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 May 2014 Zuffy
Poetry Slug
 May 2014 Zuffy
I ooze
      from kitchen
                  to desk
                       to couch
                                    a trail of words
                                                  behind me
:) for all of my fellow poetry slugs...
 May 2014 Zuffy
Raj Arumugam
it grieves me
the major dictionaries
cannot agree
on the longest word
in the English Language

The Oxford English proposes:
Merriam­-Webster champions:
and others list: floccinaucinihilipilification -
but look, I am no counterrevolutionary
and I'm not attempting any deinstitutionalisation
but really the longest word in the English Language
(and let's settle this once and for all, amicably) is:
because there's a mile between S and E...
You see? Easy!
Makes you wonder if
the editors of major dictionaries
are *visuallyintellectuallyfacialmuscularlychallenged
sources: wikipedia; and a kid who stunned with me with a riddle
(I thought he was going to pull out a stun gun (you know how kids are nowadays) - but he pulled out a riddle. Still, stunned me. Kids nowadays! )
 May 2014 Zuffy
Raj Arumugam
someone's following you online here,
and you want to know why
Well, here's why...take your pick


Oh, I follow you because you look good
and though I never read your poems
I come back often
year after year
to see if you age at all

you don't use your real name
you use a moniker or pseudonym -
and I'm just  going by the desperate hope
you are Obama or Putin incognito
and you might give me asylum one day
if I'm outlawed by one or the other

I'm in jail for life
and this is the only way I can stalk anyone

I was hoping you'd reciprocate
and follow me too -
so why the hell don't you, hypocrite!?

I'm your ****** boss in disguise
and I'm at this site keeping track
of how much office time you waste here,
you ****** loafer!

I'm actually your wife
and I got a thing or two to say to you
about all those comments
you've written for the women here
Same old liar here and at home, aren't you?
Just wait till you get home...

Well, I'm a ****** academic
who never gets creative
so I'm collecting all your poems
and I'll publish them in my name
and there'll be praise all round for me
as academic, and poet, and novelist too
(the novels I steal from my students)

you scratch my back
I scratch yours

Why do I follow you?* -
but aren't you my mum?
You never taught me
to let go of your apron strings

actually, it was a mistake, see
I was on my smartphone and I went
tap, tap, tap
and my index finger fell on "Follow"
and I'm too darned lazy to set it right...
that's how I ended up following you

My cult tells me
the Messiah is here at this site
so I just follow everyone
in case it happens to be you -
it is you, isn't it?
...poem above is just an exercise in imagination (sure, I've heard fiction may be truer than reality) ...exercise your own imagination - add a possibility (or more)  below, please
 Mar 2014 Zuffy
A Taste
 Mar 2014 Zuffy
We die each night,  
Passports stamped
in invisible ink
to a realm where
the possible and impossible
beneath purple sunsets,
Where the breath of imagination
bends eternity for a moment,
Wishes skinny dip in deep time,
Hopes burble into form,
And fears slither out to play.
As morning seeps into our lids
and the edges begin to blur,
We straddle two worlds
for an instant,
Then blink away the mystery,
a taste of death on our lips.
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