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 Sep 2017
Ronald J Chapman
Moonlight in front of my eyes,
An empty bed waits for me to blow out the candles,

My nights are always the same,
My heart aches, missing you,
My love can not be shared,

My wife, living alone without you,
Sleeping in a lonely bed,

Dreams of sleeping under warm blankets,
Moonbeams caressing your lips,
Moonbeams guiding us through our dreams,

Missing you while laying in this cold bed alone,
Missing watching you breathe; laying next to me,
Missing seeing you at sunrise,

I miss you; I miss you, my love.

Copyright © 2017 Ronald J Chapman All Rights Reserved.
[MV] Yurisangja - To My Bride [Eng Sub]
 Aug 2017
Dark night,
Cars pass,
Lights on.

Can they see me through the windshield?
What would they see?
Red eyes,
Wet face,
Blank expression.

Unbrushed hair,
Pushed behind my ears.

Who am I to strangers?
Driving around,
Because I can't keep it together anymore. 

Especially at night.
If I reach out,
No one answers,
I guess I just stopped trying,

Or maybe you did.
Couldn't stop crying. Mom drove me to Walmart at 11pm.

I don't know who I am right now I'm sorry
 Aug 2017
Mary-Rose H
Tonight is a night when the sky is
                   midnight blue velvet,

                   a night when the city on the
                   hill turns to Christmas

Tonight is a night when laughter and
                                 mirth flow freely,

                                 when camaraderie
                                 pillows in the air.

Tonight is a night when friendship
                                            warms the

                                           good company
                                           fills the heart,

                                           and you wish it
                                           wouldn't end.
Inspired by an evening hanging out with friends I haven't see in a while.
 Aug 2017

I looked at the stars like I do every night,

and I cried.

because this time,

I remembered

that some of them are dead.

and I realised

just how envious I was,

that I was not as beautiful as a star,

even though,

I too,

was still there.

yet also



I've lost my love and I don't know how to get it back.
 Aug 2017
And there she was
Invisible, like a ghost
Watching a man from afar
Cryptic, like the moon
On a dreaded night..
in progress

— The End —