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O! nothing earthly save the ray
(Thrown back from flowers) of Beauty’s eye,
As in those gardens where the day
Springs from the gems of Circassy—
O! nothing earthly save the thrill
Of melody in woodland rill—
Or (music of the passion-hearted)
Joy’s voice so peacefully departed
That like the murmur in the shell,
Its echo dwelleth and will dwell—
O! nothing of the dross of ours—
Yet all the beauty—all the flowers
That list our Love, and deck our bowers—
Adorn yon world afar, afar—
The wandering star.

’Twas a sweet time for Nesace—for there
Her world lay lolling on the golden air,
Near four bright suns—a temporary rest—
An oasis in desert of the blest.
Away away—’mid seas of rays that roll
Empyrean splendor o’er th’ unchained soul—
The soul that scarce (the billows are so dense)
Can struggle to its destin’d eminence—
To distant spheres, from time to time, she rode,
And late to ours, the favour’d one of God—
But, now, the ruler of an anchor’d realm,
She throws aside the sceptre—leaves the helm,
And, amid incense and high spiritual hymns,
Laves in quadruple light her angel limbs.

Now happiest, loveliest in yon lovely Earth,
Whence sprang the “Idea of Beauty” into birth,
(Falling in wreaths thro’ many a startled star,
Like woman’s hair ’mid pearls, until, afar,
It lit on hills Achaian, and there dwelt),
She look’d into Infinity—and knelt.
Rich clouds, for canopies, about her curled—
Fit emblems of the model of her world—
Seen but in beauty—not impeding sight—
Of other beauty glittering thro’ the light—
A wreath that twined each starry form around,
And all the opal’d air in color bound.

All hurriedly she knelt upon a bed
Of flowers: of lilies such as rear’d the head
On the fair Capo Deucato, and sprang
So eagerly around about to hang
Upon the flying footsteps of—deep pride—
Of her who lov’d a mortal—and so died.
The Sephalica, budding with young bees,
Uprear’d its purple stem around her knees:
And gemmy flower, of Trebizond misnam’d—
Inmate of highest stars, where erst it sham’d
All other loveliness: its honied dew
(The fabled nectar that the heathen knew)
Deliriously sweet, was dropp’d from Heaven,
And fell on gardens of the unforgiven
In Trebizond—and on a sunny flower
So like its own above that, to this hour,
It still remaineth, torturing the bee
With madness, and unwonted reverie:
In Heaven, and all its environs, the leaf
And blossom of the fairy plant, in grief
Disconsolate linger—grief that hangs her head,
Repenting follies that full long have fled,
Heaving her white breast to the balmy air,
Like guilty beauty, chasten’d, and more fair:
Nyctanthes too, as sacred as the light
She fears to perfume, perfuming the night:
And Clytia pondering between many a sun,
While pettish tears adown her petals run:
And that aspiring flower that sprang on Earth—
And died, ere scarce exalted into birth,
Bursting its odorous heart in spirit to wing
Its way to Heaven, from garden of a king:
And Valisnerian lotus thither flown
From struggling with the waters of the Rhone:
And thy most lovely purple perfume, Zante!
Isola d’oro!—Fior di Levante!
And the Nelumbo bud that floats for ever
With Indian Cupid down the holy river—
Fair flowers, and fairy! to whose care is given
To bear the Goddess’ song, in odors, up to Heaven:

  “Spirit! that dwellest where,
    In the deep sky,
  The terrible and fair,
    In beauty vie!
  Beyond the line of blue—
    The boundary of the star
  Which turneth at the view
    Of thy barrier and thy bar—
  Of the barrier overgone
    By the comets who were cast
  From their pride, and from their throne
    To be drudges till the last—
  To be carriers of fire
    (The red fire of their heart)
  With speed that may not tire
    And with pain that shall not part—
  Who livest—that we know—
    In Eternity—we feel—
  But the shadow of whose brow
    What spirit shall reveal?
  Tho’ the beings whom thy Nesace,
    Thy messenger hath known
  Have dream’d for thy Infinity
    A model of their own—
  Thy will is done, O God!
    The star hath ridden high
  Thro’ many a tempest, but she rode
    Beneath thy burning eye;
  And here, in thought, to thee—
    In thought that can alone
  Ascend thy empire and so be
    A partner of thy throne—
  By winged Fantasy,
     My embassy is given,
  Till secrecy shall knowledge be
    In the environs of Heaven.”

She ceas’d—and buried then her burning cheek
Abash’d, amid the lilies there, to seek
A shelter from the fervor of His eye;
For the stars trembled at the Deity.
She stirr’d not—breath’d not—for a voice was there
How solemnly pervading the calm air!
A sound of silence on the startled ear
Which dreamy poets name “the music of the sphere.”
Ours is a world of words: Quiet we call
“Silence”—which is the merest word of all.

All Nature speaks, and ev’n ideal things
Flap shadowy sounds from the visionary wings—
But ah! not so when, thus, in realms on high
The eternal voice of God is passing by,
And the red winds are withering in the sky!
“What tho’ in worlds which sightless cycles run,
Link’d to a little system, and one sun—
Where all my love is folly, and the crowd
Still think my terrors but the thunder cloud,
The storm, the earthquake, and the ocean-wrath
(Ah! will they cross me in my angrier path?)
What tho’ in worlds which own a single sun
The sands of time grow dimmer as they run,
Yet thine is my resplendency, so given
To bear my secrets thro’ the upper Heaven.
Leave tenantless thy crystal home, and fly,
With all thy train, athwart the moony sky—
Apart—like fire-flies in Sicilian night,
And wing to other worlds another light!
Divulge the secrets of thy embassy
To the proud orbs that twinkle—and so be
To ev’ry heart a barrier and a ban
Lest the stars totter in the guilt of man!”

