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 Oct 2018 heisenvader
Adam Mott
On occasion, a dream will show
Eyes of someone I am yet to know
In these moments, I feel alive
Justifying the existence of an internal drive
Outside of these flashpoints
A monochrome life
Coated in nothingness
Frigid cold, emotional strife
Yet, I carry on
If only to dream of those eyes
Once again
 Nov 2015 heisenvader
Adam Mott
Admissions go as I near a suicide
Closing my eyes, wishing to die
This dark place has become my home
It's emotions are dead, alone I roam

Hurting for long now
Lost and distraught
I tire of this life
I lose a lot

Things which I intended to be a part of
Long gone now
People I gave my heart to
All in another rotation
Here I sit
In this dead nation
I do not have the body of David.
Sculpted and chiseled from the hands of an artist.
I do not claim to have eyes
that were kissed by Aphrodite herself.
My skin does not glow
under the scorching sun.
The world does not flock to me,
and not a lot of people
are quite fond of me.
I am not what you wanted
and what you asked for.
But this is life,
and in this life,
we shouldn't ask for more.
 Nov 2015 heisenvader
Spinning round and round,
everything was magical and gold.
Pain waiting in the lounge
but you were not coming back.
this, it did not know

Up, down, up down,
then again.
You reached for the blinking lights,
thinking they made a good constellation,
the air was cold,
cheeks bright and crimson,
and you didn't care one bit.

The music was soft,
a lullaby straight from the music box,
and for a moment
you were a little ballerina--
swaying, twirling, living.

But all good things had to last.
This, you did not know.
You blinked once,
opened it with dusted eyes.
 Nov 2015 heisenvader
Ocean Blue
Since you don't remember
Our kisses,
A long, long time ago
In another life,
Let me send you a thousand
Shall they harvest
The fields of gold
Swallow the stars
And embrace your sky.
God Bless You.
 Nov 2015 heisenvader
 Nov 2015 heisenvader
Because I love you
I'll take interest in the things you're fond of.
Because I love you
I'll cancel my scheduled Tuesday night plans just to see you for an hour.
Because I love you
I'll purchase all the ingredients to make one perfect intoxicated night because you asked me to.
Because I love you
I don't tell you about the things you do that bother me.
Because I love you
I'll strain all my other relationships.
Because I love you
You threw down eggshells and glass and told me to walk, so I did.
Because I love you
I stood still while you raised your hands because you told me you loved me afterwards.
Because I love you
I asked you once, twice, three times, "who is she and why?"
Because I love you
I stayed.
I stayed for the glimpse of hope you gave for every other half sorry you told me.
"You can't leave me, you're not allowed.
Because I love you."
I sunk deep within my thoughts.
"You'll never find anyone better than me.
Because I love you."
Because I love you
I sought for every reason why my denial was justified and stayed within the fine lines of my ignorance because it was bliss.
547 days later it hit me harder than a ton of bricks, that I found comfort in knowing that every seven years all the cells in our body are destroyed, and that one day I will have a body that you will never have touched.
 Oct 2015 heisenvader
E Townsend
the worst kind of crying
is that film residing in your throat
glazing over your vocal chords.
your stomach is twisted
into tiny intricate knots, triple tied.
your eyes bead in the corners,
glistening but not dripping.
you feel that you will never
be as sad as this moment.
your brain shuts off
a failed attempt to detach itself
from the veins fusing and tightening
stars heighten without blinking.
you have become so unaware of your actual body
the sadness eats away
at whatever remains. and even then
you are much too empty
to be dissembled.
 Aug 2015 heisenvader
poet ninja
i yearn...
what most people take for granted:
~ to hold your hands
~ to look into your eyes
~ to kiss you good night
~ to whisper in your ear 'i love you'
i yearn for the mere joy of being with you
........all that i am......i yearn for you...

*You are of the gentle things in life,
like a warm mug of coffee on a cold night,
big comfy sweaters to sleep in.
You are of the beautiful things in life,
like the sky when the sun rise,
the way your face lights up each time you smile...
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