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Jeremy Betts Feb 2024
Let's talk honestly shall we?

It's easier to have a face to face with the devil
To communicate with the dead and summon evil
Draw a circle, scratch a pentagram in the middle
With a flame dancing on the peak of a candle
Flickering at the outmost tips of the symbol
Sandle wood incent lit, hit a gong or crash symbol
Then a little rhythmic hum to conclude the opening ritual

Pretty simple

The theatrical aspect varies culture to culture
But the critical structure, the essence, the flavor
The nature of "just call and I'll be there" is there
Let's be honest here, you don't get that with prayer
You'd have better luck with a comatose soothsayer
A blind palm reader, or and end of days sandwich board holder
The one on the corner screaming about unspeakable horror

Just think about it

What do you got to do to talk to your lord and savior?
Is his policy open door?
Does he have your back while going through your personal war?
You're trying to survive the unjust life he made and you're in store for
He just stands back and tallies the score
This is straight from his written lore, though purposely vague on what's real and what's a metaphor

What are the odds you're right?

He designed you to never be able to directly interact,
Explain that
It's a wildly overlooked fact
It's what knocks his believability off track
You look at him and you go blind as a bat,
Why would he do that?
His voice will cause your ears to bleed if your head doesn't explode on first contact
He didn't have to design it like that!
The only answered prayers are those of musicians, athletes and the beautiful people who can act
The rest of us? Good luck Jack
If he hears your prayers then most of the times he's just like, "naw, fuuck that."
What's up with that?

Pretty convenient

Shying away from universally decided "just don't bring it up" topics, politics and religion of course the two biggest examples, will hurt societies (globe, country, state, county, city, town or cul-de-sac) more than it wil divide them. There's extremist on every side coming from every angle but they must not be allowed to roost at the top lest we forget how long and dire the fall would be.
Thanks for reading, I appreciate you.
mark john junor Nov 2013
hall pacers dominate the morning
sandle feet shuffle back and forth
eyes cast down travel the floor seeking the droppings
of the pacer before
the riches are in the mind
baubles of plastic and paint
the remains form a graveyard
bone thin white shards baking in an
imaginary summer sun
the unshaven huddle in the corner
watching with avid eyes
watching for the silence that follows
like a shadow... like a sad memory
weaving rhyme spoken at first attempt
he stands perfectly still in the midst of
all this random wandering
staring out into the distance of his mind
eye on the devolving thoughts
of her turning to go
turning to go
to go
mark john junor Jul 2013
as forsaken as the hundred mile forced march
in the blistering sun
wrapped in the liniment of mourning
eyes like haunted shadows
watch the approaching dawn with
keen regrets

they gather themselfs prisons within prison
and shuffle forward into the sweating air
the sound of their sandle clad feet gathers
untill the sound repeats in on its self
and the echo sounds like the world itself
being ground down

the measured politics of this
woman's labours trouble me
she knows the key and combination to free
but profits from their caged destitution
she thinks it ain't so funny now is it

patterns etched in the face of
circumstance are ones of destitute sorrow
romance you with promise
but deliver nothing but offense

defying the odds
freedom is calculated
while desperation can only be measured
in miles or blood
Birumi Swati Apr 2019
Hey !
what are you laughing at?
Are you laughing at that girl
With freezey hair,
Baggy, over sized clothes?
You're Giggling meanly from behind
Because of those?

Her ragged dress is all you can see,
Her messy hair is all you notice,
Can't u see the pain in her eyes?

No she's not fortunate like you
To get the love of her mother
Or be pampered by her father

You  laugh at her *****,hardened hands?
Yeah those are the same hands
she puts on her lips
And cry every night silently.
As silent as the moon above her head.

Although just 13,
the little girl  is not fortunate like you
To run & complaint to anyone
When she's mercilessly beaten up
By those, supposed to take care of her.

She waits for the nights
To lay awake under the stars
and remember her past
Her father, her mother
Those happy days.

What happened to life?
Why her world turned upside down?
Why is she so helpless and feeble
In this ever known town?

With a dust storm in her heart
She wakes up.
Yet another day to cope.
But she has her will and her strong hope.

You think she's weird,
cz she doesn't gigle in small jokes?
Oh she doesn't find them funny.
They don't amuse her anymore.
What's more amusing than this life?
What's more laughable
than her will of still going on?
Walking miles after miles
With blisters in her feet,
Along the desserted street.
An worn out, torn out, old muddy sandle.
Yeah go on. Laugh at that too.

You think she didn't hear what you said?
She might be thick skinned
But sister she's not deaf.
And she knows it's ok to be different.

Struck by untimely age
That old soul, although 13
But feels like she has seen a lot
Lived a hundred lives
And left them behind one by one.

Now she has learnt to let go.
She has taught herself to grow.
She's taught herself to live alone.

Not look for a helping hand
Or reside in a castle of sand.
Though she has none to speak to
About her grims
She writes them down
About All her hopes and all her dreams.

