The Pack Where GUILT Is Stacked ... !!!!!    
England .... As A RACIST Place ... ???    
GUILTY YES ... Even Today ... !!!!!!!    
NOW It's WELL .... "hidden away" ...    
Can ... ANY of You Now TRULY Say .....    
You Don't Hold FEAR of My Black Face .... !!!?!!!    
Racists Now Have Found NEW Ways ... !!!    
And CLEARLY Still Have Got NO SHAME ... !!!!!    
But Some Black People Are Just The Same ... ?!?    
As Caucasians ... And Some Asians ...    
If You Have A ... Skin Tone DARK ... ?    
You're Deemed To Be A ... " Lower Class " ... !!!?!!!    
Asians KNOW How ... That One Goes ... !!!    
So PLEASE Don't Even Try To Start ... !!!!!!!!!!!!    

A Marriage System Based On .... " CASTE " .... ?!!!?    
This Proves They Are GUILTY As Charged ... !!!!!  
Blacks Who Sell ******* And CRACK ...    
Don't EVEN TRY ... Some Do Supply ... !!!!    
Drug Wars Now PROVE That This Is FACT ... !!!!!    
Our Lives Are HARD As Is .... MY STANCE ....    
.... " GUILTY AS CHARGED " .... !!!!!  
Leaders Who ... BELIEVE They're GODS ...    
I'll Say No Names ... " GUILTY AS CHARGED " ... !!!!!!  
People Wasting Cash On ... PETS ...    
While Others Have ... Financial STRESS ... !!?!!    
Can You Guess What's Coming Next ... ?!?    
.... NO YOU CAN'T .... !!!!!  
Because NEXT DOESN'T Rhyme With ...    
Words Like ...  " CHARGED " ... !!!!    
But Words From That Penultimate Verse ...    
Prove That Peoples' Words Are ... " feeble " ... !!!    
They Place Their Pets HIGH UP Like STEEPLES ... ?!?  
But Don't Give A **** ... About POOR People ... !!!!!    
So Many Crimes Within Mankind ...    
Shown Through These ... EXQUISITE Rhymes ... !!!!    
Help Me Feel Fine In ... Crime FILLED Times ...    
Time Is Something ... With NO CHARGE ...    
it Just Ticks On .................................................................­.......    
While We DO WRONGS .... !!!!!    
Trust Me Folks I've Had My FILL ... !!!    
So Choose To Use Notepad And Will ...    
To CHARGE My Pen And EXPOSE GUILT ... !!!!!    
Like Telling TRUTHS About OLD BILL ... !!!    
Or YES ... " The Cops " ... !!!!!    
Lies They Tell NEED TO Be STOPPED ... !!!!    
BEFORE More People End Up SHOT ... !!!!!!!    
Well Now We've Seen Their ... "Cover-Up PLOTS" ... !!!!!    
From Bottom To Top ...    
Judgement Passed ... GUILTY As CHARGED ... !!!!!  
Denial of TRUTH While Those They USE ...    
Can FREELY Shoot WITHOUT The Need of Concrete Proof ... !!?!?!?!!    
Now If Your Son Was Shot And KILLED ... ?    
By Undercover ... Met Old Bill ... !!!!!    
SURELY YOU ...    
Would Hit THE ROOF ... ?!!!!?    
Well I Would Do And Would Want TRUTH ... !!!!!!    
NOT DUD CARDS From ... End To Start ... !!!    
When LIES They've Fed Are ... RIPPED APART ... !!!!!!!    
I'd Want To HEAR ... " GUILTY AS CHARGED " ... !!!!!!  
****** ... Is What They HAVE DONE ... !!!!!    
KILLING One THEY CLAIMED Had Run ... ?!?    

Well Now We KNOW ...
They SHOT That Man Upon The Train ...
Were These Men taking ******* ... !?!?!

Let Me Say These Words AGAIN ... !!!

They MURDERED Him ... !!!
By Putting Bullets In His Brain ...
And Left His Mother Feeling PAIN ... !!!!!
We Now Face A ... " POLICE STATE " ... !!!    
Shouldn't They Face A Magistrate ... ???    
Who Should IMPART ...    
Words Like THESE ... GUILTY AS CHARGED .... !!!!!!!  
Let Me Move On ...    
To Those Who've Run This Scene TOO LONG ... !!!    
By This I Mean These ... " Poetry Cliques " ...    
They Act Just Like The ... " Met Police " ... !!!!!    
PICKING Those ... They Can CONTROL ... !!!!!    
Those Who WON'T Step Out of Line ...    
And EXPOSE How They Rule The Town ...    
By Usage of .... " Poetic Clowns " .... !!!!!    
WEAK PEOPLE ... Who Can't Be Found ... !!!!    
When Their Moves Make People FROWN ... !!!!    
Noses ... " BROWN " ... !!!!!!    
To Earn Themselves ...    
Those ... " ***** POUNDS " .... !!!!!    
Their Movements Are A FALLACY ...    
Poetry ... Or Spoken Words    
Crews They Use Write ... " Trivial Verse " ...    
MOST of You May Not Concur ... ?    
That's Cool With Me ... !!!    
Cos' When You Hear My Poetry .....    
You'll .....  
FORGET THEM Just Wait And SEE ... !!!!!    
Their ... ABSTRACT Art ...    
Should of STAYED Inside Their **** ... !!!!!    
Bourgeoise FOOLS Who Have NO CLASS ... !!!!!    
That's Why They're In This Poem .... LAST .... !!!!!!!!    
Those Whose Life And Words Are FARCE ... !!!!!!!    
And Thrive Off Keeping US .......................... APART ..........    
ONE DAY ... WIL BE ...    
Guilt ... does INDEED ... run deep .... !!!
Mateuš Conrad Nov 2015
****... all the children get a chance at the sandpit... only the dog collared ones attempting wrestling matches of biceps tonguing rhetoric touring waggle get the pulpit... kinda **** if you ask me: said sir sacrifice-a-lot when sir lancelot married; but all the **** happened after the ukrainian *****... it was the russian bourgeoise one... you forget you dim-witted bolshevik... the russian one... the russian one! not the ukrainian one! ah crap... too late, the crimson lunar eclipse from edinburgh to st. petersburg gave me mythological charisma; endeavour of the readers who can’t remember my tourism earning the year 2007 as distinct: i can earn an awareness of lying about the jealousy i have for the century of being a musketeer defending louis vix; ja athos! ein athos! i’m athos.... wrinkly & masturbated ******* toss! hey **, hey **... we dig dig dig dig dig, it's what we like to do... coal mine.... coal mine... coal mine... with a millionth diamond... we dig dig dig dig dig... hej **... do lasu by sie szło... high **! high **! unto abreit macht frei we go.
David Johnson Nov 2011
I've shouldered heartache, shouldered pain
And I have taken all the blame
For through my weakness of volition,
I've relinquished all ambition
To be more than just a vacant gazer,
Like one who claims their soul is braver,
Yet capitulates before the saber.

And man excels in lies and treason,
Extinguishes the age of reason
For if all men are free to think,
Then surely the Leviathan must sink
And with it take down all degrees of
malfeasance is stormy seas,
And from the ashes birth and rise,
a phoenix silhouettes the skies
Who pirouettes and sparks with glee,
Arching towards the bourgeoise

And whenceforth now but down below
This sinking pit you surely know
Cannot be held, cannot be kept
Our Natures toil their final breath
And with the fall of all from grace,
The wolves oh long ago they raced
For all there is a time to rise
Our ignorance lay in our eyes
Through history I again recite,
That dawn doth fade before the night
Jonathan Surname Aug 2018
In the most quiet voice possible while still being heard
Whisper to yourself a secret out loud, and with a smile.
Please, let it be your own, and not one you've kept for another.
Don't break a promise on my account.

Now, breathe. As if you weren't before-- good, like that.
Do you hear that now? Has the loudness returned to sound?
What was the secret? Not specifics, give me broad themes.
Did it involve a regret, something to have been done and not said?

Your secrets are mine, too. We share them now.
For what paupers we are we are rich in schemes.
Pathological lovers, and our smiles wider than opened meadows.
They might flood this town one day, turn it into a lake.

Did you forget to say, 'I love you'
You shake your head, your mouth quirks.
Eccentric lips kissed to heed a platitude.
Are you breaking up with me?

Why does hope feel restless and final,
does that feeling make sense the way I described?
Is it the contemporary nervousness known as anxiety?
Do you know a healthy person? Are they nice people?

Are you still with me? Willing to listen and reply,
Follow through on my few dictations with glee.
Now that I have your attention it's the last thing I want.
Everything I desire is meant to be unprompted.

If that's true then why did I leave my own surprise birthday?
Oh. Because it's an annual occurrence. There's nothing spontaneous in an anniversary.
Is spontaneity the key to my happiness, or is impulse? How related are the two words?
It's legal to marry your first cousin where I'm from, but we don't talk about that.

Sorry, I'm back. To the whispered secrets again, yes.
But, alright, hold on, I think I have something here for myself.
Is spontaneity the key to my happiness, or is impulse?
Do we lose choice if we're influenced, or ill? Only if you're cited a 5150.

Lost the thread, and mine, too. I'm sorry, this was meant to be for you.

Forgot what I was saying, can you repeat the last thing back to me?
No, before this and that, before I went quiet.
Right. Yeah. I remember now. I'm tired, get the **** out.
But don't leave me, please.


Morning, darling. Did you sleep well? Were your dreams strange?
Sorry to cut you off, I'd like nothing more than to listen, but I also have images,
the likes from which I cannot wake. Didn't Joyce make a similar remark,
No, his was about history. Am I a plagiarist for having ever read?

Neanderthalic poets were the best, I don't care for their new verses as much.

Brush the slept hair from your face because I saw it in a movie once.
Am I cliche for repetition? Pretentious for lowering myself in the lake
to see the creatures nipping at my toes? I didn't see anything down there.
It's too dark.

"Got a light?"
Scoffing a denial like I'm a better man. It's 2017, who even smokes anymore?
My thoughts are the myriad of flaws in my personality. Each one a used **** ******.
Adrenalinic joy pulsed into a tight fit devoid of any semblance of human contact.
That's my way of saying I hate myself, and the thoughts I think.
"Be happy. Smile more. Travel the world."
So I can be depressed in Egypt with more wrinkles in the old age I didn't want to reach?
This actress has phenomenal range. Who is she again? No, the brunette.

Who gives a **** about a blonde anymore?
I'd like to see her deliver some of my written lines, if you catch my drift.
No, I actually want her to play this character I've been writing.
Is my libido tarnished, or am I still recovering from an assault that only exists in my mind?

Stop talking, you're drowning out my favorite part.
Sorry, nevermind, we lost the station. Look, the state line.
White noise and static. I don't know the radio outside of town.
Why aren't we listening from our phones? I needed the nostalgia to feel bad about my choices.