Up rose the maiden in the yellow night,
The single-mooned eve!-on earth we plight
Our faith to one love—and one moon adore—
The birth-place of young Beauty had no more.
As sprang that yellow star from downy hours,
Up rose the maiden from her shrine of flowers,
And bent o’er sheeny mountain and dim plain
Her way—but left not yet her Therasaean reign.
Travis Green Feb 2023
On weekends like this
I wish for you to be here next to me
To wrap me in your hypnotic chocolate stalwartness
Adore me, explore me, hijack the best of me
Kiss me with your indulgent mellifluous lips

Look me in my dazzling night-black eyes
Let me know that I am your vibrant *****
Lead me into your formidable thrilling action
Make me gasp as your succulent tongue
Travels buxom buoyant bangers

Make me crash into unprecedented epic rapture
As you enrapture my sexually arousing structure
Let your hands trail my navel
To my ample bubble-shaped cakes
Tasty thick thighs to shimmering slick legs

Fill my vessel with heavenly immeasurable pleasure
I need you to drive your divine desires
Deeper into my magical satin anatomy
I want to lose myself in your unrelenting dreaminess
Feel myself leaning toward your supremeness
Your sensual mind-bending resplendency

Let your roaring and scorching fire
Grow into my heart and soul
Let me linger in your dancing
And enamoring stream of delightful indescribable dreams
Feel your waves of greatness
Wash over my aesthetically appealing architecture
Travis Green May 2022
When I wake up to see you in my sight
I am essentially keen on your flawless sparkling resplendency
Your timeless, prodigious, and delicious sweetness
You are indeed an explosion of incredible fiery hotness

I am highly ecstatic in the grip of your delightfulness
Your skillfulness, your razor-sharpness, your warmheartedness
You are the man who has my heart
Who is bursting with boundless bright magicalness
With effusive smoothness, a smoking young thing
A bold, radiant, and suave Casanova
Fashionably dressed, impeccable chiseled spectacle

I savor your immeasurably exalted, bombastic, and exuberant art
How dangerously enchanting you are, extravagant with hot sauce
It’s so hard to resist your irresistibleness
Please stay with me for me to feel you forever
So I can seek fulfillment in your ever-increasing refreshingness
Travis Green Nov 2022
Your taut fierce machoness is
Unconquerably ardent and flawless
Much more marvelous and sparkling
Than a ready-to-bloom silky-smooth flower
Pristine scented king
Magical, luxurious, and passionate rareness

Your bareness, your masculineness
Your spectacularness, melts my precious heavenly world
Your distinctive premium resplendency
Makes me drown in your desirably
And powerfully flowering invitingness
I fall into your tastefully tantalizing manliness

How you enchant me with your romantically
Shimmering star attraction
Brighten my day with your sublimely
Striking and finger-lickin’ fiend
I wanna stroke your dopeness
Flow into your uncontrollable
Showstopping oceans of the highest
Artistic astonishingness

Taste your sizzling steezy sweetness
Rough, rugged rude boy
You permeate my gayness
With deliriously deep thoughts
Of your remarkably rhythmical irresistibleness
Where I yield to your unbelievably riveting litness
Travis Green Jun 2022
When I peep you out
You are so ridiculously smooth
Highly striking
Tender thrilling hottie
With a strapping saucy body
I sink into your rhythmicity
And irresistible virility

The way you flex fantastically
The way you control your flow
Make me so obsessed
With dreamy delectableness
Enmeshed in your rare magical warmth
Embracing your pleasant
Seductive lovingness
Your cheerful perfumed peerlessness

I can’t speak when you bend over
And show your rock-hard rearguard
When you smack it passionately
When your caress your aromatic
Aristocratic neck, when your monstrous
Masculine body is awash
With gripping oil-slick hotness

Boy, I just want to drown
In your supreme pristine resplendency
Feel such a steaming red-hot surrender
Let your masculinity
Communicate with my headspace
In utter love language
Kiss me everywhere
My earthy ecstatic luminary

I want to breathe
Immense divine bliss with you
Take me to your rich
And enthralling beach
Where we drift into
Fantastic, feverish magic
Travis Green Nov 2021
I love his mesmerizing and poetic world
The gratifying warmth he provides me with
Sweetly thrilling, bewitching, rich, opulent lips
And a smile that draws me into the light of his being

His eyes are dazzling and passionate
He makes me crave to abandon where I stay
Move away to another state with him
And experience the best relaxation and adoration

He is a paradise of unconditional heavenliness
He is all the serenity and happiness that I need
He is matchless and magical, a memorable dream
He is so much more than a fantasy in my mind

I never thought I would be lucky to love
Such a pure and blissful man
He is stylishly splendorous and seamless
He is rare and priceless as an extensive and fascinating museum

I dream of turning the pages in his boundless bright book
Peek into the exquisite richness and tenderness within his vessel
Discover all the wonderful things about him
That make me seep deeper into his unending resplendency
Nadia Aug 2019
Rhyming Review - The Consuming Fire by John Scalzi

An amusing adventure in outer space,
Watching an alternate human race
Scheme for power and fight to survive
- They need each other to stay alive

Travelling space through the flow,
The shoals are the only way to go;
Except the shoals are fading out
And vital connections are now in doubt

Grayland II, in their resplendency
As Emperox of the Interdependency,
Is responsible for billions of souls
And must prepare them for shifting shoals

Her many foes would seize the throne
Fortunately Grayland's not all alone
Her friends, while clever number few;
Time is running out, can they pull through?

NCL 2019
Expressing my appreciation of books through poetry. Thoroughly enjoyed this 2nd book in the Interdependency series - maybe you will too :)
Effulgence of the brightest star
That evermore beams from afar.

Resplendency of the dawn dew
Beaming forth with a silvery hue.

Opalescence of a neon rainbow,
Or the luster of winter snow.

Glitter of a moon-kissed sea
Murmuring with sheer glee.

