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Lexie Oct 2014
I am like an alzeimer's patient
you can tell me everyday you love me
but by tomorrow I will forget
I am like an asthma patient
you can kiss me a million times
but I still find it hard to breathe
I am like a epileptic patient
you can hold me for forever
and I will still shake and tremble
I am like a diabetic patient
you can be so sweet to me
by tomorrow I will be in shock
I am like an amputee
you can break my heart
but I will still survive
I am like a cancer patient
you take my insides out
and I will still last a little longer
I am mentally retarted
because no matter how much I love you today
I still believe you say you love me more
two plus two is four
but you plus me is more
721 · Apr 2014
The Uncommons Demons
Lexie Apr 2014
I am the dark with no shadow
I am the evil on odd hallow
I am the winter storm, relentless
I am the beach of burning sand
I am the one that bites your hand

You strike my face

I am the one to strike you back
Just one choice and all is lost
714 · Jan 2022
Lexie Jan 2022
I am sure by now
Heaven finds my voice all too familiar
713 · Nov 2014
Lexie Nov 2014
just a drop of your golden sunrise
will brighten my darkened day
711 · Jun 2017
Love Seat
Lexie Jun 2017
I dipped my back into your couch
And you fell into me, lips first
Firm pressure on my mouth
Gentle touches tracing my body

You traced my curves with your hands
I breathed you in like I'd never had air
There was no space between us
Your body my blanket and shield

I pull you to me
Savoring the your taste
It lingers for days on my lips
I long many days for your kiss

As I lay beside you
Hand on your chest
Head on your should
Heart in your hands

I feel this beating in my chest
A beat to drown out all the rest
No whispers could ever contain
All I seek, is to remain

Hold me close
Don't you dare let go
For once I fall
I melt like snow

I breathe you in
In every embrace
Between your arms I belong
This is my place
I do what I want.
711 · Jun 2019
Lexie Jun 2019
I remember waiting
Heart fluttering in your chest
You were my wish
I blew out the candles
You tasted sweeter than water dripping from pine trees
Working up courage to touch you
I don't care about burns
Smoke is the uncertainty of the night
I search for you in the dark just the same
Crickets are chirping
My ears have forgotten the earth knows humble prayers
Devout she is in her offering
May I be as delighted in my love for you
710 · Aug 2017
Peace of Heaven
Lexie Aug 2017
You said you would chose me
Above all else
You swore to protect me
With every breath

But I am beneath
And you do not breath

So we are left
With a house
Divided against itself
And a city
Torn apart from the inside

The gates are broken down
And trust has left all of our hearts

But the Lord he is faithful
To renew all spirits
And so I place my confidence
In him alone

For he has never failed
Anyone before
He has never left
Any of his children
On the battlefield

So I call
Upon his name
And he answers;
My daughter,
I have walked this road
My child,
I am beside you still
I am your strength
In this dark hour
I give you rest
Drink if my living water

To confide in the King
And stand in his presence
Humbled by his grace
And blessed by his hand
And he speaks to me;
Oh child, I did not spill
The blood of my son in vain
It was for you
It has payed the way

So now I claim
All victory in Christ
Because what sweat of the brow
Or toil and trouble
Or earthy treasures
Of foolish hope
Or love of flesh

Can ever contend with
Or ever fulfill

The promises of God.

Pinned to the cross
Nailed to Gates of hell
For death is fleeting
And sin all done in vain
For a mortal man
Who's home is heaven

Oh saint, take your place
At the foot of the throne
For peace is found
In heaven your home
710 · Mar 2016
Lexie Mar 2016
such beautiful imagery
you cast like a spell
and these words in my heart
you know them all to well

whilst the world decides
whether it be awake or asleep
I lye twixt your heart and soul
together we gently weep

you twinkle like a star
and shine bright within my soul
you found me bound and broken
yet you left me whole

ne'er will I ever be alone
in your beautiful memory
for whenever my heart cries out
you run to comfort me

and yet these thoughts run
down the corridors of my mind
but still every time I fall
you lift me up, in kind