Yes, it worked. It always does. Kissing cousins get found out,
and I wear my impulses as a tattoo sleeve. That is as scarred wounds on my forearms.
And thighs.
And once my neck, but it healed clean as an only slightly lighter shade of skin.
It took two weeks to heal. The grief from having to continually hide it kept me feeling fine.
Maybe I need to lie, more.
This isn't a picnic for me either. Implying picnics are worthwhile events and not cornerstones of an America that was painted into existence by Norman Rockwell.
The irony of hobos using the same red and white sheets to bundle their lives
as the ones used to create a slice of Americana cheaper than the cardboard cutout
apple pies at your local grocer. Is that even ironic?

**** the bourgeoise. Said a white teen.
Where dead end roads are called cul-de-sacs.
No, I won't judge this family further for your smug confirmation bias.
They are good people and you don't deserve them.
Who cares if dad is an accountant, or that mom is a criminal defense lawyer?
That daughter is addicted to the dopamine of comments and likes.
That son is a *** addict in training, and his next week's girlfriend will regret her nights spent.
Which one is worse? Let's dissect their lives.

They didn't choose their station. Or when it'd all turn to static and scratches.
"Change the station. Turn the dial."
To what? It's all white noise and radio signals, and it's being cut down through the air.
The density of space is frightening.
Did you know neutrinos don't interact with matter in the ways that a photon does?

Oh yeah, tell me about your dreams. I think I've calmed myself enough to nod my head,
with a crooked smile that barely shows my teeth. This is my listening expression.
It worked on our first date when I pretended to be interested in your major and we ****** after
bad garlic bread and cheaper wine. You weren't easy, neither was I.
But we had a fever together and needed to sweat out our impurities.

You told me to take the ****** off. Didn't even know I put one on.
What a minx you were, -- oh, right, your dream. So, what happened when you opened the door?
Oh. You woke up? But, wait, what was behind the door? Where did it lead? Was it locked?
Who directed you to the door, the concierge from that hotel we stayed at during our trip to--
Where was that again? Didn't that guy have a mustache, though? You said the one in your dream--
Yeah, right, of course, I'm sorry.

She brushes her hair before bed. Puts on this mask that smells of avocado.
Tastes nothing like it. Yes, I tried it. Twice. I've huffed kerosene with better flavour.
Oh, it's very bold, has legs. It'll swirl in your nasal cavity for days after you breathe it in,
if you breathe in deep enough. What's the point of getting a shallow high?
Now I think I'm getting somewhere, I desire depth.

Sorry, what were you saying?
Oh. You are leaving me? But the cheap Italian dinners we had.
I think you're overreacting, that doesn't sound right.
Okay, yeah, but. No, I mean-- well, no, there's-- No, but.
I'm fine. I'm sorry.

Where did it go wrong? I should have known when she wanted me raw.
Nobody sane wants that from me. Maybe it was when I told her I hated her mother.
She hates that ***** too, the **** am I thinking? Clearly it was when I forgot
the tea she bought from the yearly festival in the hay maze.
We sought to get lost.

Maybe it wasn't a one thing, but the overall of these events.
Occurrences accumulate, and memories carry over into the next day.
Like when she woke first after our supposed one night stand,
and instead of quietly creeping from my bed, which I woke to expect
the lukewarmness of knowing there were two, instead she laid there and watched me sleep.
That bothered me to no end, because in my dreams I have no say in how I look.
What if my brows were comically arched, or expressed an emotion I wasn't feeling.
What if she saw the twitch I took a year during middle school to correct after I was teased.
I failed, a decade of quiet self-ridicule for a muscle that took it upon itself to act without thought--
"Did you know your cheek sometimes droops down as if you've suffered a stroke?"
No, I didn't know that, I've only lived with my face as long as I've known you so I appreciate your observations.
Still, I smiled, and pulled her closer without the thought of gravity.
Now she was letting me go.

We need to unify and get to the root of the problem.
There are four main forces in nature;
electromagnetic, strong nuclear, weak nuclear, and gravitational.
The crux is the unity of conventional with quantum. We don't understand gravity
as it works in a world that relies on thought experiments and metaphor to be
perceived by the general public.
**** the Copenhagen interpretation.

So, she woke up and watched me sleep. She stayed with me in bed and we did nothing but
cure ourselves of sicknesses we had yet to ever diagnose. She asked me where I got my scars.
With the gleam of a subtle sadist she traced them with her fingertips, then her lips.
What a peculiar woman. Why did she ever agree to marry me?
Wait-- no, why is she leaving me is what I should be asking.
Is it the baldness? Doubtful, she's who told me to shave it off in college when it went premature.
She found other places to dig her fingers into me. She was resourceful.
Why is this in the past tense, she's left me, not died.

Why am I feeling surprise when I've anticipated her dislike for me since we shared a Cabernet
I mispronounced when ordering. Why do I only reflect on the one dinner when we had hundreds?
We still have that old bottle. I bought the whole **** thing at the time not knowing you could
purchase by the glass. Looking back I wonder if she took that as a sign, that I wanted her drunk
to ****. Or did she sense my mistake and instead embolden me with the scaffolding needed to
keep up the facade of my crumbling masculinity?

As we got older together we poured more expensive wines into that bottle. It was a whole ordeal.
Every single time, from one bottle to another poured down a slide, which at first we made from stock paper, but then she saw a funnel in the store. We called it our little slide of heaven,
and down came manna.
Even during dinners where we had friends over, their pretensions worse than mine,
we'd simulate an uncorking of a better wine with an app on our phones.
You can download a lot of different sounds.
Our old Cabernet was a twist off.
And we'd see the eyerolls, and pour them a finger less than the rest. Romance deserves alcohol.
And the romantic need it most.

We wrote our own vows. For our marriage, that is, and we renewed them every two years.
We agreed to do that years before the idea of marriage was anything more than a thing
we told ourselves to comfort each other in the idea that the future is anything worth pursuing.
*******, how did we ever make it out of ours 20s with the thoughts we shared?
You crooned to me, once, it was this night where we had walked down to the playground a short half mile from your apartment. I mean, sure, we went there a lot, but this night was different.
Even you agreed the wind blew in a direction that felt strange. We couldn't figure out why
our scarves were billowing in our faces-- do you remember how you tore yours from your neck?
And with all the punctuation of an engagement ring being thrown at the accused you threw
the scarf I bought for you after a three week deliberation on whether the fabric blend would make you itch or if the colour I chose would clash instead of match whatever it was you wore, and it got caught in the wind without the embrace of your beautiful neck and we watched in the dim quiet
of a streetlight glow as the scarf disappeared into the rest of whatever was that way during night.

It took entire moments after we watched it go for either of us to speak. You crooned, like a kettle on a hob, or the hungry moans of a wolf scavenging the last remnants of life in the world, your regret for what you did. You apologized to me, and almost fell to your knees from passion
for your plea. Asking to be forgiven by me.
As if I cared about the money, or the colour. I only worried about your neck and decolletage.
It was cold, and a half mile is a long way to walk without a scarf when you expected to have one.

Instead of giving you mine we shared the one I wore.
Praise Solomon for the nuclear family, because to him divorce meant separation.
So we engineered a response to either of us being a have-not and we became socialists.
You didn't even have a toothbrush at my place, and the only thing we shared was an enjoyment
for ******* with people. Yet, wrapped as mummies in a romantic comedy we stumbled as nervous kids in a three-legged race back home.
Home. Where it was to us then. Your second floor, four bedroom apartment. Or my town house, whose rent was cheaper from a grad student's suicide the semester before.
I lived alone, because I'd tell gullible people stories of ghosts.
You helped me with the idea when I was afraid of having a roommate move in.
They left in tears. We laughed, and proceeded to **** on the floor where he died.
At least, I think it was a he. Is that sexist of me?

"Anybody can **** in a graveyard." I said for pillowtalk,
and that subtle sadism came back to your eyes, and it parted your lips.
But you never said a word.

How about the time.
Remember when?
Of course you do, you were the second billing in the same film as me.
But of course you've made a decision. Who am I to disagree?
Is this the part of the script where I fall to my knees?
Will it count if it's not done as earnestly as I actually feel?
Roleplay always excited me, but did you take my fetish too far by pretending to love me all this time?
I didn't want you to change.
But we grew older together. You barely aged, and I swear you got taller.
Idyllic and ideal, the small town feel of a front porch. And back yard.
Is your Eden elsewhere, Eve? Tell me and we'll leave. I swear to you we'll be okay.
That was something I told you anytime you were upset at something more serious than not.
Anytime you were actually in need, and not only wanting more attention.
It's weird how we come to sense the others in our lives. The conformity of time spent together.
Boarding schools make kids gay. I never knew you, did I?
Of course I did. If not, you're a remarkable actress. You should come to a casting session I'm holding.
In this fantasy I'm a ****** Hollywood producer with enough money to front confidence, and enough debt to break two knees. Meanwhile, in the time before I end up presumed missing and buried shallow in a desert somewhere, I go around and **** the fresh from Kansas teenage girls that get off the Greyhound around the corner from my house.
My ******* God. You're so ******* tight. Jesus ******* Christ.
Sometimes I'd use your actual name in the moment, too heated to remember my own direction.
Take two.
That's a wrap, we're finished for the day. Until dusk then, my love.

"Oh my god, hon. I was kidding." And she kissed my cheek.
"You're stuck with me, I'm afraid. Plus, the divorce laws in this state are ****.
I wouldn't get anything from you."
You smiled wide and stared at me in expectation.
"Yeah, of course, I knew that."
Why did I feel as if I had been drowned?
Why did that feeling keep me buoyant?
I'm sorry.
longform about specific memories of love

Las de ce calme plat où d'avance fanées,

Comme une eau qui s'endort, croupissent nos années ;

Las d'étouffer ma vie en un salon étroit,

Avec de jeunes fats et des femmes frivoles,

Echangeant sans profit de banales paroles ;

Las de toucher toujours mon horizon du doigt.

Pour me refaire au grand et me rélargir l'âme,

Ton livre dans ma poche, aux tours de Notre-Dame ;

Je suis allé souvent, Victor,

A huit heures, l'été, quand le soleil se couche,

Et que son disque fauve, au bord des toits qu'il touche,

Flotte comme un gros ballon d'or.

Tout chatoie et reluit ; le peintre et le poète

Trouvent là des couleurs pour charger leur palette,

Et des tableaux ardents à vous brûler les yeux ;

Ce ne sont que saphirs, cornalines, opales,

Tons à faire trouver Rubens et Titien pâles ;

Ithuriel répand son écrin dans les cieux.

Cathédrales de brume aux arches fantastiques ;

Montagnes de vapeurs, colonnades, portiques,

Par la glace de l'eau doublés,

La brise qui s'en joue et déchire leurs franges,

Imprime, en les roulant, mille formes étranges

Aux nuages échevelés.

