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xavier thomas Mar 2023
Navigate through life, hoping the transition flows
Donā€™t know where Iā€™ll end up as I grow old
Maybe the quicker I grow old, God will call me home
Last time I thought like this I was home alone
Asking the Lord to take me home, feeling unknown
Thinking people would like me better on my tomb stone
But Iā€™ve grown, just not on my own, God set the tone
xavier thomas Mar 2023
Avoiding a lot of poisonous views
Use to allow boundaries to cross paths in a painful bruise
Saw a side of myself that grew in mental abuse
Mind couldā€™ve dispatch if I lose, but I never do
So I pray & hobby daily like itā€™s double shift
Reject any wicked ***** wealth swallowed, venomous slips
More blessings to come very soon for being genuine
Woke up to conquer another day, victory is mine to win
xavier thomas Mar 2023
Remember the fun days with no money in our wallets?
Finding ways to hustle & stretch money to buy drinks like weā€™re alcoholics
nowadays weā€™re living luxury, smiling and laughing about it
Funny how that year changed us together, every time we talk about it
Memory flash, when I close my eyes at night
Waking up to a bright sun to a new day at life
Trying to remember that good dream before those flashing lights
Rest assured, my bond for you is right
Get no rest days, work 80 hours in 6 days
Never settle for temporary short-change
Improved to upgrade, therapy session really had me locked in
Time flies like a man in his dream sleepwalking
Went from Club ā€œLitā€ Saturday nights, to club ā€œLifeā€
Club ā€œLifeā€ to creating a club at home with family and kids
My priority change when I decided to pursue this
Intentions will come at you at the highest expense
Especially actions that represent the real me
And frame a reflection, in the mirror, to really get a good look at me
Whatever helps cut down my image flaws to bloom a better me
No one knows my flesh that harm me, trying to build a lesser me
But Godā€™s love armored me successfully
xavier thomas Mar 2023
Up 5am with urgency, sticky note on the mirror reminding me
ā€œBe good to people, be good to yourself organicallyā€
Aiming to let go of the past that has burden me
Focus only towards today vs tomorrow and tread carefully
Another chance to shine, in hope my enemies take it personally
I take it to heart, demonstrates the desire to succeed fearlessly
The vision board written for God will create wonders for me
My legacy will leave a legacy, a generational love
A blood line of chosen angel warriors build ready to serve throughout eternity
A fearful reflection for my enemies who develop insecurities
Behind closed doors, falling short in hatred worshiping
Donā€™t need to worry, cause their views doesnā€™t concern me
The faithful ones will learn how to strive for peace through me
As I continue to strengthen my obedience in discipline maturely
Living everyday as my last under purpose with authorityĀ Ā 
My ambition is centered around competition & collective security
Take some time off to focus more on recovery
I hope someday the grind retires me & the reward humbles me
By the end of 2023 Iā€™ll give you a full summary
  Mar 2023 xavier thomas
"It's funny,
when our eyes touch,
it floors me."
Even midnight dreams are shadowed by
The most humiliating failures
And the inability to cope
In areas where I formerly excelled.

By my need to get it right
While watching myself get it wrong
And race in all directions
In the hope of fixing things.

And made to answer for
The things I used to do so well
And now canā€™t do at all
While thereā€™s no place to hide.

From another graphic vision of
My inability to do the things that I did best
That specter follows me into the day
Eliminating any hope of joy.

One more day begun with tears
And lack of understanding of
The reason for the torture
That my dreams inflict on me.

Was I bad and evil in my youth
Has it come back to haunt me now
No, I do not think thatā€™s it
I am my own worst enemy.
The one to blame is only me.
Cursed with an uncontrollable unconscious that for some reason hates me.
xavier thomas Feb 2023
You donā€™t feel loved cause
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