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wandabitch May 2016
Do you know what it's like to be young at heart?
To have a baby face?
And no one takes you seriously?
I do.
My man doesn't believe me. Hess fighting with me cuz I'm a *******.
I don't work when i say I do and
I buy classic Pumas that make me feel good.
It doesn't matter.
When I'm at the dive bar by myself
And the fools think I'm cute cute
When I'm sad.
What a night.
I said yes
A week ago.
And I thought
My shoes
We're fly.
StardustPiscium Apr 2018
And suddenly
Here I was
In the concrete jungle
Surrounded by prada totting hyenas
And cologne soaked pumas
Immersed in their talk boxes
Making enough noise to wake up a hibernating bear

And there I was
In the midst of the chaos
A scared and lost kitten
Over stimulated by the screeches and smells
And roaring machinery
Yearning to be back in the woods
Back to the silence
Where you can faintly hear the flowers blooming and the bees buzzing

But here I am
In the concrete jungle
Learning to love the prada totting hyenas
And cologne soaked pumas
Learning to be grateful
For the silence that I endure once in a while

The concrete jungle
My home
My new adventure
A kitten who is turning into a lioness.
It could be the morning or the afternoon.

January or maybe even june.

The sun may rise and shine my face.

Or it may fall as the moon rises with grace.

There could be a blizzard that blows glass shards for snowflakes.

There could be an april shower that rains pumas and wolves instead of cats and dogs.

It can be calm and quiet and sleepy.


You could be content with your life as a person....

I could be comfy with knowing im a mistake.

I could be comfy knowing that my mother was *****.

I could be comfy with knowing im a spitting image of my father.

I could be calm with bare skies

I could Have ravenous thunderous eyes as it rains pumas and wolves.

I could be apathetic as i blow glass shards from merciless lips.

I AM the mistake that painted a portrait by mistake when i saw your fists touch her face.

I AM the mistake that sings with faith and hope to the sun knowing that a better day will come.

I AM better than what i was and im glad that i am such a mistake.
               ........because in all reality...
There is no such thing....
Jake Espinoza Jan 2013
It's a four step walk
from the chair
to where I can ****
without undue consequence.

I can't see the sky
but I know
it's gray

Pumas race around the room
clawing up my books and desk
without disturbing anything
ignoring me out of spite
for being unable
or unwilling
to follow
their movements.

Eight steps to the kitchen
four more and I can stare
into the cupboard
for a solid minute
before I remember
I've eaten shadows all day

This room is host to
invisible flowers
long decayed.
My hands and feet are fish.

I haven't known an
affectionate touch
in months.

I hide in basements
where the people I see
have such nice things
to say.
¡Desgraciado Almirante! Tu pobre América,
tu india virgen y hermosa de sangre cálida,
la perla de tus sueños, es una histérica
de convulsivos nervios y frente pálida.

Un desastroso espirítu posee tu tierra:
donde la tribu unida blandió sus mazas,
hoy se enciende entre hermanos perpetua guerra,
se hieren y destrozan las mismas razas.

Al ídolo de piedra reemplaza ahora
el ídolo de carne que se entroniza,
y cada día alumbra la blanca aurora
en los campos fraternos sangre y ceniza.

Desdeñando a los reyes nos dimos leyes
al son de los cañones y los clarines,
y hoy al favor siniestro de negros reyes
fraternizan los Judas con los Caínes.

Bebiendo la esparcida savia francesa
con nuestra boca indígena semiespañola,
día a día cantamos la Marsellesa
para acabar danzando la Carmañola.

Las ambiciones pérfidas no tienen diques,
soñadas libertades yacen deshechas.
¡Eso no hicieron nunca nuestros caciques,
a quienes las montañas daban las flechas!

Ellos eran soberbios, leales y francos,
ceñidas las cabezas de raras plumas;
¡ojalá hubieran sido los hombres blancos
como los Atahualpas y Moctezumas!

Cuando en vientres de América cayó semilla
de la raza de hierro que fue de España,
mezcló su fuerza heroica la gran Castilla
con la fuerza del indio de la montaña.

¡Pluguiera a Dios las aguas antes intactas
no reflejaran nunca las blancas velas;
ni vieran las estrellas estupefactas
arribar a la orilla tus carabelas!

