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241 · Mar 2019
The Pain
Jennifer Stetler Mar 2019
The pain felt among one mere mortal,
could be enough to drive several insane.

It's been known to capture our souls
and guide us far astray.

The thought of death fills and corrupts our minds.
And every hope of happiness is left long behind.
232 · Mar 2019
A Sin in Your Name
Jennifer Stetler Mar 2019
Lying deep inside her was nothing but pain.
She was patient, she waited, taking it all.
She tried to stand tall, she tried to be strong.
But there's only so much one can take
before they are meant to fall.

Just one fall can cause a crack.
There would be no fixing it this time.
And all that pain, can not be put back.

They no longer know how to react.
Beginning to take steps that were not supposed
to be their original path.

But now there is blood spilled from the ones she has killed.
Oh. what has become of this once innocent soul?
Did other's push her to this state of mind?
Or is she purely guilty of these crimes?

But don't worry, you are safe.
The only life she took was her own.
She committed her sin in your name,
because she was just so tired of being alone.
184 · Mar 2019
You Wont Remember My Name:
Jennifer Stetler Mar 2019
I keep fighting.
I keep being told to stay strong.
Keep going on.
“You got this.”
Well you’re wrong.

My tears are my only vice.
And those tears just fall all night long.
Every day is just a roll of the dice.
Can I keep giving it my all?

I’ve ****** up.
I can never do anything right.
And I just keep hurting those around me
So what’s the point of continuing,
I mean I knew this along.

I should have stopped while I was ahead.
Now it’s in so deep
And it’s getting more painful to breathe.
I just keep thinking I want to be free.

These pills of my nightstand,
They feel so inviting.
It would stop all this crying.

I mean you all will forget my anyways.
One day I’ll be a distant memory.
Someone you just used to know.

A face that was just on the screen.
Someone standing in the crowd.
A person that was never quite whole.

You can hate me.
You can curse me.
Whatever gets you through it.
I’m the only one to blame.

But honestly, I can no longer handle this pain.
I’m sorry. Forgive me.
But I’ve got to end this game.
Just remember, one day you won’t even remember my name.

— The End —