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Doctor, tell me, what's good or bad for me
give me guiding tips, health's recipe
what I should eat, and foods to be shunned
I find my years wasted, with most things unlearned!

Doctor, please tell me, do I eat more or less
show me the way, to a healthy happiness
chart for me, the most balanced diet
I find my years wasted, and little learned yet!

Doctor, tell me the secret, of staying healthy in strife
to remain in glowing health, for a rewarding marital life
prescribe me one potent pill, to make my groin burn
I find my potence wasted, with still many things to learn!

Doctor, now I seek your advice, in the matter of heart
tell me, how I keep it broad, before I depart
tell me if it's a broader heart, that's more easily burned
I find my years all wasted, with so many things unlearned!
Hôtes de ce séjour d'angoisse et de souffrance,

Où Satan sur le seuil a mis : Plus d'espérance !

Qui vous brisez le front contre ses murs de fer,

Et vîntes échanger, dans cette fange immonde,

La perpétuité des peines de ce monde

Pour l'éternité de l'enfer !

Ô vous, bandits, larrons d'Italie ou d'Espagne,

Hôtes des grands chemins, qui courez la campagne

De Tarente à Venise, et de Rome au Simplon ;

Et vous, concitoyens, voleurs de ma patrie.

Qui, les cheveux rasés et l'épaule flétrie.

Ramiez dans Brest ou dans Toulon !

Et vous qui, franchissant les monts et les cascades,

Imploriez la madone, et braviez les alcades,

Castillans, Grenadins ! et vous qui, sourdement,

Sous le ciel de l'Écosse, alliez dans les ténèbres

Ressusciter les morts dans leurs linceuls funèbres

Avant le jour du jugement !

Filles de joie, ô vous qu'on voyait dans la rue.

Autour d'un mauvais lieu, faire le pied de grue.

Dont l'amour fut mortel, et le baiser fatal ;

Vous tous, morts dans le crime et dans l'impénitence,

Spectres, qu'ont ainsi faits la roue ou la potence,

La guillotine ou l'hôpital !

Vous tous, mes vieux damnés, races de Dieu maudites,

Approchez-vous ici, parlez-nous, et nous dites

Aux gouffres de Satan combien a rapporté

Chaque péché mortel qui damne l'autre vie ;

Combien l'Orgueil, combien l'Avarice ou l'Envie,

Combien surtout la Pauvreté ?

C'est Elle qui flétrit une âme encor novice,

L'enlace, et la conduit au crime par le vice.

Courbant les plus hauts fronts avec sa main de fer ;

Qui mêle le poison et qui tire l'épée :

Elle, la plus féconde et la mieux occupée

Des pourvoyeuses de l'enfer !

Pauvreté ! vaste mot. Puissances de la terre,

Qui portez de vos noms l'orgueil héréditaire,

Savez-vous ce que c'est qu'avoir soif, avoir faim :

L'hiver, dans un grabat juché sous la toiture,

Passer le jour sans feu, la nuit sans couverture ;

Ce que c'est que le pauvre, enfin ?

- C'est un homme qui va, sur les places publiques,

Colporter, tout perclus, une boîte à reliques ;

Un aveugle en haillons, qu'on voit par les chemins

Accompagné d'un chien qui porte une sébile,

Agenouillé par terre, et qui chante, immobile,

Un cantique, en joignant les mains :

C'est un homme qui veille au seuil la nuit entière,

Et vient, sortants du bal, vous ouvrir la portière,

Recommandant sa peine aux cœurs compatissants ;

C'est une femme en pleurs qui voile son visage

Et tient à ses côtés deux enfants en bas-âge

Dressés à suivre les passants.

C'est cela : rien de plus. D'ailleurs, c'est une classe,

Les pauvres : il faut bien que chacun ait sa place ;

Dieu seul sait comme tout ici doit s'ordonner :

Il a mis la santé près de la maladie,

Le riche près du pauvre : il faut que l'un mendie

Pour que l'autre puisse donner.

Et quand, lassés de voir qu'on vous suit à la trace,

Vous vous êtes saignés, à grand'peine, et par grâce,

Du denier qu'un laquais insolent a jeté :

Grands seigneurs, financiers, belles dames, duchesses.

Vous vous tenez contenus, et croyez vos richesses

Quittes envers la pauvreté !

