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Sirenes Jun 2015
I never wanted to be a mother
Not because I dislike kids
Just wasn't something I ever considered
It was never a priority
Not something I considered in my calculations

Over a year ago
I was asked to be a godmother
Hell why not
They call me Aunt Bootcamp
Although kisses and hugs
Are always available

And sure they're cute
But I'm literally
The laziest person I know
Unless I'm working
...Or looking after kids

So there he is
"20 months old"
-What is up with the whole month- thing anyway?-
Squeezing the content
Of his juicebox in himself
Laughing like it's greatest thing ever

So his mum put him in the shower
I'm looking for towels
Socks, shirts and extra pants
Cleaning up juice
Off the floor
And the table
Consequence of a glass knocked over

He casually pees on my carpet
And somehow it only made me laugh
Preconditioned to get up
And catch him as he falls
Wondering how I got be so fast
Not even remotely annoyed
As he smiles and looks me in the eye
And does exactly what I said not to do
Darby Rose Feb 2014
How erratic my mind is, thinking about all the lives I've lived, all the people I've been, and all the transitions between the now and the then that we tend to devote very little attention to. How is it that we become these different people, and we don’t even realize it has happened until we look back through time? How is it that we are so preconditioned to not notice ourselves that we don’t see how much we change over the days, the months, the years? Oh, just how odd it is to be so lost outwardly, that traveling inward proves to be a complete mystery; hidden in plain sight, right behind our very own eyelids.
People continuously follow a religion of which has preconditioned regulations that disregard all science and also leave no allowance for the follower to use an open mind and discover the road that best suits them on their own. They preach to unknown past lives that claim to be the only ones who knew the answers and the way to maintain a successful journey is by their standards alone instead of teaching the follower to look into their own being.

You can't discover the truth by denying your right to knowledge. This I will never understand. This is why I choose spirituality over religion. I choose the buddhist philosophy to help light my way while I create my own steps through inner peace, science, the mind and knowledge gained.

I am finally waking up.

(C) Tiffanie Noel Doro
Alin Aug 2015
There is a number that knows itself
Logic has predicted its numberness at most
but logic does not know to what it matches

Within its coordinateless space
beyond the mind
the number has formed itself
at the expense of fixing
a masterpiece about a lover
made of the shape of one’s desire
becoming that one pure desire
of and to and for  All

or simply invisible
known to none
temporary silhouettes
silhouettes collapse
about their
barbapapaic nature
to the unknowing

what you call


the combination of chosen words
made of letters
presenting duality
between me and me
made of the sound of the form of one’s
ever changing body in one’s mind

in such frequency that
when one reads
one connects one to one
( like in maths –
and a bit more complex than that
considering sensual feedbacks etc :))

and transforms
almost vectorial  to

some resulting frequency
of an irreversible altered state
and a doses of future changes
but such occurrence cannot take place
when once known


such occurrence takes place
if it is irrevocable of the finite shells
of time

a true joker
has a pure skin as such
through a veil of pores
nothingness floats
towards its knowing
keeps oneself as is
unknown to all the separateness there is
Thus the program forgets
(:D = thankfully)
or runs infinitely  at a place :
‘this could be heaven and this could be hell’
as in Hotel California

you should know for yourself
if you wanna make it love  

If you not
It’s then someone else
It is always someone
as reasoning goes

it is a manifestation of the self
a contextualization of a narrative
as story requires
as story unfolds

I always remind myself to
keep up to one reason just
which eventually are no words
but sound or silence of
a reflection on an expanding
surface of a bubble in pure
unfixable color

words of preconditioned unoriginals
manifestations of self adorations
what is there to be said or heard or grasped?

when All stories are the same?

