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y i k e s Sep 2015
i was driving a car

i was going straight

every light was green and i had the road to myself.

but the car turned around abruptly.

i don't have control, i'm going right down the road again

and i'm right back where i started.
  Sep 2015 y i k e s
the cat died
a few months ago
and now they use
his food dish
as an ash tray

rest in peace.
y i k e s Aug 2015
Nothing like a good depressing poem to relate to

Nothing like a good love poem to  fill your heart with butterflies

Nothing like a good angry poem to make you think of that one guy

Nothing like an angry poet bashing all the above poems

Because poetry is everyone saying the same thing

Just in different lines
What makes me different?
y i k e s Aug 2015
the car driving incorrectly slammed into the pole while simultaneously slamming into a living being

the driver is okay,
the car is totaled,
the being destroyed

two creations gone but the one at fault is well and walking

what a fine way to describe living.
took actual events and stretched it to a fault
y i k e s Jul 2015
What was that?

I couldn't hear you over the impending doom that is our friendship slithering away
  Jul 2015 y i k e s
i was going to write about
how much i hate you
but then i realized
i just hate myself
y i k e s Jul 2015
you can try

with all your might

to get back

into my life.

you can try

to wedge in

through the holes.

but in the end

the results won't

be what you want.

because i've moved on

and there's no room

for you.
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