Mais il en est une autre, une autre cent fois pire,

Qui n'a point de haillons, celle-là, qui n'inspire

Ni pitié, ni dégoût, qui se pare de fleurs :

Qui ne se montre point, mendiante et quêteuse,

Mais, sous de beaux habits, cache, toute honteuse.

Ses ulcères et ses douleurs.

Elle vient au concert, et chante : au bal, et danse :

Jamais, jamais un geste, un mot dont l'imprudence

Trahirait des tourments qui ne sont point compris ;

C'est un combat sans fin, une longue détresse,

Une fièvre qui mine, un cauchemar qui presse

Et tue en étouffant vos cris.

C'est ce mal qui travaille une âme bien placée,

Qui s'indigne du rang où le sort l'a laissée ;

Qui demeure toujours triste au sein des plaisirs,

Parce qu'elle en sait bien le terme, et s'importune

De n'égaler jamais ses vœux à sa fortune,

Ni son espoir à ses désirs.

C'est le fléau du siècle, et cette maladie

Gagne de proche en proche, ainsi qu'un incendie :

Le monde dans son sein porte un hôte inconnu :

C'est un ver dans le cœur, c'est le cheval de Troie,

D'où les Grecs tout armés tomberont sur leur proie

Quand le moment sera venu.

Or, quand cela se voit, c'est une marque sûre

Qu'il s'est fait au-dedans une grande blessure.

Enseignement certain, par où Dieu nous apprend

Qu'une société vieillie et décrépite

S'émeut au plus profond de sa base, et palpite

Du dernier râle d'un mourant.

Je vous en avertis, riches ; prenez-y garde !

L'édifice est usé : si quelqu'un par mégarde

Passe trop chargé d'or sur ses planchers pourris,

- Un grain de blé suffit pour combler la mesure :

Au choc le plus léger cette vieille masure

Vous étouffe sous ses débris.

Peu de jours sont passés depuis qu'en sa colère

Lyon a vu rugir le monstre populaire :

Vous aviez cru le voir arriver en trois bonds,

Le sang dans les regards, le feu dans les narines.

Et vous aviez serré votre or sur vos poitrines.

Pâles comme des moribonds.

S'il n'a pas cette fois encor, rompu sa chaîne,

Si la porte est de fer et la cage de chêne,

Pourtant n'approchez pas des barreaux trop souvent.

Car sa force s'accroît, et sa rage, en silence ;

Et gare qu'un beau jour il les brise, et s'élance

Libre enfin, et les crins au vent !
anotherdream Mar 2018
Your eyes shine,
Like the moon’s pure reflection,
Hope they’ll be mine,
Don’t want perfection.

Your hair is the victim,
In these cases of feelings.
I’ve got all the symptoms,
Now I’m just bleeding,

From all the emotions,
Made from your presence,
If you felt your potence,
They’d only be remnants,

Of what I see in you,
Beauty in disguise.
But I’ve got the views,
You’ve got the eyes.

I found your loss,
I felt your pain,
Mine’s a different cause,
But I still wear the stains.

They say eyes aren’t important,
Just spheres made of glass.
But I love their orbit,
I feel their mass.
Your eyes are locks I wish I had the key to... S.B. <3
C E Ford Dec 2013
muscles and electrons,
infusing into mine,
your spine
with my ribcage.

I like the
and maybes
in your brain
as your synapses

from each fingertip
and kiss
here ,
and back,
again, again,
and again.

I crave your
the way
your vibrato
sends shivers
my spine,
and carries
its potence

my chest,
residing in my lungs,
becoming the  
in which I thrive.
I was the strike to make your flames ignite
And your skin could be marble in it's magnifence
You were the first to come to sight
And from then on I was lost in your potence.

The rain has come for us and the thunder made it's way home
Birds will sing with us,
Chiming with a gracious tone,
They got their fix, they lost their loneliness

Companionship in the summertime
Is as sure as the shadow before the substance.
I pieced together the little things marked as signs
You can lay back in the overhang while I lose myself to the warm rain and dance

You can watch me with a gleam in your eye
But I'll never know the thoughts that soar through that mysterious mind
And I'll drench you in love and adoration
When the morning comes, I'll be beside you, holding on to blossomed conversation.
Adam Apr 2016
Dream big, dream always and never look back.
Within you lies the power and the emotion.
You can demolish all barriers.
The powers of the mortal are not containable.