Shaped extensions of one source
sticking out repeatedly to tell one thing just
expanding the bubble
within the bubble and the bubble

to be heard
as big as a

en route exit as scriptures call it
but am I gonna be able to hear it?
(or you or us … )
irinia Jun 2015
the principle of uncertainty
when there were no corners
not yet
the energy of thought
the roots of leaves
the land of images without boundaries
I was the king of taste
this vessel took
changing forms
each minute
I was one with my hand
with my towels
with the red cube
of desire
I want was enough
to destroy
the names of dawn
this vessel knows the route to chaos
our guarding mother
take me in your sighs
hold me somewhere
in the sleeves
of thought
let's do it
let's feel one last bit
of the pulsing wreckage
we are full of promises we made
to ourselves
to take the route
to the next level
of ecstasy
we need a container
let's do it
let's chase the semantics
what remains is
the fruit of day
The reality is that reality doesn't exist. Reality is a formulation of preconditioned programming which exists only to create barriers between the ones viewed as sane and the ones viewed as insane.

Either way the coin falls, you'll be viewed as strange for having the courage to even toss it at all.

(C) Tiffanie Noel Doro
avery Jun 2015
it is not uncommon for my younger brother to ask me for help picking out his clothes
but today
he took off his shirt to try on a new one and stopped, looking down, viewing that his stomach stuck out past his chest as most little boys do and said
"I think I'm kinda fat"
he is eight years old
I could probably fit one hand around his entire thigh
he pokes and prods at skin that won't give because what he thinks is fat is simply keeping his organs in
he has already been preconditioned to believe he is not enough
or he is too much
he is eight years old
I don't know whether to tell him he isn't 
or to explain to him that he would not be any less valuable if he were because I don't want him to take it as an insult
I don't want him to feel hurt
like I do every time I see myself in a photograph
he is half my age
I ask him why and he grabs his stomach and says
"I see fat"
he is eight years old
Rochelle R Jun 2018
My mind paces,
stalks in circles around thoughts of you.
And the others.
I have concluded that I am unlike
all the other humans.
I’m not sure what it is
that makes your species so.
Perhaps it was ingrained
in the fibers of the earliest of lonely
and jealous people to stalk this planet.
You, and they, are preconditioned
to find one mate,
to pair with one soul,
to love monogamously.
Until the last breath rattles
from your aged and withered lips,
Or maybe just the bitter breaking
of your preconceived infallible bonds.
No, I have the anomaly of loving,
truly, simultaneously, loving
more than one of you.
It’s a curse.
And it is MY curse.
It’s true.
A forbidden love,
so passionate,
for more than one.
It is this multitudinous torture,
to be riddled with the guilt
that accompanies living in this one
cannon timeline.
Why can’t I have a parallel universe?
A paradox of many lives and love?
I am spliced so many times,
Fractionated, less than human.
Like a whisper of what I once was.  
Several panes of glass that don’t quite       touch
Thin, fragile and a false face of totality.
The space between each, is the overwhelming vastness of eternity
that blinds in lonely blackness.
Every sheet is a separate piece
of what once was
And the galaxies separating each,
spread farther with the passing
of light-sped time.
I know the love I feel is real.
It will not waver.
But also, doesn’t matter.
It breaks my heathen heart
to have spun these silken webs
of deeply bonded love onto others.
Entangling them in passionate emotions that are absolutely unobtainable at worst
and just out side of reality at best.
What does this make me?
Am I not a human?
Is this an evil, inside of me?
Am I demon?
There is no answer.
And there is no hope of forming
an inception with my victims,
Nor an existence for my species.
I mourn in lonely secret solitude.
I am the first, and last of my kind.
To write this, now I am empty. The void.
Butch Decatoria Dec 2015
This will end with its beginning. When nothing never was, nor ever will be again. When metamorphosis' of worms to float like blooms of fairy flutter, or pillars of sequoias scraping sky can burn away to char, then from cold thin air or winter lungs of clouds can cry fractal flowers. Nothing comes from nothing, therefore there is always something more, even when our human sight is veiled, preconditioned by what we fear before we learned.

