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Jun 2017 · 884
Joshua Vittachi Jun 2017
A gentle breeze sweeps over
Carrying leaves of change, coloured by season
Brushing dirt carpets as I walk through
I could tell you where I'm going

As arches of brown and green give way to sunlight
Creating spotlights where my feet may never land
Moving backward as our solar-sphere dives into horizons
Highlighting where I once was
I could tell you where I am
Aug 2016 · 673
6 word story
Aug 2016 · 926
Ode to the Lost
Joshua Vittachi Aug 2016
A stumbling block and a heart of clay
Makes for the brightest colours in a sea of grey
A heart that loves in spite of it's brokenness
A child that hopes in spite of life's hopelessness

We grasp to things that don't make sense to us
We let in the things that so easily unravel us

but we're okay

We're defeated and broken and down.

But we're okay

Sometimes it's because we have to be
And sometimes we just are
Sometimes we're killed by the uncertainty
And sometimes we're not

We love to live and live to love
but we hurt and cry
Holding on to hope like a crutch

Always out but never out of touch

But that's the beauty
When we find ourselves
And life does not let up

When our hearts of clay are broken but the pieces are not lost

**Joshua Vittachi ©
Dec 2014 · 613
6 word story
Dec 2014 · 580
6 word story.
Joshua Vittachi Dec 2014
She saw past all his mistakes.
I'm new to this :)
Dec 2014 · 745
Joshua Vittachi Dec 2014
Shadows fall as light retreats
Away from all my heart I'll keep
In darkened corners may it hide
Till it lay still, my pain subside

But can shadows exist without the light?
Is our hope just hidden plight?

So guard your heart under lock and key
No pain, no hurt, nothing to feel.

Or leave it free to love and fall
Will you survive through it all?

— The End —