Comme, pour son bonsoir, d'une plus riche teinte,

Le jour qui fuit revêt la cathédrale sainte,

Ébauchée à grands traits à l'horizon de feu ;

Et les jumelles tours, ces cantiques de pierre,

Semblent les deux grands bras que la ville en prière,

Avant de s'endormir, élève vers son Dieu.

Ainsi que sa patronne, à sa tête gothique,

La vieille église attache une gloire mystique

Faite avec les splendeurs du soir ;

Les roses des vitraux, en rouges étincelles,

S'écaillent brusquement, et comme des prunelles,

S'ouvrent toutes rondes pour voir.

La nef épanouie, entre ses côtes minces,

Semble un crabe géant faisant mouvoir ses pinces,

Une araignée énorme, ainsi que des réseaux,

Jetant au front des tours, au flanc noir des murailles,

En fils aériens, en délicates mailles,

Ses tulles de granit, ses dentelles d'arceaux.

Aux losanges de plomb du vitrail diaphane,

Plus frais que les jardins d'Alcine ou de Morgane,

Sous un chaud baiser de soleil,

Bizarrement peuplés de monstres héraldiques,

Éclosent tout d'un coup cent parterres magiques

Aux fleurs d'azur et de vermeil.

Légendes d'autrefois, merveilleuses histoires

Écrites dans la pierre, enfers et purgatoires,

Dévotement taillés par de naïfs ciseaux ;

Piédestaux du portail, qui pleurent leurs statues,

Par les hommes et non par le temps abattues,

Licornes, loups-garous, chimériques oiseaux,

Dogues hurlant au bout des gouttières ; tarasques,

Guivres et basilics, dragons et nains fantasques,

Chevaliers vainqueurs de géants,

Faisceaux de piliers lourds, gerbes de colonnettes,

Myriades de saints roulés en collerettes,

Autour des trois porches béants.

Lancettes, pendentifs, ogives, trèfles grêles

Où l'arabesque folle accroche ses dentelles

Et son orfèvrerie, ouvrée à grand travail ;

Pignons troués à jour, flèches déchiquetées,

Aiguilles de corbeaux et d'anges surmontées,

La cathédrale luit comme un bijou d'émail !


Mais qu'est-ce que cela ? Lorsque l'on a dans l'ombre

Suivi l'escalier svelte aux spirales sans nombre

Et qu'on revoit enfin le bleu,

Le vide par-dessus et par-dessous l'abîme,

Une crainte vous prend, un vertige sublime

A se sentir si près de Dieu !

Ainsi que sous l'oiseau qui s'y perche, une branche

Sous vos pieds qu'elle fuit, la tour frissonne et penche,

Le ciel ivre chancelle et valse autour de vous ;

L'abîme ouvre sa gueule, et l'esprit du vertige,

Vous fouettant de son aile en ricanant voltige

Et fait au front des tours trembler les garde-fous,

Les combles anguleux, avec leurs girouettes,

Découpent, en passant, d'étranges silhouettes

Au fond de votre œil ébloui,

Et dans le gouffre immense où le corbeau tournoie,

Bête apocalyptique, en se tordant aboie,

Paris éclatant, inouï !

Oh ! le cœur vous en bat, dominer de ce faîte,

Soi, chétif et petit, une ville ainsi faite ;

Pouvoir, d'un seul regard, embrasser ce grand tout,

Debout, là-haut, plus près du ciel que de la terre,

Comme l'aigle planant, voir au sein du cratère,

****, bien ****, la fumée et la lave qui bout !

De la rampe, où le vent, par les trèfles arabes,

En se jouant, redit les dernières syllabes

De l'hosanna du séraphin ;

Voir s'agiter là-bas, parmi les brumes vagues,

Cette mer de maisons dont les toits sont les vagues ;

L'entendre murmurer sans fin ;

Que c'est grand ! Que c'est beau ! Les frêles cheminées,

De leurs turbans fumeux en tout temps couronnées,

Sur le ciel de safran tracent leurs profils noirs,

Et la lumière oblique, aux arêtes hardies,

Jetant de tous côtés de riches incendies

Dans la moire du fleuve enchâsse cent miroirs.

Comme en un bal joyeux, un sein de jeune fille,

Aux lueurs des flambeaux s'illumine et scintille

Sous les bijoux et les atours ;

Aux lueurs du couchant, l'eau s'allume, et la Seine

Berce plus de joyaux, certes, que jamais reine

N'en porte à son col les grands jours.

Des aiguilles, des tours, des coupoles, des dômes

Dont les fronts ardoisés luisent comme des heaumes,

Des murs écartelés d'ombre et de clair, des toits

De toutes les couleurs, des résilles de rues,

Des palais étouffés, où, comme des verrues,

S'accrochent des étaux et des bouges étroits !

Ici, là, devant vous, derrière, à droite, à gauche,

Des maisons ! Des maisons ! Le soir vous en ébauche

Cent mille avec un trait de feu !

Sous le même horizon, Tyr, Babylone et Rome,

Prodigieux amas, chaos fait de main d'homme,

Qu'on pourrait croire fait par Dieu !


Et cependant, si beau que soit, ô Notre-Dame,

Paris ainsi vêtu de sa robe de flamme,

Il ne l'est seulement que du haut de tes tours.

Quand on est descendu tout se métamorphose,

Tout s'affaisse et s'éteint, plus rien de grandiose,

Plus rien, excepté toi, qu'on admire toujours.

Car les anges du ciel, du reflet de leurs ailes,

Dorent de tes murs noirs les ombres solennelles,

Et le Seigneur habite en toi.

Monde de poésie, en ce monde de prose,

A ta vue, on se sent battre au cœur quelque chose ;

L'on est pieux et plein de foi !

Aux caresses du soir, dont l'or te damasquine,

Quand tu brilles au fond de ta place mesquine,

Comme sous un dais pourpre un immense ostensoir ;

A regarder d'en bas ce sublime spectacle,

On croit qu'entre tes tours, par un soudain miracle,

Dans le triangle saint Dieu se va faire voir.

Comme nos monuments à tournure bourgeoise

Se font petits devant ta majesté gauloise,

Gigantesque sœur de Babel,

Près de toi, tout là-haut, nul dôme, nulle aiguille,

Les faîtes les plus fiers ne vont qu'à ta cheville,

Et, ton vieux chef heurte le ciel.

Qui pourrait préférer, dans son goût pédantesque,

Aux plis graves et droits de ta robe Dantesque,

Ces pauvres ordres grecs qui se meurent de froid,

Ces panthéons bâtards, décalqués dans l'école,

Antique friperie empruntée à Vignole,

Et, dont aucun dehors ne sait se tenir droit.

Ô vous ! Maçons du siècle, architectes athées,

Cervelles, dans un moule uniforme jetées,

Gens de la règle et du compas ;

Bâtissez des boudoirs pour des agents de change,

Et des huttes de plâtre à des hommes de fange ;

Mais des maisons pour Dieu, non pas !

Parmi les palais neufs, les portiques profanes,

Les parthénons coquets, églises courtisanes,

Avec leurs frontons grecs sur leurs piliers latins,

Les maisons sans pudeur de la ville païenne ;

On dirait, à te voir, Notre-Dame chrétienne,

Une matrone chaste au milieu de catins !
Virginie Jun 2017
J'adorais ce mot : l'imprévu.
Ma vie parisienne se rythmait à ce terme,
Une chose encore que je n'avais jamais vécu.
On ne sait pas ce que la vie renferme.

Je me levais le matin, en me demandant
comme finirais-je ma journée ?
La réponse fut logique évidemment :
On ne le sait jamais.

Le boulevard de Saint-Germains-Des-Prés
je traversais, comme tout les jours d'ailleurs.
Observer les gens, c'est ce que j'aimais
et soudain ils m'ont fendu le cœur.

La ******* de la population bourgeoise
était contre celle des délaissées
Leurs vies était tout à fait sournoise
contre celle des désemparées.

Ainsi, sur le chemin menant à l'école,
je me suis questionnée.
Pourquoi cette triste métropole
m'a t-elle ouvert les yeux sur la réalité ?
Absent Moniker Jun 2023

These are my thoughts, I guess,
A pause so I have a moment to digress...
To ingest,
and address,
that we're blessed,
but obsessed,
with the best,
without rest,
Always have the right answer because life is a test.
Surely this must be some form of jest.

A lie? Okay, tell me why.
Hmm. Okay. Listen to the Rhye.
or Rhyme?

Stillness brings a sense of interlude
Contemplate what will be left as residue
When Chaos defines what's the norm,
and Peace is overdue
Attempting to reconcile
what's old and new...
What a view.

Our actions are crude.
personality that's ****,
treated as askew,
spreading bitter news,
pretend we have the clues,
for a world that's filled with the blues?

What a truth...
And still,
we have to worry about
the pearly gates interview?
What a zoo.

Let me not assume,
Is this you?

Boards, first cause, by-laws, cars, mars, spas, bourgeoise, laws, closed doors, outlaws, applause, paws, claws, jaws, gnaws, gauze, grandma bawls, falls, withdraws, in-laws, clause, chainsaws, bedstraws, grandpa roars, draws, broken doors, floors, gauze, self-applause, laws, clause, outlaws, closed metal door, applause.
I pause.

How are you?
Giveon - Garden Kisses
Trevor Blevins Dec 2015
I will see you on the day of the levee breach.
I will see you when my sinful green dreams
       break the fourth wall.
I will see you when every instance of your
       breath envelopes me like an atmosphere
       of ecstasy and poison.
I will see you when your face still hasn't  
       aged, so perfect in your mastery, and
       you'll glance back on me, seeing clearly
       my eyes of penury.

You will see me—veiled until the flood, washing over, just us two, the prophecy completed, and the realm of death finally demolished.

When will we take the time to cry for the time we've wasted, and when will we start spending the time to correct this?

Tell me if you're built on the same lithium and helium that I am, or if I've been formulating you out of my own ignorance.

Deeper now, into my depression.

You. You have the lingering qualities of a ghost, and just as well a ghost that I haven't seen you in ages.

Perhaps there will be a seance to your memory but do you hold it in Seattle? In a Kerouac, run down, for sale bed in Denver?

Don't tell me you wouldn't like the highs of a streetlamp sonata... But still you'd tell me that the good stuff is really highway jazz, and that cool songstress who gave you the first bites of LSD in your throat.

I can't wait until this America looks like rubble, and is exposed for the **** it's standing on, collapses like the Berlin Wall, and we start letting love back in.

Such a drop in communication. Such a lackluster, government barn burner, and I can't get any telegrams anymore. I used to wish you'd write me a hundred times a day, and now I see where all that greed got me.

So sad. Scared to death in your presence! Am I eulogizing you now, or are these my parting words?

Originality—who's buying?
I wish that ***** would forge Picasso or Matisse.
Give me something better to worry about.

Thinking thoughts of honorable ******,
Terrible though—
You can't **** structure,
You can't **** rhyme,
You can't **** the governor,
You can't **** Ayn Rand,
You can't **** Jackson *******...
They're all doing fine.
Vitals stable.
Restored this morning.