One day she'll
stand by her friend
Who was bullided in school for being a boy and still having long hair.
One day She'll stand up for her friend  against unwanted stare.

She'll know,
No one should be subjected to torment.
Cz She knows it's ok to be different.

So go on.
Laugh and gigle at anyone you want.
Throw your hatred and your tont.
A bullie is all you'll ever see
While looking at the mirror.
And it'll make the poor little girl stronger.
Stronger than you can ever be.
You cried as the sunset died over sandle castle
As silhouettes glowed red in the distance
You kissed me, told me you loved me
Then we said our goodbyes
The moon was so big that night
I remember inside jokes of me saying the world is ending and if it was that big we'd be dead
If it was destined our last, I guess that would have been a perfect way to die
Caught up in fractured moon light
And ******'s of affection fleeting by
Such a picturesque setting
But now I cry every night
Knowing that it wasn't our final goodbye
Just the beginning of relationship that was fraying from distance
It took a year and half down the line for my heart to be broken
I just hope it doesn't take that long to fix.
it happened years ago in 1979
invited Jesus to come into my heart
this would light the inner spark
to where I needed to go

pitter patter of soft sandle feet
we would both meet & greet
worship at his feet
one day at a time sweet Jesus

that's all I'm asking of thee
then when i was thirteen
starring up in the clouds to see his face
he is the peace that passes all understanding

living inside of me hide me away from society
a very good reason to believe
from hanging on a tree
to coming to live inside of you & me

for I look to the sea
reflections on the way spark my memories
some happy and sad
think of childhood friends and the dreams we had

Jesus is for us a quest to rejoice
out of his great love he shared
so never fear or drop a single tear
as he may whisper in your ear

his love was such that he suffered so much
just to cause some of us to follow
the love I know
Robert Guerrero Jul 2021
Every love story
Has a beginning
A surreal middle
Either happy or sad end
Mine only saw sparks
An ignition
With no fuel added
You just got here
Red hair
Cute blouse
White pants
Sandle like flip-flops
A recluse
I had to know
Somehow my lips
Met yours
With fear in my soul
Divorced dad
No real reason
To be even considered
One date
Steakhouse and a walk
Little conversation
Yet your silence spoke volumes
I read and comprehended
Each aspect you hid
Thinking your diary
Was locked and unreadable
You asked me then
What my intentions were
I didn't want a relationship
I didn't want love
But given the chance
I would have chased it
Held dearly to it
You just didn't get that part
You just saw the start
No real intention
Of your very own
My love story
A hopeless impossibility
Staging scenarios
Playing out in dreams
I've grown to despise
Knowing all too well
There is no point
Keeping you in my mind
So I'll place the period
At the end of this page
Bring this failed romance
To a decent enough close
I'm still viable
For the casket I'll fill
At the end of my own story
That's what you became
It was beautiful
Loving you for this long
Doubt I'll truly ever stop
I just won't let another
Bear witness to it
So the ones that know
Will forget I ever did
You don't need to know me
Even if in your head
I was a possibility
What you have seen
Is all that you'll know
So don't forgive me
When I'm not there
Waiting for the owner
Of my impounded heart
Suhei 13h
I remember you, a little girl I used to play
She smile and cry, make me mad all day
I remember you, I remember you

When We grow, I know I loved you
I think you know that too
I guess I am not you prince charming
But I can be your that sandle that fit with you..

Still talking nonsense, and still I have love you
You may forget me, but will always remember you.
I remember her
the way you walk the way you talk
the way you comb your hair
beautiful eyes as if a angel in disguise
the touch of your hand makes me understand
pitter patter of soft sandle feet
whispers in the corridor
telling me which way to go
when I look into your eyes
then I could see a future
filled up without pain nor sorrow
you walk the walk out of true humility
you stand to admire your inner dignity
yet why can't people see
the great beauty perched as if a white angelic dove
with baby's hair & a woman's eyes
does all of this logic come at a big enough surprise
just to look deep into her eyes
one hand to hold a heart will mend

we shall grow to depend
upon the great notion of love intact
out of every viable circumstance
we  shall learn to take part in the dance
a sil·hou·ette of cashmere green  lattice hung adjacent to her room
pillows were placed seperated by one black cats' apparition
hear she dances in a ring of fire yet throws off each challenge with a shrug
in her world she is carefree far from the onslaught of turmoil
love is the sweet fragrance of her existence as she learns to shun the resistance
sips on her coffee while reading the early morning Sunday news
after a brisk walk along the path that leads to a forest filled with cloven moss covered matter
there in the sunlight amidst the lavender she decides to meditate
through her quaint variation of thought she is brought into a brightened light
a vast orb of personification nestled near a river
out of the vast expanse between space and time she awakes to the forest again
this time with a tear drop in her eye out of sorrowful passions she keeps deep inside
she is new to this place she seeks to mediate
cobblestone lines the forest as an added decor of languished feathered circumstance
she seeks inner solace as in natures beckoning call asunder
the rush of the wind through her hair she faintly succumbs to her heightened reality

— The End —