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sophia Apr 2020
letting me tattle tale on a bad day
with your telephone wires
and frayed soul edges
glistening in the starlight.
sophia Jul 2019
hug the sky
give as much love
as you would a puppy
because the sky
cries just like you
sleeps just like you
gets lonely just like you
because the sun and moon
are too far away
for the sky to talk to
hug the sky
and the sky
will hug you back.
sophia Mar 2019
love, i can't say i fully understand
and i can't say i know how you feel.
i can't say what you want me to,
nor can i say that i'll be strong
when you aren't able to.
i can't say i'll be your anchor
for your rusty ship
i'm only human.

but i can say
i will always love you
no matter what.
even when you and i
can't understand each other.
sophia Mar 2020
don't look down,

trust me
and fall.
sophia Jan 2019
if you feel insecure
let me hold you tight
i will love you
when you can't love yourself.

if you start to fall
let me be your wings
i won't let you hit the ground
or at least let me hit it first

when you're in pain
i can try and be your medicine
but i know i can't cure you
unless you let yourself be

don't destroy yourself
i can't keep putting you back together
eventually i'll run out of thread
and my needle is wearing thin

please don't leave because i stayed
don't break me when i'm already so
stop blaming me for hurting you
when i'm the one with the bandaid
and you're the one with the blade.
sophia Dec 2018
a heart so pure forever mine
it took a while and long to find
but i love the warmth radiating
it's a good kind of alienating

your kindness evident in all you say
the times i talk to you everyday
it makes me happy all the time
that you're my friend, forever mine

i wish you only saw yourself
as a book and not a shelf
as if someone couldn't love you
as if their adoration isn't true

i hope one day that you see
how beautiful you can really be
if you smile and remember
that you're kind and tender

and i hope that you'll know
that i'm not putting on a show
i truly love you outside in
i truly think of you as my kin
love kindness alienating tenderness you i me my show shelf book yourself happy friend forever mine
sophia Dec 2018
i think
sophia Jan 2020
write yourselves into dust
and fly away with your ink
and paper cuts.
sophia Jan 2019
i fell.

like a rock in the ocean, i fell.

i fell in slow, but i fell in deep.

but you let me scrape my knees

in this ocean

of concrete.
sophia Feb 2020
of course it's painful,
watching him dance
with another star,
but i'm content
watching from afar.

i promise i'm okay,
though i know i'm hurt.
i like smiling when i think of him
even if it makes my chest contract too.
i was the one pushing my raft out at sea
and hoping he'd be the one to reel me back to land.

i'd consider myself less foolish
this time around.

i promise i'm okay.
all i need is chocolate ice cream
and a sad movie
and the pain will ebb.
sophia Jun 2019
to feed the strength of my storms
into a jar that you can carry
i want an ocean
to see the height of my waves
and find their beauty astounding
i want an ocean
to lift their feet from the sands
and wonder at the depth of me
i want an ocean
that i can be an ocean with
that i can admire too
so would you let it
be you?
sophia Dec 2018
that you could come back to me

that your love could warm my frozen heart again

that you hug me with tender touches of moonlight

i wish and i wish and i wish

that i could have you back
sophia Jan 2019
It's just a waltz I'm doing,
just a waltz, you see.
The exhilaration deafening
as we dance gracefully.

It's just a dance I'm dancing,
just a few steps, you see.
We're moving so fast,
almost dangerously.

It's just a ballroom I'm in,
just an empty room, you see.
A cloud hangs over us,
quite precariously.

It's just his hand I hold,
just his hand, you see.
But it's like an iron anvil
and it's much too heavy.

It's just the music I hear,
just the music, you see.
I can't hear my heart pounding
and no, it's not for free.

It's just his eyes I see,
just his eyes, you know.
They're blue and dangerous
but they always seem to grow.

