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Wally du Temple Dec 2016
I sailed the fjords between Powell River and
Drury Inlet to beyond the Salish Sea.
The land itself spoke from mountains, water falls, islets
From bird song and bear splashing fishers
From rutting moose and cougars sharp incisors.
The place has a scale that needs no advisers
But in our bodies felt, sensed in our story talking.
The Chinese spoke of sensing place by the four dignities
Of Standing of Reposing of Sitting or of Walking.
Indigenous peoples of the passage added of Paddling by degrees
For the Haida and Salish sang their paddles to taboos
To the rhythm of the drum in their clan crested canoes.
Trunks transformed indwelling people who swam like trees.
First Nations marked this land, made drawings above sacred screes
As they walked together, to gather, share and thank the spirit saplings.
So Dao-pilgrims in the blue sacred mountains of Japan rang their ramblings.
Now the loggers’ chainsaws were silent like men who had sinned.
I motored now for of wind not a trace -
I could see stories from the slopes, hear tales in the wind.
Modern hieroglyphs spoke from clear-cuts both convex and concave.
Slopes of burgundy and orange bark shaves
Atop the beige hills, and in the gullies the silver drying snags
and the brilliant pink of fire **** tags
A tapestry of  times in work.
A museum of lives that lurk.
Once the logging camps floated close to the head of inlets.
Now rusting red donkeys and cables no longer creak,
Nor do standing spar trees sway near feller notched trunks,
Nor do grappler yarders shriek as men bag booms and
Dump bundles in bull pens.
The names bespeak the work.
Bull buckers, rigging slingers, cat skinners, boom men and whistle punks.
Ashore to *** with my dog I saw a ball of crushed bones in ****
Later we heard the evocative howl of a wolf
And my pooch and I go along with the song
Conjoining  with the animal call
In a natural world fearsome, sacred and shared.
Old bunk houses have tumbled, crumbling fish canneries no longer reek.
Vietnam Draft dodgers and Canucks that followed the loggers forever borrowed -
Their hoisting winches, engines, cutlery, fuel, grease and generators.
While white shells rattled down the ebbing sea.
Listing float homes still grumble when hauled on hard.
Somber silhouettes of teetering totems no longer whisper in westerlies
Near undulating kelp beds of Mamalilakula.
Petroglyphs talk in pictures veiled by vines.
History is a tapestry
And land is the loom.
Every rock, headland, and blissful fearsome bay
Has a silence that speaks when I hear it.
Has a roar of death from peaking storms when I see it.
Beings and things can be heard and seen that
Enter and pass through me to evaporate like mist
From a rain dropped forest fist
And are composted into soil.
Where mountains heavily wade into the sea
To resemble yes the tremble and dissemble
Of the continental shelf.
Where still waters of deception
Hide the tsunamis surging stealth.
Inside the veins of Mother Earth the magmas flow
Beneath fjords where crystalised glaziers glow.
Here sailed I, my dog and catboat
Of ‘Bill Garden’ build
The H. Daniel Hayes
In mountain water stilled
In a golden glory of my remaining days.
In Cascadia the images sang and thrilled
Mamalilikula, Kwak’wala, Namu, Klemtu
The Inlets Jervis, Toba, Bute, and Loughborough.
This is a narative prose poem that emerged from the experienced of a sailor's voyage.
vircapio gale Oct 2015
a metaphor for a metaphor:
a mirrored mirror.

the pulmonary hackers whoop
as engine screes of social-
media roar by in caps

and i am left with my own noise;
i've internalized it now,
real traffic beyond my upstairs office walls,
my mother's fading garden,
my epson printer humming like a tomb
bulletcookie Jul 2016
Home sweet mountain greens
alone in thin atmospheres of love
sowing awe on heart's wing
soaring low near peaks above

Breaths to heal internal strife
a salve of pine upon the sores
chirping timbre within woods life
exchange a quiet laughing score

Surprised to see a dragon fly
so high upon this forest side
its plume in air do ease these eyes
soaring low near peaks of sky

To climb these rocks and roots of trees
scale these heights on morning's breeze
It's raw in life as life's crawl screes
and near end's top at rest in beauty

AW Jul 2015
Away she stepped and looked at the mess
And all this while, time stood still

The words an echo, shattered glass
She walked away, as time stood still

Hours past, in a different world
But where she ran, time stood still

As she stopped and turned around she saw
The sun went down, but time stood still

She gathered every shred of courage
All through the night, as time stood still

As a new day dawned and light crept in
She took one step back as time stood still

She set out on the way back wondering
If life had changed while time stood still

She reached a past in screes and shatters
A broken mirror, as time stood still

Unmendable it seemed to be when
She stepped back in and time stood still

Then morning sun lit up the shards
She sat down, still, and time stepped on
sam h Oct 2015
why is the afternoon my lull
and the nighttime my charge
my pillow my shroud
my dearest near cloud
although my nightlight might ****
my morning time push
I thrive as a ghoul, or
a cunning young fish
I swim through the road
a film on my eyes
every new person I flee
each lake I indulge
I dive from the plants
and skirt up the screes
drink up my value
as it gladly will flee
the noise is my shadow
I wish it would stay
but when I look back
it's already gray
Zainab Oct 2019
The steps arose,
a base there was
the muddle of screes
For it was a landscape
Of trees
Gingerly I paced
a cliff that laced
a path destined,
Told, I was
For a few sunrises
and sunsets
Firmed to the locus
stood there, I had.
By degrees
the cliff
obsecured my view
the bewilderment I could not rub
Mayhap, myself scrutinized it far deep
I thought.
the cliff,
for unyielding it depicted
percepting apprehensions, of own
promising it portrayed
Afresh, the climb excecuted
Little by little,
embarked the escarpment
it was still,
so I too, adjourned
It spoke to me
for footsteps,
no longer scraped
"W'rry not, I shall holdeth thee"
igniting the specks of fragility
for I queried myself
if this voyage is my to ascend
KorbydAngyle Sep 2020
Am I still living do I **** on God's command?
What can my soul fathom of my slumber.. what is the plan?

Are solutions fair or evil that demons' skills plough upon my ear...dare I define you as you have me?... debtors crave flesh

Dawn rare swift quotes by their undertones you are yet to have, fenced burning for expression, will you call clear? Skeptical witch endears

You are unnamed types that of import move on to the next before the friends even touch on relating back
Why if we stand hutches seep carnage blood moonlit banter before fallen memories refuse to face our dead
Gnawed genuine venomous gargoyles are we... lives by the sign of the ***** who screes by the nines and sways with the bats winged blunting through caves of the mind in our sky

Souls tell contrary... to laugh, feign pleads of great lithe flaunts across cantors and countries, a vestige of the dark light

Estuary's loom of private butterflies membranes lull of shadows with cryptic blues and replace love with holds of a rainbows indicted as they greet our coven

Close our eyes... shapes rhombus differential clouds dusts of ultimate buffer approach siren of purple and green dive into morphed reverie

Not persons hammers shields sabotage marauding
variance destiny reveals

You ancillary! You roundabout! Barrage pains a path, roads and flights over etched instances derived so separately...
You your self makes the difference and so you listen of the meaning and of the preening, the delve into an elegy of unwise diadem

For this mentality does the worst despite astute gowns and rings that crush

Am I still living, do we know if anyone cares, most haven't stopped trying to consume the front from which they were born then lost,
whether its instinctual, or of the evil diadem.
We all shoulder at our confusion and vanities etched on our personal diadem

— The End —