Feel the power build from within your soul
The essence of your being begins to take control
The proficiency to overcome is an indication of strength
Inhibitions left behind and kept at arm’s length

Remember you are never alone.

No individual is alone within a team
Teams are those who can strengthen you
Those people who empower you to dream
and those who you can eternally turn to

Friendship can mould a team stronger than you can see
From idiosyncrasies arise familiarities
Perpetually an ear to listen or impart an idea
A form of protection or your very own panacea.

Friends can be the joy in your life
the comfort in your strife
never should you underestimate their potence
and never should you diminish their pertinence

Your life and theirs are intertwined
like a guide dog their for the blind.
Patience in each other is a virtue.
I’ve got these friends and you do too.
Mateuš Conrad Oct 2017
fructus ex omni - the fruit out of everything,
the same as the fruit that is everything,
fructus id est omni...

i don't care for urban latin, i only dare
to attain the ****** version,
perhaps with latin words,
but nonetheless, with english grammar,
and that does not bother me one bit,
since i know i'm not speaking

nonetheless there are two fruits in
the story, the fruit of confusion that
was promised as being the fruit of lucidity,
but also that celestial fruit,
which promised omni-: potence,
             science, presence etc.,
but instead trapped the deity in a prison,

what can you really make of a deity
that is bound to a prison of all things omni-?

the idea of omni-traits of a god,
are nothing more than an omnicarcer...
an all encompassing prison...
    which later becomes the "eloquent"
but rather sly argumentation for
           which makes it all the more impossible
to "argue", since my hand and my toe
and my toenails are all: "god"...

hence my argument that "god" is
a paraphrase...
                  of all the cul de sac of arguments
provided by man, this one has
to top it all off,
   man ate an apple, god ate a cherry...
and no, i don't mean there's a need to "cherish"
the existence of with prayer,
that lunatic gesticulation ritual,
  but sparing a thought is the least harmful of
all things possible, otherwise?
the argument goes down the toilet,
it's easy feeding nothing as a replacement,
after all, a res cogitans easily
feeds res vanus and this easily provides
enough atheists...
      thought feeds nothing first,
but i wonder: why does feeding nothing
always attract so many rhetorical questions,
so many retorting post scriptums?
the more the argument is heard,
the more the theologians calms down,
while the atheist becomes more & more angry...

i have a sincerity do the argument of:
an omnipresent omnipotent "god" is confined
to a straitjacket,
      a straitjacket of our cyclic arguments,
our cul de sac arguments,
because, by now, my **** is god,
         and it all comes down to the ridiculousness
of giving all imaginable power,
to a being, that, perhaps, has no ultimate power,
given that such power, would abolish
the theatre of human freedom being expressed...

it's still boiling down to the point of
infantilism of counter-arguments, on & on until
both parties agree: 1 + 1 = 2.
i don't know why atheists ever cite kant,
if you read him, he clearly states:
i'm tired of the counter-arguments against
a god,
  just like aristotle was wrong about
the origin of flies...
   the non-existence of: said being,
and the the big bang theory...
  well, that's just as obsolete as in the biological
canvas of anomalous generation:
the notion of spontaneity! maggots spawn from
the rotting flesh of fish!
     nonetheless, maybe this "god"
of omni- etc. attributes became an atheist
himself, when it became all too ridiculous
reaching the pinnacle of pantheism?
maybe god didn't die in auschwitz as the jews
suggest, maybe he just became
                     pantheistically altruistic?
i.e. why bother doing anything,
if i can do everything? i can be lil jimmy's
thumbs up at a football match,
    why bother the dimension of absolutism,
when everything is nicely relative?

of said primates,
  it can only be said that the civilisation
with an eloquent argument for,
   or for no "god" will fair best...
unless i'm really ****** at counting,
  i must have counted 1 billion indians and
1 billion chinese...
              and no, i don't believe in atheists
who have the tenacity to have their arguments
guarded with overt emotional stipulation,
hyping, hyping...
   to argue against subjectivity
with overt-sensitivity and fiasco theatre of:
never the calm nut on the ward...
   goes... nowhere...
                       i still find it funny how
you can translate biology's anomalous generation
in a microscope, translate it via
the telescope into the big bang, and find
that: nothing doesn't exactly conjure up
nothing, or whatever that original phrase was:
nothing can conjure up everything?
     everything was... nihil contra nihil?
        never mind,
        it's still a prison of pantheism,
        and no argument will ever be sensible regarding
this prison + straitjacket...
          it's a trap, and i know it, because
whatever argument there is to release
the spectator "god" out of it,
       is about as pointless as: reinventing the wheel.
Monica Dec 2018
Give me the horizon
Until the sun’s orange glow is dripping from my lips
I want to feel adventure running through my blood
Pumping pure light out of my chest