Hues of a polychromatic sunset
Upon heaven's stonking gate.

Glow of buds of a rose-gold sheen,
Or snowy lilies by meadows green.

The sparkle of a sun-kissed stream
Whispering along like a sweet dream.

©Kikodinho Edward Alexandros,
Los Angeles, California. 11/05/19.
#Eyes #Pulchritude #Lurve
As a lemon is laurel and a grove near a bay only
that lies trees with the cherry blossom seeds
in these seasons of bliss where splendor was wind
and resplendency now accord with the crabgrass
while lust sublime in these orchards of time.
Travis Green May 2022
Somewhere in the world
There is the dreamiest dude
That will walk
Into my life
And give me all the love
I have ever wanted

Make me feel
Your rare, sheer, and
Remarkable masculinity
Carry me to infinity
In your vicinity
Drunk on your resplendency
Travis Green Mar 2022
Take me into the galaxy of your poetry
Where I can be bound to your hot immaculate diction
Flow in your dope prose
Rock me hard with your ardent spectacular metaphors
Kiss me sexually with your prodigious lips suffused with sultry similes
Caress my velvety voluminous *******

Let your saliva of ingratiating alliteration
Permeate my delicious dark points
Lick the eloquent seamless stanzas
On my soft, charming, and glossy thighs
Pore over the detailed dynamic lines
With your electrifying tongue

Thrill me, **** lover
Make me erupt with your hypnotic sizzling touch
Speak your fervent free verse rhymes to my body
Let your masterful masculinity mesmerize me
Suffuse my delectable refreshing neck with stellar sweet similes
Give me an overdose of immaculate, fantastic anaphoras

Let me evanesce into your intellect
Linger in your sensually tempting resplendency
You are my aphrodisiac
I submerge myself in your magically divine mind
Zaddy, you are so exceedingly edible
I salivate to taste every drop of your hotness
Let it dissolve down my throat
Lexander J Apr 2015
Striking, turquoise genetics,
douse my cries in grieving resplendency,
for my naked soul
weeping has become almost a dependency //.-

familiar devil's hands
tucking me into home-made bones;

conscious, automatic,

////-..f-feelings sporadic ///.-.

I..-///.-..     ..I.///.-./.

I am not on my own,

shambling skeletons, rocking out upon the dance floor,
twerking to a cathartic post-punk sound -
jagged multi-colour squares flashing spasmodically,
jumping and jiving all over the ground,

crowds of pretty girls in leather tops,
thrashing their hips to the beat,
moving in fluent passion
skin blushed, dripping and sweaty from the heat,

whilst the darkness spoons out mousy doe eyes,
trading them in for introspective sight
colliding souls gyrating blindly
beneath schizophrenic light

curdling their kaleidoscopic hearts, tainting them homologous -
rubbed raw from a crass reflection,
hammering lips to robotic DNA

.//-. dr-...dru- //

drugging our minds for a complexion that's perfection.


IMPORTANT; this is a collaboration between me and a poet previously posted on an app called Opuss - the other poet is called Samantha (username @paintingskies) and I hereby declare this poem a shared effort.
Carl Fynn Aug 2020
Lying helplessly in grace
Beauty buried in clouded thoughts

Stunning resplendency glowing in a thick fog
Eyes are the window to love
Character glues the hinges

Love me, love me your heart screams
Fear triumph in joy

The answer is the problem
Fake is real
Real is false

Lucky bird tweeting in the dark
Find solace in the echo

Some answered the call and fell
Hold on to your guns and hope

Till another echo reaches you
Lucky bird in the dark.
Indigo silence?
Above the ley we intone:
Special to us, the speed of thus
Hope you same the ides of worldly fun...

Predators of let, lots to a man that can
A whole reason, to verify a loose thought
Resplendency as a candor was, a sense of a plan
Where no man has a dread for you, a place for a spirit mocked

Live up to a wall of service, the voice spoken, the voice proven
Has you by the family of gall, if not the gaiety
We accustom to a liberation of the yet to be loving...
Ask the silence, if we can spare the gait of anxiety?

Hatred, patron, and saccharine
In a rolling cloud of disproof, we saw your knickers
When a bird has come home, for the worst a callous stare means
Create a sunny rational with a blessing that has none for a future...

Winds of solemnity
Winds of paradise, to reach the truth
Winds of persuasion, perceived in a chosen liberty
Winds of virtue, with a stipend for youth

Is it us, or the winds changed direction?
Solace in the name of strength, and the might of a friend
In the way of your chaste, if not hastes inflection
Is this wind a fury in the voice of empathy or an enemies rend?

Notice the guitar...
Asking a power, is mercy in the wishes we gave
Is a clash with youth, a head to turn or an answer
With the sweetest you, we have ever seen a hair give, you a savior

Shame on a placebo, that has intone for the pride of glue?
Here, pissy, and ****
We wave the colors of remembering, your example to fruit
On the table, in the tree, and the eyes we are seeking for a world's vexation...
dancing with a match of late? here is your pipe, your shoes, and the offering of a fox in the chicken coop --- is this me at home, or a season to see you entertain should?
Travis Green May 2022
Your hardness has me attracted to you more than ever
I want to delight in your bright-eyed and ingenious resplendency
Take in your boldness and mysteriousness
Your flawless fresh-faced features
Eminently remarkable and saucy
Intensely romantic and enthusiastic
Adventurous, active, dauntless, and lecherous

I want to drift ever so effortlessly into your wildness
Your ardent and gayly candid nature
Stream into the power source of your gorgeousness
Wrapped in your splashiness
In all the spectacular characteristics
That makes you a romantic and amorous man
Travis Green Nov 2022
I want you to put the heat on me
Make me blitzed and speechless
Make me dizzy and lit as ****
****** your thick thundering thugness
Deep in my guts, bust my hot stuff
Make me lust for your ultra-hunky roughness

