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Nacen puestos de gafas, y una piel de levita,
y una perilla obscena de culo de bellota,
y calvos, y caducos. Y nunca se les quita
la joroba que dentro del alma les explota.

Pedos con barbacana, ceremoniosos pedos,
de su senil niñez de polvo enlevitado,
pasan a la edad plena con polvo entre los dedos,
sonando a sepultura y oliendo a antepasado.

Parecen candeleros infelices, escobas
desplumadas, retiesas, con toga, con bonete:
una congregación de gallardas jorobas
con callos y verrugas al borde del retrete.

Con callos y verrugas, y coles y misales,
la dignidad del asno se rebela en la enjalma,
mirando estos cochinos tan espirituales
con callos y verrugas en la extension del alma.

Alma verruguicida, callicida la vuestra.
Habéis nacido tiesos como los monigotes,
y vivís de puntillas, levantando la diestra
para cornamentar la voz y los bigotes.

Saludáis con el ano, no arrugáis nunca el traje,
disimuláis los cuernos con laureles de lata.
No paráis en la tierra, siempre vais de viaje
por un pais de luna maquinal, mentecata.

Nacéis inventariados, morís previa promesa
de que seréis cubiertos de estatuas y coronas.
Vais como procesados por el sol, que procesa
aquello que señala delito en las personas.

Os alimenta el aire sangriento de un juzgado,
de un presidio siniestro de abogados y jueces.
Y concedéis los pedos por audiencia de un lado,
mientras del otro lado jodéis, meáis a veces.

Herís, crucificáis con ojos compasivos,
cadáveres de todas la horas y los días:
autos de poca fe, pastos de los archivos,
habláis desde los púlpitos de muchas tonterías.

Nunca tenga que ver yo con estos doctores,
estas enciclopedias ahumanas, aplastantes.
Nunca de estos filósofos me ataquen los humores,
porque sus agudezas me resultan laxantes.

Porque se ponen huecos igual que las gallinas
para eructar sandeces creyéndose profundos:
porque para pensar entran en las letrinas,
en abismos rellenos de folios moribundos.

Sentenciosas tinajas vacías, pero hinchadas,
se repliegan sus frentes igual que acordeones,
y ascienden y descienden, tortugas preocupadas,
y el corazón les late por no sé qué rincones.

No se han hecho para estos boñigos los barbechos,
no se han hecho para estos gusanos las manzanas.
Sólo hay chocolateras y sillones deshechos
para estas incoherencias reumáticas y canas.

Retretes de elegancia, cagan correctamente:
hijos de puta ansiosos de politiquerías,
publicidad y bombo, se corrigen la frente
y preparan el gesto de las fotografías.

Temblad, hijos de puta, por vuestra puta suerte,
que unos soldados de alma patética deciden:
ellos son los que tratan la verdadera muerte,
ellos la verdadera, la ruda vida piden.

La vida es otra cosa, sucios señores míos,
más clara, menos turbia de folios, de oficinas.
Nadan radiantemente sus cuerpos en los ríos
y no usan esa cara de múltiples esquinas.

Nunca fuisteis muchachos, y queréis que persista
un mundo aparatoso de cartón estirado,
por donde el cartón vaya paticojo y turista,
rey entre maniquíes de pulso congelado.

Venís de la Edad Media donde no habéis nacido,
porque no sois del tiempo presente ni del ausente.
Os mata una verdad en el caduco nido:
la que impone la vida del siempre adolescente.

Yo soy viejo: tan viejo, que el primer hombre late
dentro de mis vividos y veintisiete años,
porque combato al tiempo y el tiempo me combate.
A vosotros, vencidos, os trata como a extraños.
Trapos, calcomanías, defunciones, objetos,
muladares de todo, tinajas, oquedades,
lápidas, catafalcos, legajos, mamotretos,
inscripciones, sudarios, menudencias, ruindades.

Polvos, palabrería, carcoma y escritura,
cornisas; orinales que quieren ser severos,
y se llevan la barba de goma a la cintura,
y duermen rodeados de siglos y sombreros.

Vilmente descosidos, pálidos de avaricia,
lo que más les preocupa de todo es el bolsillo.
Gotosos, desastrosos, malvados, la injusticia
se viste de acta en ellos con papel amarillo.