Mystic within Catholic depression, holy roses wrapped about a room of adultery. All I could think of was Jack Kennedy, and the irony of how I cried at his tomb.

You disrupted my balance.

You walked like Aphrodite over my fixed set of morals, into my collection of a million words, onto my bookshelf... And had no idea.

Because I was too late.
Because I did not know.
Because the world would consider this all
       immoral, but morals are bourgeoise
       constructs anyway.
Because you have an aerosol heart.
Because you have that face of diplomatic
       change, free of charge.
Because you might be God.
Because you soul walks across Atlantic City.
Because you hold a pen like Whitman.

I'm curious.
Madame et Pauline Roland,

Charlotte, Théroigne, Lucile,

Presque Jeanne d'Arc, étoilant

Le front de la foule imbécile,

Nom des cieux, cœur divin qu'exile

Cette espèce de moins que rien

France bourgeoise au dos facile,

Louise Michel est très bien.

Elle aime le Pauvre âpre et franc

Ou timide, elle est la faucille

Dans le blé mûr pour le pain blanc

Du Pauvre, et la sainte Cécile

Et la Muse rauque et gracile

Du Pauvre et son ange gardien

À ce simple, à cet indocile.

Louise Michel est très bien.

Gouvernements de maltalent,

Mégathérium ou bacille,

Soldat brut, robin insolent,

Ou quelque compromis fragile,

Géant de boue aux pieds d'argile,

Tout cela son courroux chrétien

L'écrase d'un mépris agile.

Louise Michel est très bien.


Citoyenne ! votre évangile

On meurt pour ! c'est l'Honneur ! et bien

**** des Taxil et des Bazile,

Louise Michel est très bien.
La vindicte bourgeoise assassinait mon nom

Chinoisement, à coups d'épingle, quelle affaire !

Et la tempête allait plus âpre dans mon verre.

D'ailleurs du seul grief, Dieu bravé, pas un non,

Pas un oui, pas un mot ! L'Opinion sévère

Mais juste s'en moquait autant qu'une guenon

De noix vides. Ce bœuf bavant sur son fanon,

Le Public, mâchonnait ma gloire... encore à faire.

L'heure était tentatrice, et plusieurs d'entre ceux

Qui m'aimaient, en dépit de Prudhomme complice,

Tournèrent carrément, furent de mon supplice,

Ou se turent, la Peur les trouvant paresseux.

Mais vous, du premier jour vous fûtes simple, brave,

Fidèle : et dans un cœur bien fait cela se grave.
Mateuš Conrad Oct 2017
it happens all the time, that feeling of reading a saturday newspaper supplement; had i mentioned that i find the journalistic medium of writing, the most obnoxious? the most tiresome, the most wearisome, the most, how should i say: *******? i don't which i detest more, the politicians, or the journalists... i never seem to ever pick the "right" choice... it's the politicians with their lies, but it's also the journalists with their social-media "attention" to detail that bugs me... who are these people, who are they?

and it only comes in the shape of an article
you're never too old. or are you?
who are these cardinals, bishops and monks
of the "writing" class fooling?
      i ****** well hope there's an inquisition
   i'm just tired of a culture that only celebrates
but *one
form of torture / execution...
crosses have become so unimaginative that
they had to become necklaces...
                     but these (cliche) bourgeoise opinions
are worse than torture...
         women: bare legs, provocative dancing,
zara, bouncy hair, selfies, macron age-gap bf,
getting drunk, hats (ascot esp.),
                    sheepskin car coats,
             slogan t-shirts;
men: hassling d.j.s, messy hair,
     earphones, live gigs, the "mate",
                           flirting, visible *******...
who, are, these, people?
      i don't begin to think that a rebellion against
the bourgeoisie came from this sort
of laziness, this sort of "attention to detail",
but then again, hyacinth bucket could
annoy anyone with a stern armour of metal...
who are these people?
              i've just been watching clouds at night
with the hazel coated sheen of the moon
scuttering the intruding mountains of
quicksilver sheen cauliflower...
listening to some trafficking moral debate
while in amsterdam everyone partied...
and thinking: you know, i might have seen
my psychiatrist for free, a world renowned
(can't remember her name) -
    but i found that seeing a ******* to be
much more effective...
slave? was she a slave to me?
  frankly, more like a psychiatrist...
         after all, i'm no quasimodo in posture...
and yet the biggest idiot in our company would
get a ****, and i: supposedly the type
that got off on conversation...
   seems i was never dumb enough for a casual
****** encounter...
      pity? what pity, what self-wallowing
could i ever be up to? it's the perfectly sighted
comic affair...
               it's no conspiracy that the feminists
have become so undesirable they imported
a load of north african ****...
            that's not the case, who else would ****
'em if not the ***** replacement machines
of nigra flesh? someone has to,
                   overwise everyone goes ballistic!
i already have to ladies by my side,
ms. amber, a scotch fiery red head,
  and sophia, a dark maiden from rhodes,
with curly hair...
                      and it's not so much what they
do with my nether regions, as what they do
with my ego... that other phallus...
                    it always aims at a north korean
army march... prompt, intact,
  with nicely ironed shirts, trousers and
other aspects of the uniform...
          then again, it was never a case of limp
when drunk and with the transcendental
experience passing the madonna-***** complex
with a *******...
     always that glorified one-dimensional
experience of corpus (ad) dare corpus...
            i have no qualms, no inhibitions,
you'd be surprised at the notion of un-inhibiting
certain receptors of quickened gratification,
walking into a room with about 12 of them,
staring at you like they might just circumcise you
with their lips, and eat your liver while
selling your kidneys on the blackmarket...
  and yes, i like my latin,
but latin as the cliche reminds us: is not dead...
latin is not dead, it's simply derived from
the vulgate,
     lingua latina est vivus, in plebei, ergo
   est non mort
; and that's the usual ****-it you
apply to reviving the origins of:
               still writing in a latin alphabet!
         if latin was dead, i'd be writing in runic!
dead my ***... ever seen a baboon with
haemorrhoids try to sit still?
           had about four ****-cheeks on him,
****** decided to hang upside-down from
a tree... and no, two weeks in kenya were not great,
i don't know how those whiteys did it,
i spent most of the time in a shade,
  4 hours in an air conditioned room,
          3 hours prior to falling asleep on the balcony,
and probably drank my bodyweight of liquids...
so yes, i have a "moral" conundrum regarding
prostitution, esp. after visiting amsterdam...
**** me, beats sessions with a psychiatrist...
my mental illness? christianity,
  and how i found it hard to mantra mea culpa
+ quia propitius ero iniquitatibus eorum et
       peccatorum illorum iam non memorabo
which is a staggering combination
  of... "symptoms".
Big Virge Dec 2019
Do You Ever Wonder ?
Why So Many Men Hurt Their Human Brothers ... ?!?
Or As Time UNFURLS What's With These Girls ...    
Who Rush To Have Children They Don't Want To Mother ... !?!  
So Many Questions With Answers Uncovered ... ?!?  
Why Do People Plunder Don't YOU Ever Wonder ... ?!?  
Why Do People Do The Things That They Do ... ?  
ESPECIALLY Things That Lead To ABUSE ... ?!?  
Such Actions Bemuse And Leave Me Confused ... ???  
Some People Need Doctors Whose Surname Is ... " Who " ... !!!  
I Wonder Sometimes About Peoples' Minds ...  
Then Think of Those Smiling Who Have Little Food ... ?!?  
BELIEVE Me ... That's TRUE ... !!!!!  
It's Easy To Try And Avoid These Issues ...  
When Buying Your Car On Your NEW Platinum Card ...    
Whilst CLAIMING Your Life Is .... "EVER SO HARD !" ....  
From ...    
Bourgeoise Type Stars To Those Who CLAIM Class ... ?  
To Those Who Sit MOANING Whilst Drinking In Bars ... ?!?!?  
Who On Earth Do They Think They Are When People Still Starve ...  
Because of The GREED of These HUGE Companies ...  
Like Those Who **** Trees To Build Properties ... !?!  
I Wonder Sometimes When Writing My Rhymes ...  
What Concerns The Minds of ... GREED Driven Guys ...  
And Those Who Have GREEDIER Cash-Driven Wives ... !!?!!  
I Wonder Sometimes Will Poverty DIE ... ?  
And What's With The NEED For These Chemical Highs ... !?!  
Who Thought Up Designs To DESTROY Young Minds ...  
And Why Do We Comply With Those Who Feed LIES ... ?  
And Why Have We Always Let Truth Be DENIED ... !!!?!!!  
Why Walk Around Blind When You Have Good Sight ... !?!  
God Gave Us Two Eyes To See Through The L I E S ... !!!  
It Would Seem UNWISE To Choose To DENY ...  
Things That Might HELP Us To Live ... HAPPY Lives ... !!!  
I Wonder I Cry As Time Passes By .......  
Who Gave Me Insight To Write All These Rhymes ... !?!  
When SO MANY Think My Lyrical Twists ....  
Are NOT Fit To Give To Adults Or Kids ... !?!  
What Makes People Sink' To Doing These Things ... ?!?  
I Wonder Sometimes Will They Feel The STING ... !?!    
Many Are CALLED But Who Chooses Kings ... !?!  
Who'll Take The Fall ... ?  
And Who Will Be MAULED ... !!!  
I Wonder Sometimes Why Am I SO TALL ... !!!?!!!  
What Gives US THE RIGHT To Keep Animals Caged ...  
Spending Large Sums of Cash To Build Zoos And Act ...  
Like Putting These Animals On .... " Public View " ....  
Is The Right Thing To Do When People NEED FOOD ... !!!?!!!  
My Views Are UNCOOL To Those Who Now Choose ...  
To Buy Into Jewels And ... " DESIGNER Shoes " ...  
I Wonder About The MILLIONS of Pounds ... !!!!!  
Paid To TOP Top Sportsmen And Pop Singing Clowns ...  
Whose Songs Should Be ..... " DROWNED " ..... !!!!!!!!!!        
How Many of Them Think of What They Spend .... !!!!!!  
To Buy Themselves Homes In WELL SECURED Zones ...  
LOCKED IN Like A Crim' With Their TROPHY Women ... ?!?  
How Many I Wonder Ever Think About Others ...  
WORSE OFF Than Themselves When They Look At Their Wealth ...  
Then Think It's Their Duty To Give The Poor Help ... ?  
But Who Am I To Judge ... !!!?!!!  
They've EARNED All Their Stuff ... !!!!  
It's ALL Relative ...  
Well Sometimes I Wonder ...    
When I See How They Live ... !!!  
Should Anyone REALLY Live Life Like THIS ... ??!??  
When Poverty's Reaching SO MANY Young Kids ... !!!!!  
It's CLEAR That They DO So What of Their Roots .... ?  
How Many Conclude That What They've Been Through ...  
ENTITLES Them To ... Riches And Jewels ... ???  
How Many Are Fools Who Choose To ABUSE ...  
Values They've Infused When POOR In Their Youth ... ?!?  
Money CANNOT Make You Smile ...    
Or Give Happiness ... Or Fulfil Your Life ... !!!  
Because In The End It CAN'T Give You Children ...  
Or Buy You RESPECT Or Protect You From Death ... !!!!!!!!!!  
I Wonder Sometimes Why People LOVE PETS ... !?!  
But Then DISRESPECT Women and Men ... ????!????  
What On Earth Is Their Defence ... !!!?!!!  
For Treating PETS Like Their BEST Friend ...  
Whilst Showing Support ... For New Separatist Trends ... ?!?  
If I Got On ALL FOURS And Started To BARK ... !!!!!  
Would People LOVE Me ... With ALL of Their Heart ... ?!?  
It Seems They Would ... !?!  
Well They Can KISS MY **** ... !!!!!!  
And I REALLY DON'T CARE What Colour You Are ... !!!!!!  
Things Like THESE Are Leading Us UNDER ... !!!!!  
Feeding Pets and Vets ...    
While PEOPLE STARVE To DEATH ... ?!?!?!?!?!  
MANY Are Facing PERMANENT Slumber ...  
Because of NO FOOD To FEED Their HUNGER ... !!!    
How Many Die ... Who Knows The Number ... ???  
Who Cares To Question Well These Days I ...  
......... " Wonder ??? " ........
AN EPIC, However, there are quite a few EPIC Questions in it .........
Mateuš Conrad Feb 2020
.before i am done with this escapade, i will try to stick travis' - walking down the hill on repeat for a while... to settle for the mantra... something that needs a repetition in the background, before the final collage... and before... what settles as dust from burnt old father oak and my body too... or perhaps... the inter-connectivity that's shared between ethnic minorities: the kashubians, the sorbians, the navajo, the dene suline, the inupiaq, zuni hopa and the dogrib... the Łacinka & Łatynka (belarusian and ukranian) respectively... Łacina: Latin... as it is known on the vicinity of the old capital of Cracow... simply from a shared letter... no more a hello than a plain disregard for twitter poetics... or instagram: captions... sometimes you just want a chicken drum-stick of words... and the bone and the cartilege and the heads filled with marrow... which is more... than some toothpick escapade... well... Winchester is so old for anyone to remember... and London is so nuanced that even Warsaw makes the count... but Cracow sits... humbled... when snow falls... there's the actual snow... and there's the mistaken snow of the ash from auschwitz.