I want to feel so alive I’m out of breath
knock me off my feet
And send me tumbling softly down a green hillside
Right into a huge rain puddle
to soak in the fresh water of the heavens
As it sends silky streams down to meet the Earth
In a beautiful downpour of life
I look up at the heavens pouring her soul out onto my cheeks
While I ******* smile
At the glorious experience of it all
The heart racing adventure of exploration

I want to feel
The ******* ****** of happiness
That comes from living so lushly

I want every one of my cells to vibrate in the universe’s glorious stride
Until I’m filled with wonder
And my soul seeps out of my fingertips like glitter floating in space

Blow my ******* mind with the power of life
The potence of laughter
Flooding my body
Freeing the tangle of my mind
Set my soul free

I want to gasp for air
In the wilderness
Drench me in oxygen
Give me life
Shift my soul
As I soak in the magnificence of it all
Sanek Jan 2021
A flurry of magic emerging from hand
Strengthening ties through the playing of land
The power of green and her mana filled plays
Brought forth through the choice of her mighty pathways

Ultimate power paid through the blood price
An unholy ritual borne of sacrifice
The power of black till the goal has been seized
The potence of death through this color unleashed

With the power of instinct a rapid quick strike
And the duel is over in the speed of light
The power of red passion boiling inside
And hastily wrought as the battlefield's fried

Through carefully studying the knowledge of old
To ponder upon what the future may hold
The power of blue seeks control till the end
And counters against what their opponent may send

But hope glimmers still in the darkest of night
And not all is lost when there is still light
The power of white unites the steadfast
A determined struggle from the first to the last

Decks filled with creatures great and small
A decision to make to go wide or go tall?
Colors of five: red, white, blue, black, and green
Spells cast in hand what a magical scene

None of those spells are as enchanting as you
My magical poet of red, white, and blue
Cyclone Dec 2019
Beauty's bluebonnets, he rapped the sonnet like he saw it so finally draw it, call it symbolic cause it's thawing and dawning and shining, her heart like diamonds, so we're lining and grinding our finding, I call this binding, say I'm lying, you drying your timing, it leaves you whining and case blinding in tears, our fears, are painted here from our peers that geared us cleared, what the heck is seared when appears a tear to truth, it's the pain that contains and veins our youth, can't deny cause in eyes there lies a truce, fine with our current standings, so can it, it's you, when we advance, it's a chance to win this thing large, instead of narrow minded thinking that weakens our part, in being men we're created to be, we carve, a vivid picture of our hearts that bleed, we starve, for a component that emboldens our potence that's charge, of our surroundings, that is doubting and downing us far.
The Inside’s Lot
The Inside’s high and Outside so deep:
Refrain from Might obscure and rejoice
The Innocence of subtle inner Voice
That works like flaming and inspiring Leap.

Thus is the Potence – grow up, expand
Its Branches down to Earth and Roots upwards:
Their Fruits emerge so that the Blossom rose,
The Past by Future fed – to Silent be demand.

And Core of Cover having found, do not
It implement for any blasting Sound:
For in its Straightness Angles are washed around…
Your Wings are stretched – to you is given Lot…
Play of That Only
Play of divine is creating of rules –
Chips’ understanding is here handicapped:
Masters are fond of perfecting their tools,
Keeping in mystery where they’re kept.

Not blunt instructions they ever prefer
But of approaches caress mild:
This is the way how all who care for
Potence reveal, seeming weakness despite…

Freedom in play – variations in rules
Hidden, combining their natures, within
Range demonstrates, though the players in use
Honey-experience are guarding with sting.

Hives not for those who fill them are built,
Difficult is to imagine the aim:
Just elevated as if through the guilt
Is every fake of a true diadem…

But every crown is a symbol not more,
Playful connection of rules in the world:
Starting or ending in it to adore,
New interchanging unseen with the old.

Diving – like soaring: don’t only mix
Their elementals in action and phrase,
For truly high only those are peaks
That only winds and abysses can praise!..

— The End —