Los veréis adheridos a varios ministerios,
a varias oficinas por el ocio amuebladas.
Con el **** en la boca canosa, van muy serios,
trucosos, maniobreros, persiguiendo embajadas.

Los veréis sumergidos entre trastos y coños
internacionalmente pagados, conocidos:
pasear por Ginebra los cojones bisoños
con cara de inventores mortalmente aburridos.

Son los que recomiendan y los recomendados.
La recomendación es su procedimiento.
Por recomendación agonizan sentados
donde la muerte cómoda pone su ayuntamiento.

Cuando van a acostarse, se quitan la careta,
el disfraz cotidiano, la diaria postura.
Ante su sordidez se nubla la peseta,
se agota en su paciencia la estatua más segura.

A veces de la mala digestión de estos cuervos
que quieren imponernos su vejez, su idioma,
que quieren que seamos lenguas esclavas, siervos,
dependen muchas vidas con signo de paloma.

A veces son marquesas íntimas de ambiciones,
insaciables de joyas, relumbronas de trato:
fracasadas de título, caballares de acciones,
dispuestas a llevar el mundo en el zapato.

Putonas de importancia, miden bien la sonrisa
con la categoría que quien las trata encierra:
políticas jetudas, desgastan la camisa
jodiendo mientras hablan del drama de la guerra.

Se cae de viejo el mundo con tanto malotaje.
Hijos de la rutina bisoja y contrahecha,
valoran a los hombres por el precio del traje,
cagan, y donde cagan colocan una fecha.

Van del hotel al banco, del hotel al paseo
con una cornamenta notable de aire insulso.
Es humillar al prójimo su más noble deseo,
y el esfuerzo mayor le hacen meando a pulso.

Hemos de destrozaros en vuestras legaciones,
en vuestros escenarios, en vuestras diplomacias.
Con ametralladoras cálidas y canciones
os ametralllaremos, prehistóricas desgracias.

Porque, sabed: llevamos mucha verdad metida
dentro del corazón, sangrando por la boca:
y os vencerá la ferrea juventud de la vida,
pues para tanta fuerza tanta maldad es poca.

La juventud, motores, ímpetus a raudales,
contra vosotros, viejos exhombres, plena llueve:
mueve unánimemente sus músculos frutales,
sus máquinas de abril contra vosotros mueve.

Viejos exhombres viejos: ni viejos tan siquiera.
La vejez es un don que cederá mi frente,
y a vuestro lado es joven como la primavera.
Sois la decrepitud andante y maloliente.

Sois mis enemiguitos: los del mundo que siento
rodar sobre mi pecho más claro cada día.
Y con un soplo sólo de mi caliente aliento,
con este soplo dicté vuestra agonía.
Somewhere in your wardrobe, I'd be willing to bet
There's a t-shirt probably bearing the silhouette of Che Guevara

He was revolutionary, yeah, he wore a cool hat
But behind the design I think you might find it's not quite as simple as that

Che was a bit of a homophobe, Che was a bit of a homophobe,
I think... apparently.. who knows?
Che was a bit of a homophobe, Che was a bit of a homophobe

This is my song in defence of the fence
A little sing along, a anthem to ambivalence
The more you know, the harder you will find it
To make up your mind, it, doesn't really matter if you find
You can't see which grass is greener
Chances are it's neither, and either way it's easier
To see the difference, when you're sitting on the fence

Somewhere in your house, I'd be willing to bet
There's a picture of that grinning hippy from Tibet - the Dalai Llama

He's a lovely, funny fella, he gives soundbites galore
But let's not forget that back in Tibet, those funky monks used to **** the poor, yeah

And the Buddhist line about future lives is the perfect way to stop the powerless rising up
And he tells the poor they will live again, but he's rich now so it's easy for him to say

I'm taking the stand in defense of the fence
I got a little band playing anthems to ambivalence
We divide the world into terrorists and heroes
Into normal folk and weirdos
Into good people and ****'s
Into things that give you cancer and the things that cure cancer
And the things that don't cause cancer, but there's a chance they will cause cancer in the future
We divide the world to stop us feeling frightened
Into wrong and into right and
Into black and into white and
Into real men and fairies
Into status quo and scary
Yeah we want the world binary, binary
But it's not that simple.

