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I love you
For all the times I didn't say it
For all the times you didn't know it
I love you
For every breath you questioned it
For every bit of hurt
I love you
For every time I cut you off
For everything I do wrong
I love you
For the lines crossed
For the tears lost
I love you
Our world is crumbling
Falling apart
Losing its will to live
People having disregard
Lost respect
And forgetting how to give
Oceans laced with
Bottles and trash
Forests and playgrounds too
The world walks by
With blinders on
Never smiling too
We’ve lost our hope
We’ve lost our love
We are fighting just to survive
Trying to find a glimpse
of what it used to mean -
to be alive
we’ve forgotten our souls
our reasons to live
we hide behind our masks
pushing away the world around
focusing on our tasks
Forgetting all who are in need
Turning a blind eye
Selfishly hoarding all we can
Until the day we die
You cannot take it with you
Your treasures turn to rust
Or end up in a trash pile
And your memories turn to dust
You leave behind no legacy
Of good and kindness and love
Of lending out a helping hand
In life you fell short of
Remembering why
We were given this life
It isn’t about your things
The question that will be asked of you
Is what did you do for Me?
How did you help another
When their confidence was down?
How did you help bring light
To a person with a frown?
How did you clothe the naked?
Or feed the hungry, and hurt?
How did you show My love
To those who were out of work?
Or did you spend your life
In anger
Blaming the world for your fate
Spreading sickness, telling lies
Burying your soul in hate?
It is your choice
On how you live
And what you wish to leave
How will you be remembered my friend
What kind of life will you weave?

April 5, 2016
 Apr 2016 Ava Valentine
Free now from your books, you
walk the path behind the halls
where a bird completes her
and descends onto a branch
shaking its flowers. Petals
are released!
and float down in
Lowering, degree by
degree in a swaying motion
against the gentle pushing-back
of spring air

They land in a pond.
our love is a fiction*
carved from my mind
and written in these*

tattered pages

the tale of love that will never be become true
Carpe diem is from the Latin phrase
carpe diem quam minimum credula postero
Which means 'pluck the day and put no trust in the future'
coronemus nos rosis antequam marcescant
'Let us drink and be merry'
As a wise, yet fictional professor said,
"We are food for worms, lads"
So pluck the day! Put no trust in the future!
Who is to say a future exists?
Believe no soothsay nor medium,
They lie and tell half truths for petty cash
Find joy and beauty in the world,
Enjoy every moment like it's your last
Don't squander your health, money nor sanity though
If there does happen to be a future coming,
You'll want to be around for it!
**** the marrow out of life,
Just don't choke on the bone
Seize the day.

Learning to live each day.

Daring to dream each day.

Living life each day.

Trying again each day.

Falling in love each day.

Falling out of love each day.

Taking a journey each day.

Remembering to laugh each day.

Healing each day.

Forgiving each day.

Repenting each day.

Praying for guidance each day.

Striving each day.

Creating memories each day.

Starting again each day. . .

Learning to *seize the day.

Carpe diem.
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