When will we look with not just seeing, peering with more of what is feeling, evolving to feel the pain of leaf and leaving? Cry with our world as it is grieving, heaving with the smog while all else is eaten; when will we realize that this is alive, the blue of all eyes are the same as the ceiling, browns of the soil enriched for seedling, and the blood of the world is not liquid nor spilling. It is the circumference of a heart, a floating castle, and the joy and the lively creates the splendor. The karmic rivers in our considerateness, lifting up to heaven as our worthy witness. See this here, of what we've made?  Rather than say, oh well that's life, **** happens and so it is, say, say, say...

A gift for a gift is given because we cherish whom we are with, when did we forget to celebrate the life that has been given : the basic breath we gulp, and quenching of every thirst, whether deep as poetry, or dry as elephants in desert lakes--we have water falls with queens in their names (yet people are starving and dying, mind you not that far away).
We are able and have enough, stockpiled for winters whether nuclear or Eskimo, yet nothing seems to still be nothing, but then there's peppermint ice cream pies. Starvation in Africa, but dead children do not cry, nor do they--too weak without the food or energy... but then again there's Little Debbie's fudge cookies and marshmallow pies...

And we all praise Ala and Thank the Lord our souls, our being spared of our sufferings, (pipe bombs to and fro) all the while admonishing and bigotry, hatreds and slavery / are given a different face, a dress of expensive tastes. Our only skills are selling wares that is our one time youthful flesh. Because just because we are desperate to have - something more, not having any less than a meal, a roof on four walls, the door.

In god's name we pray... we always see and say and sing and wait... yet nothing is still nothing, impossible I might add, since we are not without we should just all shut our mouths and do something more...

Because if this ends, we are the only ones - all of us - to blame. Not gods, alcohol, or the rain.

What there is to be seen now are dead oceans and forests in flames. Fire and more fire, some in forms of steel, and blades of atrocious acts, and influence of them our holies - accosting us with lies - crapping on our whiles, feeling unworthy because of this chapter / verse, because they're better than that and we are worse. All beneath our noses, defiling our future hopes, in the eyes of our own beloved - turned into wingless birds.

How my love to look upon the whole of the face of the world--becomes desperate pleading for mine vision to be done. When the sights are blindingly painful, numbingly remiss of the hopeful wonder when I was young and a telescope looking up saying this :

"One day I will visit that planet, go flying through the stars... When I'm old enough to be there, where the future are..."

Nothing seems to still be nothing, and never was or could. What is a nothing, when he thought that it was something, to live and just be good?

I'm still here waiting for the beginning, if this is how it ends... a ghost of a poet, with this heart ache and pen...

(Oh Goddess my Goddess...!  When...?)
Dylan Mcconnell May 2018
Routine. Make sure you have it. Whether it be taking a shower and brushing your teeth every morning, or it is smoking a cigarette and drinking a cup of coffee. I need you to have a routine sweetheart, it'll serve you when you're in high school.

2. Don't use violence. Treat others the way you want to be treated. The violence part? I know, easier said than done, but your dad had such a hard time in high school. He was suspended and almost got battery charges for hitting a girl. Also, your dad went to jail for abusing the effing crap out of your grandmother.  So trust me please, when I say violence is not the answer.

3. Read. Write. Create. Repeat. Read John Green, Neil Hilborn, and Savannah Brown. Write as though your soul is on fire and this is the only way to put it out. Write every day, write about pain, guilt, shame, suffering. Write about all the bad things, but also show those glimmers of hope. Create. Make art that shocks and makes people think. Make masterpieces. Make art you don't like. Whatever you do, just make art. Do it because your dad would. Do it for the world. You have so much potential.

4. Don't join Facebook. You will get preconditioned to the fact Facebook is a right of passage and a sense of freedom, but trust me, it isn't. It'll turn you from an artist to one who searches for love in all the wrong places. One who strives off likes, and hearts, and good reactions. It will make you feel worthless on those days you get zero shares from the status you thought was golden. I love you and you can do this.

