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Derick Smith Sep 2014
I love old books—
         their smell,
                  soft and softly mottled pages,
          and carefully illustrated frontispieces.

My bookshelves are lined:
         old copies of ancient classics.

I love buying old books—
         the lost treasures they are,
and the lost treasures they hide:
                      tram tickets,
              and scholarly students' scribblings.

I have some books I fear to open
         for fear they'll fall apart.

There are some who love old books—
         their possibilities,
         and superficialities.

Their bookshelves aren't lined.
         But rooms of reams of bunting, and tables of origami.
                          (or soft and softly mottled picture frames)

They love buying old books—
         not for wisdom,
         nor connections to ancestors.

They've no fear of giants' shoulders;
         whole worlds are torn apart.
An experiment in visual affecting.
Michael-Angelo Sep 2016
There is not much to say about me, I'm very simple and easy going, more than a personality thing is a choice of life. I think the key to life's happiness is simplicity. I'm a rebel and love is the only force that bends me, time after time. I do not tolerate injustices, superficialities, bureaucracies, social inequalities, or organized religion, but I do believe in God. I write, mostly poetry, I attempt to give meaning to life through words.
Some of the things that I like, in no particular order. . . Watch the sunrise, the rain through a window, the glow of the skin when touched by the sun, philosophize with crazies like myself, laugh attacks, have an ice cream as I take a walk, silence (mostly when I have someone to think about), a complicity smile, the mischievous eyes of children =), fall asleep while reading a book, learning how to live with my mistakes, winning a poker game with a really sucky hand, the happiness to see again someone I love, nights where you sing until the sunrises, the tears that fall after laughing super hard, to deepen my toes in the sand, to swim at the beach, dry up in the sun, bohemian nights and red wine, ring neighbor door bells and run for life, the smell of bread in the oven, the land where I was born, the cold weather, much better if I can hug someone I love, playing my guitar, touch my books and remember their content, a good boxing match, to close my eyes and let my fingers run down my piano keys, to sing while I drive, to cook for those I love, passionate people, poets, fighters, and every day the list of things I love grows. . . =)
Anonymous Nobody Oct 2018
“I want to be famous.”
Is what I used to tell my parents.

They’d ask.

“So people will love me”

Now that is partly true,
Who doesn’t want to be accepted and loved by those around them?


I have something else to say.

I don’t only long for the people to love me.
I long to stand up for the people who don’t know they’re being taken advantage of.
I want to open people’s eyes.

To show them that there is more to life than
work, or politics, or who’s dating who, or what the **** the Kardashians are wearing today.
There’s beauty in everything, but the media blinds.

I had lost my vision for a while.
I’m slowly recovering.

I used to think of material things.

Now I think of how stunning the way the light reflects off of the brightly colored walls of my room.
I think of how sad it makes me to see trash littering my city’s roads.
I think of my friends on the other side of the world who are doing their own, normal, mundane, beautiful things the very moment I am laying my head down to rest.
I think of injustices being shoved into innocent faces.
I think of my future and what I plan to do about it.

but I think that little parts of me,
Still wish to be loved, no matter how cruel I know this world to be.
I still secretly want to become famous. Not to have millions of screaming fans, but to share with other people. It’s another reason why I’m learning another language. Sharing is a passion I didn’t think my edgy, teenage self would adopt, but I guess I was wrong.
Reading a slim book of poetry
Of life and it's mutability
Poems from inside of
A safe, cosy middle class cocoon
The words have no sharp edges
To burst the balloon
Poems about flowers
To while away the hours
Between the visit of the vicar
And the next *** of tea
Not poetry for you and me
Or anything like reality
Poetry as a gentle hobby
Like baking
Or flower arranging
Not poetry from the gut
That comes​ raging
Like fists planted upon the page
Poems of love or loss or rage
But tenderly placing
Each word on the page
Like a delicate flower to be arranged
I don't hate the woman
Who wrote this stuff
For her this obviously is enough
I envy her easy life
It's lack of struggle
It's lack of strife
Perhaps one day it will be me
Writing of such superficialities
When I'm fat, well fatter
Rich and content
And all of my life- force has been spent
I will sit in my garden and smell the flowers
Then while away my hours
On my hobby, writing poetry
Between the visit of the vicar
And my next *** of tea
Will Storck Nov 2010
It’s hard to say when it exactly happened.                        Man, what a boring day. Sitting here for at