700 · Apr 2019
Temple (pt 3)
Lexie Apr 2019
Drag my fears to altar
Sacrificing sleep to make peace
With shadows dancing on the walls
Penance is a costly coin
I count sins like pennies in a jar
Plunking copper in vain
In a well that has not run dry
A well that knows nothing of my sins
No knowledge of my wishes

My temple is crumbling
Age has never met mercy
Time's cohorts know no pity
These pillars hold up shambles of a roof
Holding together is a dry hope for heavy skies

Will you lay with me
On the coolness of the stone
When the final hour awakens
Creeping in to steal the heat of your skin
Finding bashfulness looking upon the stars
This is the same sky
I see in the dark part of your eyes

I have longed for these constellations an eon and a half
Concrete in my reasoning
A stone knife on a stone table
The world is not as you know her
Or as she seems
Her spinning does not dizzy you
You crave stability
Do not leave footprints in the sand

This incense is unburnt in my lungs
Light me up once again
Can I unbreathe your memory
To unlearn threads
Unwound in my tapestries
I wait, unpatiently
For your silken voice to whisper
"Come to the light"

Promises whispered in the dark
Kept beneath the moon
Rafters of my temple an accord
The trembling of my foundation will not strike
You cannot move a stone mind
As all things are made
They can be undone
Your apologies sway them not
699 · Oct 2018
Lexie Oct 2018
You held my hands in your own
You looked down and saw the scars on my palms
And then looked me in the eyes and asked, "who hurt you?"
I quietly replied, "everyone who said they wouldn't."
699 · Dec 2017
Lexie Dec 2017
Y'all spit the hottest of fires
And then complain about how much it burns your throat
Still you don't even empathize or learn to apologize
For all the faces you've scorched

And I wear glasses to see
But this is a sight I could do without
You self-serve lies out to those whom you profess to love
So when they start bleeding you can give them verbal bandaids

I'd rather lick my own wounds with my anxiety
It is old enough to be in middle school by now
Maybe that's why I still feel like a child
But funny how you're the one allowed to be childish

So explain to me this because I don't understand
That you have babies just to fill the empty rooms
And then complain about all the **** noise
Wasn't that just a part of your choice, but I ain't saying nothing

I've been told to shut up more than a thousand times
If my brain could do that I swear it would
It's to busy running circles around your promises
But those are as unfulfilled as my life

So as I stand in the same place
While you run from me just as far as you can
Just to complain about such a distance
I shrivel within my own selfishness

For atleast then, I am not alone
This is a ******* mood. Yeet.
697 · Mar 2019
Tomatoes in the Sun
Lexie Mar 2019
Your lips were the fourth of July
In the way they left fireworks on my skin
What is one erratic burst
To the night sky
I don't care what the night sky thinks
Because it's everything to me
696 · Aug 2019
Lexie Aug 2019
Plead guilty
For my innocence
When I am mute
I have a bad habit
Of forgetting where I am
Map of skin
Freckle islands sinking
In a pool of sweat
Salty oceans
I have no way to cross
Bridges of arms
Crumbling in uncharted waters
Mast of spine
Scoliosis of will
Tethered ligaments of indifference
Rails made of keratin
Clinging together with
Iceberg cold hands
Tearing apart
A home built
In this cave
A hollow cavern of chest
All that is left
Climbing Incan temple steps
With leviathan limbs
Up the ribcage of my back
A tower with two windows
One doorway in
I have never found a way out
Pulling vines down
Over my ears
I don't want to hear
Music anymore
A trap door tongue
Under the floorboards of my teeth
Lips nailed in submission
Captive, it won't let me out
I have no leverage
Against myself
No femur to pry
Into an iron heart
Veins and arteries wrapping themselves
Around my humourous
Metacarpal judges
Presiding over a court of ligaments
There is no connection
Cartilage sentences, unspecified
How harsh, how long
I tell you
I am innocent
Guilt tears me apart
The gavel falls
Greeting the back of my hand
Bones break
Calcium powder
Mixing with marrow
I am innocent
I am broken
I will heal
696 · Oct 2017
Lexie Oct 2017
No matter what horrible things you do you're always going to tell me it's my fault, that I deserve it, that I will never be better than I am right now, what you made me out to be. The truth is very different, I am a Phoenix and I Rise Above, and I am the light to contradict your dark, and Honey Boo Boo's karma is coming to you soon and you get all the blame. Because I'm a tree darling and I'm throwing all the shade.
688 · Oct 2015
Lexie Oct 2015
From the sky you fell
To this humble
And earthly hell