It's just this man, I think,
just this man I love.
It's just a waltz across
a mopped kitchen floor
with just an open door.
sophia Apr 2019
I've leapt off of buildings
and fell into the sky
i've slept on the rooftops
watched the moon go by
i've flown into the clouds
tripped across the night
i've torn the world in half
that is not a lie
so trust me when I say
i will be your shoulder
when you need to cry
sophia Jan 2019
to show you
would harm you.

to tell you
would break you.

the light never gets
to see darkness
because the darkness
is afraid of the light
and so am i
with you.

so please
leave me
sophia Feb 2019
like a flower, i grew
and you did too
our relationship flourished
in the downpours,
our smiles and laughter
feeding the happiness
in our souls.

like a ship, i sailed
and i think you did too
we couldn't keep
our feet on the ground
gravity didn't matter,
but the force between us did.

like the moon, i was drawn to you
i'm pretty sure you were too
the Sun's light reflected off me,
just a mirrored light
that you still loved to see shine

but like the night, our sorrows
washed away into the light
and i knew
we would be alright.
sophia Mar 2019
look at me
i'm flying
when you thought
i'd be dying
sophia Mar 2019
you know they were important
when you shed tears because of them.
sophia Jun 2019
you are lovely
lovely for struggling
against a world who hates you
lovely for fighting
even when you're on your knees
lovely for walking a dark path
even though it costs your innocence
lovely for enduring
the cruel whips of your self-hatred
for you know no enemy
as wicked as yourself
but you are lovely
a glowing blue haze of victory
for you crawled all this way
through black ashen rain
through rampants of pursuers
through torrid heat and anger
to see the light and now
you can bask in the sun

you are lovely for enduring.
sophia Dec 2018
you added me to your life
but subtracted yourself from me.

we multiplied our love
but you divided it between me and her.

our force grew less and less
because our acceleration died.

newton's laws no longer applied to us
because we became unequal opposite reactions
to each other.
math and physics people will understand
sophia Oct 2019
Those neon lights
in dark alleyways.
let them rain on me
until i'm a melted puddle
of whiskey on chocolate
as i soak in the warmth
of a cold suburban night.
sophia Apr 2019
you're my microcosm,
my small world of dreams,
the love i never earned,
the smiles i need like water,
an ecosystem of wonder,
a factory of cloudy days,
waiting to rain crystals
and diamond droplets.

you are my microcosm,
my little world of dreams
where you and i touch with
no boundaries between us,
my microcosm, my universe
my little world of dreams.
sophia Nov 2018
love shame and
it will heart break,

eyes hurt and
confusion hurts

lovely falls
and kind cracks.

times broken
and healed clocks.

all lead me
back to you.
sophia Aug 2018
to all those cruel monsters out there

be aware of the hearts

that so easily tear

like a glass prism

filled with color

and so much love

but with little effort

you can easily break them

to all those jealous lovers out there

first ask the other one in your pair

what had happened or what they'd done

don't let your red jealousy

blot out the yellow sun

to all those cruel monsters out there

don't be

a monstrosity to humanity

don't paint your lover red

because it might all be in your head

and you just might hurt them

if you turn your rationality away

and lead your heart astray

don't hurt an innocent

don't break your lover's heart

because by doing so

you tear yourself apart

maybe she's done a bad thing

and broke your valuable trust

but don't measure her faults

with a long string

if she apologizes,

forgive her

if she leaves,

just miss her

maybe he's not as good as you thought

but don't let yourself be bought

by pretty things and subtle things

you should only be sought

if he continues,

leave him

if he stops,

love, forgive, and forget

please, don't be

a monstrosity to humanity

don't have a jealous monster

living inside of you

like it lives inside of me
sophia Dec 2018
motivation is
in movement
sophia May 2020
whenever i think about you,
i always remember when
we danced in your front yard
at 9 pm
in front of boys
in front of your dad
in front of people
i didn't even know
and just didn't care.
we just didn't care
how bad our moves were
or how awkward
the stares were.
we just didn't care
how grainy the music was
on your broken phone speakers.
and of all the memories i have of you,
this one's my favorite.
and one i'll remember
with a smile.
because even though you told me
you didn't need me anymore,
i will still remember
but maybe
with a touch
of bitter sadness.
sophia Mar 2019
my love for you is sadness
for i am not happy with you
it's not your fault, neither mine
but i'm just not happy with you

you're beautiful and kind
but i feel too selfish to say so
that your discouragement of me
is my discouragement of you.

i'm sorry i disappointed you
i knew you had a lot of faith
but i am weak and you are too
so we gave in to our sadness.

