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betterdays Apr 2014
dimble dumble,
caught a, thimble thumble
of precious morning dew.

dimble dumble, took his thumble thimble,
full up to rimful.
on his nimble rambull
wooly stu,
careful not to lose,
a drippity drop
of the delicious dew.

they flimble, flambled,
up and overed,
down and undered,
till dimble dumble,
with his thimble thumble, filled to rimful,
on the wooly rambull... came to stumble.

his face a crumble,
as the rimful,
roamed and overflew,
the thimble thumble walls.
a dribble drabble did scribble scrabble,
down the rambulls hide.

dimble dumble
chewed his bottom lip
and cried.
"do not fret my little pet, look there is still enough inside"
wooly stu decried.
"i'll be more staid,as we ride our fortunes, soon will be made."

so,dimble dumble
and his rambull crew,
with thimble thumble recovered,
from the tumble.

on they skedoodledaddled. being careful to protect the remaining morning petal's dew.
after a while, time,
flew with dove like grace and dimble dumble,
with his dudes came
to the the very place, of the rimble romble rumble
and royal rapture rap parade

dimble dumble
and rambull stu on bended knee
and really humble
presented their
thimble thumble
not quiet full to rim still
but delicious and felitious morning dew
to the king awaiting
his purchase and perview.

before its spoiling,
it was boiling,
his kettle singing,
songs a ringing,
to the beauteous,
but not so bountious, morning dew.

dimble dumble
watched the
thimble thumble steam
and bubble blip away.
hands flipping flapping
nose jinkling wrinkling
as the fog blew,
his way boiling dew,
tea leaves darjeeling
with daphne blossoms
was the flavour of the day.

dimble dumble
with thimble thumble
empty now
and too, wooly stu
caught a peek of teacups platinum
holding royal blossom brew before the butler,
with a silly stutter,
sent them on their way,
with dimble dumble
all a fumble,
with a thimble thumble
of goldenboldens,
as his hard work's
reward that day.
napowrimo day 22
prompt; write a poem for a child, it may rhyme it may not.

a poem for my boy Tod,
with themes inherit
always keep trying
hard work pays off.
Austin Heath Dec 2014
Overflew from the sewers into the chalice
and they drank it because
it's soaked in


Wagging a finger like it's a dense singularity
being hammered into by juggernaut.
No. No. No. No. No.
Smiling because futility,
chuckling because we're so ******* stupid,
blowhards, tryhards, beggars, dancers,
corp. embezzlers, poets with loose morals
and empty wallets.

F is for ****;
like I'm gonna ******* till you **** me over,
waiting for someone to give me a lobotomy in
metaphor or metaphysics, or spiritually,
or actually take a butterknife
to a soft spot in the skull and
drain the fluids with mosquito bites.

I.E; I walked home in the dark alone
and broke down in a cereal aisle
and asked the cashier if I could get
help with the self checkout while
tears in my eyes.

**** whose watching over me now,
white people **** white people just for fun sometimes.
I really don't care how low the human soul falls
even as I investigate accidentally.

Bedlam in the parking lots and Babylon
is burning, burning, burning,
hair held high up by olympian comic book super heroes
[Clark Kent is an ancient egyptian]
tossing egg salad and burnt coffee into
the sphinx's gaping swirling pampered flushing mouth.

We lose ourselves when we follow our moral compass.
My two sides in the overflew
With ashes of universe
I then went to wind
With the whorl of time

You do not see me
Anyone else have indulged
May be History tells the truth
Again, can not say

Where is my existence
Thousands million years
which was washed
On the air
In water

Changes in the pages of history
The clash
Who is going to look for the truth
Lying on the wind
Rode the wrong emotion
I lost myself

The known river
Seems unknown
The vast forest
The little free bird beside my window
Her song
Her dance
Does not want to play flute anymore
The mind

Strong wind of Strangers
The moment comes to pass
Whatever floats through years
Of her songs
Abstract tune

I who seek
The truth of the time
That flows into
The bottom of my heart
Draws a cosmic gravity
Yet waiting for a new Sunflower's bloom

Mesperyian Dec 2014
Wretched dark figures appeared in the sky,
And towards the earth spat drops of hate,
On the mountain people build dams so high,
To undoubtedly feast of that which came

Drunk, corrupted, they slowly decayed
Undead they walk, blinded by hate,
Vision tainted, conscience faded,
Wells of darkness they became

Beyond the dams the stream overflew
Carrying corpses to ****** lands,
And as roses wither so does the pure,
Innocents swept away by the floods

Oh how hard it is to see sunshine
Amidst the undead rotten corpses,
To try to fake a smile,
For a lost putrid land
Originally written on September 27th, 2009
Vanessa Gatley May 2019
Over flew with love ur smile
Ur eyes
Ur voice made me melt
Vocals were soothing
Ryan O'Leary Oct 2023
.                 Pass Over

   Might was not strong enough

        to restrain right, wrongs

accumulated, buttressed walls

attempted to contain a dissenting

    deluge of justified defiance.

      Wings of Islam overflew

          the red lion of Zion.

— The End —