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The horror of not knowing
is killing the inside
of me, of her, of him
maybe of you

We, all of us have at least once in our lives imagined whats next
We, all of us have followed a schedule so we'd know whats next

The horror of knowing
is very specific
is truely full of adrenalin
it kicks me right in the chest

None of us would enjoy the full experience of knowing everything
None of us can be in the power of knowing everything

We all have doubts, hopes, dreams, sorrows, speciel moments.
Sometimes those doubts, hopes, dreams, sorrows and speciel moments
won't live up till your expectations.
Then you'll have to remember that it wouldn't be a gift, to know everything or not to know anything.

We are after all only ourselves, and we should live in this, our, moment of time. nothing and no one should mix in and make us think towards the future or the past.

We shouldn't hesitate into information. Rethink and if you truly visualize yourself in happiness with the information the go get it, otherwise don't.

Another love story of mine, I wanted to know everything, every little **** thing of affairs that happened, had happened or would happen.
Well long story short, that relationship didn't work out.
Originally piece by me : Marie Brandenborg Pedersen
Anonymous Apr 2014
Some and not others whipsaw crazy headlights gleaming not in the right but swerves heavy to the left and cackles it's ok, it's alright. Grackly hands descend from ahigh to grasp a young cheek and laugh why. Too-bright lights and too-harsh smiles carry us into the future for days and miles. Brought up on too much salt and too much sugar they burn like moth gods and they die in droves. Speciel endization is all in the lighting, the moisture content and land levels. Look at the moon and say it isn't true; it's mocking us yet awaiting you.

She was born at zero and waited seven years to be a hero and the story is that instead of dying she pushed all the red buttons and got to flying. Mars was on the loom so she needed extra room for all the food and water. She arrived at age eight and a galactic hero, to be everyone's daughter but eventually just a genetic *** barrel.

Because the farther we go
The farther we are.
But the further we go
The further we are.
Svanna Jan 2018
A year as past
I should be delighted
I should feel peaceful
that a new year has begun
and a chance to restart
and to tell yourself that
“This year is my year”

But I feel stuck
like nothing happened at all
like i am still where i was

no romance
no dates
no boyfriend
no fate

I know life is more than romance
More than finding the one

Nevertheless i feel alone
I see couples everywhere
Happy, in love and content

i am happy, not in love
and yet i am not fulfilled

Furthermore i wonder what it feels like
having that speciel someone
having romance

Falling asleep and waking up
with a loved one next to you
Intertwining fingers
Kisses on the forehead
Arms wrapped around the waist

All the things i have never had

Once it was close
so close that my heart tumbled
I thought for a while that this was it
This was what i had been waiting for

I was wrong oh how i was wrong

So now i’m left with an aching heart
who longs for more
jd Nov 2013
Jeg kan stadig mærke
Min hånd om dig
Hvor mange piger før har rørt
Og jeg ved endnu ikke
Om jeg er speciel
Eller den nyeste
I rækken
Katrina Mar 2020
The fire is ours
We keep it locked away
Afraid anyone is gonna see
That you are more than what you show
That you are someone speciel
You keep the fire locked away
Cause its yours
No one elses business but yours
If you keep your fire away
No one can put it out
The fire is ours
But is it ours to keep?

— The End —