once - when i was much younger - and my voice
was but a crude and feeble whimper -
nothing that could compare itself to a butterfly
in haiku - i would be found trying to forcibly imitate
anything immediately read -
what a naive misadventure upon every turn...
every poem became: as if an act borrowed from
Macbeth - quiet simply - a young man's jealousy...

i can only now gratify myself and the audience that...
i have matured beyond that hot-headedness... former...
now? i rather simply translate the work -
as i am sure that something will be lost -
however good the translation might be...
or the original text...
here's my first attempt...

zbigniew herbert - kaligula (1st attempt
and the last ettempt)

          while reading old chronicles, poems and biographies
Mr Cogito sometimes experiences feelings
of a physical presence of the people long ago dead

Caligula (is speaking / speaks):

from among all the citizens of Rome
i loved only one
Incitatus - a horse

when he walked into the senate
the unblemished toga of his fur
shone immaculately among that of
the cowardly murderers' sitched with purple

Incitatus was full of advantages
he never spoke
a stoic's nature
i think that at night in the stables he read

i loved his so much that one day i decided
to crucify him
but his noble anatomy objected to this

he accepted the dignity of consul indifferently
he held authority the best
in that he didn't hold any authority

attempts to persuade him to have permanent
****** relations with my dear wife Caesonia failed
therefore a line of caesars - centaurs
was never created

which is why Rome fell

i decided to appoint him as a god
yet on the ninth day prior to the days of February
(chaerea) cornelius sabinus and other fools
obstructed the intentions of this godly work...

he accepted the news of my death peacefully

he was thrown out of the palace
and sentenced to exile

he endured this blow with dignity

he died without any hiers
slaughtered by a thick-skinned butcher from the vicinity
of Anzio

Taticus is silent
about the posthumous fate of his meat
                                                                ­               /

perhaps looking at the original -
would help... oh more surely...
but prior to the original...
i can see that certain peoples of asia...
who have a culinary superiority complex...
who hide behind a spice grenade...
have an aversion to cabbage...
and it's like that irish love potatoes
and the slavic people love cabbage joke...
don't mind me morphed into a pawn...
the persians abhored and still abhor spicy
food from bengali bush monkey regions
of the raj...
persians have a palette for sour foods...
can you imagine eating a hot-dog...
without choked onions, chillies...
sauerkraut and some sweet gherkins...
mustard and ketchup?
i can't... then again: a cow is more than just
milk... mother goat...
but there comes a time when you can...
appreciate the culinary superiority of the blue indians...
then a minute later call it: a kitchen of black cardamom
believe me... black cardamom stinks...

but a problem with sauerkraut is a problem
with persian tastes...
sour... sooner rather than later i'll see...
sauerkraut added as the german delight...
in an ottoman kebab wrap...
the sourness could cut through the fatty mustang
of the lamb... somehow...
because the pickled chillies are not enough...
and the raw spanish onions do very little...
the blue indians throw "beef" around
an appreciation of sauerkraut... i just give them
the one-liner: black cardamom and...
the ultimate dye... turmeric...
it will stain, anything... plastic, metal,
ceramics: oddly enough no... and glass...
spice barons, eh?  

the original... but it's not exactly the original...
since... i do borrow from"elsewhere":
sound distinction that exfoliate in the meaning...

after all... i did graffiti the original with
some cyrilic...
sz = š = ш = (sh)ape ≠ ś = sie- prefix: if śιe
cz = č = ч = (ch)urn ≠ ć = cie- prefix: if ćιe
ż (= rz) = ž = ж ≠ ź
(also noted in french: via je suis...
   oddly enough... it sounds like жe swée...
but looks like: je suis ce et cette)...
ń ≈ ñ
ch = x
or more importantly...
c = ц ≠ c = s = ç...
an no... there's no translation
of a cedilla A(ą) nor a cedilla E(ę)...
a bit easier when it comes to...
ł = w
            but... w = v...
so ł(h)en... the surd hatch...
eyes closed: mouth agape!
no "v" given how the greek upsilon (υ)
was sharpened into (ν):
i always thought: cute acute ó = ω: tool...
while omicron was more grave (ò)...
and up! upsilon! the u was first acute
before it became the ω in the german
umlaut (ü)...

otherwise: there's mOre to what's
later a mOvie... the elongation of:
tool... the distinction: thus pronounced...
wants to be recognißed -
the s to z to s to z interchange within
the ß: es'zett... yes... the apostrophe is "somehow"

if the hebrews have their vowels in niqabs...
we can have our...
exfoliation of consonants and vowels...
fully exposed... nonetheless included!
with: details of the frontier!
and in them: i mark my finger in the sand
and skull among the cavern,
the rocks the... ghostly whispers that
shadows should profoundly speak...
but never do...
my shadow my ghost...
my first avenue turned should i be thinking
about a Hiroshima selfie... shadow glued
to the ******* wall... move it: chess-***...
bullet to the head...
and then two weeks... trying to die...
in a prison cell...
with one nightmare overtaking the previous
nightmare... in how...
your brain will never be:
the eyes-connected to the sponge:
mr. chikatilo...
the sponge: sorry... nothing but shrapnel...
perhaps some eyes...
but your eyes are consistently closed...
let's not mind them...

and what's because, what?
finnegans' wake: no diacritical markers...
because, what? low on ink?
if low on ink... can't help you...
but if not enough paper?
¶ (pilcrow) all the paragraphs! sardine words
onto the page!

the god awful truth was that i smoked
marijuana in england...
and... the ******* is free! upon the pretence
that you don't own a brothel...
elsewhere: namely Amsterdam...
while in Amsterdam i had a thought:
what about ******* a siamese twin
in some vacant... Tehran nightmare come true?
gang-bangers are treated better than i...
in terms of "treatment":
the best they ever gave me...
was to be left: to my own devices...
when i should have been learning german...
they sent me to the window-licker class
of c.v. writers anonymous...
because: m'ah hanging-leash of in and leash
was a bad, spotty E... with a tail!
devil's spawn... or something that would
always come from the warsaw pact...
or... coming from one: under the iron curtain...
would show... and cover the current brood...
with a change of element...
from under the iron curtain...
then unto: under the silicon curtain..

i'm sure the people have chosen their chess
pieces prior to this: *******-ramming
of the anger itching from the cranium
of a castrated bull...

mash up... no interludes...
let's keep it staccato... and... fits the purpose of...
how best lodged into form...

                   because the iota and the j are...
let's face it... forced diacritical cage-masters...
i graffitied the original...
because... it became obsolate to simply
translate and become overtly pedantic
as to why: ****** grammar was not going
to fit anglo-slav grammar...
never mind the anglo-ßaß grammar: "native"...

/ чytając stare kroniki, poematy i жywoty Pan Cogito
doświadчa czasem učucia fizyчnej obeцności
osób dawno zmarłych
(tampering with a lox ness)

mówi Kaligula

spośród wszystkich obywateli Rzymu
kochałem tylko jednego
Inцitatusa - konia

kiedy wшedł do senatu
nieskazitelna toga jego sierści
l'śniła niepokalanie wśród obшytyx purpurą
tchórzliwych morderцów

Inцitatus był pełen zalet
nie przemawiał nigdy
natura stoiцka
myśłe ze noцą w stajni čytał filozofów

kochałem go tak bardzo жe pewnego dnia
postanowiłem go ukrzyzować
ale sprzeciwiała się temu jego szla(ch)etna anatomia

obojetnie p(rz)yjął godność konsula
wła(dz)e sprawował najlepiej
to znaczy nie sprawował jej w'cale

nie udało sie nakłonić go to trwałych związków miłosnych
z drogą жoną moją Caesonią
więц nie powstała niestety linia cesa(rz)y - centaurów

dłatego Rzym runął

postanoviwem mianować go bogiem
lecz (dz)iewiątego dnia p(rz)ed kalendami lutowymi
(Ch)erea Korneliusz Sabinus i inni gwupcy p(rz)eшko(dz)ili
tym zboжnym zamiarom

spokojnie przyjął wiadomość o mojej śmierci

wyrzucono go z pałacu i skazano na wygnanie

zniósł ten cios z godnością

umarł bezpotomnie
zaшla(ch)towany przez gruboskórnego rzeźnika
z miejscowości Ancjum жшчčšц

o pośmiertnych losach jego mięsa
milчy Taцyt       /

no... no Helmut will help you with: dość! enough!
some casanova Nikita might - with:
szczypta: pinch - via... ш + ч = щ: vague - i know...