To the water
You began to swim
Like a naiads daughter

From my lips
The worlds fall
Unbidden like a kiss

Like gentle rain
You turn into a storm
And bring much pain

I watch you roll
Across the sky
Taking toll

On earth and heaven
But as you thunder
You miss the chevon

You hunger and thirst
But you lack love
Which is worst

An angry hand
Raised to the high places
You no longer command

You fell to my home
And you cry
But you are not alone

Though you know
You will never return
You must go

Fairwell demon friend
When you find home
A postcard send
687 · Oct 2017
An open book
Lexie Oct 2017
Do you ever stop and realise you don't like the story you are living and think about all the pages you could of filled differently?
686 · Jun 2019
Couch Nights
Lexie Jun 2019
We said we aren't angry with each other
But, you're sleeping on the couch
679 · Mar 2019
Temple (pt 2)
Lexie Mar 2019
Will my body forgive me
For the market I hold in her temple
Sins for a denarius
A farthing for a night under her tapestries
When you could be watching stars
Stars shine the same whether you clutch a ticket or a match
They love to be the last thing burning out at night
I am not close to their light
Burning seems of little consequence to me
Look upon the stars
Find them more patient than I in stamina
I more soluble in my regrets

The sun begins pulling cloud tears back from the earth
Agels whisper the innocence of the world into the atmosphere
The stratosphere knows nothing of our regrets
She does not see fingers crossed behind our backs
Knowing nothing of pennies given for promises
Promises given for free
Plastic coins for a lover
Nothing in my pockets for me

Hold your secrets under my skin
Knowing you let the night carry you away
You can take it back
These are the dreams in the desert
In the sun, under the mountains
Those who journey on foot
Knowing that knocking on doors means being turned away

My desire to cling to you
Is the cold that pushes you away
You are the oranges in the snow
A cold citrus kiss
I know your real name
With no courage to spit it out
These hands are clenched
No room for promises here
Between your fingers and skin
You grip regret so tight
One truth that will not abandon you
Biting not the hand that feeds
Go hungry
When a morsel is a memory
Dreams a feast to you
Regret devours all but bones

Anger has chosen your words for today
She is your strong horse
You will not bare the weight of the reins
A bit does not taste much of metal
When there is blood on your hands
Your prayer today
You have hope tomorrow, to hope for tomorrow
Time is a feather, fool
You give her flight for the price of falling
These coins in my pockets are for you
To make my steps lighter
A copper face is nothing
When you have seen the writing on the walls

e pluribus unum

they call me legion

How many hands will you give me
How many dealt
To count my sins on my fingers

misertus est enim stulti

stultus est misericordia sicut vilis ut eius precibus

When the walls speak will you listen
Translation for italicized sections
1. Out of one, many.
2. They call me legion for we are many. Demon cast out of a man speaking to Jesus. (Mark 5:9)
3. Pity is for fools.
4. A fool's mercy is as cheap as his prayers.
679 · Nov 2014
I Wish I Was Ugly
Lexie Nov 2014
I wish I was ugly
Then maybe I wouldn't hear so many lies
I am not the most beautiful girl in the world
Not even close

I wish I was ugly
I can sleep on my own, I just want to rest
I don't need you to keep me warm
Not this night

I wish I was ugly
So that no one would give me another look
They would just drift on by
Not with a care

I wish I was ugly
So my dreams were more substantial
Unbroken by boys who think they are boss
Not in your dreams

I wish I was ugly
So less mascara would be wasted on my cheeks
Instead of on tear stained lied to lashes
Not that waterproof

I wish I was ugly
Except I don't think anyone would love me
They don't like me beautiful
Not even a little