Electrify my heart and soul
With your bright fiery spiciness
Make me moan super strong sounds
Of profound resounding erotica
With your seamless succulent intensity
Your screamingly dreamy masculinity
Your splendid and potent resplendency
Great and expansive engagingness

Your continuous and paramount delight
Makes me so hella spellbound
Polish my softness, solace my rich
And magnificent body
Shake your gargantuan striking snake
On my plump sumptuous cake

Let me watch your big hot marbles bounce
While you pounce on every ounce
Of my wonderfully gorgeous form
Caress my bedazzling back
Hold my glowing golden shoulders
Give me deep, long, and macho strokes

Shove your humongous seductive lusciousness
In and out of my sleek, ****, and wet portal
Of adventurous and boundless pleasure
As I gander into your crazily fascinating eyes
The sheer fervent hotness
Of your lovingly lustful lips

Badass beardalicious **** boy
So ******* rugged and extra cut
You make me so **** frenzied
Make my flaming hot bangers jounce wildly
Send me into stellar stimulating trances
Drive me deep into the beyond

With every phenomenal push-up that you do
I wanna feel you clutching, wooing, and
Stupefying my exciting divine world
Hunt down my hotness
Punish me, run your crunkness through me
Mesmerize my nicely curvy design

Cozy up to my homoness
Look lasciviously at my sweetness
Hot, raw, and enthralling Papi
I want you to make me holla
Every moment you bone
My blossoming boulevard
Travis Green Apr 2022
He is stunning in the most extraordinary way
So lovingly sculpted, a glorious shimmering joy
A brown sugar loverboy, steamy supreme flex
He makes me drip ****** sweat
While I caress and squeeze my substantial luscious *******

Fantasize about your ****** delectable lips
Pressed on my thrilling electric tips
Bite them like soft, delicious marshmallows
His tongue slides like skilled fingers around my navel
Constantly craving his majestic breath

Lick his lips, drive me wild, clutch my shuddering hips
I stutter and become cluttered
Dumbstruck and love-struck by his seductiveness
Hot, taut, ardent, and tall marvel, a saucy king
He takes me into the bright heavenly light

With his hard brick chest, marvelous glistening arms
Sweet dreamy cheeks, grippingly appealing eyes
That play with my mind throughout the night
Got me ambering in flaming mazes
Captured in his enrapturing resplendency

His suave fingers snake along my plush neck
Kiss me there, leave vivid hickeys everywhere
He makes me gasp in the vast passionate air
He speaks to me with his crash-hot immaculate slang
Push deep into my mind where he touches me endlessly

I smoke and sizzle sensually
I stumble with his hunky potent energy encasing me
I don’t want him to leave me
Every time he is around me
He is an explosion of jaw-dropping fireworks
That satiates my craving
Travis Green Jun 2022
I am defenseless against
Your seamless immenseness
Your prizewinning distinctiveness
Your succulent resplendency
Your indefinable masculineness

You ignite the rousing
All-night fire in my amber tank
You electrify my insides
Your charming touch
Gives me an utter rush
Makes me so in love
With your luscious
Studalicious thugness

Cover me in your lovingness
Where I can feel
Your super cut bulletproof muscles
So love-struck by your seductiveness
My body in excessive breathless heat
You affect me exceedingly

You got me caught up
In your hot-sparking lava
Your astonishing high-quality marvelocity
My headspace is all cluttered up
Drugged up, struck up, hopped up
Stuttering and shuddering
Lushing up your exalted
Rock-hard ruggedness
Travis Green May 2022
I gaze into your sensual gleaming eyes
Feel sexually electrified by his worthy refined design
His smooth juicy lips are all I pine to devour

Let my fingers linger on his dramatically black mustache
His debonair dark beard, his fashionably fresh cut
While he rains his flaming untamed hotness on me

Drench me in his essential immensurable sensuality
Trail my stunningly exotic and majestic landscape
With his wondrously ardent and ecstatic hands

Gape deeply at the unparalleled myriad constellations
Covering my dreamy quintessential skin
Make my gayness glitter, reach the portal to my core

I want to explore his succulent golden grandness
Stream through the seamless shimmering seasons
Of his rare, cherishable, and unmappable dapperness

Drift extensively into his jubilant supereminent resplendency
Embrace his sinuous, sensuous, and delicious existence
His ingratiatingly radiant and compelling coolness
Travis Green May 2022
I want your dreamy melanin body
Pressed to my divine, delectable body
Rub my voluptuous vibrant *******
Slide your tongue into my mouth

Give me unbelievably fevered, passionate kisses
Dive deep into my mindset
Let me feel your infectious zest
While I lick your deep, sleek chest
Your attractive aromatic neck

Adrift in your boat of passion
Beholding your every reaction
To the way my hands cling
To your youthfully silk beard

You are a glorious untamed delight
A gateway to captivating attractions
I trace spectacular dreams
All over your succulent, triumphant flesh

I lay my shining magnetic eyes
On your lusciously bewitching eyes
I lapse into your copious poetic magic
In the way your masculineness
Moves ever so magnificently
Within my inner space

I need every dimension
Of your sensual resplendency
Hijacking my feminineness
All of my bulletproof power
Unravel every layer of me
Lessen my perceptiveness
Become the driving force of my core
Travis Green May 2022
I want to traverse your torso
With my smooth, elegant fingertips
Get lost in your dreamy architecture
Kiss your lovingly long arms
Your vividly appealing tattoos
Stroke your well-muscled shoulders

Take you away into an outer space
Where we engage in playful, passionate encounters
With each other, feel the insurmountable magic
Hijack my headspace
Let things take an unexpected twist
When you grip my nakedly silken hips
And ravish me right on the spot

You can be the ardent author in my world
Create your authentic and poetic masterpiece
On my extraordinary artistic body
Scan through every part of me
To check for any noticeable errors

