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Marla Apr 2019
Dear Indigo Night,

The stars enchant me
While a band recants
An old tune that swings
On their porch of wood.

Tonight's cool grass
Contrasts the meteor shower up above
As we sit in a circle laughing
And having a grand time.

We pass around candles,
Singing along and praising each other,
While our woes turn to mists
That flutter away
Up into the night sky.

Moon of moons
And stars of decadence,
Take us away so that we may dance together,
As space and time fade to dust.
Shin Nov 2013
Up on the hillside the lone tot recants
The vow made in lust to the one who's free.
For love is not real when all's blood and plants.
A reality this boy can now see.

He looks to the left to the horizon,
a confederacy of dunces say
or so his tools claim, a false liaison.
Nothing is true without the light of day.

So the toy soldier was one with the wind.
This heart that he holds his spirit rescinds.
Michelle Young Nov 2014
The scent;  amber
The color; pine
The touch; echos
The sound; blind
They are
of the senses

Sweet Robin, alight... takes to wing
Bruce's laughter, a booming thing.
Mark serenades, Michelle My Belle
Rog recants exploring tells
Scott japes, and keith's ad libs
Karen oh Karen,   heaven forbid!

Artists Dreamers Escapists Poets.
Jesters Lovers Genius Knowers.
Alarmists minimalists
Extroverted introverts
Fighters flighters
Samuel Butcher Jun 2015
To begin: a poem entitled “Lines to Serve as an Introduction to the Show, Written for the Lowest Common Denominator; Hastily Amended to Address our Pale Horse Future”

There are no literary devices in this poem
no simile, no apostrophe-
there's no dissonance, no assonance,
no distancing my consonants,
in constellations of conversation,
an astronomic lack of conjugation-
there's no elevation in
the elongation of thoughts-
With this piece, my synaptocratic,
idiosyncratic oath I recants.
I'm just a guy quick-drawing
inspirado from the sky,
full clouds and dark wishes,
kisses from other's Mrs'
red wine and all that comes after.
The truth's in repetition,
the revolution of the wheel,
all art's born of friction.
Hell, God said
'Creation is lonely work,'
and on the eighth day,
hoping hands will hold flimsy dishes,
he filled us with desperate artist wishes-
Sad, bold lumps of clay rising
like Play-doe,
hell, ask Plato,
we're forms arriving at the real
manifest desk in a city,
where writers write dying,
praying for real forms arising,
just in time for the plying
of fact in layers peeled back,
while cracks in the truth
erode faith from way back-
Stopped dead in their tracks,
feel like thieves who steal moves,
but the ecstatic hack,
the stark raving yet pragmatic
hack will still muse;
muse for the muse
and on the grandest conquest
will invest, digress, come upon
an ingress and disappear into
a land beyond the beyond.
All in search of the mustang *****
who won't ever wear a saddle-

I've met the muse
She was the queen in the land of the blind
and what she lacked in depth perception
she exploded in all the truths of all the world
because to her all truth appeared equidistant
So I met her for a simile, but missing an I
all she could offer was a smile
but it was she who taught me
the demography of cool
“artists create from nothingness”
she told me
“and so when they begin it is with nothing,
so they live among Ginsberg's ***** streets
where the rents cheap and they chip away
at the void until where once nothing
now is something”.
“Remember,” she said, “creation is lonely work
but once created celebration demands a crowd;
so those with nothing are surrounded by those
who need something; something to fill the
emptiness they cannot fill themselves.
But the crowd ***** the creator dry
and like weeds temples to the boring
emerge on those once ***** streets
and the artists still have nothing and
now need something to stay – but with
nothing they are forced to move:
move on, move out, move away,
leaving behind those who only know
how to follow to lead”.

**** slick, you're sly, you heard my simile-
in a piece that promised no imagery,
and that wasn't the only one...
Do I contradict myself? Abso-simile-lutely
This realm is rife with ******* platitudes and
be sure, this poem here contains a multitude
We have many names on the list,
some you've forgotten, some you've missed:

I'm sorry Lawrence Ferlinghetti
we here ain't getting
any closer to a rebirth of wonder

I'm sorry Jack Kerouac
there ain't no going back
on the road when your directions
start with you are here
and here is a windowless room

I'm sorry Billy Burroughs
the algebra of need is thorough
but ours increases not geometric
but exponentially

