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Shhhhh......  Listen hear that ticking sound ?  Tick tock tick tock.
It does not stand still for no one not you nor I or them .

Time is the existences of the past present and future.  Yet it is repeated. It has a beginning but has no end.  At times it moves forward and backward.  Are we connected to time?  Indeed we all are ; Time is something most of us relay upon. As a reminder of the many things to do, people and places to see. Don't rush time make use of it. Listen it is still ticking. Tick tock tick tock. " Your time is percious so use it wisely". Remember Time does not stand still for no one.  Shhh... Listen is still ticking.
 Apr 2016 Sunset
Fear .....
 Apr 2016 Sunset
There you are ......
A lump
A lump of the kind that strikes fear in the breast of every woman
Growing inside me
Like an embryonic cancer
Or a cyst
Or a symptom of age
Whatever you are
You're here .....
And I wish you weren't
I go about my mindless life
Left waiting to discover if I'm just
Dying .....

(C) Pixievic
I debated as to whether to post this or not - it is not a plea for sympathy - more that I'm dealing with it on my own as in my 'real' life only 4 people know ...... It's what poetry is for right - to tell you lot the things I can't tell anyone else!!
 Apr 2016 Sunset
Don't term the fate unkind
leave your bad memories behind
and make a start
with a mind
which is refined
 Apr 2016 Sunset
Thomas Newlove
I'm madly in love with words, but they can be as meaningful or as meaningless as you want them to be - like rain or blood. Maybe that's why.
Tweet verse is a poem comprised of exactly 140 characters
 Apr 2016 Sunset
Sweetest Kill
 Apr 2016 Sunset
The pastures of my sanity lie between
the first kiss of my lips
and making macaroni and cheese for one.

I’m not fluent in French
but I can speak in tongues,
better than any linguist.

And lust.
My favorite word to say,
and be.

Touch my finger to my lip,
have I gotten your attention yet?

The more I pretend to love,
the more I love to hate.

A silly game,
I’m playing it,
with you.

But the more of you I kiss,
the less of you I like.

And now,
the object of your so called affection,
have poisoned you
with foreshortened importance,
and plead with you-
to please retreat.

Yet you still crave me,
like some ignorant child
who’s never believed in candy
until someone told them,
it’s quite sweet.
 Mar 2016 Sunset
 Mar 2016 Sunset
I'm lost.
Sometimes I don't want to be found.

Sometimes I want to scream.
Sometimes I don't want to make a sound.

Can I sleep for days?
I want to try for it.
 Mar 2016 Sunset
Secret Poet
I wrote this while drinking tea with you, and I must say I'd rather be taking shots of ***** with you my love.
I need alcohol in my system.
 Mar 2016 Sunset
Hanna Mae Mata
There are two types of sadness:
one, is being sad that
you write so much,
you draw so much,
you drink so much,
you sleep too much-
the other is just
a little taste of death
on the most inconvenient hour of your life,
when you lost the understanding
of the difference between
jumping on a cliff
and falling on a cliff.
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