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Empiricprotagon Apr 2017
along with this life steps
my past life was a mess
i was lifeless

i lived with fighting thoughts
to obey or being rebellious

if i found out,
that my main persons
is all supportless,
i would never told my goals

but there's no way back

i grown with taunts,
in rude vicinities

but it's all changed me
now i'm a strong unity
i left my fragility
to fully conquer this body.
For everyone who had unhappy past.
Antonio Fonseca Feb 2014
Anxious-laughter afternoon
moonlight shadow is still very vague,
a long-silent mourn, quiet sorroundings.

Pale-Blue sky,
overlaping highly with a vast mantle of clouds.

Pale-blue sky,
inflaming my temperament with your mournful sounds.

moment of sweet delight.
Languidly, as I smile,
I see her take off.
Bas Aeon Sep 2018
My brightest light Louie,
I may not be the best version of me
i am on my way to becoming a better person
you taught me a lot of things
you may never know
your soul imprinted
you are my shadow
My sun, my hope and my light.
you let me be reborn again
finding the right path
you made me learn to feel the word jealous
jealous of everything
nature that sorrounds you
people that made you who you are now
things that made and makes you giggles
The warmth and glow you spread to your sorroundings.
The echoes of your voice that send thousandfold of melody to everyone’s heart.

we drifted so much
i lost the battle
but my connection to your memories
still intact
it seeps to my core

i am winning the rage of seas and darkness
i finally found the contenment of light
it shown me the real figure of hardship
the true meaning of faith and serendipity
The symbol of love that envelopes the human capacity

i have gained true friendship and learnt new hobbies
im continously improving my personality and character
im pursuing the passion of my heart what God has offered me
i learnt to be more mindful and responsible human being
Waiting made me more resilient
Patience brought me a lot of good vibes
God embraced me for who i am
And  recieved comfort and plenty of positive vibrants
until the day im brave enough to stand infront of you
i will be better
i will be full of life
So you will be proud of me
even though i’m nothing to you.

i thought love was undesirable weakness
a cancer that grows inside me.
Made me vulnerable and brought abomination
as darkness and loneliness reeks to my soul
A depriviation of human development
as gravity of negativity pulls me down

But then
I finally understood the meaning of true love
Love filled my life with joy and peace.
Happiness, hope, contentment and serenity
Even though it fail me
Love became my strenght
Because love is what binds people
It builds a character to pursue and become better
To accept what was and what is and what ifs
To fight and battle within yourself
To know and to seek
To gain more clarity when whirlwind strikes
Above all
To recieve abundant, plentiful grace and forgiveness
From the one and only powerful, merciful, kind and loving Almighty God

He is the reason why i am living
He is the core of my existence
He blessed me with all things that sorrounds me
He gives me hope
He provides me food and shelter
He lead me to where i should be
He let me feel all the emotions that i must need
He is generous for allowing me to learn what was/is right and wrong
He forgave me and will always forgive.
He healed me and will continue to heal my soul.
My human being
He taught me a lot of things in this world
And for that i am lucky
That he let me experienced all the troubles and beauty from the past.
I may not know what the future and his plan for me
i am happy that he led me to you
To know you
To need you
To love you
To experience your warmth
Thats why thank you Louie for the love, hope, my light, my sun, guidance, patience and care you had brought to me
Coz if not
And it never happened
until now for sure
I will still be looking for your version
My dearest louie that brought so much ripples in my life.
I am forever grateful to you and to God.
These are all perfectly reasons why i love you to the fullest.
Thank you for being a blessing to me.
I pray to God to protect your world and guide you through tough times.
To bless and empowered you.
To let you know that you are enough to him because you are more than special to him.
To contionously shower you with grace, protection and so much love.

Grateful with so much love,  
i wrote this letter 4 years ago and i still feel the same way today. The same feelings and love i still have for her will always remain. The prayers i continously ask God. My unsent letter - the precious emotions i kept for years will always be inside me. Im sharing this piece of letter for those who havent seen the light. Depression, loneliness became my motivation to gain strenght and happines.
I lost the person i love the most.
Emmatell Sep 2014
While creating colorful moments for the distant sorroundings
I try to fade you away

They say september is a new start
They do and then diet

My pupils expand
My wrist hurts

We shape moments and ourselves
Together yet lonely

You play xylophone on my body


You shatter glass boxes with conserved feelings
I burst
Tumimchunu Dec 2015
The leaves turn green,  brown and then fall.
Changes I'm oblivious to as I fantasize about the seeds.
The passion that breathed within with every pull inhaled into lungs as they turned oxygen into love.
The petals that blossomed through the photosynthesis quickened by your radiance.
And though you peeled and picked through me ... I still ponder around.

My hair turns curly,  straight and then short.
Changes I'm oblivious to as my feet stay grounded in the imprints of your soil.
Your arms that hold me firm and comfort me,
The harm that wont be coming as you remain a shield.
From the start, walking towards the shock .. the novacane you provide Frankly.
And though your presence brings sweat to my palms.. i still ponder around.

The hymns around me, endless.
Changes I'm oblivious to as I repeat the same tunes.
Warmth from the pink skies painted with a rose coloured brush.
Each stroke from a slow dance that never happened.
But now my body sways to the infinite chords of nostalgia.
Singing melodies skimming past the edges of silver linings.
And though I start to see these sorroundings. . I still ponder around.

These changes taking place near to me and yet I'm oblivious to their tune.
As I choose to tear myself from the truth that today's pool is better to swim in than  yesterday's sea of tears and though it takes a lot to testify to this ... I can't ponder around searching anymore ...
28/12/15 01:30 am
I wrote this because I was looking at how much of a nostalgic person I am. To the point where I ignore all the positive changes taking place currently in my life. . . A toxic practice that needs to be left behind.
Have thou reached casa isolata?
Shimmer of paradise it bestowed
Beautiful lands it rested upon

Sorroundings of fruitful clementine
An empire of pride

Casa isolata
I hear the callings of thy chimes

Written by Tosan Oluwakemi Thompson
This is a poem of someone who missing his homestead.

— The End —