5. This one is hard for me to say, especially considering I'm one of many whose done it, but don't attempt suicide. You'll regret it the moment it doesn't work and cry the moment you realize what you've done. I will let you know regardless if it works or not, the amount of pain you put others in: will not change. There will always be pain. I love you sweetheart and you can do this.

6. Listen to loads of music. This should be your drug of choice. I'll make you a playlist of all your padre's favorite songs. Music does wonders. Music soothes, helps you create, lets you let it out, and the list goes on and on.

7. Discover yourself; embrace that. Whether you be gay, straight, or bi. Whether you're happy, sad, or content. Whether you're ill or not ill. BE YOURSELF. Be so much yourself, you have the amount of confidence of a great white shark. Those *******, those animals are CONFIDENT. (19 year old me would also like to insert that werk it qween is a totally acceptable phrase)

8. You are made of magic. You have the bones of stars and the eyes of bravery. Anywhere you walk is going to be a place where everyone knows your presence. You walk on red carpets of kindness and love, but also you smile bigger than anyone in the room.

See her? Yeah, she's my daughter. She's my light, life, and reason to function on bad days. She brings me so much joy that the only way to describe it is, become an addict, go into foster care and lose everything you've ever known for ~1.5 years, and then uproot yourself into the adult life, 1 day after graduating. After you've completed those steps and only managed to need to be resuscitated twice, then you get to go onto the pile of adult ******* that entails: paying bills, overdosing on abused drugs, being forced to sign a 'mutual termination' contract with the place you were living because you had a mental health flare up. Are you still alive? Okay cool, well now you're going to move into sober living and fall in love with the wrong person while being there, get into drugs even more than you were before (ironic, eh,) and now... after all that. You move away from hell. And fall in love with the child you never thought you'd have.  

You bring me so much happiness, it's nearly ridiculous.
Love is learning how to adjust to different things while still feeling lots of pride and joy and happiness, while still feeling the **** feelings.
I'm playing games
With no emotion
No pet names
and plain devotion
The soil's eroding
There's no consoling
the truth
When I didn't elude
to the difference
There's no trust
When I lead with lust
So then
Uncouth again
This deliverance

My heart is cold
I sold my soul
I lost control
When you took hold
My two cents
And I carefully sense
There's no recompense
For my selfish nature
I'm just so dense

There's no pretense
Only defense
When I'm on the fence
And left you low in suspense

It's preconditioned
Leave no suspicion
In my position
There's something missing
So now I've listened
I'm reminiscent
Of evanescence
No convalescence
It's my decision

Never again will I pretend
like I

My only regret is I forget

Forever in debt
for the smile
That I've

If I ever reset
Or resume to beset
I'll just
The idea behind this was a response to a conversation I had today that practices extreme lycanism. I wanted to rhyme as frequently as possible to give it that roll of emphatic delivery. I'll probably come up with a hook in the future for this one and put a beat down for it.
Adrian Trejo Oct 2016
Free your mind
Forget what your preconditioned about life.
Everyone has a view but dont let it become your anchor.
Set sail and journey the vast sea of your heart.
See the world through your eyes.
Find who you truly are.
Discover the you that has been stricken away by the world.
Not everything is gloomy and dark.
Look to the sun, the moon, and the stars.
See the horizon for what it truly is.
Always remember that no matter how dark it gets, there will always be a sunrise that follows.
All I ask is that you don't write off the world as a bad place.
See it for the beautiful wonders it is.
Free your mind.
Inspiration can happen anywhere and any time
Farook Suyarov Mar 2018
Man is so bogged down in confusion,
he is subject to circumstances,
his life is highly preconditioned,
his choices are predetermined,
thoughts are arranged for him,
I wonder, what does he has at the end?
What is mine, for God's sake?!

— The End —