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brandon nagley May 2016
Mine queen
Mine easterly wind
That saveth me.

Mine beautiful
Darling of lives
Long lived.

Tis again O'
Tis again, we
Shalt touch ourn
Tissue to intertwine
The mind's of two archaic
Soul's; mine lady, mine home.

Obsidian shalt I wrap around
Thine toes, Olivine crystal to
Grace thy structured shoulder's;
Yellow Spinel as like Ray's of ten-
Thousand star's glittering thy ear's.

Lass, lady of the Orient; wipe away
Thine tear's, for eternal year's art ourn
Own to capture from nonending cloud-walking.
Yea, verily, the Azure's art singing as we shalt chant
"Bala roush, anakar crean monostipi", ourn amare to be uplifting.
Godliness and Impartial giving, life is love, and heaven-sending.
"Bala roush, anakar crean monostipi- ourn god we thank thee for ourn meeting..... ( I made the words up that go to this.)
Tis- it is...
Obsidian rock- a hard, dark, glasslike volcanic rock formed by the rapid solidification of lava without crystallization.found in Philippines.
Olivine crystal - ol·i·vine
an olive-green, gray-green, or brown mineral occurring widely in basalt, peridotite, and other basic igneous rocks. It is a silicate containing varying proportions of magnesium, iron, and other elements. It forms crystal to. So beautiful  from Philippines .
Yellow Spinel - looks like a yellow sapphire. Gorgeous.
Thy- your.
Thine -your
Art -are.
Ourn -our
Yea- yes.
Verily, in truth, in certainty.
Azure- clear sky or sky's also known as the blue.
Amare- love.
Impartial- treating all rivals or disputants equally; fair and just, unbiased  equal giving all love.
The Lemur is enthroned on the heights of an island
In a luxurious villa, complete with a sauna and a pool
The Dormouse holds, modestly, a small pharmacy
Where people can buy necklaces, gemstones and pretty threads.

Every Monday morning the lemur fixes
His hair with a delicate ivory comb
Asks about the stock market in overflow
Swallowing a pure white powder in a row

His orange eyes threaten to explode
So he sits down, eats lobster and sated,
He doesn’t have a care in the world as descends the evening
His paw resting on a black jade cane stolen from the dormouse

Monday morning, the lemur, operational
Goes fast, pick and pickaxe at the mine
Extracting, sweaty, some beautiful spinel specimens
Hoping that one day at the Lemurian’s he would dine

For a trifle, the latter bought him
His most beautiful crystals and this without paying taxes
He became the leader of the island thanks to his kinsmen
The exotic animals knew something was wrong…

His only friends were the rich and the bohos
Under the yoke of this monkey, the island was a hellhole
Their chef was addicted to coconut powder
Whoever dared to say it was put in irons

When finally, an evening he overdosed
Nobody buried him among his friends
The Dormouse humbly undertook to do so
At the hole where he dug, he found a stone

The moral of the fable, listen to it then,
Who shows compassion exists with reason
Do not judge too fast, because we're leaving too early
Nature often rewards us in her own way.

September 11, 2019
Nancy, translated on November 17, 2019
Shadow Paradox Sep 2014
Ink wounds sketched on her wrist
Prophetess unfurled her diamond proboscis
Hungrily ******* the pollen muse from the lyrist flower
She bounces her piety on the edge of her eyelids

Her azoic eyes flashing
Like a chrome apochromatic
Phonetic voice spinning a tune
Stylus fingertips dancing on a spinel canvas
Outlined on her metal stomach

Though eccentric
She is sterilized with intelligence
Tilting diagonally on insanities thin line
She is straitlaced
Self absorbed

With upside down crosses imprinted on her throat
While her proselytes unthread dreams
From her coliseum heart
Bowing down to the collage God
Sacrificing sacrifices

“Pull more, pull more!”
Proselytes cried
Sunbeams painting their ash faces
As they pulled more dreams
From between the Prophetess lashes

Her hips becoming a petal chakra
Her vertebrae evaporating into bone butterflies
Fragments of every churchy elements
Pinning themselves to her skin

Her leather wings flapping a nursery rhyme
She spins out of control
Her musical clavicles creating a glassy chemical

Which shimmer and shake
Tattooing her pearl bones
Infusing her thoughts

She grafts herself on the minds
Of her Proselytes

They worshipped her life
They worshipped her body
They fed on her lies

Until one day

Error religion snatched her out her skin
Turned her into sacral fiber
Planted her whispers deep in a field of shredded dreams
And stretched her moon soul
Across the sun stained sky

For all to see
Her star spangled faith
Misshapen into unbelief

She had become her own religion
Her own personal god
But without any meaning
Quwaine Jul 2020
Youre imperfectly perfect
the words that you speak feel like a summer breeze that melts the ice around my heart
From the start or maybe towards the end
I'm not quite sure, all the words I  couldn't fully comprehend
But I did understand the joy that it brought you
Your face lighting up like Hyde park on the 5th of November
Truly a sight to behold something I'll always remember.
It feels like Cupid himself was responsible for that serendipitous moment
Invisible hands turning my gaze towards you and you stole my attention
Altering my perception of what is truly beautiful in the world
Not diamonds, nor pearls  nor the pinkest spinel
Simply your smile,
the unadulterated happiness radiating from your face is like the warmest of lights
Guiding me from the sea of despair past the rocks of confusion into the safety of your arms
An embrace that is reassuring for the mind, loving to the body and substance for the soul.
Turning my heart into the loudest of percussive instruments that reprises my dreams as they come into fruition
Starting the ignition of a flame that can never be doused as long as you're near
Forever remembering the place, the time and the space when I gazed upon your imperfect perfection
Sylindrythrae Sep 12
Undersold circular vow, encrypted against ingrown shards - the seedless mother Neith from which gore split her superiority to low frequencies devouring their black spinel printed offspring, denied not her abnegation in self-preserving - thy wing span crowded inside my *****, a cross bathed in salt and dried seaweed, siren to my purity.
Returning to self, to my creations, my creativity, rather than further harbouring a shared misery, sunbathing underneath our mutual insecurities, unresolved trauma, pent-up feelings. I set you free, as you wished; I let go a few years ago, bit by bit.

— The End —