Let me behold your mellow golden showpiece
How your exquisitely intriguing handwritten words
Shimmer all over my metallic, brassy skin
How they make me slide into a thousand boundless
Dreams of your resplendency
Treasuring the way you use my vessel
To produce the most magical art ever
Travis Green Feb 2023
I hanker to be in a thousand and one dreamlands
With his extravagant passionate handsomeness
His sky-high shining sprightliness
His wicked megalithic slickness bewitches me

I lapse into his fathomless strapping splashiness
Anticipating with pleasure to caress
His dopacetic energetic vessel
Peruse the sinewy good-looking beauty
Of his hypnotic glossy body

My keen knockout king
I wanna marvel at the absorbing
And sparkling contours of his form
His unprecedented transcendent resplendency
Sheathed in his eminent sensual virility

My robust smoking dopeness
His unparalleled pleasant-smelling fragrance
Wraps around me like a bright bluebird blue blanket
My hunger grows the more I scope out
His legendary treasured machoness

I feen for his delectable electric freshness
To kiss every extraordinary inch of his skin
Stare into his glittering hickory brown eyes
Drown into his magical terms of endearment

He is a real-life romantic fantasy
An adventurous sensitive dreamboat
The most enthusiastic statuesque smash I have ever seen
I wanna travel below deck

To caress and give him the hottest heavenliest head
Make me choke, let it engross my throat
Bring me under his control
As I console his bold glowing globes

Indulge in his biteable and delightable strikingness
His affectionate reverent elegance mesmerizes me
His superior superb sheerness
Thrills me through and through

With astonishingly marvelous and toned legs
Clean, impeccable feet, overwhelming incredibleness
Red-hot stellar magneticness
He propels me into the grandest enchanting ecstasy

All I wanna do is ******* his grandioseness
Cherish every fraction of his fantasticalness
Until he explodes his sufficient sweet milk
All over my lush chocolate lips
Travis Green Mar 2022
I wanna taste your pleasurable profound dreams
Your seamless sticky-sweet cream
Your **** delectable sweat
Feel your grand enchantment in my vessel
Your enamoring unparalleled equations
Of amorousness and vivaciousness
I am superly suffused with contagious lust
When you clutch and rub my immaculate stacked *******

Finesse my world with your aesthetically compelling flex
Arrest my senses, give me a life sentence
In your penitentiary of resplendency
Let our worlds merge and generate immersing rapture
Traverse in your tenderness
Smell the glorious royalty of your fragrance
With your warm, tight body
Your sexually attractive chest
Your hard alluring abs

Boy, you rock me back and forth
Give me a crushing seductive high
I wanna submerge in your tasty caramel chocolate desires
Stream in the unlimited extremities of your sensuality
Melt in your galaxy of vast vitality
Travis Green May 2022
A dreamy distinction of rarity
With the utmost sincerity
A seamless treasure piece
A lovingly beaming brown king
There is ever enchanting dreaminess
In his incomparable headspace

A supreme city scene
Of phenomenal hot wonder
Unforgettable, evolving, litty, and gritty
Thick with dynamism
A king of a million brilliant dreams
I find boundless serenity in his resplendency
In the heart of his charming boulevard

There is immersing urban magic
Shimmering within his existence
He is a highly sightly brightness
A rare contemporary luminary
That illuminates my soft southern soul

I bask in his passionate fathomless spectacularness
His jubilant elegant nature
When I dwell on a delectable spectacle like him
I can picture myself cruising
Through his magical Manhattan streets
In the bright wondrous night

Marvel at the glowing dazzling stop lights
The endless, luxurious, and luscious sights
The luminous, sleek, and flashy cars traveling the bustling highway
Their bold, heavy-duty tires creating
Distinctly exhilarating rhythm with the broad royal road

The sudden sharp sounds of anxious drivers blowing their horns
Yellow taxi cabs parked on the street
Waiting to pick up pedestrians and take them to their destination
The diverse, enrapturing, and jocund inhabitants everywhere
Impossibly exotic, hypnotic, and well-connected
Artistic optimistic creators, brilliantly talented
And imaginative writers, hot dashing fashionists

Sweet, petite, and intriguing sistas
Charmingly brazen and radiant goddesses
Hot chocolate bombshells, supreme dream queens
Freshly shredded hunks, astonishing ardent Adonis’s
Devastatingly **** gods, essential invincible kings
I am in love with his grand and sublime scenery
So breathlessly expansive and romantic

I escape into his starry art gallery
Of myriad precious treasure
Melt in the impeccableness
Of his passionate, penetrating accent
To relish his incredibly expressive prepossessingness
Travis Green Jul 2022
His creamy gleaming resplendency
Dances in my headspace unrestrainedly
Makes me hanker for his magical, mystical power
His vibrational ingratiating captivation
Let him compose a flow of seemingly sensual words
On the softly sparkling canvas of my heartland

Blanket me with his unlimited intensity
Let me feel his delectable shredded vessel
Caught up in his smoke of ecstatic and deep emotions
Extravagantly imaginative splash
He carries me outside the limits of time
Absorbs my lively flowery form

He kisses me wildly with excitement
Leaves me consumed with desire
So thunderingly hungry for his hunkiness
He drives his fieriness into my empire
Over and over again, he romances my soul
Drenches me in his scorchingly alluring hotness
Bounds me to his irrefragrable mantastical attraction

Feel the impressive recesses of his cleverness and perceptiveness
How he caresses my delectableness
Nibbles at my edible ear, makes me stare open-mouthed
At his hot, lustful majesty, purely enchanting prodigy
I pine to ride into the desirable bright night
Surrounded by his invitingness
Feel him trace every brazen tasty page
Of my creative foundation, paint me to perfection
With his profound artistic power
Travis Green Jun 2022
You are my bright midnight dream marvel
A sweet intoxicating vision of lovely lyrical dreams
A relentless adventurous resplendency
That shimmers ever so magically