And your dog has a bigger carbon footprint than a four wheel drive
Yea your dog has a bigger carbon footprint than a four wheel drive
And your dog has a bigger carbon footprint than a four wheel drive
And so does your baby, maybe you oughta trade HIM in for a Prius-

I'm taking the stand in defence of the fence
I got a little band playing tributes to ambivalence
We divide the world into liberals and gun-freaks
Into atheists and fundies
Into tee-tot'lers and junkies
Into chemical and natural
Into fictional and factual
Into science and supernatural
But it's actually naturally not that white and black

You'll be
Dividing us into terrorists and heroes
Into normal folk and weirdos
Into good people and pedos
Into things that give you cancer and the things that cure cancer
And things that don't cause cancer, but there's a chance they will cause cancer in the future
We divide the world to stop us feeling frightened
Into wrong and into right and
Into black and into white and
Into real men and fairies
Into parrots and canaries
Yeah we want the world binary, binary - 011101!

The more you know, the harder you will find it
To make up your mind, it doesn't really matter if you find
You can't see which grass is greener
Chances are it's neither, and either way it's easier
To see the difference
Cause it's not that simple...
Ellyn k Thaiden Aug 2013
Screams of laughter
Fill my ghetto block
That's our nick name anyways
Because every door and window we lock

When the night comes
We secure the our house
For fear of people just walking in
Or someone getting out

We keep safe
Because on the street
There are quite some odd
People you will meet

A man with grey hairs
Asked me for my digits
He wanted me to ******* for him
I told him where he could stick it

The house three doors down
Has barred windows and large doors
A women's shelter it is
To stop the domestic wars

The neighbor kid hides in fear
In his closet deep
For fear his daddy with his gun
Might return to collect his keep

A flock of foster kids
Lives right behind us too
One is confused and misses his mom
Jail time for what she didn't do

A child molester lives two roads down
And he is a level three
We avoid him and have caution
All the kids leave him be

Police sirens wail often
Every once in a while a startling shot
I hear dogs bark and cats hiss
A woman ran over in a parking lot

Gang wars and turf wars
A crack house four blocks down
But for people who just drive by
It might not seem too bad a place to be around

We make the best with what we've got
We have a few neighbors who look after us
We try to be as normal as we can
But normal is something we cannot trust

Of our three cities
Our area is called The Ghetto
We don't earn our name for no reason
It's because of the creepy pedos
Charlie Rose Dec 2020
I grew up on heroes old and new
Thinking there was no wrong they could do
But get rid of rose glasses and they're the worst
And I woke up to a clergy that turned. out to be cursed
Now I can't trust people I see
On the internet or TV
Because half of my childhood celebrities
Turned out to be pedos, grifters, and Nazis

Some times you have to let your heroes die
Give a wave and a nod goodbye
Send them off with a ******* up
And hope next time you have better luck

Can't trust the storytellers that made your fantasies
They want you and queers like you deceased
Can't play pretend in a superheroes game
When all the directors fund your personal bane
I wouldn't trust the beliefs that raised me
Because I've grown old enough to peek and see
That its foundations are corrupted by empire
One more genocide and I'll set the **** pulpit on fire

Some times you have to let your heroes die
Give a wave and a nod goodbye
Push them away from who you see
And rethink all those memories

I once trusted some political heads
Thinking they had good interests in their stead
But red or blue they all bomb and starve and censor
Now I have to try to get my own beliefs and center
I blindly trusted the medical process
Until I saw prejudice and the reproducibility crisis
I blindly followed the worship of success and riches
Until I saw the dead that world left in the ditches

Some times you have to let your heroes die
Give a wave and a nod goodbye
Shoot them yourself if that's what you need
Because how else can you move on and succeed

History was taught to me in one way
Every account matching up to the day
But I looked back and saw a library
Of stories the classroom never did see
The people who raised me said they were saints
And that's the picture their friends all paint
But get home at night and you'll find out
What the kids don't know to talk about

Some times you have to let your heroes die
Give a wave and a nod goodbye
Never look back for a second glance
Don't give the ******* another chance

Some times you have to let your heroes die
Give a wave and a nod goodbye
Because if power corrupts and they're infested
Don't reminisce long enough to get invested

Some times you have to let your heroes die
Give a wave and a nod goodbye
Throw down your celebrities and your idols
Be your own hero and disregard titles
Brent Kincaid Jul 2017
Why call me names
Because I am an atheist
And say we can be friends?
And if not an atheist;
Because I don’t do church
Especially the church you attend?