I wish I was yours
Forever and a day
Without all the lies and tears
That get in our way
674 · Jan 2014
Bind the Blade
Lexie Jan 2014
Dipped in a cold icy bath
Made to hold, made to last
Strengthen by fire
And worn by tire
A knife so sharp to cut the skin
Bind the Blade

Forged in the mountains
Cooled by fountains
Hardened by wear
And worn by tear
A blade to ****
Bind the Blade

Brought forth in sunshine
And marked with lines
Pillaging places
Extinguishing faces
A sword to teach
Bind the Blade

A death bringer a hilt bearer
Bring eternal silence nearer and nearer
One last word and one last breath
And cold and silent bringer of death
A blade with stories and untold glories
But mostly painful untold gories
Bind the blade
670 · Jan 2016
Lexie Jan 2016
Stick me in the rain
And I will learn to sing
But give me an umbrella
And I will learn to fly
665 · Jan 2016
Lexie Jan 2016
I laughed
As you fake mustache
Fell of your face
And onto the floor
My sides contorted
As the laugh shook my body
My cheeks crinkled
Into merriment
My feet stamped
The earth
And shook the ground
With laughter
My hand flew
Over my mouth
As a snorted
Through the tears
I gasped for air
Beneath the giggles
And cried for mercy
Among the merriment
My jaw hit the floor
In silly wonder

When your fake mustache,
Fell off your face.
661 · Jan 2014
Lexie Jan 2014
Shove your old self in a bag
Tie your mouth with a gag
Pretend to be real
Take it all, steal

Hide the reality
Put it away don't let it be free
Become another person
Pull a con
660 · Nov 2015
Lexie Nov 2015
Good* and *light
are not the same
for you can be good
in the dark
and bad
in the light
it is a choice you make
no matter dark or light
its not the colors
of sky or skin
its what you choose
it comes from within
660 · May 2019
Liars Tongue
Lexie May 2019
You make dead things out of living things just to make money
You make lies out of the truth and make anyone who tells you otherwise to look a fool
You make God cry and you made me angry
You tried tearing Yggdrasil up by the roots
But those were knots your fingers could not untie as carefully as you twist your tongue
Lexie Feb 2016
the minute
it gets to much
I will push you away
655 · Feb 2014
Within Reach
Lexie Feb 2014
I am locked in your iron grip
Not a single drop of water between my lip
Let me fall and I will slip
Let me go and I will trip

I stumble in the darkness with no fire
I stand behind a glass will still filled with desire
Falling from the highest spire
As the flames call higher

Dust me off so I can rise
So you can look and see the pain in my eyes
All the times my flame dies
Nothing can put it out not even all the rain in the skies

You shine brighter than I do
Its all about me and never about you
All the words that could never be true
All the storms that you just walked through

I think I can reach up to where you dwell
And figure the stories you would never tell
Follow my nose what the is that smell
I chase you over the earth up to heaven and down to hell

A race that neither of us can win
You could ruin my world with the drop of a pin
You are a part of me like an evil twin
I love the fire you hold within

You were within my reach
I learned the lessons you had to teach
I said I loved you but it was just a figure of speech
You were a wall I had to climb
You were the wall I chose to breach

All the time
651 · Nov 2014
Tombstone Alone
Lexie Nov 2014
If my tombstone looked like me it would be;
Taller than the others
Louder that the thunder
Dreamier than the night
And brighter than the stars

But beneath the exterior
Is just cold, dark, frozen, unwanted, rock
No one sees it, and no one cares
And when the end comes
No one will be there
649 · Mar 2016
Lexie Mar 2016
I am like a ghost to you
Never knowing what to do
Take this heart and use it to
Its not much good without you

I am like a staircase
I can take you to a place
Never to see your face
But you step on me with grace

The clock is ticking out of time
We stepped out of line
The sun refuses to shine
On this face of mine

Whatever makes you happy dear
I want you to hold me near
Never will you sense my fear
A little longer and I wont be here
641 · Dec 2015
Lexie Dec 2015
I  couldn't walk five thousand miles in your four hundred dollar shoes
I could go any distance but you, baby, you baby, would never know
Took me and put me in a trash can
Said I wasn't enough to ever be yours
Love, tough love, never ever enough
Love, tough love, life is so rough