ah! the calendar's days of february...

already i see that this poem is "unspectacular" -
everything what was supposed to be lost
in translation is, lost -
the jealousy fizzles out and it's plain
as a shadow at noon on a sunny day
that it was never inteded to be there - to begin

perhaps it's not the direct translation -
but how certain words just: sound more appealing -
and add toward the grandiosity...

i don't see how a poem can be translated
without something being lost...
after all: i want to lose: rather retain something
in / from a poem...
i want language to... freely...
"inter-racialiße" itself:
modus operandi - the lingua franca...
the l'ingelese of the modern chapter...
as the greeks would point out:
if the english tourists will not speak our tongue...
if the english tourists will not speak our tongue...
then we will speak their tongue...
and speak it was belgian speak it...
which is, better, than these nativistic half-breeds
of: 3/4 empire pride riddled...
1/4 rotherham bewildered...
we will not out-breed them...
we will: simply talk over them...
and their accents...
which we will learn and thereby:
insinuate over: via diacritical markers
and exceptional surd status reminders
of the raj: H...

i will claim that poetry is where i "paint"...
**** it. collage...
rude importune and most obscene...
a thesaurus cascade of synonyms!
impromptu one off...
it's not a hosonnah in the highest...
but a sitar in the bellowing detphs of the ebb...
it's a growling escapade...
something that ****** a yeti from
the carpathian mountains...
something that would require otherwise
to give it shackles, chains and a non-existent
lunatic asylum!

why dooes picking up... an alive cat...
make you succumb to an affair less...
bothersome... when you are indeed picking up /
handling a dead cat?
don't know...
a quasi-symbiotic affair between
matter and anti-matter?
borrowed terms.... outside of physics's disneyland
pretty irrelevant...
a corpse of a dead cat is always more
heavy than... the animated corpus of
a cat still outside the schrödinger
brackets:    cat[                            ];
what'­s death then? a colon, a semi-colon;
a hyphen or an apostrophe?
notably? an apostrophe without having
to be inclined to be used in a:
possessive article 's "scandal"?

i will escape with this language: i learned,
i acquired... i will leave the natives with
nothing but leather for skin:
that i will mark as an armchair...
i will entertain no more than
a genghis khan would have...
when the tanks started rolling...
and the luftwaffe was extinguished...
because... an invasion of an island...
no tanks, no bullets, no bombs...
diacritical markers... instead...

these letters are still: ROME!
came late to the party... had the vaguest notion
of coming late: but also becoming
the d.j.!

old mother: Cyrylica...
will and always helped...
the "natives"...
understand the reins and you can surely
translate... all the old paintings
with: we rode bulls into battle...
we didn't ride horses...
what does an army that that rides bulls
have as compensation compared
to an army that rides horses into battle?
well... a lance with a sharp point is...
replaced with the horns...
and a vector signature of red tied
to the end of a stick...
the horns replace the lance... the end...

somehow: and as the polytheistic gods
came as surprise material in:
goat-******* and bull-******* and swan-fiddling...
the monotheistic god came as...
the lowest of men...
     Δ and... ∇: when nabla met delta:
the son of david was born:
which was called by surname: astar...
david astar...
       the phenomenon of...
when the father would become jealous
of the son: solomon...
or... rather... the son would never look up
toward the archetype of father...
because the father has his psalms...
while the son had the harem sonnets
of... sparrow-hoarding ****** of the onomatopoeia...

teach? teach? i am this close to...
correcting what has already been written...
however impossible...
claustrophobia and james joyce esque...

why not ж = rz...
and... ž = ż...                  half a caron: źrenica:
a back catalogue of a bilingual bank of vocab
is: the reason i "solve" and "crosswords"
on a blank canvas... like so...

and how do you think i learned a little bit
of greek: if... ovερλaππινγ?

remaining examples where: ц wasn't used...
well... the diacritical marker hovering above iota
like a halo: should it be used?
in a ciasto (dough) example...
well... debate: ćιasto... or ciasto?
in the confines of ciasto: the "c" is not a ц...
because of the proximity of the iota
as "suffix"... but not as a "prefix"...

    цerkiev... цytat... цытaт: citation...
sigh: tate modern is 20 years old...
but 20 years old will not be...
commemorated with the glass ceiling and:
Olafur Eliasson's 'the weather project' -
which is a great shame -
but who am i to judge?
let it be 'maman' by louise bourgeoise...

the same goes with the acute s...
even... imploring: prosić -
  otherwise... imploring: prośιć...

                   siano vs. śιano: hay
                   śnieg... snow...

i've been advocating the necessary guillotιne
for the iota... and the ȷazzy shιt ιn between...

and so much of my life could be deemed
simple... but how i can complicate it with a scrutiny
of language...
the best escape plan i can find -
and this is language: outside the realm of
academic rubrics - that it might borrow from
an international phonetic alphabet
of the linguistic dept. it will not...

it will consolidate two languages: dig two trenches...
and then borrow a third language or a fourth
to dig a tunnel or two between the two trenches...

well that's that for sharpening an arrow
and shoving it up cupid's ***...
to make him walk back smothered by knuckles
and recount to his parents:
Eros and Aphrodite... some of us would much
prefer uninterrupted work /
sifting through archaic words...
and leaving: the currency of vogue be:
something that only attracts:
panic is worse than fascism...
panic disorientates large crowds...
which... fascism is... unlikely to do...
so says the universal mantra of cheese grating:
Mateuš Conrad Nov 2023
sensitivity: or the bearing of (a) soul...
i am almost tempted - no, i was:
almost tempted to omit the indefinite article
in that sentence,
it almost "almost" sounds better...
hence a "rephrasing":

    sensitivity: or the bearing of soul...

because it's not unlike the soul is something
either definite or indefinite that requires
some grammatical forensic articulation

say, unlike the Freudian trinity ego egg and ****
that schematic monstrosity of
19th century (late 19th century)
bourgeoise neurotic-sensibilities
fetishised by people with enough
luxury: time, money to evaluate ciphers
in dreams...

no no, oh no... none of that...

i've come to a parallel vision,
by now there have been two focal women in my life:

my life is a tragic echo-chamber realism,
it's like i'm utterly attached to reality
albeit - not however - consummating olden
wordings... hmm... a hmm for every hunchback
ghost-limb scratch...

apostrophes the raised commas...

i've come to a parallel vision,
the women per se but more to the point:
how these women sheltered me from media ingestion,
so much so that i can positively make

Russia and Kauai (Hawaii) synonyms in terms
of how little exposure i had to
the brainwashing fabric / fabrication of
they grey man of reaction - the mob facet, pivot...

a month in Russia (with the language barrier)
and a month on Kauai...
because there's no IN relating to Hawaii...
in Russia implies: a land-locked geography,
you can never be IN Hawaii,
you are always somehow ON Hawaii...
a ship or something, most certainly an island:
and spin-spin-go-go going nowhere...
no one says (i think, therefore probably n00b)
i'm in... no wait...

doesn't matter...
leading articles in the Saturday Times
november 18 2023... the editorial section...
what's not to like?
i.e. defenders of the apostrophe are right
to admire this versatile linguistic device...

elses' sloppy...

         residents of Twyford, Hampshire,
dispossessed by the council's adoption
(i was almost fine with the spelling adoptation,
until i realised... porridge partridge
creases in white shirts, ****)

         St. Mary's Terrace a St. Marys Terrace...
apostrophe as indicator of 's: possessive article
since... the plural article is simple s
and the possessive plural article is s'

      and no S'S... schultzschnoofstafforshire!
brr... coldness of memory reaching as far back
as the finest army uniforms ever on show:
that Hugo Boss brigade: because what good
is the Holy Scripture without the Holy Evil
of the Nazis... admiration...
can't compare: since it's so easily revised and
thrown at opposition by the left... oids...
lefty politics is better than religion in terms
of it being a neo-******...
it's what gets my heart in a flutter
   whenever i feel apathetic...
   can't beat a mythological case for pure evil...

ah... me off on a tangent...
two months in my life i was sheltered from being
influenced by media... all done by women
with the Edenic rapture of ***...
once at 21 with a 19 year old
and once at 37 with a 55 year old...
as a ****** i covered the whole Cold War
dynamic, ****** for both sides
and ****** both sides
and thus still strapped to the Mniema...
Niemy - dumbfounded Germanic
sieve...          third cousin from Saxon
through Dutch to English... wasps...

            so it's almost ridiculous how i made
English a language of choice of how to express
while those sorry sods write about
identity politics and immigration mentality...
i'm just bothered that i can't be exactly
Essex accented because my standard cosmopolitan
London 'ing-leash is just so...
oh i got drunk last night... i had to...
never in all the shifts i worked at Wembley
did i manage to get home so quickly...
waited 0.5sec for the Metropolitan line at
Wembley park station,
then waited 2min at Finchley road for the jubilee
line... 4 stops to Bond street
and "waited" / utilised the time to walk
the entire platform for the Elizabeth line...
then 3min waiting for the 499 bus
so i had time to buy myself a bottle of cider
get off the bus and drink it at a bus stop...
pre-drinking... marvelous pouring rain...
like... shattering of a mirror...
a shattering of a mirror into a nth term
eye mandala of Jung... or Tool...

shift finished early by 10:30pm
and i was happily in my garden drinking at 11:50pm
the harder liquor...

but on the train...
hmm... wooden ring deterrent...
so could have thought, but no...
she spotted me coming in at Tottenham Court Rd
stood in the aisle... played with her hair...
fiddled with it at first then pretended to
put it in a bun...
admired herself in the glass...
well... i wasn't having much fun listening
to Wardruna's Fehu or Helvegen...
so by the time she sat down across me
and phoned a friend i had already muted the music
and started listening...

bad date... no... a funny date...
oh jeez the complications... a shorter guy...
same matted hair...
easy conversation and no... over dinner...
no drinking...
but all this flirting...
standing on my feet for 12 hours straight
started to massage my legs...
what the hell does she do?
exposes her knees...
                                     subtle clues and cues...
this whole bonanza of a woman playing
with her hair...
in close proximity...
i know the psychological mantra spewed
into making our behaviours predictably constipated
like we've lost our own mystery...
like philosophy reached a cul de sac
when psychology became mainstream...
i don't want to hear it...
i still want to be mesmerised by...
an ontological perfume... a trace of being:
not a full-blown existential schematic
of / for automatons / zombies...

rule of thumb regurgitation (of) reincarnations,
perhaps it was the age-power dynamic
of i'm older she's younger
i have signs of grey implying wizened
where my beard begins and no sideburns "exist"
and yes: she didn't have a chance to show-off her
dress... and yes... i did notice she had
furry eyebrows or at least she fashioned
them like so...
        by now i'm rekindling the strange commute
because i played along
with the subtleties of flirt
   implying that i was covertly replying to her
almost subliminal messaging tactic...
hell: come to think it... this wasn't subliminal!

next thing i'll hear another doppelganger comparison
that i've stolen the shadow of Brad Pitt
or Chris Hemsworth... pity i have a ******
looking surname like ****** or Stalin...
but i will not be called Matt when i stress to be called
by my name proper...
someone at work once said:
only my mother gets to call me Matthew...
well in my case i'm Mateo... so... debunking Italian
in the Dąbrowski March...

oh yeah... there are only one or two maybe three
decent national anthems...
the French the Polish and the Russians
have the most appealing national anthems...
just like there's a genius to Abba
but hardly any in the Beatles... period...

so much for music:

gladius Rōmae imperī sum,
ubi’st nostrum imperium?
nē plōrā, mater Rōma,
dēnuō flōrēbis

Βελισάριος Βελισάριος - Oₕ        Aₕ

                            Eden's Siamese chim'pan'zees...

