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"The Bible is meant to be bread for daily use, not cake for special occasions."
 Aug 2015 jhabhabz
James M Vines
Curled up on a front porch swing with a special someone under a blanket watching the rain fall. Playing patty cake with a two year old who is just mastering the ability to walk. Listening to an old friend as they pour our their heart to you. Holding the hand of an elderly parent as you guide the one who used to carry you. These are stolen moments that occur in life. Special times that you cannot get back and that are held as treasures in the heart and our memories.
 Aug 2015 jhabhabz
One day…
 Aug 2015 jhabhabz
One day I will buy chocolate milk,
One day I will fly first class,
One day my shirts will be silk,
One day I’ll have a backstage pass.

I am accustomed to saying No
To things that would make me smile,
It’s not that I’m short on dough
But splurging just isn’t my style.

The waiter asks if I’d like a sundae,
Oh my, I couldn’t do that,
Perhaps I’ll have it one day
Because I don’t want to get fat.

This attitude long ago was learned
And strangely it has survived,
Trust me I’m deeply concerned
Why I am so often deprived.

I know I deserve the best,
And shouldn’t make life tougher,
I feel that I’m overly stressed,
And I don’t deserve to suffer.

Starting today I shall vow
To indulge my deepest desires,
To spoil myself I’ll learn how
Before my dull life expires.
 Aug 2015 jhabhabz
 Aug 2015 jhabhabz
I am the stone that is thrown
that hits the water
causing a ripple
a tiny wave
across a giant ocean
touching shore
washing over tiny particles
molecules and micro-organisms
drowning some
bringing life to others
So i look in the mirror and wonder if this is the end.
I think of my life, my family, and a dead friend.
In my mind I see him smiling his face so bright.
Him laying down his head gently, sleeping soundly every night.
But alas he is gone never to return.
His memories burned but not stored in any urn.
I look in the same mirror as my eyes fill with tears.
I think about my dreams, and my unnecessary fears.
My dead friend had fears too, though much more logical than mine.
Unlike me he wasn't scared all the time.
He wasn't scared for his life, he didn't have to run.
He joy was everlasting, trampled by none.
But i wasn't jealous as i was happy too.
We were always looking for a new adventure, thinking what to do.
One last time i look in the mirror, and think of all he couldn't be.
But then i remember, that dead friend, it's me.
I hope everyone likes it, the last poem turned out to be a bust. so i'll try again :)
 Aug 2015 jhabhabz
Yung Wifey
When you are feeling sad and lonely, seeking security,
Lust comes by and gives you a little taste of beautiful gifts
and it says to you,
"Come to me and I will make you feel warm and secure. I will insert butterflies into your stomach. You will smile for no reason and be happy all the time. You won't be able to sleep all night, but when you finally fall asleep, you will fall asleep happy."
You are overjoyed at what lust has to offer, and jump up and down in excitement as a little child would on Christmas Eve.
Suddenly you feel a little tug at your waist from behind.. It's Reality
You turn around and you ask Reality
"May I please go with Lust?"
Reality says with a smile on its face,
"Go on, have fun. But please be careful. Just know that I will always be here waiting for you at the end."
You think to yourself, what does Reality even mean?
You don't need it anymore.. you have Lust now
You're way too excited to embark on this new journey with Lust so you forget all about what Reality had to say

For a while, being with Lust is great
It gave you all the things that it said it would
You finally feel like you're happy and nothing could change that
Right at that moment when you felt like you were secure
Suddenly, things turned evil
Lust is not what you thought it was.
Lust was just a big tactic to take you away from you
Lust was an offering, a sacrifice, to lose your state of mind and routine of everyday life

The inevitable happens and
Just like that,
Lust leaves you

You cry helplessly
You get on your knees and beg lust to stay
That you will do anything, give it anything at all
Just for Lust to stay

But when Lust came to you, it didn't tell you one very important thing
Lust is a *****
Lust was not built for relationships
Lust cannot and will not stay
For anybody

Sure enough, Reality is there
It was waiting for you to come back
Beside Reality stands Life
You confront Reality and say that you're sorry for leaving
Life overhears your cry and says,
"Don't worry moon child, you will get over this because you are a strong individual. You were built for this. You were meant to be on this Earth to make mistakes and learn from them, and grow as a person. You were meant to feel happiness just as you were meant to feel sadness. This is a beautiful cycle. You will be okay again. Please remember to not forget to enjoy this journey. I love you."

© yungwifey
Hi everyone! This is a short story I just wrote about Lust and Reality. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed it. **
 Aug 2015 jhabhabz
I believed in too much
too early
and when reality
arrived I couldn’t
stand it.
 Jul 2015 jhabhabz
Francie Lynch
I hear too many sirens,
Their call has no desire;
And yet their plaintif wails
Makes one feel alive.

But there's a chance
A child's at risk,
In chaos children die;
Not all kids are underage,
Children are the majority,
Their older than you gauge;
It's like they live at home:
They did: They do: They don't.
And the sirens
Still mean the same.
Someone's child
Left parents grieving
This side of their grave.
Are those sirens heading towards my house?
 Jul 2015 jhabhabz
 Jul 2015 jhabhabz
When forever
was shorter than
I thought ~
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