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brooke Feb 2014
you know that way that cars are cold
and the bite of 18 degrees gets under your skin
the way your chest dimples in, and the pores
around your ******* forget to breathe, your body
shrinks in the morning breeze

the way the fog turns red above Florence's lights
and the next town over looks like it's on fire, the
mountains hide in a thick of snow and you can
feel their chill in your very bones?

I will always sleep with my windows open, in the
heart of winter and the palms of summer. I like
the way I feel small in the winter, i like the way
I feel small in the winter.
(c) Brooke Otto 2014.
- Jan 2018
O monogamy, sweet so monogamy
Have me by this rimy night so I may bear your cold’st kiss
To espy eyes blazed in scarlet hue
If not for this holding us part, touching firm this instance
Of what I feel now I could not feel ever,
Could I bask in aughts - a goodness too true as so a sight worth sights
If pulchritude, if vagary...
To innerstand this sorrow, this phase, this ending of me
So lovesick of vanity, this night owes me tears
But tonight she has me, by her brassiere, by lips
Tangl’d in manner and salaciousness - her being to be
Wonder of me, wonder me; if I ever your knight
Wonder if I am enough, manifest your ways unto me
Demand I exist, under your eyes
Impart this velleity, four ways for ways...
Have me, O monogamy
With you will I always be? Your sabbath, your blind’st bliss as too mine
Split with me another moment for much time has rot
Mongst this lour’st hour my heart is wounded by the thorns of essence
To think we are but not cause to this grieve
In sooth; this everly passion now a mortal’s pule
Stay with me on this last’d night
A midnight kiss, a midnight touch, fragrance, a gentle glare...
Monogamy, monogamy.
Jo Jan 2014
There is a rain, rimy rivulets ripping
The canvas of air; how is it I can breathe
When glass sinks with the setting sun –
An eye afire, I can’t stand the look of it,
Burning the sky like a charcoal
It’s pale, it’s blind, it’s alone –
Until all that remains are clouds
Made of cotton ***** and floss.  
Only giants may clean their teeth properly.  

Tree bark shines with the rain,
Contemptuous, wretched water  
Fit to feed our Belladonna,
Meant only for our Madonna –  
Why I fear you a mystery
Lost to the shivering trees and me.  
Green is drowning, I relish its fade
From my face, bloated and white
Like the shining, terrible moon, sitting alone