Is that any different
Than praying in church
To some invisible God
Sneer if you wish
And call it a sin, but
I call it more than slightly odd.

It’s not my fault
Your religion has built
Loopholes into your credo
That let the bosses
Spend billions of dollars
Protecting millions of pedos?

You religious fanatics
Might take some advice
And look to the mote in your eye
Before you cast aspersions
To the rest of the world
Because some day you will die.

Then, according to your
******* up superstition
You’ll have to deal with the cloud guy.
That thousands of years old
Idea they had way back when
They had children but didn’t know why.

You know, that guy upstairs
With the awful temper
That tells you who you get to love?
That unseen dictator guy
From a mouldy old poem.
Who runs the whole show from above.
Descovia Jan 2022
I can go Batman
Without a bat
Cut the snake’s head off
Like I am samurai jack
I got more tricks than
a cat in a hat
Fire my element
never chill or relax

Fire’s my element never chill or relax
They be doing **** for a react
Get my hands on you it’s OV
The way it’s gonna be straight facts
Push a brother to be on the attack
I am going full metal alchemist
Goblins, titans, pedos, all laying flat!
darkness  taking over, nothing new
Answer the phone,  your child is missing you!
Descovia or Matt which do you listen to?
Am I being too much? What am I to you?
If I left or died what would you do?
The mirror is a curse
I see a better me in my kids
Don’t be like your parents
“Be better and be you
I wouldn’t put anything
on paper not true
that’s word to the youth!
That as real as it gets, no excuse
Don’t give a **** about livin no lie
Cause at the end of the day I will die for these babies as Well as all of my truths!
Let’s finish this!!!

Always feelin, I am in the wrong place
At the wrong time!

Emotionally withdrawn falling far behind
Being torn apart from all that’s mine
All I wanted was love !! (Just love baby)
**** dolla signs!
never wanted your heart in piecesssss
Only wanted a peace of mind.
I know he’s hurting
While I am acting like ***** fine
You’re worth more than media
and live time
Pay attention to red flaaagggss but
All sides of me be crossing lines!
Pray for my recovery or downfall
A man is doing all he can
to stay alive!!!
My fight with my demons!
Duality. Me vs Me collaboration. Dark Arts Master. Caution profanity
Yenson Nov 2020
Look at you
I say it again, yes, look at you
in your land of civilisation and freedom
with the colour you deemed privileged and fair
where payments arrives work or why, can't be arsed
all you amounted to was borrowing and stealing from next door

You stink as does your disgrace
I told you so, say it again to your fighters
never do well the pisspot shameless despot of zeros
as a mother you failed raising harlots for pedos, a thieving son
as a wife what's you but the plus two to the regularly jailed hubby
with opportunities a-begging yours is criminality as a sane profession

So cold home truths told and ringing
shame, disgrace and disrepute clinging indelibly
in fear, self-loathing, envy, racial hatred and evil mind
you crawl to your **** and the net-work of criminals and pedos
accustomed to war-paint from birth you seek to tear me by thousands
take blameless innocent man, nd ruin him becomes boom towns sport

Move your army of serpents with painted faces
discredit, isolate, defame and scandalize me till tomorrow
twist, harass, taunt and torment till the moon and sun meet up
it will never remove the shame of your disgrace and pitiful choices
you and yours carry your un-washable stains and sins every seconds
Chris, Joan, Tom and Kelly I am the resident tenant in your conscience-less heads
He is a quiet peaceful gentle man, they were sure he would have upped and left, especially after driving his wife away. They are doing everything to destroy the truth and expose them fully. They cannot find peace in mind, body and soul....
Yenson May 2023
In witless vacume
the onerous tones rages
wittering on bout withering
the plastics in ageless idiocies
pray see they themselves have found
the elixir of youth and are all adorned with ageless beauty
nay their mothers are without wrinkles
and their men are all pedos
who feed on the youngs
and worships virgins

