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Got Guanxi Dec 2015
She had a tongue that could open a wine bottle.
Razor-sharp articulation.
A fine art, some might say.
Living sentences on a knifes-edge.
It started in a unblunted manner,
The force hit smacked splintered minds like a hammer.
Honed in cuspate motions,
Incisively smashing the nail on the head.

She wasn’t wrong often.
Vivacious wit vivid oscillating witch,
some might say.
Not I.
I followed in the downstream of her resonance.
A quivering wreck,
soaked from head to toe in her libretto.

She marched in stilettos,
locomotive tip-toe motion,
devotion to the traverse.
Deviating as s he ambulated across lurid cobbled paths.
How she manages, alas.
Evades my comprehension.

She had this brunt agitation,
as if,
she couldn’t hear the words you say to her.
Maybe it was her nescient nature.
A think naive conversant,
If only it was that simple.
Those dimples on her cheeks were like craters in the moon.
That cheesy laugh fractures.

She escaped from Alcatraz,
Caught only by the dereliction,
of her minds conviction.
Infamy lapsed,
as she collapsed in a pretzel of marvellous contortion.
She radiantly turned to stone,
a statuesque stanza.
Cloned in allure,
that never found answers she was looking for.
Omar Kawash Jul 2014
Vibrant yellow back
Defiant black streaks
Deceptively cute

Solid almost artificial blue unlike the sky or ocean
Speckled with the night
Assuming an artificial rainbow

Small eyes that radiate innocence
And an equally built body

Your diet is of alkaloids
Psychotropic substances
You use them to protect yourself
Psychedelics have brought you questions you'd rather not answer

I've indulged in the natural poisons
I can see beauty in harm, purpose, necessity
But if I let you be, I know you're no danger to me
Though, I'm a little too late

You're delicate and I am clumsy
You've warned me not to get to close, I’m bound to get hurt
I yield to what yearns to cradle your amphibious nature,
so unique to a monochrome world

Physicality is your weapon
An open wound lets your corrosive membrane transfuse my blood
You flood me
And oh, I moan. Action potential discharged, the sensory impulses to my brain.
You stop feeling slippery in my hand as I begin to rust

Little one, you escape my hands  
But I am paralyzed

Thickened blood, what went so wrong
Tender in touch, I didn't hurt you
But your defensive, corrosive skin reflected your inner malintent

Black mamba venom indisputably pierces the skin
Harsh betrayal of curious wonder
Black widow toxin, an unblunted destruction of the dermis
But you came in celebrated color

How am I to trust visual credibility of sinlessness
You're a poison dart frog
When the beauty that once enticed me
Has hardened the sanguine essence that filled me with vitality and awe
'Besem el Badan' is an Arabic phrase that translates to "that which poisons the blood."
Austine May 2014
please take me back
take me back to the place
where even green grasses
that spike my legs
with its unblunted tip
speak of your presence
where flowers welcome me
as i get within your vicinity
with your breathtaking scent
grazing the parts where
my skin stays unsheltered
where the water that i sip
sways from my lips like waves
thrilled to reach the shore
please take me back
take me back to the place
where i remain a part of you
where love doesn’t wear off
and does only develop
into something bigger than
what my words can epitomize
where my name nests in solitude
in your vocabulary
please take me back
take me back to the place
the place next to you
Vinnie Adams Apr 2018
within moments of pity,
pride, possession, avarice;

and still, moments must resentful,
lustful, arduous, close;

some great current, unmoved
unblunted, unweakened, unswerved,
remains aflow;

for common nearness, a bondless magnetism,  
abounds through within faith-constance,
ever-surmounting that sight or scent
there without.
Poetic T Oct 2019
Normality tries to hinder influence
          of my cognitive


But elastic banded restraints
   keep stretching me to my
Then I'm restrained before my

   I try to move along but
I'm always behind where I took
                                  my first step.

My thoughts sharpened,
           and I collected every barded
emotion to stretch that restraint.

Taking that step I used my unblunted
and instead of being withdrawn.

              I took my real step for the first


normality was restraining and I took
       my individualism and broke free

from the expected norm...

   Who wants to be normal in a world
           of clones.
I'm the original me,  
       A coherence of self that's now
         non hindered by others normality.
mere May 2019
the acer fell,
unblunted that it can bleed.
yearning for you,
yet no fondness was felt.

just like the stars
that i can't reach,
just like a scar
that i mustn't touch,
and just like you
that isn't my match.

i must let go the acer,
for we are both bleeding already.

— The End —