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Mike Hauser Jul 2014
You can't stop the world from turning
If you feel like jumping off
You can't double up your earnings
If your middles gotten soft

You can dream of the solution
But you must act on it as well
Just make sure of what your doing
Cause you can't unring a bell

You can't stop a word that's hateful
Once it's flying through mid air
You can't make a person grateful
If they've never really cared

You can't change the image in the looking glass
Or halt a wave mid swell
A churning ocean is never clear
And you can't unring a bell

You can't start a new beginning
If your at the very  end
Nor untie a knot cinched tight
With only thoughts blown on the wind

You can't promise the world in wonder
And the stars above as well
Then decide at last to take it back
Cause you can't unring a bell

You can't change the law of physics
Or add words to a dried up pen
There's no fourth to your three wishes
And you can't hide behind your name

It's hard to see light if you're too far down
In the digging of your well
Breathing does not mean you're living
And you can't unring a bell
Thank you Don for the inspiration on this piece! I bet your father was a wonderful man. I used to love sitting with my father and listening to the stories of the past. Seems these days we're all in to much of a hurry to get nowhere when just sitting and talking is the only place we really need to be.
Don Bouchard Jul 2014
She followed him out the front door
After his failure to give "a ****,"
Her lonely wail above him soared,
And he turned while she took her stand,
She tried begging him urgently,
"Rhett Butler, please don't go!
Old Ashley's gone as you can see,
And I've done what I didn't know...
Oh, Rhett, won't you come back, please?"

But he kept his word, let not even a moan
Gave no second thought to the dame,
Rode off to a life of wealth on his own...
And drove poor old Scarlet insane.
And O'Hara lived her life half crazed,
Yes, she lived but not very well...
Once you've lost at love, it's the end of your days,
And you cannot unring a cracked Southern Belle.
Sorry...bad pun, I know. Talking with Mike Hauser about "unringing a bell" brought this on. Back to work....
r Aug 2019
You can’t unring this bell
       of sorrow with your heart
as dark as tonight in El Paso
        Texas by texting more lies
between rounds of golf
         with twenty lives lost
just because you’re El Presidente.
Shannon Sep 2014
I am running legs flying like Hermes wings.
I am running past, so far beyond the pain.
I am running from that kiss... tender kiss. Stupid kiss,
wanton, lustful, bursting kiss.
full of promises and tasting like salty beer and silky words
slithering arm around my waistline
making me forget I have time to waste
I am running,
from your words.
I am running from the picket fence and
picket hearts
and how do I belong in this circle of things ?
I am running and
I breathe so much better out here alone.
I am running until I can't see that house with
manicured lawn and
manicured family
me so wily,
wooo so wild.
If I hear my footsteps
I've come too close to my heart.
I am running and the trees, they race me in a blur
                                           when I turn my head
                      They are waving back.
I am running and the sun gets a head start,
but always falls behind, behind.
I am running
can't unrun
can't unring
can't ignore this bell.
I am running and as fast as I go,
I can't outrun a circle,
and I hear the bells.
Yes, I hear the bells, runner.

always grateful that you share my work. touches me.
Eryck Mar 2018
You can't unring  a bell
what's done is done.
Don't  live in the past
and the future's unknown.
   Be a PRESENT to your self
and that's where to live.
The here and now
this moment to give.
   Sure learn from the past
and plan for the future
Insure your house for leaks
and your health to be sutured.
   And dreams propel us forward
and experience teaches how.
But all we have this very second
is the here and now.
            Live in the  now!
I think it's  some kind of  Zen philosophy to live in the now.  Let me know.
brooke Apr 2017
if at once i began
the moment i was conceived--
when my mother told me she hear a bell-
a distinct ringing to communicate
the woman i should become

the road was paved before
i had the chance to choose, was i
wounded before the war,
did i travel here on a fearful prayer?

finding myself has been a echo location
at sea, sifting slivers in sand,
i thought I was a puzzle
but that is too friendly an analogy,
i am broken in a truly remarkable way
both a fine dust and momumental landscapes
risen and


unring the bell it it were spoken to soon,
make me whole before they bring me to ruin,
i'd rather be shattered if it meant I could heal,
don't take me back,
take me here,
take me hear.
based on a daily writing prompt by Tyler Kent.
Megha Agarwalla Jul 2014
I can't undo anything
I can't un-ring the bell now
I can't mould how I feel now
I feel it with all my soul
And all my energy
I can't push it in now
They appreciably increase somehow
The circumstance don't explain
How I feel
But now I just sense every bit of it
And it is coincided with every cell inside me
Maybe they are echt
Maybe they just fill the void
But I can't let them go now
I can't unring the bell now
And never will I be able to,
Understand when they erupted and how?
The eruption has penetrated deep concern
And care for you
And now I can't **** it out
The oblivion distance slides in
We try to hoodwink the distance
With the long expressed concern and love
But now it just won't work
Now distant
Might be away someday
But the feelings,
They won't fade away.
They'll stay
And it is happy that way
I can't undo anything now
Feelings are so strong
The question is why and how?
CJ Sutherland Dec 2017
Anger consumes the heart
Blinds the eyes
Two in pain soon part
Frustration sobbing cry’s

Living in the past
Unable to enjoy today
Judgements never last
There has to be a better way