Alone to weep wistfully, pathetically
Until she fills the burns with leaking
Stars flooding barren hillcrests –
It’s what I’ve always told myself.  
It’s all I know.  
Careful now, the sidewalks hold mirrors,
It wouldn’t do to crack one with a fearful foot –
No, no, let their diameters grow…
It’s not as if I’ll see myself if I bothered to look.
Paula Swanson Jul 2010
From the rimy ruins of Abbey Carth,
the Scaramouch, did tarry march.
Bold, be he in his deeds, with voice.
Cower, he will, when given choice.
Want, is he, of a heroes ilk,
bedecked of medals, braided silk.
Bringing up the rear in battle,
he be not, a man of mettle.
Cannon fire does make him quiver,
staying hidden, he does shiver.
But, when it is, the battle ends,
in charge he was, he does pretend.
Gladly he will tall all his tales,
emboldened by a cup of ale.
How he, led men into the fray.
Encouraging them to hold, stay.
Of shots he fired, left and right.
Of his boldness,  of his might.
He is a legend, in his mind.
It is there, his courage, he finds.
Jo Nov 2013
Arms swaddled in a moth eaten blanket
My skin peers through the holes, cold and curious;
My young outline taught to constantly fret
By a hidden mother – I’m spurious,
A wretched lust baby from gusty love.  
My useless heart still beating in her womb,
I could drink sallow pity, but enough!
Weary feet shall take me from Phobos, loom
Tall man, your shadow stretches behind me.  
An iron chalice holds my sanguine heart,
Leaking on my bone’s silver tapestry…
Strength does not mean one cannot break apart –
Soon my sadness, rimy stars, won’t matter
When my harsh palms hold my soul like water.
Jo Nov 2013
Arms swaddled in a moth eaten blanket
My skin peers through the holes, cold and curious;
My young outline taught to constantly fret
By a hidden mother – I’m spurious,
A wretched lust baby from gusty love.  
My useless heart still beating in her womb,
I could drink sallow pity, but enough!
Weary feet shall take me from Phobos, loom
Tall man, your shadow stretches behind me.  
An iron chalice holds my sanguine heart,
Leaking on my bone’s silver tapestry…
Strength does not mean one cannot break apart –
Soon my sadness, rimy stars, won’t matter
When my harsh palms hold my soul like water.
I had a dream last night
it was as vivid as you.
I was as I am
and my senses as they are.
I remember the dream
from top to toe
With every sensation
in limpid detail.
In the planet outside,
I rested my sole
on the ice-tiped blades.
I felt splendor through my spine as Its bones bent and curled alone.  
Abaft the noting of
a harshly kind earth,
I danced
to the sharp song of its night.
Spreading my arms
and lifting my chin,
I closed my eyes
to soak it all in.
The chills surrounding me,
raw and rimy, were
lustrous and simply plain. Through the journey of
sensual assault,
I heard shivering leaves
in the stinging gloom,
And creaking trees
with their torrid barks.
I saw the moon's humble grin,
as she invited me into obscurity.
She'd intrigued another empty soul.
At the sight of her gentle beam, I knew the moon would allow my admiration;
I knew she would embrace
the orchid in my eye.
And so the moon did.
I felt her breeze as it kissed my skin.
I felt the beat of my speeding heart, I was humbled by
thrill revealing itself in goose bumps.
Amidst the winter scent,
Were flowers waiting to blossom,
as if the ungrown buds
were longing for spring.
The glow of the stars,
hidden behind barren night sky,
was mesmerizing;
like consented hypnosis
by natural illusion.
I was drawn in to the eventide, I was lured into the outside.
Silvery captivation by the whispers of shadowy darkness.
A place I had never seen,
a world I had never known,
A place kept secret by the moon's sweetly glittered glow.
It felt like the road, like a journey of revelation,
And it reminded me of the consciousness you so chivalrously showed.
It restored your innocent touch,  it made me feel alive.
The taste of mid-eve,
so severe and true.
I had a dream last night,
and it was about you.
Martin Narrod Apr 2017
Me, up on the snow-rock white glacial cliff hedges mountaineering my way in the moments-after-twilight-sweeping-black. Execrable cold, a death-making quiet, Not a seal, not a hare - this Earth of gelid death. I climbed out above the snow Where my expiration left sinuous brandings in the copper light. But the Weddell was siphoning the darkness to the katabatic deep valleys - piceous lees of the brightening umber - cleaving the moon in two like the split eye of a winter lynx. And I saw the penguins: Little specks of black in the limitless white - fifty together - obelisk-still. Their inaudible coo, they sat motionless, nearly mute, With creamsicle feet and amber-eyes, incomparably mum. I proceeded: not one chirped or swiveled its little fur cap. Black silent fragments of a black silent world. I hearkened in the barrens of the desiccate plains. While the wooly bears came from the sea to see of the silence. Slowly edges oozed out of the darkness. Then the moon ivory, porcelain, azure erupted Quietly, and halving to its heart and shot mist, shaking and the ocean opened, crying blue, And the giant mountains lunged-. I stopped Scrambling, as if up from my voice at the mouth of a nightmare, down towards the snow-rock, from their glacial sheaths, And came the penguins. There stood they, still-, silent, in the river of blue light: Creamsicle feet and amber-eyed Thwacking the ice in a grand fête While everywhere was gray and rimy. And still they did not speak above a breath, Not one squeeked or cawed, Their nestled shining beaks dug into the polar rim, Low into the valleys, in the blue shimmering rays - In throngs of the congested cities, living among the years, the faces, May I some day greet my memory in such solemn a world Into the estuaries and the azure-skies, curious wooly bears, Listening as the ice tholes.
Jillian Elcie Nov 2014
When she was younger,
She’d been completely enticed
By the rimy landscape
Of a lake frozen solid
With February’s frigid winds
And the winter’s harrowing temperature.
She often wondered about how the sun would’ve looked,
Shattered into a million minute particles
As it peeked through the ice in mesmerizing fractions,
And glowed quietly underneath the surface
Before finally disintegrating into the lonely darkness below.
She was helplessly infatuated,
And with every short breath
Made visible by the wintry air,
She longed to lie at the bottom
And be inspired
By the murky glow of the icy sunlight above her.
So one day,
She set herself free from her longing.
And she tiptoed carefully over the bitingly cold floor
As she pursued a suitable entry.
The wind,
Catching snowflakes within its frozen rhythm
And casting them onto her rosy cheeks
As it howled across the barren lake
Was acutely distressing,
But she would be underneath it soon.
And without warning,
The doorway appeared beneath her feet
And she slipped through it without having to knock.
And she began to sink-
The bitter harshness of the water enough to **** her,
And her lungs seared as they screamed for air,
As her limbs thrashed frantically,
But she let herself fall,
looking up to the eerie radiance of the lake’s surface
And smiling gently,
Before finally disintegrating into the lonely darkness below.

