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Z May 2014
The parasympathetic nervous system
is responsible for regulations
unconsciously transpiring
within the organs and
the glands of
the body.
Such as:
urination, salivation, digestion, defecation, and
(noun. ‘the flow of tears’. Latin.
from lacrimare (‘weep’) and lacrima (‘tear’).
It’s why I cry
even when I don’t want to.
You are the parasympathetic nervous system.

The (ortho-)sympathetic nervous system
is responsible for the mobilization
of the fight-or-flight response
and constantly maintaining
homeostasis within
the body.
It acts
rapidly, enacting an attempt at stability and
the necessary and critical ability
to suddenly escape
on pulsing legs or
cling to survival through
brandishing adrenaline-doused knuckles
and dilated pupils.
It’s why you live
even when you don’t want to.
I am the sympathetic nervous system.

The parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems
are two of three essential nervous systems which
compose the autonomic nervous system
(a part of the peripheral
nervous system)
that manages
functions of the body. Such as:
swallowing, perspiration, arousal, breathing, and
heart rate
(noun. ‘the speed of the heartbeat’.
usually expressed in beats per minute. mine speeds up when I see you).
Individually these two systems oppose
but compliment
each other like our hands do—
pressed together and omitting equal force;
veins meeting
at the fingertips and throbbing at the wrists
but running amuck on our respective digits otherwise.
You are the invariable and unspoken reminder to
and live.
I am the sudden snap of reality always aiming to save you
but grudgingly willing to fight you and

From the deepest lower half of my brainstem
and from every nerve
in my cycling body,
I’m sorry.
From all of my chromaffin cells
and from the truest parts of submandibular ganglian,

I am sorry.
Cia Says Apr 2013
May I not forget
The way skin feels
Beneath the wake of my hands
Sympathetic to the touch
To the rythem I choose
My hands envelope you
causing parasympathetic response
Beneath my finger tips
Relaxing you to the fullest
A gift to me
a gift to you
Let me feel
Let me give
let me love
May I not forget
The way skin feels
Beneath the wake of my hands
Alin Sep 2014
just a poem it was
A poem of love at most!
in the form of
a flower,
a rainbow,
a bird ,
a tune,
a word ,
a picture

Some came in written
in technological terms
Some quantized
as futuristic incense

You have sensed it all
the untold
Even long before my say

Not ‘the all’ go though
You know … once you can close yourself,
set a fence…

but in that latter case
although you may have done your best
to shut these gates
It seems they have reached premises against
without my knowing
aethēr so lucid does trespass  
once built an absolute bridge through souls of equivalent selves.

Each n every time is  mine a hopeless cry to make you furious ?
A touch at the physical and meta-physical to eventually develop anti-sense?

Naturally so easy
As you reside at an exact opposite side of me

Angered n equally frustrated
in rage of a momentous burst
You  sell my identity
to a dreadfully operating net-entity
and target me as if to spears
oh how that really hurts
maybe you wished so
but no not really

a boomerang brings in a rhyme
of a thoughtless action
returns it to the center of a rotating spiral
where you stand
the exact opposite end

I won’t allow though
You to frown
this way you learned to simmer n cool down
became a clown of your own ghost town
as we’re entangled beings
already since sometime

so let me just also have fun
Instead of you- bring me down
On the competing wheel game of up n down
Oh no there we sit not anymore!

Realize to have targeted a wrong one
Once it is so much alike  an opposing side or a town or a crown
Of you and both eventually you!
So wonder in sane what did I do
And put a SPAM mask on
To warn me through
and clearly do as if you were one of them:
an Intellect-Deficient-Agent scam.

So let me just  P.S.  a burp here now
Haven’t learned to develop gallstones of anger to compete thyn
but joy at most with a parasympathetic smile
Take it as a blessing if you like or a teasing
that she has you loved so without your willing
and equally convert it to a bile.
Phoenix Jan 2016
The sympathetic nervous system is your fight-or-flight response system
You must have been a bird with broken wings,
Because you only wanted to fight.

The parasympathetic nervous system is your healing system
You must believe that mine is so amazing
That I can heal any wound.
I hate days when I just feel like overall ****. I especially hate the days when I think about  him.
The blue cat sits over the moon
beside the vase of gun and fire flaker.
under the wanting desires 
Invisible Dragons Eyes are cruising

Waves come in and out, crash
Switch on and off and then recede again
Is the parasympathetic nervous system activated?

