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TS Apr 2019
A smile that lights up any room
Eyes that see through with burning desire
Touch that melts thoughts on contact
They hide a world full of deceit and pain
So use your powers wisely as you hold your own twisted fate
When the right person becomes the wrong person.
TS Apr 2019
Relentless thoughts of emotion and self hate

Product of years of constant deception

I love you, an over used expression

Never truly meant but often spoken

Actions that follow the phrase

Are truly what matters but are often led astray

Effortless feelings destroyed by selfish ways

Forever sounds great until that last day.
TS Apr 2019
You wanted freedom and now you have it
As I sit here and wonder what happened?
Our love so deep it held us together
Until the time came that we had to ask
Are we better?
Are you happy?
I hope you’re happy.
Going through a divorce, we thought we found our soulmate and something changed. I guess that’s life.
TS Nov 2017
You talk about wanting to be successful,
but your actions are only regretful.
Empty the contents of your bottle,
just to still be there tomorrow.
Just wake up early to achieve,
even though you truly don't believe,
that you can be successful,
put your head down and be grateful.

An excuse is what you all use,
instead of changing your world views.
Become what you want,
by believing you are enough.
In the words of a great man,
think and grow rich you can.
TS Apr 2017
Finding yourself in life is an amazing feat. Not all people find themselves in their early twenties, most go to the grave without finding themselves. It is a disgusting reaction of hatred, jealousy, and arrogance that people show when you find yourself. To think that I am the happiest I can be and yet society continues to tell me what's wrong with me. What's wrong with me is YOU.
TS Apr 2017
To be healthy and care free is a burden to most folk, but to some being healthy and able to achieve and live is but life's greatest gift. Struggles come and go, but declining health at a young age is a sad ultimatum. Through this strength is found, but pain is always around.
TS Mar 2017
I stay humble, I work hard, I don't complain.
I do my absolute best. I take the worse and give people the best. Even when I haven't slept I'm happy to do anything for anyone. Then it happens. I'm forgotten, alone to be used by any and all. I want to be a common thought, something that happens right away, at what cost do I have to give to receive it? I've followed my own path but have picked up so many strays that do not replenish what they use. I am forgotten forever to be abused.
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