Marriage is easily destroid
When both are quickly annoyed
With so much to lose at loves core
What are we fighting for

In the end you could not take back what you said
When your heart is broken and love is dead
You cannot unring the bell
Your arguments now quiet, replaced with a new lonely living hell

Be careful what you wish for,
Is it what you wanted
That final slam of the door
Left a lonely soul lost love haunted
People are so quick to end relationships but when is enough enough time to stay time to go
betterdays Sep 2017
the odd sockery
do but mock me
as the lego bits
grind the bones
of my heels
faintly i smell
old orange peel

toys, stuffed pell mell
into ye old treasure chest
the piece of three weeks old pizza
you ain't ever gonna unring that bell

favorite teddy at rest on window sill
looking far from his best
and in his snake-arium, lies bill
the blue tongued lizard lazy and still
on the shelf beside, the books
of the boy wizard,
the one with the glasses

the bed barely passes
the status of made
and in the nooks
his father created
all sorts of findings
and keepings and
thingamabobs are laid

bless, in the corner a beanbag, sags
with the weight of my world
and his book bag, all snuggled up
with the tuxedo cat, whose motor purrs
like a harley cruising on by

the room a catastrophe,  in it's early stages
but  at the sight of them my ire disengages
and i stop still and thank the stars in heaven
that these two are mine, that they are happy
and safe and incredibly fine

sunday afternoon in the burbs
somewhat, wonderfully sublime
Shelby Mccrary Apr 2017
Holster your tongue it can be a true weapon an Unstoppable Force that can break the heart and destroy the soul with a few Twisted words.

Once said can never be unsaid and the damage has already been done.

It is like trying to unring a bell. Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
Austen girl Oct 2016
Can anyone feel I need someone?
Will the darkness sink
Like clouds of sand in the ocean?
I need to be told
I'll be okay
But everyone left
Because I told them to
They wanted love
All I could give
Was attention.
Is there a way to be alright?
I'm broken in ways
That can't be described..
What do you call a person
Who started reading poetry
To understand what life should feel like?
I'm sure there's a category..
What I wouldn't give
To unring that bell..
Are there words that can be said
To make this darkness sink
Like clouds of sand?
#depression #sad
CJ Sutherland Jan 2021
We all have secrets we carefully hide
Things that happen
That should never be silent inside
Elderly abuse
It’s silly
I don’t think of me as old
But over the age of 55 I’m told
When your child
Hits you with hatred
Yelling  obsenities
The  derogatory comments
***** looks
These things
Don’t just happen to children
It’s happened for many years
Worsening through the the fears
Angered by my tears
I’m trying to understand why
This happened to me
I am a strong woman
With love in my heart
My grand children
Are caught in the middle
consequence is little
you can't unring the BELL
after the shame
who would I tell
CJ Sutherland Mar 10
We wear many elaborate masks
For many different laborious tasks
The moment the mask Comes off
Our fragile emotions aloft

Unwise ,we jeopardize
Right before our eyes
Overwhelming, Exasperation
defines exploration
For who we truly are
A poet, A romantic dreamer
wishing upon a star
Perhaps a heart with
a deep, gaping, cavernous scar

Reality rears it’t Ugly head,
love or hate we made our preverbal bed
We each have a choice to make
For goodness sake, We choose our fate

No longer we can hide
That which is inside
A pinnacle moment,We must decide
Now equipped with clarity to see
And understand
who we truly NEED to be

We can’t put that monster back in the box
No matter how many locks
We can’t unring the Bell
Even that road has a story to tell

The totality of the question lingers
As answers slip through our fingers
From over the horizon to the pit of hell
Finally we can descry
However daunting, The encompassing
question of Why!, we cannot deny
What Still remain, that which keeps us sane

Do we want to BE that person?
BLT ;Webster Word of the day
Descry 3-7-24
Literally means
To understand
Paul Glottaman May 2022
Your judgement rains down
like machinegun fire,
but I grew up in a viperpit
full of violence and ire.
You wonder why I'm distant
but I was raised under attack.
Struck down in the moments
before you swore you'd be back.

You want to share credit
for my accomplishments but
where even were you?
What claim has your absence
on these things that I do?
I made myself from your ashes
like some backwards phoenix
worried at all times of the you
inside my double helix.
I went booming across the midwest
chasing the Thunderbird
and nuclear aftershocks.
Hoping any moment to be stirred
to freedom by these mythical hawks.

I was awoken
consiserably broken
and while I've done work
glass just don't uncrack
and there's **** from which
we just can't come back.
I don't know what to say
don't know who to tell.
I'm sorry, Pavlov
but we can't unring that bell.

I love you.
I always will
I've tried not to
and here we are. Still.
You watched them turn
me into this horrible closed off
monster shaped man
and then demanded explanations
for why I am what I am.
I've not got it all fixed
but I'm trying.
I've got a past to escape
and the cracks aren't uncracked
but they are traced in painter's tape.
I'm gonna be better
I'm gonna likely die trying.
And the credit will be all mine
in spite of your lying.

I wanted more but here's
what I've got.
I want to be whole and normal
but ******* it, I'm not.
You weren't there to teach
or to provide or to even try.
I wasn't worth staying for
and I still don't know why.

— The End —