There she was minding her own business                         least twenty minutes and she still hasn’t

and here I am foolishly falling in love with                        shown up. I’m starving too. At least the

her. It’s tough to say what really appealed                        weather’s nice here. The leaves are finally

to me about her. She just had a sort of                        changing and it looks like it might rain.

quality about her, just sitting on that                         Poetic. Prime people watching weather.

bench in a nonchalant fashion. Maybe her                        All of them going about their lives, for the

apathy appealed to me. Wouldn’t that be                         most part unconcerned with each other.

ironic, a lack of interest striking my own.                        It’s hard to not feel lonely when people

No, no, it had to be something else.                          prefer Facebook to real conversation.

I had the pleasure of watching her as I                         No body seems to be taking the sidewalk I

walked pass the bench. She seemed                         took today. Everyone’s just ambling along

content to just sit there waiting for                         the path along the street. There’s little

something. Maybe she was waiting for a                         traffic today too. It’s hard to make out

friend to meet her there or perhaps she                         anyone at this distance. There’s just one

was tired and wanted to take a quick rest.              boy walking past. He’s pretty average

She didn’t look at me directly, much to my             looking, nothing special really. Still I’d

disappointed relief. She was certainly                         take that over your typical Abercrombie

pretty. Not a model of perfection by the                         Frat-boy any day, though I’m pretty sure

social standard, but social opinion *****.                         they think the same for me. To hell with

She wasn’t bound by such superficialities                         them. He has dark brown hair, but it looks          

as social vanity. I wish more people were                         almost jet black with the rain clouds in

so. Her eyes were dark blue though they                         the sky. I wonder where he’s going. He

looked a tad gray on this cloudy day. It                         doesn’t seem to be in much of a hurry.

looked like it might rain.                                                Maybe he doesn’t care about getting wet.

She had brown hair cut shorter than most             He just pasts me and I really got a good

and her clothes didn’t look like they came                         look at him without looking. A plaid

from a mall. Blue jeans and brown boots                         button up with blue jeans. Carrying a

too. Not bad, not bad at all. She had a bag                         brown backpack, most likely filled with

with her, which was set down right beside             texts and other class stuff. He stops to

her. She was checking her phone and I’m                         check his phone. Maybe his girlfriend

walking past burping up butterflies. I                         texted him or his mom’s seeing how he’s

walked past her like a sleepy morning                         doing. I’d say he’s a sophomore but he

before Sunday church and stopped. I                         could be older. Judging from his look I’d

pulled out my phone, can’t have me                         say no one important. Two more

looking too awkward just standing there,                         freshmen loudly walk on by talking about

and pretended to check my text messages                         how much they hate some class they’re in.

as a pair of freshmen walked by. I had to                         Mmm, there’s my friend walking down

at least verbally confirm my existence to                         the street. Now I can finally go get some

her. I put my phone away and did a quick                         food. That boy is still texting; maybe it is

about haste.                                                           ­             his girlfriend. Too bad