Never big enough to pay your bills, wasn't worth it
Could stand in your shoes and climb these hills
I had everything and everyone to lose

I try to stay away from all the triggers
But it pulls me back and bites likes slivers
Sharp and sweet, like a bite
Never enough, in your darkest night
Wanted to show, show the world
So heavy hearted, but a heart you still hurled
Show me your lights. in your eyes
So pick me and bring me right upside

I drown alone and die together
Baby, love me now, tame this weather
So beautiful to look at your face
All the bottles though take your place
One drink, every minute
Raise the bar, no limits
Whatchyou want, whatchyou got
Everything you want, everthing I'm not

Whats that, whats that over there
I cant even reach it
Every lesson learned, boy you never teach it
If you write a book with lots of pages
I just need keys for all of my cages
You come to my house and pull a gun on me
You home in my heart and say you want me
Lies that arent enough, life is just to rough
Lies that arent enough, life is just to rough

Save me

Ooooh save me

It's an empire you build with my broken bones
You stack them up like they are just stones
That monster in you did it.
Helped you build, helped your grow
An empire I will never know

I  couldn't walk five thousand miles in your four hundred dollar shoes
I could go any distance but you, baby, you baby, would never know
Took me and put me in a trash can
Said I wasn't enough to ever be yours
Love, tough love, never ever enough
Love, tough love, life is so rough
Love, tough love, never ever enough
Love, tough love, life is so rough

But nothing, not life or love, will make you immortal
640 · Feb 2016
Lexie Feb 2016
so close together
we dance our souls out
every step
a tick in time
trying to find
a way to stay together
you are the ice
to my fire
and the fire
to your ice
only against the other

just ehhh
please no
ugh breathing
back up
no stay
don't move
I need you
don't change this

We were sweet
and then you were gone
and now my lungs forget
what they were made for
now that they have
no purpose.
638 · Nov 2019
Hand In Heart
Lexie Nov 2019
Love is
Where you let go of yourself
To catch the other person
618 · Jul 2017
Lexie Jul 2017
I wish I could live in the same house as those who didn't call their abuse love.
617 · May 2014
Lexie May 2014
I refuse to let go
Of the dark cliff
Before the sun rises
609 · Jun 2014
Never Sing Alone
Lexie Jun 2014
I used to know the names you called me
And remember how many steps it took to follow
We danced in sun and danced in rain
And we smiled through the pain
But sometimes the clouds
Were ever thickening
And our young feet ever quickening
A vast oceans expanse
Between to broken hearts
Never reaching or knowing where to start
But the sun shines on each
Of our wave washed shores
No bridge built by human hands
Only divine materials
Could reach these hearts
So lonely and far apart
The voices we raised
In laughter and happy memory
Two kindred spirits, you and me
Now the shadow lands
Are reaped with tears
And in the night haunted by fears
A tribulation and trials
An expanse of many miles
But through it all
We learned to smile
Starlight, starbright
First friend I see tonight
I wish I may, and wish I might
Have the friend I need tonight