We have many names on the list.
some you've forgotten, some  you've missed

Tireless hours fleeting away with more vigor now than before
Tedium, wallowing helplessly, while I use my pick and keep digging
I’m digging to find the hidden agenda, the reason for me to survive
I’m digging to bury my past incarnation, I’m digging to conceal my life
My actions don’t follow me, they’ve blocked off the exit from the mine
And the shafts that hold the lumbering earth at bay seem indifferent
My self is the true menace
It despises my flesh and recants my existence
It lunges at me in the darkness, striking at me with its claws
My eyes glow ice blue in the reflection when I see him
And I tepidly back into the wall
As clods first break off and larger chunks follow
The grey skin of my self shimmers and the beast broadens its shoulders
He pounces as the ground crashes in all around us
My death is his beginning
Olivia Kent Aug 2013
In this unreal reality,
How does it feel to be blind,
In an abyss of ignorance of the darkest kind,
Eyes are locked under heavy lids,
Encrusted under layers of dust,
Evidence of life long gone,
When leisure time was pleasure time,
For you are not deceased,
Your heart beats on in tragic solitude,
The chill outside, encases a fiery interior,
Banners laid aside,
Stuck tight, trapped within trends of poetic justice,
A judicial reward, not retribution,
Poetry is our solution,
For she opens eyes to vision,
Dissects the world around,
Recants impressions of visual images,
As imagination plays,
Surface sights alone, conjure no imagery,
To see vision for what it's really worth makes life enchanted!

By ladylivvi1

© 2013 ladylivvi1 (All rights reserved)
Maximus Tamo Apr 2016
Candles flicker,
Shadows jump and dance,
In the room,
Where a woman stands,

She is beautiful,
By mans standards,
High brows and sculpted cheeks,
A temptress' smile,

She stands,
Still like a stone,
Dressed up,
Perfect make up,

The door shrieks,
and slowly opens,
She squeezes her eyes shut,
A chill from her toes to her nape,

She knows,
No man may pass though,
The door of the dead,
She can guess the spirit,

Her mind cuts back,
To an October day,
She lost everything,
And turned to him,

He gave her wealth,
He gave her looks,
He gave her Fame,
He became her all,

She gave him a promise,
She gave him her heart,
He stole her soul,
And comes to collect,

She recoils at the touch,
Of sharp ice,
And fiery Steel,
She recants,

But it is too late,
She is his,
He will ravage her,
In his eternal fire,
Tammy Boehm Sep 2014
If you want to sacrifice the admiration of many men for the criticism of one, go ahead, get married.  Katherine Hepburn

Imbedded in my memory
Scratchy soundtrack moments at 33rpms
The wicked life I led
Wine soaked nights
Days steeped in bourbon blur
Pagan cadence to the sacred space
Thrumming drums of pen to paper
Cryptic rhythm of words slurred
In sweat and desperation
My imagination
I reveled in potential pleasure
So many suitors spellbound and broken
In my wake I take nothing
The carnal flesh set for sacrifice
On the altar of forbidden dreams
My mind sullied, body clean

And you came with sober notes
The subtle structure of a tempered life
Traded my tambourine
For shackles
Mother, wife….
Dry eyed I cleave to you
Under quiet skies
My mind recants
The rigid friction of your words
My body yours when this mind’s empty
Adequate sacrifice for the sanctuary
Of dreamless creeping sleep.

TL Boehm 070408
a bit on marriage I supposed. And past lives half lived.
Arthur Vaso May 2019
Train tracks
long abandoned
birds chirp
history recants
old stories
hidden in meadows
facades rain washed
I hear only my shadow
hugging me
lurking in the dusk
a ghost
with gleaming sword
I tremble in the cold
he, who does not exist

wants me
John B Nov 2014
I hear the pace of modern rime

I guess its not the best but fine

My mind recants archaic verse

The question chimes death or rebirth?
To let it flow like sands of time,
or puzzle on with iron mind

Is it magic wanted here,
or will the science draw men near

Its not like ether has a better viewer response then the other...
alaric7 Jan 2018
Explain Krieg und Krise.  Remember Nanjing.  Hand twist nasturtium, trim Elijah in no other language but your own.  Delicious, decked against scurvy despite punishing days world unwraps, made available to voracity, where would you build, on what day?  Perfection unable to sit still comes towards ambush as peasant night squeaks to the border.  Chanticleer in linear e phlox stammers discretely, hammers combination, blends tonality.  Gravid as brook trout, orangerie cascades kanji.  Bucolic spasm shimmering, weeping runes a la Giverny become Cycladic, veers off color’s lambent arsenal.  Caustic repeats, Gatling interferes, hope bails, song recants.  A Zebedee in Flemish hue cracks *** luck, lets out gurgle.  But in good fortune, peaches to daisies, Abigail to titmouse, family is raised.
CJ Sutherland Jan 17
I want to know everything about you.
You’ve had many experiences in your lifetime. The simple life when ice cream was just a dime
From your favorite childhood vacation, to the birth of your first child,
These moments shaped the course of
Your History.

Some events you knew
would change your life,
while others, you didn’t realize
the full impact until years later.
They each played a role
and need to be shared.

For many families,
the younger generations
aren’t interested in their elders,
until it’s too late to ask them.
While Grandma may Think
she has forgotten the stories.
All her sadness, joy and glories.
As They start to pour from Grandma’s heart, she recants so many other tales of woe, She’s been holding for a while
Her secret life  in tow
Grand adventure
A twinkle in her eye
She remembers the days gone by

For others, the stories were told by the children and grandchildren, who forgot the most important intricate details.