She was gone.                                                            ­            He was cute
Lily Monroe Dec 2011
I’m exhausted
Drained by superficialities
That mark a women’s worth.
Pondering questions asked
By those who fear to answer
Because they know the truth.
Ridiculed by baring gifts from God,
A slanted nose or fumbled hands.
Exhaustion are those who embrace;
Embrace scared sanctions from
Others who demonize their faults;
Faults-a rare gift from Mother Nature herself.
That is our testimonial kiss
Norbert Tasev Apr 2021
As a false humanist, I deliberately denied the luxury of Being! I could not pertut with sin either, I could not make its insidious difference! It is called the Rooted Hermit Solitude and the daily etiquette-morality; I greet hesitantly between exhibitionist superficial superficialities; like an orphaned little commission kid! Unfortunately, I am more conspicuous than in the East, as I still advertise good manners among enduring partisan idiots and hordes of hands-on jerks!
Who carries the burden of a World as free will on his shoulders in his bloodthirsty eyes depends on its Vulnerable Loyalty! "It's rarely a place if you can find it under glorified debris!" I can't be a consonant or a total dance, at most an existing, selfish cocoa and postmodern! In the rumbling noise of tabloid media, the self-promotion of preserved willows was just enough! I intentionally turn off the rumble of wall-nailed speeches; weakens and tires a phrase that has been pressed and pierced many times, that our common issues will surely change! I even go against a hint of tamed anarchy against a wall!
The armor of our skin can hardly be a protection! Because everyone carries their selfish destiny in their throbbing heartbeat! Retaining loneliness can be the only one where emotions don’t get ***** unnecessarily either! Your environment is also alien to your body: snarling, constantly fake! Nowadays, the medium is crowned by an office and chirping songbirds are appointed hosts instead of minded skulls! A charming baby gaze, and all the stupidity is forgiven! - Color blind producers would be complimented by small-style Nobody!
Measured with gratitude money, those who watch the selfish audience data can already be featured! - Nobody distributes Paul's and Pálne's coins until only the crown of hick shines
Yenson Feb 2019
I was born to superficialities and arrogance
by parents, now divorced
I managed the local Comprehensive down the road
and left with some O'levels in woodwork and home Economics
I grew up watching TV and playing computer games
I like to drink and go out and have spent two weeks in Benidorm
I follow all the street fashion and hang out a lot with my mates

I think what others think and do what others do
So please come and put things in my mind, come sow seeds
Anchor my mind to anything you chose
because you can alter my mind and manipulate my emotions
I don't know who I am, I am available because like you and you
I do not have a mind of my own, I cannot reason and act on my own
all my life I just do what others do or what has been put in my mind

Sensitise me to black, because black has only one reference in my mind
Sensitise me to a love that never was, because I've never loved before
Sensitise me to white because I watch interracial **** you see
Sensitise me to pink, orange and green they only conjure one thing
in my mind
Set up drama and play out scene, it all goes straight to my mind
I am a clockwork orange at your command
Tell me I am lonely and worthless because you know best

Knowledge is power as deciphered by crooks and Extremists
who know we buy into and believe anything they tell us
Make them fat juicy lies and distortion because truths is boring
get us busy with manipulating our minds by telling us we are
manipulating the mind of a clockwork orange
So please fill my mind with *******, sow a thousand seeds
You can manipulate my emotions, you can alter my personalities
I have no self will, I have no self control, I have no discipline
I have no confidence because morons are cleverer than Me

I am just a nobody from the local Comprehensive
I only learn and grow from what you show me, say to me
act in drama in front of me or prompts and triggers dropped.
I am just a clockwork orange, so peel me and squeeze my mind
as you wish
I am just a mindless hooligan wasting my time and efforts in
what the Leaders calls POWER OF THE PEOPLE

I cannot pinpoint the moment I felt you,
Not in me and fleeting and exiting,
But within me, burrowing and thriving
Transcending past superficialities
And sailing, reveling,
Deep into some place I cannot see or reach.
You see, it’s been sleeping for a time now,
That unnamed force that inhabits the place.
But what I can do is pick moments,
Scattered like colorful tacks on a map,
Tracking my movements throughout the city
I borrowed for a few days, imagining
I’d return
Like a spontaneous library book
And back on the shelf, considered momentarily
Then gone again.
I didn’t think I’d bring a fragment home,
Aching for the remaining pieces,
The cathartic peace.
SøułSurvivør Jan 2022
Let's get down to
The meaning of words


It's easy to be glib.
Marshal Gebbie May 2024
Shade into shadow as eventide's darkness
Slips to the call of the curlew by night,
Days amble by in a curtain of sameness
Taken for granted until there's a fright.