Libre como las águilas, vieran los montes
pasar los aborígenes por los boscajes,
persiguiendo los pumas y los bisontes
con el dardo certero de sus carcajes.

Que más valiera el jefe rudo y bizarro
que el soldado que en fango sus glorias finca,
que ha hecho gemir al zipa bajo su carro
o temblar las heladas momias del Inca.

La cruz que nos llevaste padece mengua;
y tras encanalladas revoluciones,
la canalla escritora mancha la lengua
que escribieron Cervantes y Calderones.

Cristo va por las calles flaco y enclenque,
Barrabás tiene esclavos y charreteras,
y en las tierras de Chibcha, Cuzco y Palenque
han visto engalonadas a las panteras.

Duelos, espantos, guerras, fiebre constante
en nuestra senda ha puesto la suerte triste:
¡Cristóforo Colombo, pobre Almirante,
ruega a Dios por el mundo que descubriste!
Martin Narrod Oct 2016
You know me better than I, better than I know myself; you know me like I want to, like I was my own world's father. A famous goddess, parishioners won't say her name, I wrote letters to her personally, but was never brave enough to greet face to face. There's a type of prose, only intimate partners dare to go, where adjectives take verbs in rounds, and lovers sing each other songs. I've you and you have me, I'm captured by you so lovely, there's nothing I wouldn't do, good or bad, I'd ****** for you- a great vegan harvest, all of everything for my love the goddess.

In a world worshiped by false idols,
Where musicians and actors are modern day deities and neon signs flourese divine promises in magazines and the televangelist newscasters inject the masses with fear and false promises.
Opiated zombies take to the streets and go about their lives sleeping with eyes wide open at screens that have more meaning than their banal lives. But I woke-up long ago looking at the photo of your limitless azure eyes through a photograph. Long before I met you, I knew that one day our paths would cross and we would drive through the desert, deserted towns listening to Townes van Zandt and other musicians that most have only heard of through top 40 covers of their soulful songs.

The cacophony of coyotes, pumas, rattlesnakes and rabbits darting to and fro, in front of our headlights as quartz crystals reflect the full moon light, and Joshua Trees dance beneath the stars while we talk about Morrison, Harrison, Hendrix and the impact they have had on our lives. While most are drunk or dreaming, we are living the ultimate dream. I cannot wake-up to a world without you there-

Beside me and a space pig curled up asleep on the backseat as we trek across the Milky Way.

I smell the fires, their noisome stench fills my nose with the harsh turpentine and piceous smoke, but in the night we cannot see the trees. This fire could be right off our balcony. It could just be a neighbor's barbecue. How can people enjoy eating burnt and coal-battered meat? Your Uncle's neighbor apparently enjoys street meat. He killed a tick-covered deer, while he rode his scooter over the pass at night, and lied, he said he hunted it with his bare hands. Why must men and women and people lie, as if their stories capture more attention if they don't share what actually happened.

Dear you, I love you so. More and more with each passing day, I just hope one day we'll both leave this place, and share our final breaths in the same Earthen place. I promise you I'll share my final resting place so long as it's in a grave. I worry you'll want someone to spread your ashes, on a ski run in Aspen. Can we pretend small creatures live inside our walls, and rule a kingdom somewhere on our second floor, where Fraggles scramble to complete construction, on a network of tunnels.

I told you I would re-propose to you every day, I love you more than words can say. It's unquantifiable, just look beneath my eyelids. There's a man who used to share the hash he smoked, in a cove, somewhere in Venice, where the locals met us.

I'd drink and quaff your humanness, the pulchritude I cannot resist. The splendor you exude in all the passions you choose to do.

Hey you, if you find me here. Let me know if I'm still alive. I've made a wish to live, and be the father of your kids. We sing and laugh and sway, we eat apples and honey and pray, to an invisible god that could disperse all our flaws. And this moon, the one that has shone itself on empty roads, ignites the stars and stares at us shattering this cold. You were made in the image of life, I've been incommunicado but connected your dots. I wish I could color you by numbers, and count the hours we've slumbered.

There's cold-weather dripping from my nose. Where howling wolves and coyotes go. Where elk canter and mule deer pass, and a small boy moose named Bullwinkle waits for his mother to come back. Here is where the spotted marten eats from a rotting corpse, maybe it's a small naked shrew, it's map lines strewn across this town, where tourists think they know us, but they don't know my goddess.

