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Ameliorate Jun 2019
When I was nine years old, my mother threw me into the shower.
Holding the removable shower facet in my face and proceeded to drown me.
This wasn’t a regular occurrence, fully clothed body and screaming for her to stop.
Choking, crying as this water cascaded into my open mouth while I struggled against the grasp of a plump body.
This scene, shattering protrusion of fear and betrayal.
A woman clawing out of flesh from the inside. “Don’t hurt her, she’s your daughter” one voice said but the urge was too strong.
I knew this woman, as she ripped me sleeping from my bedroom.
The smaller room in a two bedroom duplex adjacent to the bathroom and not very far.
“God wants me to do this”echoed repeatedly.
My brain registers the reality that she doesn’t intend to hurt me but I can’t breathe.
This only lasts a few minutes, she has done the lords work of cleansing the evil from me.
My mother apologizes profusely, but she is still my mother.
She holds me and dries me off.
I cry.
The moment passes.
And everything is normal.
Sueño Oct 2018
It was a warm soothing October day
A nation mourned your loss
The voice of Canada
Soundtrack to everyone’s summer
everyone’s heartbreak
Everyone’s love
A reason to celebrate
It was a beautiful day
Tragically sick
It’s no joke
We miss you Gord,
We needed someone like you
Someone who told the world
What we can do.
Canada misses you
And a year later it’s still the same
So pick up the ****,
And light it up
The Tragically hip
Here to **** **** up.

(Canada legalized **** on Gords death day)
Just a quick thank you didn’t put too much thought into it
axr Oct 2014
I hate the term
Tragically beautiful.
If you find something beautiful about my face
or me as a person,
Say it.
Just say it
Quit using that dumb term
it's as good as romanticising self harm and depression.
I will try to help you through your recovery
But I won't kiss your scars.
I will lose my mind when I realise that you are hurting yourself.
There is nothing Tragically beautiful about depressed humans
or humans who are just having a hard time.
If something about that human is tragically beautiful,
try making 'em happy.
Make 'em laugh.
See through them.
and you might find some *real beauty

— The End —