Shade into Shadow and thence into blackness
Transition freezes to polar like pall,
Abruptly the curtain curtails the performance
As actors retreat at a horror recall

Shade into shadow in depths descended
A shaking the head as cogniscence takes heed,
Bloodlessly blasphemy curdles the heartstrings
Wrending tomorrow's tendence to bleed.

Shade into shadow as battle lines rendered
Mustering courage, embracing my wife,
Clustering close to the portends that matter
Shedding the superficialities of life.

Shade into shadow and thence into sunlight
Girding the soul with the grace of the day,
Meeting the foe at the edge of the abyss
Hurling him down with his claws of clay.

Shade into shadow extending before me
Light in the lingering tones of the eve,
Positivities beacon is beckoning
Seeking the smile of tomorrow's reprieve.

3 May 2024
The Battle Lines are Drawn
We beat it once, we'll beat it again!
Yenson Feb 2021
And the labourers of superficialities scurry unabashed
ladles at ready to churn and oars angled for murky dips
for its the seasons of stirring livened in joyless cancellation
why cuddle recipes of venom and parade witless noisy chefs
why buy bottomless pots and pans to put fire to salad and ice cream
why bring the orchestra into the kitchen from the promenade
to tug the double bass and clash the cymbals in distaste
me see no fog in the  offing nor do sane sages digress
tis not Sulemani pointing I take you for a bride
its a world of measure me for measure you
for honest truth carry honest intentions
does equality sleep with olive branches
show me the strength that owns penance
for therein lives the realness of ***** times expunge
where the labourers of superficialities are far from Stalingrad
and adorned Grecian urn will hold the pure honey from Olympia
Nikh Sep 2020
His illuminating personality is,
if anything,
But a thinly veiled facade for the pain that lies underneath.

When looking deeply into his eyes,
just maybe,
You’ll see something I couldn’t.

Some say monster, some say saint;
although unsure,
For all I saw was him,
In his entirety.

As I sit here writing about someone I could barely grasp,
yet he holds me with such force,
The red seeps into a frigid purple,
As my superficialities begin to fade and the real damage is revealed.

The man I loved.
Is who hurts the most, even on his best days.

It’s time for me to end my romanticization with a ghost of a memory.

Life is waiting.
Yenson Sep 2018
Frenzied snarls, broken stained teeth bared and slimy spittle ****
The psychos are raging as legend crawls under their leperos skins
parchment bleached to hold gaits ungainly and minds stunted
by hollowing superficialities and entitlements usurped
Pretending  vapid ghosts playing at human beings
cheating insidious hedonists famed cancerous hosts

They are angry and hungry and blood in short supply for wretches
Life force fading as they live on miseries and doom to oxygenate
Hate to consume and hear Babylonians crying for precious elixir
They want burnt and roasted Oxen or they wither and die
Bitter anger for  the snares are empty no prey to devour
News abound that innocents souls exalted and shines

Life suckers left to **** only diseased juices from flattened *****
Rampant crazies left to dilly with flaccid lumps and low throes
Upsurge and octane only visits in kills and deaths imagines
Forms made for darkness hungers to infest **** on real  fruits
Desperation brings the pained howls and anguished wails
Death carnivores incensed at the happy meal on display

They are restless and pacing and growling full of spite and bile
miseries departing brings nothing but emptiness and heartbreak
They need a fix for without self hate and doubts visits in force
What's worse than maroons tide ebbing exposing white bones
Now tormenting secrets of selves returns cravens to roost
And in strangled acidic fervour confronts saying I am you
I have got your world of inner weeping sores and miseries for you
Yenson Jan 2019
They are inadequate and insecure
Those poor lot who never got it right
Minds befuddled, no grace nor talent for sure
Want love but it's never real and day is always night
Superficialities and pretence is all there are on their shore