and now i stare into your eyes
thinking what could've been mine
but now we are separated you and i
with a mirror.
sophia Apr 2019
nightmares plague you
the demons they fill you with fear.
your tears soak the bedsheets
and your sadness wrought by terror.
you fell in love with your fear
and couldn't leave it behind you,
you couldn't bear to let yourself go
and let your shadow stay
where it belongs.
you shoved the light in your closet
and stared at it as if it were
the only monster in your room.
you threw up your dreams
like a stomach sickness
and flushed them away.
you grew nightshade in your garden
and ate them off the stems,
and called it delicious.
you took a knife and cut off your ears
thinking you were safer that way.
at least you wouldn't be able
to hear yourself scream.
and i only watched.
sophia Nov 2019
"Yes it was," said he.
The girl looked into his eyes
And wondered at his naivete.

Who was this "boy" that
she'd mistaken for a man?
Had she fallen for a rock,
or a pit full of sand?

"You think it was your smile,
That caught my heart that day?
You think it was your hand
That led me down astray?

You think that I by my wits
Couldn't outwit you
When you cracked my heart
When I didn't want to?

Nay, my love for you was not,
not for outward appearances.
I was deceived by it, however, and now
my heart is full of grievances.

You arrogant donkey, full of ****
and full of wicked thought.
You call me a kettle
when you yourself, sir, are a ***!

You have no intellect worth admiring,
yet you talk of it admiringly.
And because of my own shine,
you only see yourself in me.

Putrid scents in your mouth,
and all I hear are roses.
To have me depart from you
like sea water, I ask of the prophet Moses!

You drool like a child
when you stare inside the mirror.
If I ever bore you your firstborn,
you wouldn't even see her.

Nay, I loved you not for your face
for now I only see ugliness
wrapped in beautiful distaste."

And so with a wave of her hand,
she left with a soft-spoken goodbye
as he slowly sat down and decided to cry.
sophia Apr 2019
let me swim away
              let me dive into the ocean
and leave the world of humans
              to dwell with the creatures
that lie underneath the surface
               let me run away
let my feet turn into fins
               so that i can race the dolphins
the water is bluer than the sky
               i've always wondered if
ocean creatures want to fly
               let me lungs breathe water
and let my freedom become the sea
               let my freedom become the sea
let me swim away
               let me swim away
let me breathe the water
               let me breathe the water
and race the dolphins
sophia Nov 2019
i have been doused in gasoline
the moment i fell in love ;
and you took a match to me
the day i fell in love ;
held it over my head ,
teasing teasing teasing ;
now i suffer ashes
oh the burning
burning .
sophia Jul 2020
paperback spine.
you have a paperback spine.
it is creased with liquid white.
liquid moon.
i trace my piano fingers
to feel your used.
the used is how the white came about.
the stories you've lived and told.
you wouldn't tell me that it was
but i've already read it.
your paperback spine.
there was bad.
and there was good.
you've seen colder winters than i.
i've asked before if you regret
your paperback spine.
if it becomes unbearable to show
vulnerability as a color.
as the liquid moon
dripping down each crevice
you said no
because honesty
was what made the liquid moon white on your back.
you were proud of that.
and i didn't ask anymore.
sophia Nov 2018
you give me paper cuts
small, yet deep
and i still happily,
bleed for you.
sophia May 2020
it's the anchored sound of piano tiles
by eagerly peaceful fingers

it's the pedal and it's sound
under the pressure of beauty

when all has been stripped of
it's the sound of tiles and pedals

sophia Jan 2019
opposite me, a window
a crystal thing I see
on it, a raindrop
just as crystal as before it seems.

i stare, i stare blindly
i wait, i wait impatiently
for it to move just suddenly

changing seats, just me
the raindrop not so active
near it, another raindrop
as crystal as before.

i stare, i stare increasingly
i wait, i wait impatiently
for it to talk more freelt

from the drop, sobs escape
it's almost strange to hear
startled, i cradle it
intrigued, i hold it to my ear.

i stare, i stare dumbfoundedly
i wait, i wait impatiently
for it to quiet minisculely

in the reflection of the water
i let a smile grow
gently i kiss it goodbye
for that was all i know

and that was the end
of our silent conversation
where the raindrop cried aghast
and the memory seems too fast.

i sit, i sit a little sleepy
i wait, i wait
(though patiently this time)
for new company again.
sophia Nov 2018














sophia Jan 2019
Can a broken heart,
be compared to a lily field,
where every stem a sword it wields,
their smiles sweet, their words bitter?