U turn into (∇) the nebula of Nabla:

(ego): Σ of being....

      Σsum =  fractus + fractus
1/2 + 2/1
ergo              Σsum = -1/2 always...

the half that's constantly missing you...
the power of *** and the dangers of ***...
i should have learned it at the brothel...
but it was all oh so casual like treating meat
in cuts before ensuring that the *******
were saved for the main course on a different
day and the rest of the chicken was used
to make a clear chicken soup
with carrots, leeks, parsley roots, celery,
this emotional investment is...
   a liberation and a project of self-awareness:

how will i try to sound less synthetic less

i'm not even trying to be cryptic but my heart
is complicating what i want to say
and i don't want to say what it feels
with my cognitive wants,
notably utilising noun or verb crutches...

which is why i want to conjure "lesser" historical
figures... not that Philip Augustus of France
is a "lesser" figure... not when coupled
to the dynamic of Henry II, John and Richard I...
while Charlemagne stands alone...

by now this piece of writing has become music...
there is no investment in plot...
language can become just that... music or painting...
there's no conveying of direction,
there's no wisdom, wisdom as direction...
to hell with Levant wisdom...
i'll be the last man of the north
to listen to the "wisdom" of the desert...
i will dearly cut off this influence from my psyche...
gladly crucified the ****** and so be done with it:

to the point where, professionally:
we tried to stamp out racism with anti-racism:
i can't be an anti-racist...
i find racists a rather funny breed of people...
racism expressed unintentionally is
so rewarding... because it follows from
the basic principle of colour as meaning:
traffic... red is stop, amber is be ready
and green is flow... even though blue is more associated
with flow... then again... most rivers look green...
well... beside the Thames sun and concrete starved...

not since Ginsberg's poem i heard the word
***** hair coming from... well...
some sort of Arab, given his name was Fawad...
so some ****** version of piglet-pink
not marred by the cold of the north of Europe...
oh hell... we're in this together somehow...
no impeding Mongolian horde yet still
the best horror story i ever heard came
from my father:

i had a childhood friend once...
he committed suicide...
why? he was seeing this girl...
then the girl started to **** my father's friend's father...
epic horror story...
which is sort of me... right now...
i can conjure up this insecurity in
my current relationship...
she could easily take to my father
and usher out my mother into the street...
i like this fetish-fear...
it's a phobia-philia...
    anti-Oedipal and more: Kronos affirming...
just like i like the idea of the ancient Roman
practice of fostering children...
because i have no gene-incentive to speak of
because genes are fractions while
ideas are whole numbers... fetishist par excellence:

fluid French thinking, if thinking is French or was...
oh but it sort of it... since pragmatism is English
and thinking for thinking's sake is
not really pragmatic it therefore must be French
and if anything is to be resolved it has to be resolved
on Greenwich Mean Time terms... blah blah...

for now, just that... an exercise in writing.
Big Virge Dec 2019
So Folks ... " Are You Ready " ... ?
For Prose I Write Through Use of Rhyme ...
That PROVES My Mind Is ... " EVER READY " ...
To Spread Information Just Like .... CONFETTI .... !!!  
My Use of Words Is RARELY Perverse ...
And I Rarely Curse To ... Prove A Point ...
I Leave That To Boys To Employ Such Ploys ...  
Because I Find THAT Style ... ANNOYS ... !!!!!!!!
DON'T Get Me WRONG ... !!!
I Like To Cuss ...
When Having FUN In Clubs And Pubs ... !!!
But NOT When Writing ...  
Words I'm ... " RHYMING " ... !!!
So ... " Are You Ready " ... ?
To Read Some More ...  ?
Wordplay Worthy of Applause ... !!?!!  
My Words ROCK JAWS And YES For Sure ...  
Should NEVER EVER Be .... "Ignored" .... !!!!!!!
Some Say My Rhymes Are PRETTY RAW ... !!!!!
Well That's Because ...  
My Train of Thought Is Well Informed ...  
When Writing About People Who FLOUT ...
When CLEARLY They Should ... " SHUT DEM MOUT' " ... !!!!!  
Nowadays They're A Force So PLEASE DON'T Doubt ... !!!!
They're Running Around Like ... " CIRCUS CLOWNS " ... !!?!!
CLEARLY LOST While I Have FOUND ... !!!
A Way To ASTOUND Through Use of Words ...
....... " DESERVING Pounds " ...... !!!
So ... " Are You Ready " ... !?!
To See ... How Many ... ?
DIFFERENT Styles of DIFFERENT Rhymes ...
I Have Designed To BLOW Your Mind ... !!!!!
Well HERE I Go ... !!!
To Give You Flows I've Built In Prose ...  
That PROVE My Mind Is FAR FROM .......... "Closed" .......... !!!!!!!
My Mind Is OPEN Like A Book ......
Be CAREFUL Though ... You Might Get SHOOK ... !!!!!
And I'm NOT Joking  ... !!!!!
Some Things I Write Leave Some Folks BROKEN ... !!!!!!!!!!!
BROKEN Because I Leave Them LOST ...
When I Prove That I'M The ... " LYRICAL BOSS " ... !!!!!
My Wordplay SHOCKS Because It Drops ...  
Like U.S. Bombs That Breed ... " SAD Songs " ... !!!
Sometimes It's Written When I'm MAD And CLEARLY Hangs ...  
Right On The Verge of ... ANGRY Turns ... !!!!
But My Vision's CLEAR When I ... OBSERVE ...
Those Whose Actions Are ... " ABSURD " ... ?!?  
They're .... AWAY With The Birds ... !!!
With Visions ... " Blurrr...rrree..ddd " ... !!!!!!
Many of You May Not Concur ... ?    
That's Up To You Trust Me That's Cool ...  
But Watch Yourself And WATCH THESE FOOLS ... !!!!!
Who May Just Choose To ... ABUSE YOU ..... !!!!!    
Because of Your Race Or Because of PURE HATE ...  
Or Because NO DINNER Is On Their Plate .... !!!!!
Things RIGHT NOW Are FAR FROM Great ... !!!
Some People CLEARLY ... Are IRATE ... !!!!!
Just Walk Around And ... " Look Pon' Face " ... !!!
Many Youth Are RUDE And Far From ..................... COOL ... !!!
And Many CARRY .... ANGRY MOODS .... !!!!!
Just Check The News You'll Soon Find Proof ...
So Are You Ready To HELP The Cause ... ?!?
Or Will You Choose To Simply .................................. Ignore ...  
Until PROBLEMS Reach YOUR Front Door ... !!?!!    
Or INSIDE Your ... " Private Home " ... !?!
Many FEAR Living ALONE ... !!!!!
Because of VILLAINS In Their Zone ...  
Who Nowadays Roam Like Mobile Phones .... !!!!
There Seems To Be So MANY THIEVES ...  
From Those On Streets To ... CORRUPT MP's ... !!!!!  
So ..... " Are You Ready " ...
To ... Read Some TRUTH ... ?
The Class System's CONTROLLING You ... !!!!
They Raise Issues To ... DIVIDE Crews ...  
And KEEP The Poor OUTSIDE ... Boardrooms ... !!!!!
The Web Is There So They Can ... "SNARE" ... !!!
Whoever They CHOOSE So Be PREPARED ... !!!!!
Big Brother's WATCHING ... EVERYWHERE ... !!!!!    
Take A Minute And THINK ... INTO Net or ... " Internet " ...  
The TRAP'S Been Set Like Spiders Spinning Intricate Webs ... !!!  
Pretty Much EVERYTHING Is Government SPIN ... !!!!
Plans They Cook Up Are NOT FOR ... Us ...
They're All For THEM And Their ... " RICH FRIENDS " ... !!!!!
Meanwhile They're BLAMING Us .... " Immigrants " ....
I'm English BORN But My BLACK SKIN ...  
Means CERTAIN DOORS Are ...... OFF LIMITS ....... ?!!!?  
"Black and English ?
Come on now Virge, are you, quite sure ?
You're an Englishman, who faces scorn,
because you are a bit, too dark,
to fit into, their Bourgeoise Class !"
That's The SYSTEM And The SCORE .... !!!!!!!!!
Are You Ready To Read A Little Bit More ...  ?
If YES Is Your Answer Then Carry On .... !!!!!!
And To Those Who Said NOTHING ......
DON'T Try To ... FRONT ... !!!
Some of You Believe I'm A Bit TOO BLUNT ... !!!!
When The TRUTH Is I'm Just Having FUN ... !!!!!  
Before I Face Government Questions ... ?!?
Because My Wordplay Leaves Them STUNNED ... !!!!!
When Speaking of ... Their RACISM ... !!!!!
TRUST Me Folks FORGET The Jokes ...  
Because Things Right Now Are FAR From .............. FUNNY ... !!!!!
Poor People Will DROWN ... !!!
For THE RICH To Have Money ... !!!
I'm Trying MY BEST To Be A Poet Who Lets ...  
Knowledge DROP Like .... " Pennies " .... !!!
In A Style ..... WORD HEAVY ... !!!!!
My Last Words Are These ...
If PEACE Is Dubbed As An ENEMY ... ?!?
And Things Become WORSE Than They Are ALREADY ... !!!!!!
Let Me Ask You THIS People
...... " Are You READY ? " .....
"Are You Ready ?" ... A Poem written by Big Virge 1/5/2006
Big Virge Jul 2020
One Day A Friend Said To Me....

“ Your Thoughts Big V
are deep and ample,
but to get them through to people,
you should try a different angle ! “

By This She Meant...

My Presence Is LARGE... !!!
And My Words Hit HARD... !!!

Because My Voice...
OUTWEIGHS My Poise... !!!

So Having...
Thought About The Way...

Most People REACT....
To My... “ Wordplay “...

I Had To Say WITHOUT Delay... !!!!
That Most Perceive Me To Be...
An ANGRY... Human Being... !!!!!!

So... Why Is That... ?
When I’m SO Laid Back... ?!?

It Still Seems That Being Black...
And Articulating... FACTS...

Back To Their... CRACK... !!!!!!!

Be It.....
From The... “ PIPE “... !!!!!!
Or.... Through A Mic’.....