I want to soar into the flaming and fragrant night
Where our worlds interlock and become sauced
On each other’s fiery hotness, such frenzy sensual feelings
I can’t resist your deliriously passionate love
Your unbounded, unstained masculineness

Your carnal machoness makes me so inebriated
So hungry for your gallant and strapping hunkiness
Your sheer enchanting dreaminess
I lose myself in your perpetually inexplicable ecstasy
Of extraordinary and delicious attractions

I tremble when your hands cling to my liquidly supple hips
Lean, masculine, and splendidly dreamy
You captivate me with your youthful rugged stamina
I bask in your emphatic impassioned *** appeal
Your blissful angelic handsomeness

You are so magical and indescribable
So mystical and rhythmical
Phenomenally flamboyant and transcendent
Immaculate, majestic, fresh, and exotic
Imperishable and picturesque beauty

I am so keen on your gleaming splendiferousness
The way your poetic, passionate fingers move all over my flesh
You give me an overwhelmingly seductive rush
Surging myriad sensations crowding my inner world
How I cherish your solid-gold dopeness

How you tease me with your delectably dreamy
Your incomparable luminous beard
Fill me with the sweetest secret thoughts about you
You make me moan matchless and incomprehensible words

You send my heart and soul
Into a deep ardent dimension
Where I am steady feening for you
Leaning on your lovely remarkable shoulders
Letting you take me away
Into your chamber of meltingly mesmerizing moments
Where my only survival is you
Travis Green Apr 2023
His fragrant masculine touch turns me on
His rude, blooming alluringness makes me
Wanna get it on with his luscious red-blooded machoness
Feel the beating of our thrilling poetic worlds merging
Breathe in his heart and soul, take great delight
In his untamed fiery game, his exquisite superheated bewitchingness

I wanna live in memorable, magical moments
Where I lapse into his earthly rhythmic slickness
Encompassed by his dancing of light
I burn with passion for his cracking, jacked attraction
To travel in his immaculate palatable galaxy all night

Lay in his unparalleled sensational embrace
In unison with his smooth, luminous pulchritude
Encircled by his tempting sensual dreaminess
He makes me feel safe in his fragrant ingratiating space
I could fall into his measureless realm of ardent chocolate hotness

Feel his sizzling hot seductiveness
Flesh against flesh, taste his pure splashy manliness
Drift deeper into the resplendency and tenderness
Of his sweet irreplaceable masculineness
I can feel his incredible shredded architecture all over me

The most gorgeous and priceless gift that intrigues me
He captures and stirs my queerness
Haunts my thoughts and feelings
Entangled with his divine shining enticingness
His entireness is my lifeline, his headline-worthy
Hot off the fire virileness is the rarest spectacular sight
I have ever seen in a man before

I wanna feel him for hours on end next to my skin
Feel his firm ingenious hands
Sliding down my perfumed velvet neck
His hot infectious breath on my bare brazen *******
Hijack me, ravish me, leave me jacked up

Claw his fingernails up and down my silken sinuous back
Makes me yearn to explore deeper
And further into his coast-to-coast world
Of attention-grabbing swagger
Discover his fervid superb immersiveness

Being so close to him, feeling his hypnotic
Rock-solid geometry, my clean supreme dream guy
In his artistical adventurous eyes
I can see the bright, glowing beauty
Of the radiant, majestic sunrise

His poetry in motion makes me float
I melt into the throes of his dopeness
Forever his joy to behold
Knowing that he is all that I need
To rule my homosexualness forever and a day
Travis Green Apr 2022
I dream of him infinitely
In the deepest parts of my vessel
He is my gorgeous glistening prince
Bringing authenticity to my world
A flawless fabulous poem
Imprinted on my suave luxuriant skin

I fall in love with the thrilling thousand thoughts
That shimmer in my mind
When I muse on his resplendency
Stream in jubilant July serenity
Listen to the sheer sweet sounds
Of his warm ardent voice rise
Like smoke in my closeness

I imagine him as my milky way
Guiding me to the heavenly effervescent place
To where he stays
Enfold me in his arms
Give me all of his love and so much more
That makes me overwhelmed with joy

I like to believe that I can sink
Into many endless adventurous nights with him
Peering at wondrous stars and moon
How the earth envelops us in its heavenliness
Feels us with its sweetness and light
As it shines throughout our bodies
Travis Green Mar 2022
How do I fall in alignment with your soul
How can I love you completely
Stream within the seamless limits of your resplendency
Feel your infinite eminent affection
How can I hold and console you
Imprint my serene supreme dreams
On your lean caramel chest

Kiss your luscious tight abs
Circle my sweet slender fingers around your navel
How can I be in your world
And venture to the center of your enchantingness
I long to feel your heavenly eclectic touch
Your bright, enticing eyes gazing at me

Thrill me with your wondrous loving passion
Make me quiver when you lick my soft spots
How can I swim in your waves of splendorous masculineness
Reach out to enfold you in my compassionateness
So softly, so ardently, draw you to me

How can I delve into your delectable vessel
Feel my world linger in your river
Of rich, glorious treasure
Surf in your sultry swag
Your flawless freshness
How can I feel your deep, exquisite kisses
Of ecstasy on my thick juicy chocolate lips

Kiss and rub your lovely luminous locs
Such immaculate beardazzling magic
How I crave to carry your cherishable love
In my precious treasure box
How can I get with you, dream boy
How can I love you eternally
Travis Green Apr 2022
He is manlicious as sumptuous deep fried country style ribs
As southern style shrimp and cheesy grits with fried fish
Drinkable like ***** devil *****, like whiskey and ginger ale

Like cherry lime bourbon smash, he crashes into my system
A welcoming wondrousness, long, saucy arms
He wakes me up with so much in my heart