Places like Barnes & Noble offer books, such as my grandmother’s life.
Grandma I want to know everything
about you. and many others.
These Books have prompts that helps the writing process. When finished , you will have a complete Bound Book of your life.

Now your documented history can be  handed down through the generations. Your words, your experiences, your story forever remembered.
You could write a journal without buying a book. IF you have the tenacity to finish it.

Write your Journey in Several Chapters,
Each reflecting different
periods of your life.;
Childhood  ,Adolesence, Adulthood,work, Marriage and Parenting , Empty Nesting,  Grandparents. Middle age and Wisdom

Within each section, there are events and
Advice and things you’ve learned. From lighthearted to serious.
You’ll remember the trials and the triumphs, the laughter, the sorrow
  Your details will provide a well rounded view of your life. There is no wrong way
to write your story.

Include as much genealogy as possible
Who is in your family tree?
What, When, Where and Why
What made you laugh?
Who made you cry?
How you handled it all,  the mystery .
These are the Fabrics of your History.

Most Grandparents have
A box full of pictures.
Your Book could be A Story
about each of those pictures.
Write them down less you forget,
and your legacy Lost forever.

If Grandma cannot write, perhaps a family member can write her story down while grandma tells it.
A bonding moment
that will never be forgotten.
A tape recorder is another option.
Then you have Grandma‘s voice as well..

This can be your
New Year’s Resolution
You always had a solution,
and when you’re gone,
Your storywill live On

Postscript (PS)
This is not just for grandma, grandpa.
In fact it’s for all of you. I started writing a journal at the age of 12
I have 90+ journals to date, and a complete story spanning 50+ years.not only of myself, but all of those around me.
my eight brothers and sisters and my parents. Noble house wants first look when completed , but told me I had to change the names of everybody to protect the guilty and we’re all guilty ( Plus, nobody would sign off if it puts them in a negative light) That’s not what my goal. To publish for Publish sake. It’s for my family. Who, like most families have moved away plus they’re all in their own little bubble life. Honestly, I don’t really know any of them anymore. Yes we talk we spend time together but as we get older, family members lose the intimacy.( well, unless perhaps (sisters)
Journaling saved my life in  many ways. Well ,all the ways a person can be saved.
Poets can copy their work off of this site, compile it into their own book. Whether they publish or not, it shows progression of time, and is also a journey of life. Forever bound in your own book. As a testament to what you thought, most importantly, that you were
alive and the voice of your generation
Brett Bonnete Dec 2023
On a dimly lit sunday morning
When the dew sets gleefully on wildflower and freshly sprung grass
And the only sound that surrounds me in the faint whistle of a tea kettle, over a lit stove
I am a girl

A girl in the way that pancakes rise over and fall at the suggestion of arrival
And boysenberry jam meets the corner of a mouth

A girl like the bright pink lips that swallow them
A g irl in the way skipping sounds on wet concrete
Primary affairs and linoleum hallways,
Like green braces and familiar places
Beads, wooden and plastic, letters pool on desks and tie friendships together for lifetimes

A girl in the arms of a father

Sometimes I feel like a girl in prepubescent rage
In shouting the lyrics along with the radio
In liking a boy so much that my pride eats me and spits me out
In the way I check under my bed for monsters at night

Sometimes the girl is scared and gazes up at the stars and recants constellations, all by the wrong names, and like clockwork, rises and spins around with open arms in the deep blue

A girl like a rose petal falling on a lost lovers cheek
Like a locker filled with sticky notes
Like magnets on a fridge
And fresh oranges on the kitchenette
Like a bandana wrapped around a pale neck
Like hickies the day before a big test

Like the crackle of a patchouli candle
Like reading past bedtime

Like Jane ******* eyre.
Like teenage angst
And “mother you just don’t get me”
Like Sylvia Plath and a Taylor swift chorus
Like Heart break
First kisses in a cafeteria to a boy named Jeremy
Or Josh
It doesn’t matter what his name is
But it did once

Knives cleave open my shoulder blades and tears stain my face
And the dog in my rib cage rip apart ego
Peels me apart
And plasters me back together again.

I have felt like a girl before
But the parts that make me one pale in comparison to what girlhood feels like
I have been a girl
And the girl is still here
For the last cookie in the cookie jar
Third Eye Candy May 2020
Boarded windows bleached by shame and sunlight
clip the view of the smoldering memories of gazing from behind
an ancestral eye, Clutching your Choo-Choo train
as the snow alters the world with a white parade of carpet
stitched in Winters’ bitter Doily. A fabulous crush of delicate ephemera.
The street lamp praying for another life
backlit by the flames of your visitation… stoking your Southern Star.
The House recants the miracles and the broken step that ascends
while mocking your flight.
The crabapples chuck their boredom to the barren nostalgia
where the soil hid a lush lawn for lawn darts
and chiggers.

Returning has to taste like a penny
To Change You.

— The End —