These Bourgeoise Types....
The Words I Write..... !!!

Who Smoke Crack Like...

Their DOING IT....
Is.... Food For Life.... ?!?

My Words Fa SURE...
Sometimes CRACK Minds... !!!!!
Like Superman... CRACKS...
When He Sees KRYPTONITE.... !!!!

So Messages Through Scripts....
I Should... Perhaps...

..... " Dangle "..... ?

So That People Can GRIP... !!!

of... What It Is...
My Pen Transmits...

Well I’m NOT CONVINCED... !!!
That This Will... Help...

Because I NEED...
To Be TRUE To Myself.... !!!!!!

If People DON’T GET IT...
What Can I Do.... ???
Other Than STICK...
To MY Version of The Truth... !!!

Can’t Please The Masses...
Til’ They CHOOSE To Be PLEASED... !!!!

That’s The Way Currently...
Things Seem To Be.... ?
Or... Is It That THEY...
of People Who Say....
What They Want To Say... !!!!!

It’s CLEAR These Days...

So That They Can Get PAID...
For Their CLOWN LIKE Displays... !!!

Well To ME That’s An Angle...
FILLED WITH.... FAKES.... !!!!!!
BAD APPLES And Snakes... !!!!!
And Those Who... CLAIM...

“ They’re Not About Fame ! “ …

But Make Their Way...
Through Government Pay... ?!?

It’s All... “ A Game “...
of... DIFFERENT Strains...
And... DIFFERENT Veins...

Maybe One Day...
The Game Will Change... ???

But Those Like Me...
Will Stay The SAME... !!!

And... Try OUR BEST...
To... WAKE UP Heads... !!!!!!!

My Angles... DIFFER....
From... ALL THE REST... !!!!!
Because I... DELIVER...
In The Face of PESTS..... !!!!!
Who Choose To.... REJECT.....

My Use of Rhyme And INTELLECT....

Through Use of Simple...
..... “ Common Sense “.....

Which Helps UNRAVEL...
Their... OBSTACLE Tests... !!!

So That I Can PASS GO... !!!
And YES.... “ Collect “.....

From Those IMPRESSED By My Use of Text...

My Style Is CLEARLY “ Angular “...
When Using My... Vernacular...
In FACT It’s Quite SPECTACULAR... !!!
With BITE Just Like Count Blackula’... !!!

So Me I Think I’ll Be STRAIGHT UP...
Even When... I OFFEND Some... !!!

Because My Thought Waves...
Leave Them SHOCKED... !!!
When... Words I Link...
... CONNECT The Dots... !!!

Or... Maybe I... ?
Should... “ Change My Tone “... ?

“ You’re Too Aggressive ! “ …

“ Here we go !
What’s your problem with my prose ?
It’s not my fault it rocks your boat ! “

“ See what I mean !
You’re Too Dark V ! “

“Listen up man that’s just me !
I like my personality ! “

I Deal In TRUTH And Honesty...
While Most Indulge In FANTASIES...

FALSE... “ Prophecies “...
... Spoken FAECES... !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Their Poetry’s A TRAGEDY... !!!
Because It SHUNS...........

......... “ REALITY “.........

Like JANE They Bring...
..... “ CALAMITIES “..... !!!!!

I Devise Angles CONSTANTLY...
That Leave These Dummies...

Seeing.... GREEN.....

GREEN With.... “ ENVY “....
........... JEALOUSY..........

So Big Virge CHANGE....
To... “ Play The Game “...

The Word I BELIEVE...
Is... UNLIKELY... !!!!!!!!!!!!!

My Self Belief Does NOT Exceed...
Humility... That Rests In Me... !!!

Because I’d Like My Words To REACH...
A Part of YOU That HELPS You SEE...
The PURPOSE of... My Poetry...

My Form of Speech...
May Seem... ANGRY...

But... Take A Sec’.........................
BEFORE Judging My Poetry... !!!
Do I Really PROJECT An ANGRY MAN... ???

Who’s ALWAYS VEX... ?!?
I’m... FAR From THAT... !!!

In Actual FACT I’d Like To See...

MORE OF US..... Step BACK.....
Rather Than Make ATTACKS.......

Due To Stereotypes Inside Our Minds....
That... WE KNOW AREN'T Right... !!!

Being Paranoid’s...
CLEARLY NOT A Smart Choice... !!!!!

And Is A Track We NEED To AVOID... !!!!!

Those Who CAN’T Handle...
Views I... EXPRESS...

But REALLY Does This Mean... ?
I Should... “ TRY “... ?

... “ A Different Angle “...
Conversations, opinions and responses to ones' work, can make you question, how it is, you do your thing, and these are just a few of the things that inspired this ....
Lawrence Hall Nov 2023
Lawrence Hall, HSG

                                       The First Folio of...You?

                  On the 400th anniversary of the First Folio
                  Of some playwright or other in England

I fear that there will never, ever be
A First Folio of the works of – Me!
Bound in leather most luxuriously
For sale at a wildly exorbitant fee

Scanned for pleasure over cups of tea
And studied by academics thoughtfully
Beloved by the climbing bourgeoise
As much as by the high nobility

I can’t adorn my poems with a PhD
So will kind readers accept a high school degree?
Shakespeare's First Folio is featured in an excellent episode of GREAT PERFORMANCES on PBS.
Qualyxian Quest Dec 2022
For better and for worse
I am a persistently serious person
So were my favorite teachers
On some kind of mission

There are some among us here
Who feel life is but a joke
The need to do my best
I cannot explain the reason

Coach Katz taught me to write
Took a chance on my basketball
Dr. Thomas was a minister
Teaching as ministry, right y'all?

Father Greeley had unswerving faith
Chose priesthood at 7 years old
Joan of Arc, Mr. Spock, Captain Kirk
With courage when you go bold

My life is bourgeoise boring
Drama only in my mind
But sometimes hints and guesses
I hope you treat me kind

       Did I touch her perfect body
              with my bipolar find?
Big Virge Jul 2021
Rejection and Judgment...
Man Aren't They Sumthin'... ?!?

Judges of Art...  
Are... Oh SO SMART... !!!  
Those Whose Critique...  
Seems To... ME...  
To Be Part of Cliques...  
Or Clicks of *****... !!!  
And Wandering Lips... !!!  
From Chicks To These ******...  
Who Are In The Business...  
of Deciding Whose GREAT...    
And DESERVES... ACCLAIM... !!!  
So Who Are These People Anyway... ?!?  
A Breed of Strays...  
Who Get To DICTATE...  
Who People READ...  
And Who People SEE...    
On Their... TV's... !!!!?!!!!  
Now When You Meet These Crews...  
There's ALWAYS One or Two...  
Who AT FIRST Seem COOL... ?!?  
But If You're SHREWD...  
It's EASY To See...  
That They Tend To Move...  
Like... "Sneaky Ghouls"... !!!  
Shape Shifting Thinking...  
Is What They... CHOOSE...  
To Be Down With Those Giving...  
AWARDS And Positions...  
To... Artistic SINNERS... !?!  
Who Get To Say That...  
... They're WINNERS... !?!  
of... THIS And THAT...  
But Here's The SNAG... !!!  
What They... CLAIM...  
Is Because Their Name...  
Is One Who's GAINED...  
From Rubbing Shoulders...  
And Bending Like FOLDERS... !!!  
For Them To GET OVER... !!!  
... Artistic BUMPS... !!!
That Leave The Rest...    
...... STUMPED...... !!!  
Because We WON'T Run...  
With Artistic TRUMPS... !!!!!  
Who KEEP Art DUMB... !!!  
And Get LARGE SUMS...  
For REFUSING To Use...  
... Artistic Crews...  
Who When All's Said And Done...  
... DESERVE Payment... !!!  
Much MORE Than The CHUMPS...  
Who Should Be At CRUFTS... !!!!!  
With One Leg UP... !!!  
******* Like Dogs...    
YES On ALL FOURS... !!!  
Taking **** Fa Sure... !!!!!!!  
Artistic ******... !!!  
Whose ONLY Cause...  
And Tour De Force...  
Is To DENY Art...  
That ROARS From Shores... !!!!!  
And DECLARES WAR... !!!  
On Those Who Perform...  
ALL Sorts of... " ACTS "...  
To Get Themselves BACKED...  
By.... Artistic PACKS.... !!!!!!  
Well I REALLY Mean HACKS... !!!!!  
Which Is Why BIG VIRGE...  
DOESN'T Enter These SHAMS...    
That Are Now Called... " Slams "... !!!  
They... SLAM Alright...  
For A BOGUS Prize...    
To Get RECOGNISED... !!!!!  
Recognised For WHAT... ?!?  
Well A LOT of Knock OFFS... !!!  
Who NEED To Get KNOCKED... !!!  
OFF of... That Spot...  
That They Say Makes Them TOP... !!!  
of Charts Where Their Path...  
Is Made CLEAR By SHARKS... !!!  
Who Give TOP MARKS...    
For Art That LACKS Heart...  
Artistic PRUDES...  
And Bourgeoise FOOLS... !!!  
Who Hide Behind Boards...  
Applause and AWARDS...  
That DON'T Help The Cause...  
of Keeping Artistry RAW... !!!!!  
And Ultimately... PURE... !!!!!  
Artistic... FRAUDS... !!!  
Who Get To JUDGE...  
As If Their... " little club "...  
Can DEFINE What's GREAT... ?!?  
Well I've Written This Piece...  
Because TODAY...  
I Got THAT E-Mail...  
That TRIED To Placate...  
And Apparently ENCOURAGE Me...    
To.... TRY AGAIN.... !!!!!!!  
Because My Use of Words...  
DIDN'T Make The Grade... !!!  
These People SHOULD...  
... Have To EXPLAIN...  
The Decisions They Make...  
In A Face To FACE... !!!  
Because These Words TODAY...  
Were Written To Say...  
What Makes THEM THE ONES...  
Who Can Sit And JUDGE...  
And PAVE The Way...  
For The Next Artist...  
To GAIN Some FAME...  
These Words Are Some...    
That I'm SURE They'll Say...  
Are The Reasons WHY...  
I DIDN'T Get TOP PRIZE... !!!  
Well Okay That's FINE...  
But THIS Last Rhyme...  
... IS Actually WHY...  
I'm Really Wondering...  
At The End of The Day...  
" Who Are These People Anyway ? "...
The email I received, did indeed spark this piece !
Qualyxian Quest Dec 2020
They might say mental illness
That is not entirely wrong

But what they don't know is this illness
Is the way the world creates songs

American education
Formulaic, bourgeoise and boring

Students on their cell phones
When they are not snoring

Libraries are better
Nighttrains better still

Concerts just might help you
More than any pill

    Love, and do what you will.
I'm not a bourgeoise industrialist
Or a Mormon or a Methodist
I sleep late and long
Everybody Hurts

Verdi Cries
Such a beautiful song
Tea and scones
Delicious dessert

— The End —