Martin Narrod Apr 2017
Me, up on the snow-rock white glacial cliff hedges mountaineering my way in the moments-after-twilight-sweeping-black. Execrable cold, a death-making quiet, Not a seal, not a hare - this Earth of gelid death. I climbed out above the snow Where my expiration left sinuous brandings in the copper light. But the Weddell was siphoning the darkness to the katabatic deep valleys - piceous lees of the brightening umber - cleaving the moon in two like the split eye of a winter lynx. And I saw the penguins: Little specks of black in the limitless white - fifty together - obelisk-still. Their inaudible coo, they sat motionless, nearly mute, With creamsicle feet and amber-eyes, incomparably mum. I proceeded: not one chirped or swiveled its little fur cap. Black silent fragments of a black silent world. I hearkened in the barrens of the desiccate plains. While the wooly bears came from the sea to see of the silence. Slowly edges oozed out of the darkness. Then the moon ivory, porcelain, azure erupted Quietly, and halving to its heart and shot mist, shaking and the ocean opened, crying blue, And the giant mountains lunged-. I stopped Scrambling, as if up from my voice at the mouth of a nightmare, down towards the snow-rock, from their glacial sheaths, And came the penguins. There stood they, still-, silent, in the river of blue light: Creamsicle feet and amber-eyed Thwacking the ice in a grand fête While everywhere was gray and rimy. And still they did not speak above a breath, Not one squeeked or cawed, Their nestled shining beaks dug into the polar rim, Low into the valleys, in the blue shimmering rays - In throngs of the congested cities, living among the years, the faces, May I some day greet my memory in such solemn a world Into the estuaries and the azure-skies, curious wooly bears, Listening as the ice tholes.
Dripping fire,
the oak's toes
are nibbled
by rimy teeth.
wren Jan 2021
I. quinine and honey

His fight and fierceness
are unrivaled
like the solace of sleep
to the freezing

addiction, dependence, provocation
i’m washed in the tide
of His everlasting breath
plunging out in rimy clouds
he reached out
and thawed me,
hands interlaced
if only for a moment

i take in His body,
the unleavened bread:
delicate, diaphanous
caramel skin
dappled with freckles
stretched taut over a
light but athletic frame

doused with
mulled wine
an earthy sweet redolence
of spice, sour cherry,
fruit and florals,
smoke, and amber resin

reminders of those cold,
firelit winter nights
flannel button-up pajamas
rosy cheeks and cracked, swollen lips
strong pourover coffee and
steaming jasmine white tea
at five in the morning
when i would shiver
and He would hold me tighter
we were so happy we were afraid

i run my fingers
through His silken
sun-softened sable hair

His heart, however,
holds sentiment
incomparable to my votive
there is only Him

even the quinine
finds itself too bitter
that it may yearn for
to drown
to honey: so that the last taste after the bitter journey is always sweet.

this series, inspired by the greek epic of the same name attributed to homer and madeline miller's "song of achilles", is a narrative of my life, short as it may be. i [attempt] to explore everything from race to sexuality, to friendships and reconciliation. i hope you take something from this. you can read in whichever order you like, as a series or as standalones.
dripping fire
the oak's toes are nibbled
by rimy teeth

— The End —