Talk not of maturity
see not the depth of wusdom
shout no to experience seasoned
look not your contemporary but a token
and revel in meaningless drivels of the unripened
join them the superficial plastics and play with foam dolls
discount that some actually prefer maturity
the older the berry sweeter the wine
drink not to laugh at dummies
the one track mind sheep
is merely opposing
being sheepish
Yenson Jul 2019
The fakes all line up to jive to the twist
perchance the only semi-skill they claim a boast
hopping, skipping, legs akimbo dreary brains on fire
men, women, boys girls lovers, wives and husbands, oldies even
here they turn, there they twist, we've got a love, so beautiful and true
we've got a life so happy and fulfilling, we've got friends for life
we've got money to do all the things we want to do and more
we've just made love, it was so good, best ever always
Its all a sham, by pretenders in a make believe void
sad unhappy people, hearts heavy, minds a flamed
poverty, debts, illnesses and diseases, pains stored
unstable, unable, drunkards and preaching pedos
smack face and addicts, impotent lovers galore
virginitis and gingivitis, infected tongues too
small ones with money, big ones gone dead
hate and troubles, fears and dysfunctions
riddled the dancers and twisters jiving
but the pretenders are out rolling
skipping and prancing right on
oh, what a crowd, what a time
come join the party and hop
make it up and drown
your strife and pain
haul your miseries
find a scapegoat
this is therapy
for the poor
for the sick
for the mad
for the unhappy
for the depressed
come pretend your bad away
come wish bad for someone else...
Yenson Apr 2020
I get ME from A to Z
so, how can you who's still trying
to learn A B C
from Western Taliban Teachers
who thinks they are Oliver Cromwell's
and in modern day Britain
sees King in normal man
and spend invaluable time
plotting revenge and beheading
go on, tell me how you think
you can advise me
or heed anything you say or do

Do I live with you
in Cloud Coco Land
where your brains has frosted with the chills
and you believe that I'll leave a woman I really want
and sit around waiting eating cheap chocolates
or worry about my height though I have a mighty sword
or believe I have a horse head when I know you are all blind
or sit guarding possessions that do not define me
did lin and lisa see any shingles while gobbling away
go say your **** to your skid marks
cause I know I am scrupulously clean

I get ME from A to Z
all i see from the aggrieved unwashed
is that mudslingers have ***** hands and ***** minds
now I know faceless cowards are faceless cowards
projecting their inadequacies terrified of exposure
pedos and perverts talking about love
crooks, thieves and charlatans preaching democracy
demented Western Taliban's on ******* crusades
anchoring their shame and disgrace on the innocent
the ragged rabbles, our modern day Cromwellites
the sad laughable obsessive sickos
Neo-Croms are stalking the land: these are the new Cromwellites who want to deprive society of all beauty, joy, rite and ritual.
Yenson Feb 2020
White thieves, Extortionists and Gangsters
declare me a grass for standing up to them
they said they were going to ruin and destroy me
I refused to be intimidated
Do your worst I replied I've done nothing wrong
Now I'm jobless and a pariah
isolated, harassed and hounded
made untouchable like a *****
they tell me gleefully
A criminal grass will be killed
A non criminal Grass will be made to **** himself
They said they'll make my life hell
We will wreck your mind with terrors and nightmares
make you a void of nothing but emotional pain and sorrow
each and every hour of each and every day
No help or support, no progress no joy
Just absolute miseries till you top yourself
We rule this manor they said, we have connections
No one will dare come to your aid or rescue
We are the gods and goddesses in this Nation
If anyone help you they become like you
we can find secrets to make offers they daren't refuse
We know the pedos, the secret thieves and the adulterers
We know the sins they all hide from their neighbours
from the Preachers to the Politicians to the man on the Square
And if by chance we can't find any dirt, we'll make it up
and cake you in mud like a Michelangelo's David
and make it stick, like we do with you, innocent stainless man
Your days are numbers, just go top yourself
In dire straits, alone and without support anywhere
No I say, I am not frighten of you ad stand in truth
I know and have someone more powerful than you all
He is called GOD.....come do your worst......
Yenson Nov 2020
Mole from deep deep cover
says the ex-slave traders
has deemed its now a do-head-in affair
governed in momentum by the pounces of the red-light districts
the renta-crowd are floozing in gaudy displays
some flying monkeys zipping and somersaulting
in undignified indecent posturing's
the mole said
they are all so paranoid
they believe they are rulers and gods and goddesses
with the gifted flair
of making the object of their fear and inadequacies
scatter-brained and paranoid just like them
the slap-stick adventures
of scums, pedos, mud-rakers deviants and thieves
snowflakes selling the terrors of snowflakes
imagining nightmares for sound sleepers with conscience clear
the sound and stable
hardly notices the keystone dunces in harlequin ridicules
jiving street theatres and sophistry to extremes
from slave trading to piracy to colonialism to the fallacy of cheaters
hinging on the vivid deceits and of misappropriations
false power of the liars by the liars for the liars
the democracy of the new world
the black prince is still laughing
A Labour MP has been charged with housing fraud after being investigated over how she obtained her flat.
Investigators reportedly wanted to know how she got to the top of an 18,000-strong waiting list so quickly given she did not have children. The paper previously reported that Begum denied wrongdoing, saying: “I was so grateful to be housed, which provided me with the lifeline I needed to live independently and safely.”