Two voices of different chords
Melodies distinctly beautiful
Taught a harmony
In parts of joy
I tell you now never sing alone
For when we gather together
One and one more
Than we can face whatever
The future has in store
Nothing can separate
What was meant to be
The friendship I treasure
Part you and part me
Tessa <3, Best Friends Forever
604 · Oct 2016
These Poor Souls
Lexie Oct 2016
Some darks
Are to deep
For even
The brightest of lights
601 · Oct 2016
Controversial (list poem)
Lexie Oct 2016
****** epidemic
Smart people glasses
Plaid shirts and chokers
Mixing patterns
Political candidates
Skin care products
Hair donuts
Starbucks or Dunkins
Hand sanitizer
Reusable vs Disposable
Body type
Big butts
Water quality
Heel height
Cancer cures
To many babies
****** Language
Tumblr Quotes
You and I
598 · Mar 2016
Lexie Mar 2016
Some days I won't have any words
But on days like these
It seems I have to many
I cannot even say them
For is not silence
Better than a storm
A storm I fear
For it I cannot weather
The flashbacks
And the tears
And these nights
Made of fears
So I will leave you
To do what you wish
With my heart
My mind
And my body
But you do not even
Come close
I cannot feel
Your heart beating
So I must question
If it is even there
But it is okay
I will close my eyes
And return to my world
Where I think
I am a mermaid
Or a unicorn
Sometimes a dragon
Or a fairy
Depending on the day
Either way
I will not
Have to worry
About boys
Or shoes or makeup
Or what to say
For I run free
Or swim
Somedays I can fly
Always I sing
But never alone
It would seem to me
The curtain fell
Before we even began
Our duet
I think
In my heart
That is a waste
Not of talent of gift
But of love and time
For I will always question
Was it?
A waste?
Of my time
I think not
But yet
I cannot help but wonder
If dreams do fade
Into the horizon
Because the sun
Is shining down
And as awake as I am
And as dead as I feel
I do not even know
The difference between
And unreal
These visions I create
They are not monsters
Nor are they friend
They simply exist
To help me along
These guides in my mind
Show me the way
For if
I stay
In one place
For to long
So many things
Will start to go wrong
And stuff I do
And stuff I say
Always seem to get in the way
You rocked the boat
And I fell over
And the waves claimed me
It was a chance
It was a dive
And I never thought
Could make me feel
So alive
But my vision is clouded
My judgement is poor
And all I hear
Is a knock at the door
You call me out
On everything that I am
And I cannot find the strength to stand
You were my crutch
Lifting me enough
But on my own
I am not nearly enough
I am wet and tired
Cold and afraid
And I am alone
In the darkest glade
I think in the dark
That I am an elf
But I took those feelings
And put them on a shelf
They do not belong
Inside of me
I do not need them
Oh let me be!
And monotone
It is enough
To breathe in air
Even if
You never care
Emotions I hide
In visions so red
And keep them there
Inside of my head
They are strung up
Like Christmas lights
And they give me comfort
In the night
These green walls
They bleed so fast
And all to quickly
Then they pass
I lay here
Upon the floor
The carpet smells of vanilla
I sit here
In this room
My mind all a mess
And I dance in my head
And cry in my heart
And wonder where
It all went wrong
I cannot go back
Afraid to look ahead
And so I lay here
With my hand on my head
And I whisper promises
I cannot hold
But still I cling to them
As if they were gold
I will walk
The streets at night
And look to the moon
For a source of light
And as I raise
My tears to the expanse
I wonder if
This is my chance
I could soar
On wings of skin
And never feel
To fat or to thin
I could feel the wind
As it kissed my face
I would know
This was my place
But no,
It is not to be
I sit here
And start to bleed
As long as this marker
Stains me red
I will return
To your bed
I will crawl
Into your arms
Though you don't love
The girl who self harms
There are a few
Who have seen
The soul that was forged
But many yet
Who walk on by
And they will never learn
What it is
To see ice and fire
As they steam
Higher and higher
To fill the sky
With her love
So it reaches
Much further above
This world could not contain
All her love and all her pain
She never slept inside her mind
It was just a mask
That she hid behind
She says 'Goodnight'
And she whispers 'Goodbye'
And it is sad
That she might die
But still she clings to slivers
Of stabbing hope
A chance for a 'better'
A chance to cope
On a wire I stand
I might yet fall
In the noise I listen
And I hear you call
My name.
And the way you say it
Like a prayer
When my skin is asleep
And my heart is awake
And I wonder
How much more can I take?
So I crawl
Into my cage
To hide myself
From mine own rage
And I kiss my hands
And all their scars
I wonder a little
If I took it to far
So I breathe in
And let you out
Of my heart
It was not your place
Nor was it mine
It was not
The right time
I place my hand
Upon your cheek
And ask you
If in your memory
I could sleep?
597 · Aug 2018
Passing On
Lexie Aug 2018
I lay barren in my dreams
The words you whispered into my head echoed as if they had been a cry for water in the dessert
I have dug my bed
Now I lie unwittingly in this grave
These sheets a tangle
Wrapped to the corner posts
Bound around my wrists
Like chains around my neck
I am a slave to foolishness
And I fear I will master nothing
This night she is a maiden
Though she fancies virtue naught
Her companions are a silver sliver of a moon caught in the bows of a pine
Orion's scythe wrought in metal made of stars
And the dying whispers of every poor sinner to kiss the back of her hand
She keeps dreams bound about her waist
A corset of nightmares
Still my foolishness is great
But my fear even greater
Would that I could close my eyes
And awake a poor dreamer from slumber
Still I cannot shut them
My muscles bid me wishes in vain
Still I cannot find the voice
To shovel my own ****** eulogy into the earth
Still I cannot make a way
To rise from this hell, after a life of raising hell
Would you watch me
As I passed
Through this night and on into the eternal
I am nothing to this earth but a foolish handful of ash
Blown into the wind
To chase my way into the beyond
595 · Oct 2015
Lexie Oct 2015
you stole my heart
and then tried to help me find it
588 · Jan 2014
Lexie Jan 2014
I hear them now
I know the call
Of the Ones who wish me to fall
I stand up tall
I stand up proud
I call back to them, voice raised loud
I believe in something
I know it is real
But they don't know anything they don't even feel
I voices in my head
I know they will answer
But will I choose to listen to them
I don't know what will happen next
I just want my own destiny
A chance to believe
And a chance to be free
586 · Sep 2014
Lexie Sep 2014
we become adept at lies, though we know not how to conceal them
with under shadowed eyes
585 · Oct 2018
Lexie Oct 2018
We could arm the heavens
With the weight of our words
Pressing our beating hearts
Into the wrapping of the atmosphere
That they would burn
And be burned out among the stars
That it would all catch fire
To be consumed by flame
And taken by the fear dancing in your eyes

