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The Calm Feb 2019
I've spent so long trying not to feel
But you,
you made me feel
My heart a fortress, and you broke the shield  Unaware of the power you wield
Unaware of your strength,  your steel
In awe of your beauty , you queen must I kneel?
Your heart , I must steal
The consequences worth the deal
Your love helps me heal
Thanks, you found a cure
I was hiding behind the wall
But you made me feel
Dawn Lambert Mar 2016

It's an apology I don't want to give

It's a regret I'm disappointed about

It's me worrying what I can't do

It's describing a feeling I do not want to express

It means I am filled with fear that shouldn't be there


It's not formal

It's something that I can't hide, but can lie about

It's something that happen in the past

It means im on to something greater

It's an instinct that can destroy you

Living in fear because of what happened in the past

Destined to ruin the present

But everything I want

Is on the other side of fear


The energy that contracts


Being scared or afraid
Harmony Nov 2015
Today is the day
A bright sunny day
But a day in Autumn
Yes, a day in November
Perhaps a bad omen
In fables and movies
I was told since childhood
It is the day that demons
let lose from Hadies

Today is the day
the day that I fear
'cause twas told a bad sign
to be dealing with
the ill-reputed combination of
Thirteen and Friday

Today is the day
That I will
Live to prove that
All such tales are made up
To make human die of fear
A fear that would cover up
The strength and resilience
From within to Look
At one's glorious inner SELF
Seeing that glory
Demon has no choice
But to retreat to Hades

Today is the day
A bright sunny day
But a day in Autumn
Yes, a day in November
Inspired by Today's date November Friday the 13th 2015
The wind is blowing tirelessly,
Delicate flowers are falling,
Branches are all shaking vigorously,
And I learn something from them,
No matter how hard the wind may blow,
They only move,
They don't change their shapes and colours,
The flowers may fall but at some point they allow the same wind to blow them into the sky and make them fly.
So I learn that hard situations shouldn't change who we are,
We only need to adjust our attitudes,
Struggles are there to make you a victor,
Like the flower being made to fly by what brought it down,
You let your struggles elevate you.
Tex Dermott Oct 2015
All mankind
Evil flees in fear
Strength given during the bleak hours
A fibonacci  I wrote about  the strength of unconditional love.
Valora Brave Nov 2014
The days in August felt like rolling highway hills
and in those days I found myself
chained to a handful of wills

These days liked to crawl by
and I held onto the rope they trailed behind
hoping the momentum would tug me forward
but it all happened so slowly, I wondered
If I was in motion at all

August left on all the lights
and I followed behind her heat and turned them off
Simply believing I was doing what was right
but she kept on and I didn't mind because
I knew she was nearly out of time

So I tried to determine if I was an actor
in these days
or some type of spectator, distant and far away

August mornings felt like a fog
and I waited all afternoon for it to dissipate
but when it did
all I was left with
was an empty night
surrounded by unwanted lights

So I tried to hold on to the morning fog
I wrapped it around me
like a winter coat
and held onto those mornings
and tried to grip August Days

and when each morning left in a haze
faster than the morning before
I realized that the tighter I held on
the more distant I became
and I thought that holding with all my strength
would bring me back
when all along I knew,
I just needed to release these days
and it was something I just couldn't do.
I thought that saying goodbye,
would be the hardest thing to say to you.
And in a way it was,
but in another it wasn't.
It felt sad; it felt exhilarating.

I thought that love, all kinds,
meant giving you're all to someone.
But it doesn't, it means something more.
It means that you give them a piece
of yourself for them to cherish,
and they do the same.

But you can't give something away,
that doesn't exist.
I didn't understand at first,
but now I do.

I never loved myself,
I loved you.
I used to feel I would die
with joy from being around you.

And then I woke up one morning,
and I realized that I did die.

That the every miniscule piece of who I was,
had ceased to exist.
I realized that I was empty,
and always had been.

So instead of killing myself for your love,
I lived for my own.

And now I drive around,
listening to Tom Petty,
wearing red lipstick;
lips wrapped around the back half of a cigarette..

And I am so happy.

I feel free.
I feel like I can conquer anything,
because I escaped a painful death;
a death by you.

But then it was time to say "Hello again.."
and it was harder than goodbye.
It brang back the memories of sadness.
Of lonliness.
Of being afraid.

Then the moment passed...

*And I still feel free.
Sometimes I wish we would have met today instead.. I think we might have been better to each other.

— The End —