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Hello it's me Aug 2018
I guess this is it
I guess this is goodbye
I won't cry and you shouldn't either
Stay healthy, be strong
Don't let anyone put you down
It was nice what be had
I was hoping it will last
But now the end has come
Be part from each other
Be strong my dear friend
One day we will meet again
But for now...
Hello it's me Jul 2018
Love didn't hurt her, you did
Lies didn't make her cry, you did
She didn't lose you, you lost her
Hello it's me Jun 2018
I love you, you don't love me, but that's fine, I'll be okay. I miss you, you don't miss me, but that's fine, I'll be okay. My heads filled with you, your heads filled with someone else, but that's fine, I'll be okay. I'll fight through it, even though it hurts now, it'll get better, I'm sure of it. Don't worry to much, live happily I'm just happy I'm your friend and i wish you the best in the world.
Hello it's me Jun 2018
Trust me, I know how it feels. I know how it hurts. I know you cry in the shower so no one will hear your screams. I know you wait until everyone goes to sleep to fall apart. Its not always easy but I know exactly what that feels like.
Hello it's me May 2018
You asked me once. Why do you always smile? Are you always that happy. No I'm not always happy sometimes i just want the world to fall on top of me. But when i smile it helps me. Is like the pain I'm feeling hurts less. Thats why i smile it help me endure the pain
Hello it's me Apr 2018
She hides her feelings.
If you ask her how is she?
She will smile and tell you she's fine.
Lies all of it. Its her biggest fat lie
She hides from the world.
She pushes  people away cuz she is
afraid to be hurt.
She loves but she is afraid to show it.
She is lost
She is me
Hello it's me Nov 2017
She is a girl. I bet if you saw her you would see a very happy child, a girl with two loving parents. A bright smile that lights the hearts of who see it. Others a rude girl who doesn't talk much and stick her nose on things that are not her business. But what most of you don't see is inside of her  she is fighting. Fighting tears, silent screams for help. Fighting to be notice for who she is and not for what she looks. Most of you don't see in order for her to smile so brightly, she had to practice that smile every night in front of her mirror. That her family is not at all a happy one. That every night she hides in her room, covers her ear so she can't hear her parents fight. That when she ask you how are you or how was your day, is because she is really worried about you. That she keeps her distance cuz she is afraid of getting hurt again. And yet some of you jude her. Whitout even knowing her story
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