Hey love, I'll never leave you alone. I'll never go to bed before you arrive home. I try and try not to yell, or even raise my voice above the evenings sounds. Do you hear the moose stepping on the frost-laden grass? It must have been starving for it to come this far. I'm learning now I know more about nothing, which I prefer to knowing something.

My hands won't put on the show, I told you I thought I knew. I prefer to be going down, so long as you'll always be around. I could count ten seconds until I realize my sentence. Poor birds fall out of the trees, there wings must have been freezing. I wait for you and I wait for your words. Your heart is made from all the things, I've only recently realized I've seen. Together, forever more. I take my hat off and hold open the door, I kiss your neck and eyelids and enjoy our shared silence. Keep me and never go away, you're worth more than the sky may lead, or the oceans breathe. I won't step, I won't speak, or breathe. Dear goddess, you're the only one I need. I need no one but you. I only need to know that you need me too. And one hour our shadows will meld together, while we wait outside freezing as we wait for summer.

But each season holds its own magic,
A seasonal  zeitgeist where we create our own traditions that supersede the Hallmark holidays that our oligarchies have created to lead people astray from the cohesive love and communal celebrations that our predecessors revered.
Yet each moment is a cause for celebration for you are a part of my life. I cannot wait to call you my wife.

From the moment I awake and feel your warm morning breath on my chest,
I breathe in the perfume of you and kiss you gently on the forehead as you hug me closer and face nuzzle me more deeply.
Each day, more perfect than the last.
I fight sleep because life with you is more splendorous than the culmination of all of my dreams. A symphony and an endless sonnet, fairy tales cannot come close to telling the story of our love.

You show my fingers where to go on the electric guitar strings of the mahogany fretboard of the guitar you gave me for my birthday.
My hands are slowly learning how to the play the notes and lyrics that I conjure in my mind. I cannot wait to play the songs that you inspire my soul to play. We shall sing together - a melodic harmony of a quixotic ambrosia that accompanies the vibrations of my guitar strings filtered through guitar pedals and amplified in warm undertones by the Fender tube amp.
Your bass line keeps pace with the heartbeat of the song as our voices go on
Singing the songs of our adventures
As leather wearing vegans and expedition smokers.

We smoke Marlboro Red Labels to pay homage to our Americana heritage,
As we drive the Prince of Darkness to foreign lands in search of crystalline moments to write, paint, create and sing about the dream we live everyday.
The dream I live with you my dear
,is the one I never want to awake from.
Written between myself and my love Sarah Gray.
Devon Brock Aug 2019
Dirt don't call the lightning
blue or femoral.
In a furious upstroke
my mushroomed spine
explodes in the crown,
splinters of bone
and black lit pumas.
Driven to hell
through a straw
and all the trees
are dead on the road.
My dry lip
adheres to a dry gum
and my teeth are broke
and purple.
The lyrics are garbled
and tongue-spoke.
Guttural curses
cling to my head,
both hands holding
back the temples
of past myths,
lies and discontents.

Marriage of heaven and earth -
strike down, down, down,
that I may shut you up.
Martin Bailes Mar 2017
Bad ...
bad like Vasquez from Aliens
all strut & ******
balancing on her
heavy Latina hip
a friggin' phenomenal
machine-gun thing,
& then sharing the grenade
with that **** of a lieutenant
& blowing themselves
& the alien

Bad ...
bad like the little officer
in Master & Commander,
only about 12
at most,
along the way
loses an arm
& at the end
rallies the men
as they board
the French vessel
all shouts & "at 'em men, 'at em"
with his one arm
his fancy hat,
just fitting.

Bad ...
bad like Chaka Khan,
Neil Young rockin'
All Along the Watchtower
backed by
Booket T,
bad like Ali, Jimi,
Patti & James.

Bad ...
bad like the Irish guy
in Dead Men's Shoes
who gas-mask wearing
& so merciless
runs them down
one by one
whilst chatting gently
with his younger brother
who we realize
near the end
is actually
already dead
& he's avenging
for his brother,
with his brother,
in his heart.

Bad ...
bad like Bela,
***** Riot,
& the Isley's
Machine gun
in 1973.

