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 Mar 2016 Gabriel
i hope  she thinks of you
when the sun shines
in her morning window
and when the moon is full at night
i hope is your face what comes to her mind

when beautiful songs play on the radio
i hope she wants to share them with you
cause i know music is like therapy to you

i hope she thinks of you
before closing her eyes at night
and in her dreams she kisses you
a billion times
i hope she smiles at your picture in b&w;
that she sees all the beauty you carry

i hope she talks with you
and she wonders if you're feeling all right
if you had lunch
if you sleep enough
if you rest at night
i hope she asks you about your fears
and dreams
i hope she's there for you
when pain hits you the worst.

i hope she doesn't hurt you.

i hope she gives you the happiness
i could never bring to you
i hope she cares about you
at least as much
as i do.

i hope she loves you
 Mar 2016 Gabriel
to my dad
 Mar 2016 Gabriel
in my dreams i see you sometimes
i am next to you and your eyes
are not sad
they just smile the way i saw them smiling
only a few times

when i look in the mirror
i hear your voice saying there was beauty in my
smile and in my big blue eyes
i was a little girl then
and many years have gone
and you have gone with them
i still remember your hugs
though it feels like decades since i was last in your arms
and your voice still echoes in my brain
i remember the last time we spoke you told me
to not cry,
to be strong
and i am trying to be.
i am.

i pretend that i am.

i see you in my dreams sometimes
and i am again a 6 years old little girl
running to you
when you open the front door
and waking up realising
i will see your face no more
it's the most painful story
and i cry sometimes
but you are not here
to open any door
and i am not 6 years old any more
and there's no beauty
in  my big blue crying eyes.

you left and took away your voice,
your dancing,
your bright face
your warm arms
and your kind eyes,
i am left only with a picture
i keep inside a box
behind the front door of my heart
and i want to go back,
to be your little girl again
and i know i'll never get to tell you
that I don't want to pretend any more
and I want you to tell me
that it's okay if i am not always strong
that it's okay to cry.

in many lines i have tried to write you
but i always do it the wrong way
and it seems impossible to describe
how much i miss you
and i need you
how much
i love you.
 Jan 2016 Gabriel
Karen Hamilton
Confusion taints
My every thought,
Round and round in my head;
I can't stop it coming.
The words are
Running like rabbits;
I'm close to giving up.
There it goes again.

I feel the sand
Between my toes,
Waves lapping at the shore.
It sounds so peaceful.
We live out here
In Paradise.
Our lives are different,
But dreams are much the same,
He has his, I have mine;
I am at peace once more.

© Karen L Hamilton, 2012
Writers block soothed by thoughts/ dreams of living alongside my father in Thailand whom I miss very much.
 Jan 2016 Gabriel
Karen Hamilton
I do love my little egg cup,
His brother much the same,
He holds my egg so perfectly;
Boiled eggs are not a game.

They bounce about for 4 minutes
Before they take their test,
They need a place to hold them straight;
My egg cups are the best.

When the soldiers are awaiting,
Those buttered friends of mine,
I need my little egg cups
To keep them all in line.

They come with little cosy hats
To hide their eggy heads,
I take it off and just like that;
Prepare for eggy bread!

© Karen L Hamilton, 2013
I love boiled eggs all year round but especially on Christmas morning following family tradition, so here's a playful poem showing my love for my little Egg cups!!
 Jan 2016 Gabriel
Karen Hamilton
I'm sending all my prayers to you
I'm hoping they'll one day come true
Through waking life and in my dreams
A strange concept, I know it seems
For I don't practice what I preach
In daily life prayers I don't speak
Today it seems all I can do
Is send all of my prayers to you.

© Karen L Hamilton, 2014
Written January 2014
 Jan 2016 Gabriel
Karen Hamilton
New home, new road
New life, new leaf
New page for me
To place my feet

New dreams, new hopes
New thoughts, new goals
Or are they old
Just like 'new' gold?

Gleaming, polished
And sparkling,
They're fitting like
The perfect ring

They've swept me up
And pulled me in,
Right here, right now
My life begins

© Karen L Hamilton,  January 2016
 Dec 2015 Gabriel
Alice Baker
 Dec 2015 Gabriel
Alice Baker
I just want another chance
To grow up
My mind is stirring with the
False hopes of childhood
My pockets are empty
And my soul is tired
They say I still have far to go
But how much further can it be?
I keep slipping on the same slopes
Don't give me lectures
Give me peace
 Dec 2015 Gabriel
Karen Hamilton
If I could no longer find the right words
Because words no longer made sense,
And sense was no longer sensible
Is it ok to sit on the fence?

No care for 'yes/no's' - just 'maybes'
With no desire to argue my point,
For surely the point is pointless now
If left to the toss of a coin

No need to have heartfelt discussions
No use for mind blowing debates,
Why try to have an opinion when
It can all be left down to fate?

You see the reason for these questions
I'm not sure I'm one to agree,
For if we lived our lives without passion
Ask how boring our lives would be?

Life isn't just left down to chances
Luck is not dished out on a plate,
Although I agree how nice would it be
If we could gobble up luck like cakes?

...If you're sure life is one big gamble,
Which if I'm honest it seems it could be
Instead of a game of poker,
Should it be played more like monopoly?

We start at the line together
Moves made with the roll of a dice,
Now and then we'll lose sight of each other
With some of us paying the price

But not far from our reach are our chances;
Some will cross these more often it seems
However, it's all about decisions
Investing and trying to succeed

At times we will run round in circles
Hoping to find a 'get out of jail free'
And just like the game life lasts longer for some
But whilst here try to be all you can be,

Let me finish with one last question;
Why would we not be true to ourselves?
Tell me what's life to be if we don't follow our dreams
And make the most of what's laid out on our shelves?

© Karen L Hamilton, 2012
"We are the masters of our own fate"
 Dec 2015 Gabriel
Karen Hamilton
Who has the right
To stand and stare
Snarl at others
With piercing glares,
Who has the right
To cast a stone
Place themselves on
Pedestal's or
High on a throne?

For you and I
We cannot judge,
Neither of us
Are clear of mud
We make mistakes
We all grow old,
Fight to survive
The bitter cold;

Now. I'll ask again
But this time be true

One day those stones
May cast at you

© Karen L Hamilton, 2012
To judge another is such a difficult subject, for me to tell you not to judge - would I then be judging you for doing so?
 Dec 2015 Gabriel
 Dec 2015 Gabriel
It was not until I was forced to taste the shades of gray
Lying like a death shroud across your face
That I truly embraced the full spectrum
Of every other color
I miss you every day.
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