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 May 2014 Zuffy
 May 2014 Zuffy
A quiet fury
blossoms in my chest,
an orchid of rage
unfolds in silence,
poisonous and strangely beautiful,
creamy petals strain against
the cavity where I once
kept my heart.
 May 2014 Zuffy
Amitav Radiance
As twilight descends on the city
Bright lights adorn the cityscape
As if the stars have come to decorate
The bustling party, where everyone is invited
Streets, alleys, pathways, boulevard- sparkling
With electrifying wattage, reminiscent of the celebrations
People returning home after a hard day’s work
With a slouch, after the backbreaking toil
The city lights up to entertain the weary passersby
Gives some solace to the mind, before another day beckons
The grim reality of the fast-paced city life is forgotten
As it’s time to celebrate another evening
Despite all the hardships and bickering among each other
There is always the dazzle of city lights to bathe with life
Rejuvenate us and entertain us; helping to cope with reality
The city crowd is amazing, where there is always a crowd
Despite being surrounded by people, yet we are alone
People flashing a forced smile to greet each other
Food stalls are a great leveler, where global cuisines are served
Bringing the flavors across the world, to the local taste buds
Everyone is in the limelight, under the city lights
Even the dark alleys and treacherous places align seamlessly
Yet, the city sees so many segregation and prejudices
The city lights don’t seem to illuminate all minds alike
All said and done, let’s be a part of the city’s party
As we are all invited, and revel till the city lights burn bright

© Amitav (Radiance)
 May 2014 Zuffy
Amitav Radiance
Do you feel the ‘touch’?
Stirring old memories
Your body awakens
To the familiar ‘touch’
Blossoming the heart
‘Touch’, etched in your memory
Opening the hidden chambers
Where I once inhabited
Passions reaching a crescendo
As we have touched the familiar chord**

© Amitav (Radiance)
 May 2014 Zuffy
Amitav Radiance
The multitude is flowing ahead
Teeming with dreams and hope
Crammed, with little place to move
There is dearth of space in the mind
Physically, we are reaching fatigue
What do we have for choice?
The power to choose is taken away
Our choices influenced by publicity
Duplicating a parallel world of feel good
Yet, deep down we are queasy
Something is not right, not identifiable
Blinded by the dazzles of show- biz
As if, all the actors are being directed
Chosen to play a role, not ours to choose
Memorizing written scripts, to deliver
Speeches which are not ours, we feel
Our dreams invaded, and manipulated
Our originality, suppressed in the makeup
Masquerading, our inner thoughts and ideas
Repeating the same role everyday
Delivering the scripted dialogues
Keeping in mind that we are here for audience
Our originality and individuality torn apart
Our original script has gone down the shredder
Who has the energy to pick up the pieces?
To join, the strewn dreams and live in a new way
We are just a created avatar, directed, indirectly
Of what we love, wear, eat, and live our life
Swept away by the waves of multitude
Individuality is relegated to the dark confines
Where can we start searching, our real counterpart?

© Amitav (Radiance)
 May 2014 Zuffy
 May 2014 Zuffy
tarry not my love
the bed is warm
the air is cold

come lie with me
and behold the beauty
of natures grace
painted in absolute unbridled joy
upon my happy face

these tears not sad
so very, very glad
these are love
set free
from the millpond
that holds

stay with me now
and forever
again to cry and laugh
and love and play

is there a more
wonderous way
to spend a rainy day.

 May 2014 Zuffy
old girl
goodnight, to you,
quiet house,
blessed home.

are you glad to see
another day done?
within yourself, your hidden recessed places,

are you sighing in relief  as we settle safe in our beds.

your present loves,
all accounted for,
sleeping within your
teak and nail embrace.
or do you prefer,

the drumming of our feet, the hum of activity,
of when we are awake,
and bustling and bumping, about your frame?

or is it best,
when we leave you,
silent and alone
to contemplate,
in the sun and wind
on a work day?

my lord, the secrets
you must keep, the lifes,
that you have held close behind these old walls.

you must groan and cry,        
with the weight of some memories,
yet, others cause
you to smile and sigh
in near-miss relief.

you have stood strong
and sturdy, for almost
one hundred years,
in one form or another,
your girth has expanded, with the growth of family, from farmer's cottage,
to three bed, with study
and nannexe, out the back. you have been all but knocked down, rebuilt, reworked and restored,
to former glory.

you have withstood,
the element's rage
and time's insipid attempts, to shift you,
from your place,
upon the cliffshead.
you have, and do,
do well, to hold us
all within.

and now, just,
before i sleep,
i want to thank you
old girl, for the way,
you keep us, warm,
protected and together.
glad to be back in the old  homestead.... even as she cracks and creaks, complaining about the cold
 May 2014 Zuffy
Jo de Guzman
there is no assurance for forever
what you have now, might be gone later.
value everything while you still have it.
you’ll never know what tomorrow brings.
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