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 Nov 2014 Zayna
 Nov 2014 Zayna
Love is giving someone your heart, in all its fractured pieces, and trusting them not to shatter it further.
 Nov 2014 Zayna
kylie formella
 Nov 2014 Zayna
kylie formella
we're passing around the
but no one holds it as gently
as i do
no one else depends on
to make them happy
 Nov 2014 Zayna
Tony Scallo
I feel so tired
My body grows dire
And my brain leaks out,
The thoughts I doubt

My mind feels alone on this one way track,
My engineer doesn’t operate, and can’t reverse back.

It might be because he’s high.

He won’t come down,
No rope could ever reach where his mind has gone now.

And I just wonder how
He thinks he can drive,
80 miles an hour, with no intent to oblige
By the rules of the road
He drives all alone,
Away from the place he used to call home

Passing life around him,
Without a care to stop
The brakes were ripped out,
When his dreams got dropped

To shovel more coal into his fire,
Burning more fuel, with his green lighter
Inhaling each puff to escape the pain,
Because problems can't catch a runaway train
 Nov 2014 Zayna
 Nov 2014 Zayna
Life has been kind to me, I just haven't been kind to myself.
 Nov 2014 Zayna
If I kept these pieces that I broke
Perhaps I would feel at home wherever I go
These bruised knuckles are incapable of breaking souls
But enough to bend a few bones
Thought a broken tendon might heal everything
And don't you dare tell me that when the storm's over,
The birds will sing along.
I hate the sound of my breath.
 Nov 2014 Zayna
Bones are ****** dry and carcasses are licked clean
Voices are taken away
Who would be there to tell you,
that you do not deserve this?
They are obliged to make every dream of yours
a combination of different hells.
The banshee is a devil,
for she daren't call for you;
and you daren't call for her.

These staircases spiral into traps
and the sun cuts these diamonds like a blade;
the night hides all the faces you have ever dreamed of
and sleep leaves you drenched in the venom of your very own fears.
Few knew how many battles have been fought in a losing war
and fewer knew better than to make it out half alive.

Perhaps a blessing in disguise,
or a master of disguise:
when they leave you alone, they really do.
and it'd be less of a chore
to speak to yourself, instead of for yourself
or to those around you.
An eagle is born to be held captive-
and when they will you to fly,
you would.

Some wake in the dusk
Some brew the wrong cup of coffee
Some brew the same kind of storm
It's hard to know if you were awake
or alive
when your name never did sound right
coming from someone else's lips.
 Nov 2014 Zayna
Gaby Comprés
 Nov 2014 Zayna
Gaby Comprés
do you know how many
people walk their way
through life never wanting
to be more than what they
are, never giving their selves
the chance to open their
hearts and be bold and
risk it all? do you know
how many people don't
write the stories they want
to share, the poems they want
to write, the songs they want
to sing, the art they want
to make? do you know how
many people deny their selves
the opportunity to be brave, the
chance to be bold, to live in
bright colors instead of black
and white? do you know how
many people live in a cage,
afraid to love, afraid to live,
afraid to hope, afraid to feel,
afraid to be? do you know
how many people don't let
their souls be vulnerable and
beautiful and wonderful? i
hope you're not one of them.
 Nov 2014 Zayna
 Nov 2014 Zayna
Aligned to unite
With others who lost their way
It’s a mess we perceived
To those in dismay
These lines create dreams 
For the broken
For the ones never spoken-
Of Love & Courage

Conjuring up notions of time
Structuring of desires preludes
To pursue what’s lost 
To preach and beseech truth
Faith denotes eternally
Surviving pain and deceit
What speaks only bleeds
To fabricate amity

Not fazed by power
But to denote greed
Greed of Love & Passion
Exhaling Hate & Deception
To succor the pillar of fate
To exist in this factual state

Your heart's a fragile thing. 
Everyone’s heart is. 
Don’t ever contaminate hatred
Contaminate love instead.
We're only humans. We're not perfect.
We come in different colours.
Don't hate on things/someone you don't know.
Don't erase a race/religion with intent of hate
Contaminate love instead.
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