Can aching feet,
be compared to footprints in the sand,
from days of old and days of man,
where journeys traveled over yonder?

Can a hoarse voice,
be compared to howls of dark wolves,
cinnamon tasteless and not of cloves,
when taste buds are uselessly used?

Can red dry eyes,
be compared to blazing suns,
ones that do not walk, but do not run,
and never fly faster than the wind?

Can a senseless poem,
be compared to fickle hearts,
where it depends on a person's part
in their imagination?
Can a poem have reason to make sense?
sophia May 2019
it's risky to talk to you
because all i can do is smile
and i'm afraid
that you'll know
that i'm
not telling
sophia Mar 2019
In order to break the rules
You need to know them first.
So that you can break them,
Purposely and on accident.

Because you have restrictions
You want to break them more.
If you just have freedom
You'll find life a bore.

So us poets break the rules
Because we knew them first.
sophia Apr 2019
i don't know why
but i feel so safe with you.
gentleness surrounding me
pink coral of the sunset
blue ocean of the sky
a mirror to the world below
the voice in the wind
whispers in the tongue of flowers
through all of this beauty,
i feel safe with the sea foam.
sophia Apr 2019
the soul of this city
        calls me like no other

the lights shine across
         a beacon i long to see

this city has my heartstrings
        tied like thread to its core

i want to see my ancestors
         that traveled that land before

the soul of this city
       calls like a song to my being

but more than seoul would I like to see
in korea itself is where i'd like to be
If you can't tell, I really want to go to Korea.
sophia Nov 2018
i never knew the definition
of heartbreak and stipulation
agreements of dedication
love in deep hibernation.

it hurts to feel nothing
a sense of dignity and loathing
a rotten egg coating
over a sense of boding.

shatter-free me
it's all i want to be.
he's just like a bee
unnaturally sweet like honey
with a hidden deadly sting.
sophia Jan 2019
take a moment
to silence yourself
and listen
to others.
sophia Nov 2018
the noodles are elegant, lovely and fair,
i see now there's a reason
why you're called angel hair.
buttery smooth, and golden light reflection
it's strikingly radiant
the epitome of perfection.

the sauce is as red as my cheeks
when one is deeply in love,
far higher than a mountain peak.
look, it flies in the saucepan
alluring is not a word to describe,
but truly, it's so hot, it needs a fan.

the meatballs are spheres of joy
what geometry could calculate its area?
though it ignores me, i tell it to not play coy.
how lovely the ringing sounds of sizzles,
light my ear with fireworks unheard,
oh, how my feelings are a shizzling!

oh spaghetti, my love, my joy, my life,
it's unnatural to see my tears fall on the plate.
you are my happiness, my leftover bowl of strife.
i mourn when there is none left
for breakfast in the morning,
but i dream of you when i go to bed.
sophia Oct 2019
the sand is spilling ocean
the sky is leaking sunlight
the earth is seeping life

and to those who have
sorrow escaping from
their heavy-lidded eyes,
do not hold it in.

the sand can't hold back the ocean
the sky can't contain the sun
and the earth can not prevent
a life from blooming with all its might.
sophia Dec 2019
everything is pausing

when will we give this game up?
this game of pride and greed.
throw your walls down
and break down theirs.

don't wave goodbye
to a chance you never grasped.
sophia Aug 2019
as brightly lit as i am,
i was forgotten
among the stars.
a ship lost in moonlight
searching for a skylight
that will never reach the dawn.
take my hands,
and do not regret
pulling me to shore.
sophia Apr 2019
can you hear the stars?
they seem rather loud to me.
maybe if you stay quiet
you'll hear them too.
sophia Jul 2019
from my mouth
grows a sunflower
with every breath
from my lungs
a vine entwines
itself around
my ears
and i can hear
the whisper
of all my fears
i lay in a bed of roses
silent broken and still
time is an icy wilderness
surrounding me
as my tears
fall frozen
to the ground
and the sunflower
bends it's head
into my darkness
and dwells there
sophia Jan 2019
Take notice,
we are human
and nothing but.
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