So these sad lots find pleasure in destroying things
Body full of drugs n sorrow, something's' always  wrong
Negativity their wont, misery and menace in their everything
All that is good is tarnished, strength and confidence are wrong
Their happiness eclipsed, mind diseased, knowing stained loving

See that precious diamond glittering sharply bright
No say our lots, that just a piece of old hard stone dug up
See that lovely rose in pristine bloom in lovely summer light
No that's just an ordinary dead flower with thorns in a big cup
Sick downers whose glass always half empty with sour snakebite

They own ignorance and bitterness in droves
Always envious and jealous the inherent bent of the warped
Intimidated by excellence, mired in dishonour like putrid cloves
These nonentities crave attention in ignominy like neurotic wasps
In enlightened riposte - class is permanent and crying is not for doves
Yenson Jul 2023
The Intelligent one
said, I seek knowledge and try to learn
knowing there's more than meets the eye
you're God's nobliest creation and so should your mind be

The sage believes
love, respect, look, listen, learn but above
all, know to own your mind and keep your counsel
for within you is the god you, find it and bow Namaste

The Judge said
patience is a virtue, weigh probabilities
think judiciouly and remember they're always
two sides to a story and even more atimes

The Journalist said
Shed light, truthfully and objectively
tell your story, educate, inform, expose wrong
and never go to print without facts-checking and verifying

The Spiritual Ones say
Love one another and believe there's a
Higher Power far greater than us, be kind, grateful
and do unto others as you want others do unto you and yours

The wise one said
I keep an open mind and treat others
with integrity, respect, due consideration and on merit
but step on my toes delibrately and I will stand up for myself

The Brave one says
I believe in peace but courage and boldness
are essential parts of me, I do not seek trouble but if trouble troubles me I will trouble trouble in more troubling ways than one

The Real One says
I am open, honourable and possess self-respect
and I say it as it is, my intentions are good and worthy
with no ulterior motives, I cannot condone or relate to fakeness, falsehood, chicanry, deciets machinations, superficialities or artificialities.

I am the real deal
I keep it real and you will find me
in all of the above, for our world is not one dimensional
we can soar with eagles and dive into deepest reaches
we carry long sabres yet give the warmest gentlest softest kisses
I am The Genuine Article........
Yenson Jun 2022
Some buffoon held wide open the chiffon
inviting glimpses
into their dim shallows of superficialities
where precious semblances sits without
real substances
and spurious heads and nouveau chancers
display shining blings of their family silver
dumbly expecting
envy and recognition for alloy coated turds
from showroom of callow indistinguishable
the semblance
that lacks the sublimity of grace worth flair
the incongruous gardener in top hat and tails
and therein the absurdity
of values of breeding intelligence and purpose
You can take the hicks out of Texas, but you can't
take the Texas out of the hicks
I am not Texan or a hick and cannot envy or compare with them
Yenson Nov 2020
In the metropolis of superficialities
where text speak is now the lingua franca
and *** means surprise and emoji's tells it all
statistics says literacy level is low reading books lower
stars and celebrities pile out to admit they've never read a book

Walk with the vulnerable at lower ends
is escapism in ignorance and uninformed minds
all milling in emotional malaise and defensive angsts
where semblance rages and substance is a white powder
life becomes a drama of pretext and most are mere method actors

In vacuous air bullshitters ply their trades
each with spins on limiting realities they confront
hiding in comforting delusions or attacking with delusions
whilst in fears and confusion their inner selves quake coreless
without the gradual build of learning that shapes the minds sublime

So without informed understanding
in selves or environs or the wider global vistas
half minds gorge on fake news, misinformation and ripe lies
beastly minds in tamed puppets prey to the prevailing fashion as it
the sheepherders know the score as did Pol *** did to burn all books

