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Solaces Jan 2014
Grassy field..

Ocean shore..

Moonlit night..

Morning star rise..

All the places where I have awaited the end.. In these dreams silence takes over all sound.. Here in these places the purples in the sky are coming slowly..

The morning star rises face to face with our old sun..
Its as if 2 suns shine the neverending day.. The old phoneix spreads its all colored wings.. The Morning star was the light egg the Phoneix came from...

The beast of fire, the firebird, Feathered dragon of the sun returns.. Its song takes over the silence.. A song of firey happiness.. The morning star rise.. This moment is mine to keep.. And I share this dream with you.. A dream of what I thought was the end.. A dream where I finally begin...
Wings of all color.. Wings of flames..  Burn and light sky and create the new day..
.ılılıll ɢʀᴏᴡ ᴡɪᴛʜɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ғʟᴏᴡ llılılı

Lemme seizure

knowledge is a question
asked in reflection

yup, such a simple inception
but we all get caught up while we messin
learning earth's sacred lessons

What now though?

Grey ghost, unleaded

got odds like Yudhistira so
we betted our :/:

ego:: we had to shed it
problem:: we known to  vet it
poison:: we GOTTA **** it
old skin:: WE SHED THAT TOO

Known to fold my body like oragami
quiet uprising you call call me ghandi
preach non-violence
practice samadhi

Principly Primal
powerful and bridal
*** in more dimensions
the many armed eater of time holding on like I'm ******* kali
wannabe-Ascetic, dreaded, wandering in the right line,
posture asuna-siva, like I'm ******* Kali, See time as convex

atman = brahman
means I'm God Complex

Every day set fire to myself like Sati
Go ash to mouth

and make myself rise
like a phoneix
midnight prague Nov 2010
your phoenix eyes
whos ashes fall like withering words
shedding too much detail of your fugitive disastors
your heart of prisoners
you awake in me lik a crisp dawn
on the breaking of ways
bringer of sorts
and rising of the day
I squint my eyes as I am awoken to your beauty
hunter of my mind, excute my loneliness
and I will ****** your crime
I will terrorize those white monsters in your fingers
and clear your mountains
and purify your waters
beautiful phoneix
let me in

you drag me into the darkness like night
endless as space
you one human
the wind loves you on those beautiful days, when life seems perfect
the sun simply hits your cheeks
life lives for you

you standing in the park alone
you raging hormone
you who lets out a sigh of pain
you who laughs at the unknown
you who smiles at the joy in a childs face
you are a universe intricate, beautiful, destructive
all on your own
ManoelO Nov 2017
Love rises from the firey
Basement of the soul
And soars the infinite skies
Of possibilities

But this love ashes
fall from clouded
And clogs the heart
Of bitter memories

The Phoneix of love
From the heavens
And plunges
Into jeopardy.
Alec Jul 2017
I am violent and angry
Not even I can truly tame me
I am the rage
It consumes me
Eating away, unseen
Tearing me apart, ripping to shreds
Even if it's all just a part of my head
It can't be contained
I try, but am pained.
Sparks fly till fire ignites
Like a phoneix in flight.
Eyes glaring, heat from the gaze melting every person in sight.
And yet there you are
While everyone else has run away so far.
You glare back
One look, it's not even an attack.
It's just a look
And I'm shook.
And I can't seem to shake the feeling.
My tough exterior is peeling
While my mind is reeling
Taken aback from what I've done
I quietly realize that it was I who was holding the gun
And then I'm done.
I'm kneeling in the ashes
Hands blackened
The flames I shot out
I've finally realized my actions.
Cuz you showed me.
With nothing more than a look,
That was all that it took.
In my shame, I build up the courage to look
And it's you.
And you stare?
Your eyes forgiving
Yet, unspokenly, I am dared
Contain the flames
My guilt, it gives me pangs
But you reach for me, and grab my hand.
The skin is soft like fine sand.
You extinguish the flames
You smile, as if playing with fire is one of your favorite games.
I hold your hand and refuse to let go
I don't want the flames to grow.
For some reason you let me, knowing something I don't know.
gabby Sep 2020
one day, i passed by phoneix café;
weren't you the one
playing bass guitar there?

saw you at a table before,
tying back your strings
in safe double knots
so that you show 50% of your grief
when you perform.

biker jacket, broken soul,
you were hurt by something
that you still adore.

they see that.
they find themselves in your pain.
but do i know, do the boys and the girls
in the first row know
who you were months ago?
i noticed him some time ago on the school hallway.

— The End —