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 May 2014 Presence
Ann M Johnson
My eyes may be dry, that's because I cry inside
All the rainy days lately inspired this poem
 May 2014 Presence
Poetic T
Some times people read a
book by the cover, they judge
by what is on the outside.

Never taking time to open it
to read a page or two, and
then realize that the cover
has changed along with there

Always read a little before
you judge, for to many judge
a book by the cover of
the book before opening
it up.
 May 2014 Presence
random stranger
met him on the street
we shared a table
and conversation turned deep

never met a stranger
this day was quite unique
so convinced of fables
as we talked awhile of "peace"

i wonder if ever there was a stranger
person i could greet
who held so true to labels
like childhood tales and dreams
 May 2014 Presence
Ashley Rodden
You changed my mind
I cherish your heart
I bite my tongue
Until it hurts
Make me feel beautiful again tonight please
This love is out of control
And I'm on my knees
You're wasted again thinking about the past
But it's hard to see clearly out of tear stained eyes of glass
I maybe holding on too tight
But the beast in my heart
Won't let me leave you alone tonight
I kissed the scars on your skin
And still think you're beautiful
I know you're in pain
But you're not the only one suffering
There's no guarantee this life is easy
But when I look at you I see truth in forgiveness
I came alive with your kiss
I died inside your arms
Just take a look at my heart
Is it too bold?
Well I don't care because
I don't ever want numb to feel comfortable
Seeing your face
Was the first time I seen love
And you're all I'll ever need now
Because second chances won't leave me alone
And I  know there has to be faith in love
You've always been the one
And I've always tried to remind you
Our future is just a heartbeat away from disaster
And I'm afraid we'll throw it all away
Did you mean it when you said
I never leave the thoughts in your head?
Could you ever fall in love again?
How do you know
How deep to go before something's real?
Are we losing or beginning?
Without an us there can be no happy ending
Maybe if I lie enough that I'm enjoying myself...
And you make hell feel just like home for yourself...
We would never feel alone
But I so want your lips to always be mine
Do you still want me?
Will your desire for me leave you with time?
Or will I always be a silver metal ring
Custom made to cut off your circulation
Because I couldn't let you go?
Please just keep talking,
I love to hear your voice
Sweet love,
Free me,
Free us,
For I am bound to you
And long to feel wonderless
 May 2014 Presence
Lone Wolf
I feel like I'm standing on deaths door
And His icy hands are griping
Me around my ribs I can't breathe
I'm waiting for Him to claim me
Or anyone here we're all subject to His will

Death is finicky
He claims randomly
And I'm in His terrain
A place where He claims
And counts the newborns
His eventual victims

He is here I can feel Him
As my knees go weak
And my vision fades
I grit my teeth
and try to stay in the game
Because I'm not His, not today.
I'm visiting my uncle in the hospital... Hospitals give me panic attacks, normally... I don't think my meds are helping much, either. Hopefully we leave soon.
 May 2014 Presence
Lone Wolf
I can't believe your threatening me
Go ahead you old ******* hit me
I ******* dare you.
I've been looking for a reason
to never come back please
Please give me one
I will be so **** happy.
At my grandparents house... Grandpa is an *******.
In reality it wouldn't make a difference if he hit me mom would still ******* back. If she was going to let me stop coming she would've done that when he choked me.
 May 2014 Presence
Lone Wolf
Do you love me?
I know you love my body
And I know you love what I can do to you
But do you love me?

God I used to love you so much
You have no clue baby doll
But now? I don't even know
You just have me confused

We've been together forever
I don't even remember since when
But baby I remember you had me from go
You were my everything you know

But I think we're fading out
And I hate it I wish it wasn't happening
But that doesn't stop it.
It doesn't heal us

Don't get me wrong
I'll keep holding on
Just like I always have
Until you let go

Baby that'll **** me inside
But you already know that
Baby doll you have my heart
In your hands please baby

Before you let go, please
Put it back where it belongs
We've been fading out for about a year now... Neither of us has ever been faithful we agreed on open relationship at the beginning.  
He's had my heart for so long I don't think he even knows much less how to put it back... Hell. I don't know how to put it back either...
 May 2014 Presence
Lone Wolf
"Good morning"
Is typically my first lie of the day

Then after that comes "I love you too, mom"
"I'm fine" is a fairly common one
Normally somewhere I say
"I'm not hungry" or
"It's just a scratch"

"I don't need people I'm fine on my own"

Sometimes saying "how are you?"
Is a lie because I don't really care
Unless your a friend in which case I do.

"I pledge allegiance to the flag..."
A lie I say every school day.
And I tend to end my day with
"Good night, sleep well"
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