Locked in his charming homeland awash with artful attractions
Thick black-bearded remarkableness, lime green, and denim
Blue drip, flashy J’s, with compelling street credibility

Relentless dopeness and thugness, sophisticated Samson
Unmatched magical prince, hot captivating haircut
Dapper dream dude with smooth brown sugar hotness

He is like a bright, majestic, and streaming river that never ends
A gentle breeze that blows my soul away
Sultry youthfulness, silky, strong, and broad shoulders

Mocha magical rarity, a spellbinding smile that enraptures me
How I crave to undrape his foundation, taste every sensual inch of him
Savor his resplendency, how he moves so passionately in my closeness
Travis Green Jun 2022
You are the one for me
The sweetness I need
The cure for my lovesickness
Complete glistening precision
Deep-driven dream king
That immensely steams my system
Blazing beardacious greatness

Everything feels magical
When I am enwrapped
In your sleek, tempting dreaminess
Your remarkable royal body
Draws me to your artful
All-powerful homeland
When I gander at you
I want to roll and smoke
Dope in your boat

We can chill and steal away
To a vacant vivacious destination
Feel the mergence of our heartbeats
Feel our worlds swirling
And reversing around and around
It can all go down tonight
Drown in every ounce of your sound town

Listen to you through the stellar speakers
Of my ears, tuned in to your enlightened
And elegant tone, so sensual and reverential
You stream into my mental
With your distinguishable, gentle, and
Elemental resplendency

You redeem me, you please me, you bring me
Into your impenetrable presidential temple
Where you sprinkle twinkling teeming dreams
All over my keen supreme dimension
And give ascension to authentically brilliant wonderment
Travis Green Nov 2021
Looking at your muscled manlicious physique
There were beautiful streams of contentment
That crescendoed through my soul
As I held on to your gleaming grandiose chests
Revering your deliciously detailed abs of dreams
Crystal-clear, superior V-line, velvety, milk chocolate biceps
And biceps, take me inside your chamber
Of brown sugar creaminess and pleasantness
I wanted to get to know you better
Take surpassing satisfaction in your heavenly smile
The bright, inviting outline of your mesmerizingly
Mantastical lips, dreamlicious, marvelicious beard strands
Your eyes were like sparkling black gemstones
That drew me to the enchantment of your contagious realm
I seeped into your thrilling, brown-skinned resplendency
Needing more of your energy, begging for your flesh
To rest on mine, to hear your rich, sultry sounds
Of loving and shimmering rhymes in my ears
Making love to me with your vocally extravagant music
Travis Green Aug 2022
Your indescribable, ideal beauty
Speaks to my homosexuality
Sweet velvety golden man
Enchanting, potent, and rememberable

I dream of your distinctive, intoxicating machoness
The way my incomparably black body tingle
And feen for your serene and suave sauciness
Govern my soft and seductive construction

Handsome venerable gent
How I fervently anticipate for you
To cling to my dimension
Put me in detention

Fenced in your unflinching resplendency
Dreamy carefree sweetness
Enraptured by your sensual pink champagne lips
Crash-hot butterscotch skin

Passionate cappuccino eyes
Flamboyant sable eyebrows
I breathe in your temptingness
Let you engulf feminineness
Travis Green Apr 2022
Being with him is where I belong
Where my world can be bright and merry
Exceedingly evolve in his awesome sauce
Kiss him gently like the morning dew
Fused to flourishing flowers
Venture into his fascinatingly salient attractions

Taste his electric and magnetic flesh
How potent, dangerous, and sensational he is to me
Fresh and youthful, eminent and abundant
Aesthetically hypnotic and top-notch phenomenon
The greatest scenic sweetness
Unmatched, unchartable, and undefinable

With him gives rise to infinite possibilities
His resplendency resonates with my foundation
He makes my gayness elevate
Like undulating, musical waves
He brings forth unstoppable carnal hotness
Makes me howl in the night
Like fiery, untamed wolves howling at the moon

So gloriously fierce and domineering
Bound and determined, pure magicalness
He lures me into his spectacularly striking
Amusemark park bursting with overpoweringly
Wild, pleasurable, sensuous, and continuous excitement

I am so feverish, nervous, and poetical when it comes to him
So flushed with eternal internal passionate feelings
Dwelling on how delicious and dreamy he is
Sheer keen king, unparalleled intellectual mindset
He ignites life into my existence
He makes the gayness in my veins run deep
He holds me in his rich, expansive, and fragrant kingdom
Where I succumb to his Samson seduction
Travis Green Oct 2022
Your exceedingly gripping
And pleasing virility bewitches me
Your electrifying and highly shining hotness
Makes me wanna fall
Into your ever-present entrancing kingdom
Of moist, macho dreams
And connect with your litness

Pure, keen, and endless resplendency
You are a five-star and extra saucy summer
Of grand, drunken, and masculine fun
Magnificently wicked and devilish finesse
I wanna make extraordinarily gorgeous
And fond memories with your brilliant, romantic, and
Astonishingly worthy masculineness

Flow into the windows of your soul
Dive into your wild, playful nature
Your unassailable, sensational engagingness
Entwined in your spontaneous, unadulterated tastiness
Communicate and make love with your inner space
Fall in love with your real-life action-packed splashiness
Travis Green Apr 2022
I have seen a gleaming glimpse of his resplendency
His utterly luscious unutterableness
His truly imaginative and impassioned masterpiece
The greatest mellow golden rarity
Fresh and spotless marvelousness
High-gloss hot boss
Flawless artful attraction

I have seen how he hypnotically flexes
How his biceps and chest muscles ripple
So irresistibly intriguing, kissable, and lickable
How he takes me from one dreamworld into another
Smooth, sleek, and gleaming as a gunmetal grey wheels