We would stand in the smoke
Breathing in, until we were spent out
Just to find the warmth
That touches more than skin
To feed our soul that has hungered
Has ached
And been starved for a taste of bliss
We rage on against the dying of the Light
As though she would meet us herself in battle
That we would shield ourselves against the immortals
Those who have seen, and known
But would not be caught up by any that hold one hand with fear
Yet clutch at hope
While they lie ,through their gnashing teeth, to the face of death
Thinking to buy one more day
With spent out yesterdays

If only we knew better
If only we listened
To the whispers in the trees
Who speak with caution
That fire burns
And fire kills
To make a space for new things to grow
Yet all that burns is dust to dust
And ashes to ashes
578 · Apr 2019
Fool's Wisdom
Lexie Apr 2019
You do not even ask for forgiveness
Expentance only
That I would forget your sins
577 · Jul 2019
Liquid State
Lexie Jul 2019
When the earth dies
The sky will not remember me
But I think the water will
577 · Jan 2014
First Kiss (a list poem)
Lexie Jan 2014
What is wasn't:

What is was:
Romantic Maybe
Long over due
Worth waiting for...
576 · Nov 2014
atom vacation
Lexie Nov 2014
how did we end up dreamers on different shores
how did we become islands of androgynous memories
with the sand on our poets toes
and the wind in our flushed confused faces

getting a break from the lines on your face and on the paper
from the noise of the city that lost it's inspiration
we get away from tomorrow's mystery
trying to forget the affair we had with yesterday
only dealing with today's starvation of molecular poems

packing our bags for the chemistry we make for each other
finding we only bond well when we are magnetically near the other
575 · Aug 2023
Lead Lining
Lexie Aug 2023
Sad because,
The people I want a better life with
Don’t want a better life with me

Sad, because
575 · Oct 2014
Lexie Oct 2014
I guess it is okay you broke my heart
because duct tape fixes everything
and we have gorilla glue
for the toughest jobs on planet earth
572 · Sep 2015
Lexie Sep 2015
How many more of my dreams
Do you think
That you can fit
Inside your hands


The more you fill
Into your palms
The tighter the space
The warmer it is
The harder it is to breathe

So as you squeeze
To hold them in
To never let them go

They will think
You mean to trap
Them in a forbidden hallow

To keep for ever
With no expanse
To die of love
And airlessness

To tremble in your palms
As you hold them tight
To tight


You just thought
You were doing right
How could you not
You were just doing right
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