Apsana Begum, who was elected to her seat in Poplar and Limehouse in east London last year, has been accused of three offences.

The MP, who is considered an ally of the former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn and whose candidacy was backed by Momentum, is said to “vigorously contest” the allegations.

Begum faces three separate charges of dishonestly failing to disclose information in order to make gains for herself or another, or expose another to a loss with the offences dated between January 2013 and March 2016. She is due to appear at Thames magistrates’ court on 10 December. The charges are the result of an investigation by Tower Hamlets council, which as a local authority has the power to bring prosecutions.
Yenson Jun 2020
If I hadn't lived among useless big kids
for years
I wouldn't have known that cowardice existed
and it possible to have brain dead people
who live as a warning to what happens
when discipline is not enforced
and *** is taught at an early
age, the broken society
of broken big kids
and pedos...
can't cook, can't iron, can't stand on my own two feet, can't hold intelligent conversation, has no world view, limited knowledge of anything, no manners, no great ambition except drinking and going on the talent except bluffing, no stamina, no skills, dad fixes and mom does everything. only football and gaming and make-up and wanna-bees and ***.
Classy J Oct 2024
Gotta watch for these two-tongued slippery snakes.
The devil presents Prada, underlying his scorched hate.
Stringing fools along like Geppetto, as he be chillingly sipping tea;
For such is his devilish trait.
That turns our once great heroes into pedos; such is the till of the tape.
The type of **** that truly sits with me.
Wondering if being a celebrity is all its cracked up to be.
When I see humans repeating our dark histories.
Such Insane Albert E’s that be getting ahead of their civil liberties.
Pushing the envelope more than baby oil at one of diddy’s parties.
Juxtaposing phrases like hoping everyone comes clean.
For it doesn't take a black light to see the double mean.
**** is disgusting, but such is humanity.

Hold up just a minute as I am spitting this philosophy.
Before you get brain rot and have a lobotomy.
Take a break, have a Kit Kat, or do whatever you need to do to maintain this mise-en-scene.
Mmm… Food and all that, if you know what I mean!
Yenson Jul 2020
The asinine Cancel Culture mob
red moss, scarlet ****** and crimson rogues
belly full cowards hiding in sinful solidarity
witless trolls and brainless activists
the rakes of Babylon in sandstorms and thunderstorms
born liars incarnate, deluded deceivers
psychopaths married to sociopaths birthing narcissists
in neville's chamber they gambol in odious slime
pedos and crooks hiding their crimes by deflecting
targeting the truths and discrediting right
attack is the best defense
left to right, right to left
fake ******* fukked up
their mission to lie and deceive
to create divisions and disharmony
while in secret they gorge themselves on the spoils of war

— The End —