This is democracy, people's power and we don't need books

He was the was a Cambodian revolutionary and politician who governed Cambodia as the Prime Minister of Democratic Kampuchea
Those that have taken the time to study and learn enough to own their own minds can tell you how Pol ***'s regime ended and the unspeakable horrors and destruction this regime occasioned. Yes, it was all done for Democracy and peoples power and it still goes on cause sometimes or most of the time we cannot learn the lessons of history because the majority have no minds.
Yenson Mar 2021
A man of Character
upright assiduous sublime balanced and oh so cool
a man of Courage
brave noble smart invigorating and unflinchingly principled
a man with Conscience
guided thoughtful decent astute generous and thoroughly decent
a man of great Charity
engaging helpful considerate understanding stylistic and temperate
a man with Courtesy
charming, witty intelligent accommodating with warm sociable finesse

the dreaded antithesis
of the low scale labourers, the flaky mediocre half men
the semi-illiterate charlatans and barrow-boys
the uncouth dimwits and wishy-washy hooligans
the shamed inadequates' and cowardly poltroons in tautology
the sham, the superficialities' the metaphoric eunuchs with Imposter Syndromes
the narcissists and under-endowed  psychos riddled with fear and rages
the all semblance no substance amoebic species of pale masculinity

And these things
call their debacle of rats and loonies a Revolution
a term most of them struggle to write much less understand
from caves, underneath boulders and hidden in shame
mired in cloying envy and jealous to the brim
knowing they can never be who and what I am  
they cackle nihilism when they mean Racist Hate and Envy
our obnoxious post-modern racist Slave Traders
them simplistic ignorant red-necks hiding in foreign identities
and foreign faces
the shamed cowards confirming their cowardice as dolts do

Where are the men
possessing the mark of the five C's like above
where are the men who claim rightfully who and what they are
Is there only ONE in
this sceptered isle, This blessed plot,
this earth, this realm
are they too busy breaking into their neighbours houses
or perhaps too busy gang stalking those they envy so so badly
or maybe they are busy buying ****** or stealing to fund that
enlargement operation......
Nihilism is the belief that all values are baseless and that nothing can be known or communicated. It is often associated with extreme pessimism and a radical skepticism that condemns existence. A true nihilist would believe in nothing, have no loyalties, and no purpose other than, perhaps, an impulse to destroy.
Yenson Oct 2020
If I was raised without genuine emotions
where vacuous superficialities hung in every
and fathers were here today gone tomorrow
and mothers
said they loved but never spoke the truth
If friends were foes and foes friend
and life's reliefs came in bottles and cheap passions
coupled with fun in raging disobedience
and prohibition and a record are badges of honor
If all around me I dance
in fear and the insecurities of wanton choices
bathe in shallow pools and disjointed ideals
and watch travellers
build empires and bring Cathey to towns and cities
and Eastern riches grow into Medicines and Law
and Leroys from the Estates are now sitting in Parliament
telling us how to be
while sharp dark dancers with huge tools take all the hot tooties
and even Ron's chippie is now Ali and Raj's and you get houmous
If I have lost myself
and my mind is now confused and laden with anger and hate
on top of knowing I carry a stub gun that is trigger happy
challenging my waning masculinity and simple mind
If I didn't feel stripped of me while seeing real men with the prizes
I wouldn't feel so inadequate and inferior
burning with angst and belligerence hate
I would not become the covert racist I am now
I will not be the coward that hides in fear throwing stones
I wouldn't be the angry troll dissing all my betters
a stalwart of discontentment hiding in the shadows
blaming, hating, full of self loathing, angry and mad as hell
I believe in Nihilism, I believe in Anarchy, I believe in Revolution
cause I do not believe in me
for there is no me
my hate and inadequacies have eaten me
Yenson Dec 2020
in the hollow opaque's
where superficialities lays unreal
and wars rages within spilling dead blood
writing obituaries  for the living from the dying
pouring misguided hate and defiance of the truth
screaming loudly to look within yourselves and see the logs
in the myriad of differing coloured eyes in vapid soulless snowfalls
eternal sunshine of the light minds is not for grave diggers uninspired  
he digs from hollow cavities unhinging the defunct emptiness of being
she stains in whispering dark clouds watering the cancer within warmly
it has always been about them as in by them through them for them and in them

— The End —