I am exceedingly vulnerable to his sexaliciousness
Flabbergasted, plastered, enraptured by his incomparableness
His sensual, essential, and spectacular syntax
I want to enclasp him in my compassionateness
Slow caress his sexily velvety flesh
Of deep, iridescent, and refreshing poetry

Lick his fantastically fashionable and thick beard
Allow my tongue to slide around his delectably lean neck
Sink into his handsome heavenly body
Of seamless shimmering sentence structure
****** his immersive vocabulary
His amazingly super shredded and lush thighs
Abounding in profound prodigious pronouns and nouns

His hard divine legs emanating
With vast, vibrant verbs and adverbs
His bare, manly, and tasty feet suffused
With wondrously luscious subjects and magnetic predicates
All I can see in his unfathomably deep green eyes
Are surprisingly brilliant and stunning adjectives
That coax me into his intensely vivid galaxy
Travis Green Jan 2022
I want to feel your hot, moist body pressed against mine
Relish your immaculately iridescent resplendency
Give me an intoxicating rush, stroke me like a precious, perfect pillow
Hold me like a dazzling white diamond
Tell me I am your magical lover forever
Let me stare at your dark, charming, and sparkling eyes
Sweet musical brilliance that attracts me to your vibe
I am a lovestruck addict; your magic is my high
You are my gloriously cool and refreshing breeze
My tasteful chocolate caramel apple
I yearn for your manly, fragrant kisses to replenish me
Show me your bright sunshine smile
Let me adore your powers of attraction
Travis Green Apr 2022
I long for his ceaseless charming power
To feel his impressively effortless energy
His smooth, dynamic, and captivating nature
His essential, pure, and graceful resplendency
To be with him in the bright, luscious, and
Warm autumn season where we embrace
The tranquil, mellow, and brilliant breeze

Kiss his divine wine-brown lips
So delightfully sweet and smoky
Singularly hot seduction in the midst
While his matchless satisfying sweat
Clings to my flesh like bright, refreshing, and fine mist
I want to fall into the deepest dreams
Of his luminous, triumphant enchantingness

Taste his treasured pleasant machoness
In my great and glassy throat
With his arched, exquisite shoulders
Smooth, fragrant, and handsome
Beastly muscular, temptingly thick beard
Teeming with beardaliciousness
I crave to welcome the boldly blossoming nights
That follow with astonishingly ardent adventures

Feel constant marvelous chills all over me
Make wild flaming love to me that lasts everlastingly
Let me be his musical collection of enormous joyous magic
His strikingly spectacular source of pleasure
A lovely sweet place for him to venture into
Revel in my phenomenally ****** evocativeness

Fill my world with his vast velvety affection
His smoothly sinewy body pressed against me
Supply me with his colossal cognizance
Take me to school with his coolness
Teach me everything I need to know
So I can forever grow with him
Travis Green Aug 2022
Your alluring maple caramel eyes are
Like impressive incandescent diamonds
Fiery sublime sunshine, you are
Mesmerizingly indescribable and inviting
Dark, luxurious lover boy

Rare mysterious machoness
Sturdy flourishing firmament
Your lush, blushing seduction is
So bountifully profound and resounding
Dreamy exuberant resplendency

Your distinctive sensuous masculineness is
Like a scenically serene, pristine, and refreshing landscape
An exotic picturesque paradise
A wild, untamed, and rugged mountain
When your prepossessing presence encompasses me

I feel your delicious, fragrant, and invigorating breeze
Sweet sea-scented supremeness
Earthy nourishing immersiveness
I sink into your moist, decadent tastiness
Such salty melting pleasurableness

Smooth, addictive, and elegantly sculptured robustness
The compelling smell of you evokes potent dopeness
I long for you to gallivant into my radical rainbow-colored world
Ignite a rapid rapturous fire in my heart and soul
Let your roaring rocketing hotness

Shake and rotate my romantic nature
Allow me to bask
In your passionate, adventurous imaginativeness
Rouse my rosy glowing globe
With your mind-bending magnetic masterfulness
Travis Green Feb 2022
His taste was exceedingly explosive
His body was dramatically dopelicious
I craved to be in the presence of his muscularity
Surrender to his resplendency
Lick me sweet and slow
Let his tongue flow throughout my flesh
Make my body sweat and glow
Rub his hardness against mine

Kiss me heatedly
Send ecstatic spasms through my limbs
Make my nerves swirl out of control
I wanted to melt into his bareness
Feel his masculinity conjugating with my femininity
Make my heartbeat rise without restraint
Our bodies caressing each other
Body hair fused to body hair
Beard to beard
Mouth to mouth
Eyes to eyes
Basking in his splash of passion
Magically jazzy action
The greatest magnetic attraction

His shimmering skin was so sensational
My senses were so smashed
Stranded in the groove of his melody
His exhilaratingly catchy cadence
I was so into the way he cranked my domain up
How he licked my abdomen
The way he kissed me continuously

I moaned stunningly surprising sounds
That I had never done before
How he touched me awakened my gayness more
He taunted my confidence
Talked naughty words to me
Had me deeply gasping
My knees weakening
Teasing and stealing my world
As I stared at him in wonderment
Travis Green Apr 2022
He is a supreme sweetness in my mouth
Everything my tongue craves to taste
A chocolate country stunner with eye-catching swagger
That coaxes me into his closeness
I want to feel his arresting and impeccable body
Taste his massive brick made chest

Check out his ab’s brilliantly supereminent art
His king-sized kinetic pipe is all that I want to swallow
Let it taunt my tongue and throat
Strum its hypnotically spellbinding melody on my lecherous lips
I look into your shimmering riveting eyes
And I feen to stream into his keen kingdom
Where his resplendency elevates the whole of me

He is a powerhouse prodigy that astonishes me
His sweet sultriness seduces me
A strapping young hot boy with slick dance moves that enthuses me
I yearn to traverse his territory where I can glow in his glory

— The End —