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James McSweats Mar 2017
My belly is filled with the sweet spaghetti
Helps to releive you of your regretti.
Eat spaghetti when you are sore
Its tomato sauce will fill your core.
When you are have woes or filled with sorrow
Spaghetti will carry you to tomorrow.
An amazing euphoric meal
So good you will have to kneel.
The waiter brings me a second bowl
I need more to feel whole.
the bowl arrives but alas,
the garlic bread seems to have passed.
The garlic bread is an essential piece
give to me to maintain the peace!
I wake up in a holding cell
with blood on my hands
it seems I killed all the mans.
I'm given life without parole
seems ill be spending time in the hole.
But I have no regretti
for I did it all for the spaghetti.
Omega Aug 2014
Women are crying blood instead of tears
children are hunted like lions hunt deers
they don't even get a chance to plan for their careers
isn't that a big burden for them to bear ?!

Apparently , these aren't our interests to think about ..
Oh come on guys ! There still lots of movies and football matches to watch out !
Really , isn't he your brother who screamed loud ?
Asking; where are u brother ? I'm freaking out
He could hardly beleive you're leaving him to die out !

For how long will we pretend being deaf and blind ?
Are u waiting to hear the news notifying u the death of ur close friend ?
have u ever tried to think about the tough time he spent ?
and what did he do to have such an unmerciful end  ?
Now raise your hands and ask Allah to have their nation mended ..
This at least will releive their problems and save them from that tormentful current

At 8pm, it is the changing of hats
in assisted living
It is time I releive a woman
from sitting in the dark
waiting for our paycheck to die.
She survived one more shift.
it is my turn at this game of russian roulette.
I meet so many strangers this way,
Each night before I sit, and wait for doors to close
I take oppurtunity to watch one open
Ask the new surviver to tell me their story.
and Write them down.

she moved across the countrey
away from her sister
a divorce from her beleifs.
sister Against God.
I empathize
How hard to move across The world,
pack up your morals
move in with your ex sisters ex husband.
I promptly told her I was polyamorous.
That my lover moved to ireland
To live with her husband
Packed up everything
She did not flinch.
I held this stranger
as she cried on my shoulder
in the fifteen moments I saw her
the world of differences between us.
She can find comfort in solitude
never once knew what I thought
of her Morals
How In my family
we celebrate divorce
how all burning houses are Phoenix fires
abusers can nametag forever
nametag your body is my body
Nametag husband
I worry for her safety.
A woman who doesn't beleive
in the word stop.
Doesn't consider leaving
my biggest fear is those
afraid to weild the word no.
to close the door.

she closes the door
I sit in the dark to my journal
I write down this poem beside a dying man.
the next contestant releives me at 8am.
I pass her the revolver.
I have survived this round of russian roulette.
He died the next night
and it does not feel like winning.
I live in the world of
revolving doors and revolvers
I wish to be the bullet.
pass through their skull as they go
see what they were thinking
In that last moment.
Brenda Buckley Sep 2017
A broken body abused over the years,
It is not just the physical pain that I fear.

It is the relentless agony in my head,
wanting only to hide in  bed.

Looking for a way to releive the pain
body and mind torchered the same.

It hurts so much, all the time,
Does no use to sit and whine.

I have been patient and I have given many things a try,
results to 12 to 18 needles a week that make me cry.

It will get better just hang in,
I'm like a fish with a broken fin.

Can't swim, sinking to the depths of the sea,
No one can help it is only up to me

left alone to suffer, too proud to shout out
the pain rips through me ripping me apart.

The day has ended and I once again wonder,
Should I keep trying, striking like thunder?

Or do I say enough is enough, I have sufford far too long,
I am tired and exhausted, and it is hard to carry on.

This is not personal,I love you so dear,
please understand when the time is near.
Jayantee Khare Mar 2019

the heart, longs for you
the eyes, look for you
in my ears, your voice rattle
in my mind, a never ending battle

your presence is always nearby
the heart sinks and i sigh
reminding myself that you're gone
and now here i am alone

everyday a hope peeps in my heart
that what if you're far apart
for me, you equally long
but by night I'm proven wrong

having no clue where you are
sending love through a twinkling star
i tried my best to move on
yet unknowingly i hold on

maybe the God answers my prayers
you come and wipe my tears
someday to releive the pain
you will be mine back again

maybe a plan by the divinity
to bond us till eternity
hence the hopes continue to float
on a broken drifting boat...

Just an imagination
TyBeauty Jan 2019
We will forever be apart
In Spirit lye in Mars
Your desire put to test
Save me to be put at rest
I need you.

Weeping souls
I pray
You won't go
Releive my pain

My heart will be restless without you.
Anna B Feb 2020
The blade on my skin
Slides like butter on bread
What can I say? It helps releive stress
Been telling that lie to myself
For way too long, but that's what happens
When someone's not quite strong
This is one of my first poems and I was scared to share it with anyone until now

— The End —