Roar…  Miao...!
The white lion stands in the wind of a deep violet night

Ancient PaPa flies through the clouds 
He cried for his blue cat: No more
crimes. No need for detention
May everyone is happy. No more
thoughts of confusions
Everyone can be comfortable with their own reflection

Roar…  Miao...
Yet it counts, this one  cat
filling our courage of days


One cat at a time.
Dedicate to Aung San Suu Kyi’ who under detention 16 times since 1989.
Also dedicate it to all who has democratic spirits and soul.
matt d mattson Feb 2019
It was visceral
My gut clenched like I was falling in a dream
Deep in the core of me
Where the parasympathetic neuron bundles coalesce
And tell you to be calm

They were yelling
The wave of their signalling swept across the whole of me
I tingled and itched from my scalp to my toes
All the tiny blood vessels expanded
Fueling the sensory nerves of my skin,
My pupils dilated
My mouth salivated
I wanted to reach out with every bit of me
I wanted to expand to consume and experience every part of the world
To touch everything
To feel everything
Taste and Smell and See everything
I wanted to invent new organs of sensation
To better understand it, to experience more, to feel all of it

I jumped up
Like a dog
And reveled in the pure ecstatic joy of the sensory intensity
Every smell, the ambient humidity, the warm breeze
The color, the warmth of the sun,
The sounds of all the biologic engines of the world
Each of which was individually responsible for an infinite joy
And together were even more

It was a feeling that lasted only moments
And faded in soft turns
Till I became acclimated and in time oblivious
And the grass was once again, just grass
And the flowers were just weeds
And the dogs, and the children and the people in the town
Were just local residents going about their secret lives
And not the heaving mass of cells and life,
Climaxing in the moment of their existence to become more
What the mind is exposed to travels
Brain and spinal cord
Body network of nerves redress
Carrying messages,
to and from the CNS
motor and sensory neurons,
performing voluntary activities dramatic
Branch out from the spinal cord,
connect to the brain
nervous system PNS
Gas pedal
Burst of energy,
activates body processes
Help in times of need,
such as increased,
heart rate with speed
Dilated pupils,
and piloerection,
hair standing on end
Rest and digest,
response PNS
Opposite ways,
regulating many functions
in the nerve junctions
Presynaptic terminal
Organs and other parts,
of the body sustain,
trauma through the nerves,
into the brain
Changes in the structure and function
Physical and psychological,
traumatic may be invisible,
to the naked eye
Post-traumatic stress disorder
MRI can help to identify and see,
changes in structure and function,
that may be linked,
to trauma dysfunction
Smaller hippocampal volume,
common finding in individuals,
who have sustained PTSD
and other trauma-related disorders,
disturbing the nature being,
and holism rewarders
Altered amygdala function,
increased or decreased amygdala volume
This can also be seen in women with PTSD
Altered functional brain networks,
this can include malfunction blued,
within a network,
or disequilibrium,
between the networks
Trauma the brain hurts

© 2025 Carol Natasha Diviney, Ph.D.
#neuroscience #New #Year #Dr #Diviney #continuing #professional #development #in #neuroscience #with #Oxford #University

National Library of Medicine:

Encouraging as this plan might sound, the truth is that we are far from possessing a detailed picture of how the brain works and even farther from understanding how brain functions relate to operations of the human mind. This gap is no secret, as neuroscientists will be the first to admit.

Part of the problem lies in the sheer difficulty of developing noninvasive technologies that are powerful and sensitive enough to allow us to measure brain activity in vivo and at different levels of complexity, from molecules to large-scale brain areas.

Similarly, neuroscientists face the daunting task of systematizing, analyzing, and modeling enormous amounts of data. Above and beyond these fundamental yet tractable practical difficulties rests a less discussed but equally pivotal challenge: that of understanding how answers about the brain can resolve questions about the mind and vice versa.

No matter how much neural data we amass and no matter how sophisticated or computationally powerful our statistical models become, the goal of endeavors such as the BRAIN Initiative will be out of reach unless we have a clear theoretical framework that reveals how the brain relates to the mind. This relation is the bailiwick of philosophers.

Dr Diviney has previously studied and qualified in Anatomy and Physiology. As well as Health Studies Research.

Neuroscience Specialism Branches With Further Study:

Cognitive Neuroscience
Brain Imaging
and Neuroscience Mental Health

© 2025 Carol Natasha Diviney,Ph.D.

How does brain development and activity influence moral choice, behavior and character?

The Science Revolution in 2024 by Dr Diviney: clearly demonstrates the influence of moral choice, behavior and character in relation to the brain; and those morals and behaviors which were long before modern science, will have influenced and shaped brain development and activity within Society which still exists in the present day.

August 26, 2024
Dr Diviney:
Historical Societal Discrimination
of Women and Men
who are inherently both nature beings.
Women Societal Discrimination:


Dr Diviney’s research proved Men have held Societal power and influence right from the time of Stoicism, this is throughout early Philosophical perspectives, ideas, ideals and views which were all undertaken by men.

Men themselves have also been discriminated against historically:

Societal influence that has led men to formulate thoughts in their mind, through Primary and Secondary Socialisation, as to how a man presents and deals with emotions.

The current psychotherapy models would indeed be discriminatory in practice.

© 2025 Dr Diviney

#Philosophy #Neuroscience #Science #Life #Sciences #Health #Studies #Research

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