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 Jul 2015 y i k e s
i was going to write about
how much i hate you
but then i realized
i just hate myself
 Jul 2015 y i k e s
My Dear
 Jul 2015 y i k e s
I am in love,
My dear,
With a moment
We never had.
I marvel,
My dear,
At the possibilities
In our future.
I dream,
My dear,
Of the day we lie
Side by side.
I hope,
My dear,
For our night,
All in white.
I know,
My dear,
I'll dance in your arms
Some beautiful night.
For My Muse
 Jul 2015 y i k e s
Save me, for I don't want to fall in love,
but yet I have with you.

Save me from my self abuse,
the cuts show the truth.

My hearts breaks when I see you,
save me, help me forget you.

It's to late,
I've fallen for you.

No one can save me,
not from myself at least.

For my mind knows I'll hurt,
but my heart doesn't care, except about love.

Save me from this world of doubt,
and keep me locked about your heart.

Tell me you love me,
for I love you dearly...

I love you
but I'm afraid to love.

I'm afraid to fight,
for what I want.

Save me,
and take me away.

Don't let me fall,
don't let me hurt anymore.
 Jul 2015 y i k e s
my mind wandered far from where it should've been
health exam
diagram of the heart.
I hear the beating of my own heart
I feel it sulk down into my chest.

I look to my right and see a boy who sits with a look of arrogance on his face
the very boy I've silently loved for months now
I'm sure he knows, I'd be surprised if he didnt

ever since september I've been hot on his tail whenever I got the chance
pure desperation
He's your typical teenage heartbreaker
Varsity well, everything  since freshman year
his blue eyes painted a mystery begging to be solved
he has not a care in the world for anyone besides himself

so here i am bashing the boy I myself boost onto a pedestal
it seems so strange
strange that i'd be so compelled to practically worship the ground he walks on
Stranger, is how I'm able to write all of this with him a mere 24 inches away
he could glance to his left and read all of this crystal clear

It's funny how much I claim to hate him, all while being so attracted to him
I guess that's the difference between love and attraction
I love his physical being, even the idea of him
until it comes to who he his beneath his skin
Cocky. Self centered. Rude. Unaware of his surroundings. Impulsive.
 Jul 2015 y i k e s
But to bad that I didn't know

I am very sorry
 May 2015 y i k e s
They came on the radio again

I can't help but smile
They make me think of you

Ahhh being in love

It's hopelessly wonderful
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