Bad like panthers,
leopards & pumas.

Bad ...
these aren't just words, I mean it.
kittyka Apr 2013
a kiss like this
a touch like that
you pet me as though
i were a little stray cat
you keep me close
you  keep me warm
you pet me gently till i yawn

warm and cozy in your arms
i feel safe with no distress
with no sudden alarm
3 days 3 nights were one to me
as i waited impatiently
for time to bring you back

a kiss like this
a touch like that  
i miss those days we used to chat
from dusk to dawn
till i teared and yawned
you spoke love to me
and i giggled under my warm
false starry sky

i truly miss them
and with a long sigh
i started to recall those days
when we loafed along the country side
and drove great miles
and under broken tiles
made love on concrete slabs

remember those days we held hands
with shopping bags
and walked long side lanes of brands
apples and mango's and even pumas
filled our car  
we drove along the open road
to that place we could call our home
making me dreams those dreams are no joke!!
i'll bug you till you're broke =P

just playing my love
come back home to me that's enough
Sam Temple Aug 2014
elastic synapses bring me back
before projecting future visions
across the landscape of my mind’s eye
youthful vigor and swaying pines
sage wafting across the high desert
at sunset –
my heart yearns to return home
to a place it has never lived
but always loved
broken feldspar littered
juniper and jackrabbits
in January –
rusted jalopy rattles down
pumas pathways
seeking the young buck
recently free from velvet
hunger tempering the shot
starving children
create a year-round season –
lost in time
wagon wheels still rest along wind beaten fences
tumbleweeds build mountains
along the west side
of run down shacks
the vestibule of the cottontail
the vestige of a forgotten age –
KathleenAMaloney May 2016
Eros, Your Wife Do Craved
My Lovers Touch
Falsetto, Your Daddy
My Bodies Mind
Your Mommy Cries
the Knife She Held
The Chorus Sings!!
INK staining
Unseeing Covens
White Vapor

Hour Glass
Good Morning!
get back to the basics busting fat laces running the bases
it used to be cool to obey the golden rule yet that went out the door in 64
open the door for your neighbor then you can chill on a different ice cream flavor
getting fat beats to the rhyme  at the rhyme as a reason in the changing of the season
walk with me talk with me through the passage of time get things in line
went back to the old sand box playing jax bringing along your lunch box sack
have I hit a tender nerve yet the time you'll never will forget
start spreading the disease out living as you please best to get down on your knees
homeboy talk a lot is that what he is doing you bit off more then you were chewing
get back to the basics in flirting faces trading spaces all over each places
remember is was customary to carry your book for your girl that was quite a thrill
take to the limit one more time with Slick Rick & Doug E. Fresh putting you all to the test
there was a lodi dodi in the house where we like to party cause Snoop can do that to
so what's new today getting Eminem to stay free styling on Trump free stylying while the dials on
snap shot moments of the past having so much fun with the hope that it would last
the streets today move faster then ever before some pay a visit to cell block 9 but that is fine
got Pumas on my feet spliff on my sleeve going to the dance hall scene
breaking down rhymes all my critics can kiss my fat behind cause I'm doing fine
Nas, Outcast & Drake never busted a move in such a fake for one step forward then two steps back
turn your radio on to here the words of my favorite song with Akon featured with Fetty Wap
drop it down with fire blowin it up in its purest desire ccause I want to take you higher

this just it so let me begin cause I came here to win in my perfect ten
suckers want to end me to but up the economy but ******* still on me but no I ain't phony
sit back and relax as you bask in the vast expanse between space and time
get back to basics as you remember when you were broke down to your last thin dime
sipping on *** with a hint of sugar for my teeth getting something sweet
your a miracle baby ain't nothing a bit shady working on making that baby
just maybe I get the hook up going stronger then ever before
next you bit kicking it with a two bit ***** screaming out more
get back to basics to set the dial for one more time going to wine, dine & sixty nine
holding my own when my hands on the phone but some insist to stay all alone
life can be a struggle so bartender make my Martini strong like on the double
working together like both Fred & Barney Rubble to stay out of trouble
see ya on the flip side squeeze while you out busy as a bee
going to walk that miracle mile in my hour of power in fullest of desire
until someday you'll see your name up in lights never give up on the fight
Mateuš Conrad Oct 2018
i have to tell you - there's nothing better
than the winter and the late autumn

with regards to hygiene...

sure, washing the arm-pits every day,
teeth once a day with a pea
sized amount of toothpaste...

but the full-works?
  a shower?
and on the third day, he rose from
the dead
on in this case a very subtle odor...

but during the cold months
when you're not sweating too much,
a shower on the third day
feels like... a... baptism...
sometimes during the act,
but certainly when you're drying
yourself off...

but to get that sensation?
i'd recommend having a few drinks prior...

beside that...
what a weekend...
a match-up between the Kiwi All Blacks
and the Springboks,
the second half... blitzkrieg...
staggering comeback...

but the cherry on top of this weekend?
i've never seen such a rugby match...
Los Pumas (Argentina)
  vs. the Wallabies (Australia)...
god... i've never watched a match
that good...
  the Wallabies? 31 to 7 down...
first half... second half?
   the Wallabies down 45 to 34!
the action, relentless,
   like watching sea waves....

which brings me to topic numero uno...
why would the Americans protest
the N.F.L. over someone kneeling
for the anthem?
i'd protest the N.F.L. because the sport
is ****! or as someone up north
would say: *****.

         if you've ever watched rugby
you'd know the difference...
the refereeing? superb...
             which is probably why people
never turn tribal and animal-like,
brutish as they do in football (soccer) -
because people get fired up
over a bad referee decision...
  which is why...
         this whole VR will not be given
enough status...
bad refereeing is what fuels
the passion in football (soccer)....

sure the skill of the players, a great goal,
dribbling, yeah yeah:
show me when the crowd when
a penalty is not given,
or better still: when the off-side is called...

but why protest the N.F.L.?
watch rugby instead...
   it's so much a better sport...
i never understood the point of
american "football"... more like:
throw an egg once,
have a rough and tumble in the middle
wearing aprons / nappies
and find one Forrest Gump on the other
side of no-man's-land...

         one throw : STOP! : regroup :
make another throw : STOP! : regroup :
make yet another throw : STOP!
**** me... it's worse than watching
a private t.v. channel drama with
all the advert intermissions in between...

and esp. after watching today's
Liverpool vs. Manchester City game...
nil nil was the end result,
with a penalty five minutes from 90,
   how many chances on goal
and on target?
                 one each...
  a game that primarily consisted
of passing the ball, keeping possession,
noted: esp. with the defense playing more
game than either the midfielders or
the strikers...
    boring as ****, or:
watching a chess match with only
the knight pieces moving across
the chess board, jumping out from behind
the pawns...
now... West Ham 3
   Manchester United 1, 29/09/2018?
now that was a match...
                          but it's rugby all the way.

i wouldn't bother boycotting the N.F.L.
over the kneeling incident,
i'd just watch a better sport.
Message me on your phone
As the long lines of the road
Are fading swiftly
Bleeding into the dirt
We give all our hurt to the harbor
Love is a fatherless child
Blinded by his pride
So now you make due
Without anything new to distract you
We must learn to grieve what we have lost
If we are to be anything more
Than just a couple of caustic teenagers
With sylvan features
Barely treading water
With heavy stones in our backpacks
Talking to lions on the playa
Dancing with these wildfires
In Peru, pumas with plumas
Awaken your inner lover
Who masquerades as the devil
While dancing disheveled
In your living room
We are heavily armored
Farming our arugula in tropical soil
Child rearing is a solid vocation
And can you really say to me
That your life is just one
Exasperated aspiration after another
Anne denada Jun 2019

Oh how I dream
To be marooned on a tropical Island
The other side of the world
Where the clock stands still
The beat of the heart
The heat of the sand
The sound of lapping waves
The smell of salty air
Have more meaning than
The New York Peace Tower.

For guidance, entertainment and light
The bright shinning stars at night
Reward my attention and devotion
By shooting stars across the sky
Like passing star ships homeward bound.

***** and sand bites
Seaweed and sea shells
Coconuts husks and volcanic pumas
All litter the morning beach.

The seagulls and larks
The moon and sun above
Peering out to the horizon
Watching the sea and sky play
All blessing this paradise island.
I am new at this.  The universe has blessed me with a second home on an island in the South Pacific off the grid where I spend the Nth American winter months. .

— The End —